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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1912)
THE PEEVISH CHILD NEEDS TREATMENT When a child sulks drowsily , or Is fretful , it is usually due to some slight disorder of the digestive organs , and a mild laxative is very often all that is necessary to restore cheerfulness and buoyancy of spirits. In cases where the use of a gentle , -effective laxative stimulant is indi cated , many of the best physicians are new prescribing Dr. Caidwell's Syrup Pepsin. This preparation is admitted ly the perfect laxative , being mild , yet positive in its action on the bowels , and far preferable to violent cathart ics and purgative waters. It is very pleasant to the taste and is an ideal remedy to regulate and strengthen the stomach , liver and bowels. Its easy , natural action makes it especially de sirable in the case of children , a dose at bed-time being sure to have the de sired result next morning , with no at tendant unpleasantness or discomfort. Dr. Caidwell's Syrup Pepsin is sold by druggists everywhere in 50c and $1.00 bottles. If you have never tried this splendid remedy , write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell , 201 Washington St. , Mon- ticello , 111. , for a sample. He will be very glad to send a trial bottle with out any expense to you whatever. Fax Mundi. Adam bit into the apple. "The first peace dinner , " he cried. "BKOMO . " ONLY 0X13 QUININE. that Is LAXATIVE UUOMO qOiNINE. Look for the sicnatnre of E. W. GUOVB. Used the World OTcr to Cure a Cold in Uiio Day. l5c. ! Many a self made man merely offers an explanation that doesn't explain. Sioux City Directory "Hub of the Northwest. " NEW PIANOS Greatest Cash Piano Sale Ever Inaugurated , Excites Entire Piano Trade. Our Cash Does the Business. . . -T , . ' . ; , , aj Never before was a strictly rash sale ad vertised \vhcre every single purchaser could go into the country's largest store and buy a strictly tirst clubs piano at the coat of the raw material that wont into a world renowned instrument. Never be fore was such an opportunity presented to a. buying public. This , the lurgebt of ail piauo sales , was made possible- our company bnj ingallofa factory's product ; they had to have the money. We had it ; we made the price ; we got the snap ; we sold ten pianos to one dealer last week , and he Haid he got the greatest values he had ever known of in his life. You can do the same. Thiuk of buying a "world renowned piatio , a , piano known to every school child iu the United States rt the price of a piano cased organ. SI 11'00. W never hope to repeat this offer. Yon will never receive it again. The factory's loss is your gain. Come at once. Seeiug is knowing ing- . Just look for yourself or write for our proposition it costs you notiiing. WYCKOFF PIANO COMPANY 409 4th Street , Sioux City , Iowa FLORESTS I SsGUX CSTY EQWA ! Fresh Cut Flowers &Rera ! Emblems ! ' OF ALL DESCRIPTION ON SHORT NOTICE. Order by Mail , Telephone 01 Telegraph. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT nc 4riT for farms and towns. All kinds of electric fixtures and supplies. Electric Supply Co. , 525 5tii , Sious City , la. You Get Value Received When You Buy ; SOAP The Kind With The YELLOW BAND Sold by All Grocers The Bands ore Valuable Crockery , China , Glassware , Lamps , HotelDishesFountainSuppliesetc. Wholesalers and Manufacturing Agents. Write for catalog or salesman. SIOUX CITY CROCKERY CO. , 309-311 NebSt. , SiouzCity.Ia. HUMPHREYS STEAM "fE" WORKS LARGEST ! N WEST DRY GLEANING & DYEING OUR SPECIALTY 517 PIERCE STREET SIOUX CITY. IOWA Fifty younff people to Study Gregg Sliortlmud aud Bool.keeping. ludi- vidual Instruction. It pay you towrite for booklet. NATIONAL BUSINESS TRAINING SCHOOL , THE BRICK WITH A NAME iLsBufactured by SIOUX CITY BRICK &TILE WORKS For Sale by Your Lumberman rj our catalogs of Stringed Instruments and Strings , Band Instruments , Sheet MusicTalking Machines , Everything in Music and Records. Address Pioneer Music House. 315 4th St. . Sioux City. la. Soda Fountains and supplies. We sell them. Chesierman Co. , Dept. F , Sioux City , ia. For RHEUMATISM , CATARRH , and all disor ders of the BLOOD , LIVER and KIDNEYS take OS tn. Write today for a HvifiBweek's ! treatment The M.I.S.T. Co. , 506 4th St. , Sioux City , la. SUIT & GLGAK GOMP&1Y Manufacturers of COS. FOURTH and COURT STS. . SIOUX CITY. 21 SYNOPSIS. Jack Keith , a Virginian. no\v a bor der plainsman , Is looking' for roaming war parties of savages. He sees a wagon team at full gallop pursued by men on ponies. When Keith reaches the wagon the raid ers have massacred two men and de parted. He searches the victims-finding papers and a locket with a woman's per trait. Keith is arrested at Carson City , charged with the murder , his accuser be ing a ruffian named Black Bart. A negro companion in his cell named Neb tolls him that he knew the Keiths in Virginia. Neb says onr * of the murdered men was John Sibloy , the other Gen. Willis Waite. form erly a Confederate officer. The plainsman and Neb escape , and later the fugitives come upon a cabin and find its occupant to be a young girl , whom Keith thinks he saw at Carson City. The girl explains that she is in search of a brother , who had deserted from the army , and that a Mr. IJawley induced her to come to the cabin while he sought her brother. Hawley - ley appears , and Keith in hiding recog nizes him as Black Bart. There is a ter rific battle in the darkened room in which Keith is victor. Horses are appropriated , and the girl who says her name is Hope , joins in the escape. Keith explains his situation and the fugitives make for Fort Lamed , where the gi'J is left with the hotel landlady. Miss Hope tells that she is the daughter of General Waite. Keith and Neb drift into Sheridan , where Keith meets an old friend. Dr. Fairbain. Keith meets the brother of Hope Waite. under the assumed name of Fred Wil- loughby. and becomes convinced that Black Bart has some plot involving the two. Hope learns that Gen. Waite , who was thought murdered , is at Sheridan , and goes there , where she is mistaken for Christie Maclaire , the Carson City singer. Keith meets the real Christie Maclairo and finds that Black Bart has convinced her that there is a mystery in her life which he is going to turn to her advan tage. CHAPTER XXII. ( Contoinued. ) "Miss Maclaire , " he said , pleasantly , "I trust you will pardon all that has occurred between us , and permit mete to explain. " "I I do not understand , " she re plied , puzzled by these unexpected words. "There has nothing occurred between us , I am sure , which requires explanation. Have we met befor/3 / ? " The man smiled. Seeing the wom an's face in the shadows he was still convinced she was the same he had last parted with on the Salt Fork. However , if she preferred to ignore all that , and begin their relations anew , it was greatly to his liking. It gave him insight into her character , and fresh confidence that he could gain her as sistance. Anyhow , he was ready enough to play her game. "Let us assume riot. " just the slight est trace of mockery in the tone , "and begin anew. At least , you will confess the receipt of my letters I am Bartlett lett IJawley. " She cast a half-frightened glance to ward Keith , and the man , following the direction of her eyes , perceived the presence of the other. His right leg went backward , his hand dropping to the belt , his form stiffening erect. Keith's voice , low but clear in the silence , seemed to cut the air. "Not a motion , Hawley ! I have you covered. " "Oh , gentlemen , please don't ! " "Have no fear , Miss Maclaire ; this man and I will settle our difference elsewhere , and not in your presence. " He stepped forth into the middle of the room , revolver drawn , but held low at the hip , his watchful eyes never deserting the gambler's face. "Back up against the wall , Hawley , " he commanded. "I hardly need to tell you how I shoot , for we , at least , have met before. Now , I'm going out , and leave you to your interview with Miss Maclaire , and I wish you happiness and success. " He moved across to the opening , keeping his face toward his adver sary ; then backed out slowly , closed the door with a snap , and sprang aside to avoid any possibility of a bul let crashing after him. No sound of movement from within reached his ears , however , and he walked silently to the head of the stairs. CHAPTER XXIII. An Unexpected Meeting. Keith paused at the landing , lookIng - Ing down into the deserted office , al most tempted to return and force Hawley into a confession of his pur pose. It was easy for him to con ceive what would be the final result of this interview between the artistic gambler and Miss Maclaire. In spite of the vague suspicion of evil which the plainsman had implanted within the woman's mind , the other possessed the advantage , and would certainly Improve it. All conditions were de cidedly in his favor. He merely needed to convince the girl that she was actually the party sought , and she would go forward , playing the game he desired , believing herself right , totally unconscious of any fraud. The very simplicity of it ren dered the piot the more dangerous , the more difficult to expose. Hawley had surely been favored by fortune In discovering this singer who chanced to resemble Hope so remarkably , and who , at the same time , was in such Ignorance as to her own parentage. She would be ready to grasp at a straw , and , once persuaded as to her identity and legal rights , could hence forth be trusted implicitly as an ally. Realizing all this , and comprehend ing also how easily Hawley would win her confidence and overcome his warning by denouncing him as a fugi tive from justice charged with murder , the temptation to return and fight it ( Copyright. AUTHOR Or'Mv LADY OF THE SOUTH ; N WHEM WILDERNESS WAS KIMGCCTC.ETC . ILLUSTRATION 5v DEARDORM MELViLi A. C-JMcClurff & Co. . 1310. ) "Was Your Call Upon Miss Maclaire Very Interesting ? ' out then and there became almost overpowering. He had no fear of Hawley ; indeed , physical fear had scarcely a place in his composition , but he was not as yet sufficiently for tified with facts for the seeking of such an encounter. A man came in through the office , and began climbing the stairs. He was almost at the landing before Keith recognized him or the other glanced up. "Ah seen her , I suppose ? " "Yes , " returned Keith , not thinking it worth while to mention the lady's denial of having sent for him. "I have just come from there. " "Hum thought you'd be through by this time fine looking girl , ain't she ? believe I'll run in. and chat with her myself. " "I would advise you to select some other time , Doctor , " said the younger , drily , "as the lady has a visitor at present" "A visitor ? " his face rosy , his shrewd eyes darkening. "Ah , indeed ! Of the male sex ? " , "I judge so 'Black Barf Hawley. " "Good Lord ! " so startled his voice broke. "Did he see you ? " "Hather ; I backed him up against the wall with a gun while I made iny adieu. " "But what brought him there ? Are they acquainted ? " "Don't ask conundrums , Doctor. He may be your rival with the fair lady for all I know. If he is , my sympa thies are all with you. Only I wouldn't try to see Miss Christie just now ; I'd wait for a clearer field. Hawley is probably not in the best of humor. " Fairbain stared into the face of the speaker , uncertain whether or not he was being laughed at "Reckon you're right , " he acknowl edged at last. "Tired , anyhow been out all night thought I'd like to see her again , though finest looking woman I've met since I came West remarkable eyes well , I'll go along to bed see you again to-morrow , Jack. " Keith watched the sturdy figure stamp heavily down the hall-way , loose boards creaking under his posi tive tread , and smiled to himself at the thought that he might have , in deed , become truly interested in the music hall singer. Somehow , the doc tor did not harmonize with the con ception of love , or fit graciously into the picture. Still , stranger matings had occurred , and Cupid does not ask permission before he plays pranks with hearts. Keith turned again to ward the stairs , only to observe a woman slowly cross the office and commence the ascent. She was in the shadow , her face even more deeply shaded by her hat , yet he stared at her in amazement surely , it was Miss Maclaire ! Yet how could it be ? He had left that , person scarcely five minutes before in " 26 , " and this stair way as the only exit His hand grasped the rail , his heart throbbing strangely , as a suspicion of the truth crossed his brain. Could this bs Hope ? Could it be that she was here also ? As her foot touclied the land ing , she saw him , her eyes lighting up suddenly in recognition , a wave of color flooding her cheeks. "Why , Captain Keith , " she exclaim ed , extending her gloved hand frankly , "you have been to my room , and were going away. I am so glad I came in time. " "I hardly thought to meet you , " he replied , retaining her fingers in his grasp. "When did you reach Sheri dan ? " "Only last night. I had no idea you were here until Doctor Fairbain chanced to mention your name. Then I at once begged him to tell you how exceedingly anxious I was to see you. You see , I was sure you would come if you only knew. I really thought you would be here this morning , and remained in my room waiting , but there were some things I actually had to have. I wasn't out ten minutes , so you mustn't think I sent you a mes sage and then forgot. " The nature of the mistake was be coming apparent , and Keith's gray eyes smiled as they looked into the depths of the brown. "Your message had rather an amus ing result , " he said , "as the doctor in formed me that Miss Christie Maclaire was the one who desired my pres ence. " "Miss Maclaire ! " her voice exhibitIng - Ing startled surprise. "Why why oh , I did forget ; I never told him dif ferently. Why , A was most ridicu lous. " She laughed , white teeth gleaming between the parted red lips , yet not altogether happily. "Let me explain , Captain Keith , for really I have not been masquerading. Doctor Fairbain and I arrived upon the same tram last evening. He is such a fun ny man , but was very nice , and offer- His Efforts Unappreciated Charles H. Sherrill , minister to the Argentine Republic , who has been in the United States telling business or ganizations about the opportunities to get wealthy from trade with South America , received a call from a middle- aged woman who approached him in a. western city with the statement : "I am going to assist you in your work. " "Yes ? " said Mr. Sherrill. "I am go ing to take some of these lecture dates off your hands and give them myself. By the way , how much do you get a night for them ? " Mr. Sher rill related with a directness which carried conviction that he did not get a red cent and paid his expenses be sides. "Well , " said the caller , in great anger , as she flounced to the door , "I thought you were a business ed to escort me to the hotel. I remem ber now that although he introduced himself , I never once thought to men tion to him my name. The town was very rough last night the company had paid off the graders I was told and there was no carriage , so we were compelled to walk. I I never saw such a mob of drunken men. One came reeling against me , and brushed aside my veil so as to see my face. The doctor struck him , and then the marshal came up you know him , Bill , Hickock and the impudent fellow actually declared he knew me , that I was Christie Maclaire. I tried to explain , but they hurried me on through the crowd to the hotel , and I became confused , and forgot. Do you suppose mthey registered me by that name ? " "Quite likely ; at least Fairbain still believes it was the Christie whom he so gallantly escorted last night. " "How provoking , " her foot tapping the floor , a little wrinkle between her eyes. "It seems as though I couldn't , escape that woman does she does she really look like me ? " "At a little distance , yes , " he ad mitted , "her form and face resemble yours very closely , but her hair is darker , her eyes have a different ex pression , and she must be five or six years older. " "Do do you know ner well ? " < "No , indeed ; I have seen her several - ( al times on the stage , but never met , her until a few moments ago. " j "A few moments ago ! Do you mean she is here in this hotel ? " "Yes , Miss Hope , and that was what made the mistake in names so laugh able. Fairbain gave me your message - ! sage , but as coming from Christie. 1 was , of course , greatly surprised , yet I responded. The lady very promptly ! denied having sent for me , but as I was anxious to interview her myself , , we managed to drift into conversation , j and I must have passed a half hour there. I might have been there still , but for an Interruption. " "Oh , indeed ! " with rising inflection. He glanced quickly about , reminded of the situation. "Yes , Hawley came in , and I would prefer not to meet him here , or have him discover you were in Sheridan. Could we not go to your room ? I have much to tell you. " Her questioning eyes left his face , and stared down over the rail. A heav ily built man , with red moustache , leaned against the clerk's desk , "Do you know that man ? " she asked quickly. "He followed me all the time I was shopping. I I believe he is the same one who jostled me in the crowd last night. " Keith leaned past her to get a bet ter view , but the fellow turned , and slouched away. "I only had a glimpse , but have no recollection of ever seeing him before. You heard no name ? " " 'Wild Bill' called him either Scott , or Scotty if this is the same man. " Keith's jaw set , the fighting light burning in his eyes. That was the name of the fellow rooming with Wil- loughby , the one who seemed to be Hawley's special assistant. "A mere accident probably ; but about my request ? May I talk with you a few moments alone ? " She bowed , apparently still dissatis fied regarding his lengthy conversa tion with Christie , yet permitted him to follow down the hall. She held open the door of " 15 , " and he entered silently , not wholly understanding the change in her manner. She stood be fore the dresser , drawing off her gloves and removing her hat. "Will you be seated , Captain ; the arm-chair by the window is the more comfortable. " She turned toward him , almost shyly , yet with womanly curi osity which would not be stilled. "Was i i ; your call upon Miss Maclaire very in teresting ? Did you admire her verj much ? " ( TO BE CONTINUED. ) man , but it seems that you are only doing a great injury to the lecture market in this section. " Her Way. Mrs. Woggs So you keep your hus band home evenings ? I suppose you put his slippers where he can find 'em ? Mrs. Boggs No ; I put his over shoes where he can't. Puck. Met His Match. Alkali Ike They have just taken. Roaring Bill to the hospital. Pistol Pete What happened to him ? Alkali Ike He tried to break up a suffragist meeting. Judge. t every person who is bilious , consti pated or hi3 any atom- ach or lU-er ailment to fiend for a free package of my Paw-raw Pills. I wunt to prove that they positively cure In- di 'slion. Sour Stomach ach , IJHohiiifr , Wind , Headache , Nervoua- nesa , Sleeplessness and are an infallible cure for Constipation. To do this I am willing1 to crive millions of free pack- ag- " > . I take all the risk. Sold by druggists for 5 cents a vial. For free package address , Prof. Munyon , 53rd & Jeffersor. Sis. , Philadelphia , Pa. in Saskatchewan ( ft ? stern Canada ) it 30O Bushels rorn 2O acres of wheat vas the thresher's ret rn from a Lloyd- mi. 3tcr farm in the sea on of 1910. Many fielsin thataswellns oth-r districts yield ed from 25 to 35 bu- she a of wheat to the acn . Other crams in proportion. LArtGE PROFITS nro thus derived from the F It E E HOMESTEAD LANDS ofVestem i.uiindn. Tins exci licit showHIK causes prices to a'Jtancu. I ind values should double in two jrcars * time. * Grain tro\viiiK.ssiUe l farin- inir are all prolitable. I'ree IIoiiicst lson Oarrcsiire to bo lijul in the very b - t districts : 1O < SUTO pro-em i > - tioiitt at Sli.OO jioracro xvit 11- in certain areas. Schools and cliurcLcs In > very -ttl > - " ? iiieiit , climate uncxcflN-u , soil the rii-litvst ; iv ; o l , water an < l buil < lin r material plentiful. , , 33 For particulars as to location , low settlers' railway rates and descriptive illuMruted t > aiuplilct. "Last Best est , " and other in- fonnrtlon , vrntotoSui' * ' ofImnil - cratlon , Ottawa , CanatJu. or to Canadian Go'.ernmeni Agent. F.T. Halxes. 315 Jacbon St. , St. Past , Hfan. J. H. MaclJcWan. Cravitr 197.W4crlot.n. ! 5. 0. Plcasu write to thoapcnt nearest 701 , i Labor Qt-eGtion. Lady of House You say you , -oi\ At what ? Hobo At intervals. Constipation causes and seriously aggra vates many diseases. It is thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pellets. Tiny sugarcoated - coated granules. i he Curse. "May you hut" free sons , and may dcy all marry for love ! " London Opinion. Pretty Big. "My new hat is pretty big. " "I thought so , too , but when I got the bill for it it made your hat look like the head of a pin. " Roseleaf. Asking a Good Deal of Her. Mrs. Back-Bay I shall want you to be dressed by three o'clock , Ellen , to receive any friends who may call. Ellen Oh , lor , mum ! Ain't you goin' to be in ? The Problem of Evil. "Mother " asked Gerald , four-year-old ald , "who made all the burglars and the cops and the Indians and the mosquitoes and those bad things ? " "Why , " replied his mother , slightly taken aback , "I suppose God did , dear. " "Well , mother , ' said the boy , with a puzzled look in his blue eyes , "what do you suppose he made 'em for ? " Entire Country Interested. On January 1 , 1905 , there were about 150 different agencies engaged in anti-tuberculosis work , of which number 111 were sanatoria. The in crease to over 2,000 agencies has em phasized , the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuber culosis points out , the importance of the campaign for the prevention of consumption being carried on in all parts of the country. weet : i " Then iiat "The Memory Linkers' Postam Cereal Company , Limited , Battle Creek , Mich.