Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 18, 1912, Image 5

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sale ataM times
of tTse > -ar
Simeon - Nebraska
Wo H. Si ration
Dealer in
General Merchandise-
r-or. Hall & ( Valentine. Nebr.
F. M. Wtlcott Oliver K. V.'alcott
Walcott & Watectt
Practice Ix-fc-ie T' . K. Laud Olllco ad all
Federal mid State court * . %
\/a I * f' . i * _ '
vciiwlic.ll * - > I Pi' . * * ? * _ ? w < iiua l * a
P- " } U E F 3
C AA fc-c S S pV
4 S & v r LJ J
Oflice front rf m. second .story ,
over T. ( ' . iloinby's siore , Alain
street entrance.
Valentine P
Dr. M. F. Meer ,
Ivoorns over Red Front store
Valentine = Nebr.
Dr. D. W. S limner
Hornby Building-
Phone Xo. 3 TC.
If you liivo yoang childrt-a you have 3
perhaps noticed that tlL-orJers of the
stomach are their most common ailment.
To correct this you will find Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver TaT/bts excel
lent. They are easy and pL-asant to "
take , and mild and gentle in e ect. For
sale by Chapman , the druggist.
TT V. I- * A
! > ' BA
nn the SOUTH \vould boniunhip
now. U. S. Government , tests
show avSndb pak of trees will *
protect crops ami'conserve moist
ure a rod for each foot in height : c
of the windbreak'a wind break of
trees 40 feet hi h will protect ii
crops and conserve moisture 40
rods. Cultivate trees each week
or oftener. Vc
We have all varieties of forest , it
shade and fruit trees ; shiubbery
and ornamentals , adapted to North \
Western Nebraska.
T. W. CRAMEII , Local Agent ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Boyd Nurseries and Frait
F < -s ? ' Z V8
as hi.
On C. & N. W. , 8 blks. east station | iv
Ainsworth , - Nebraska
Valentine Lodge No. 70 ,
A. O. U. W ,
Meets 1st and 3id Monday in each
month at Frateiual Hull. All
Brethern are cordially invited to l.e
present ! ALBERT F. V.EDB , M W. .
TAMEST. QUIGLLY , 1 'reorder.
Fefch's Restaurant and
Lunch Counter .
Come lo my iic-w location in tbe ; : t
old Morey building. (
\ \
Home Cooking jrr
; id
Believes pas in stomach , distres.
after taiirji. Me m d , i eiu ufrcfs
dizziness , headachp , heartburn , I *
heart pnipilation r.nd oilier ail
ments cauppd by faulty iJiaPstion.
Price 25c. Prr-pared by Uijitfd Tilt
Drug Company. BiMnn , Mas < .
Sold in Valentine only by G. A.
Chapman. The Rexall Store. You
C >
Loup Valley Hereford Iapch , ja'ri
C. H. FAULHAIU-T : .1 fct Xb. ' i KOV. NLKE , NEI5 J fn t , i
Herd headed by S. ( . Cduinbi.s 17 J tih
No. 36CC50. : , Cliu-ai 2 , Ko. 289
822 ; al o , Melvin , ! < < . 8270/2 , IG-J
Bulls for Sale at All , GA.
When you have a b. : < l cold you
the best medicine obtainziblo so as to cure
it with as little ( L'- . " as possible. Hero ; of
is a , druggist's opinion : " 1 hav * soltl. t > .
Chamberlain's CoagL. Eemefl/ Sftosn j
years , " says Enos Lolkir of Saratoga , ' at lie
led. , "and consider it the best ou the , \ "
market. " For .sale by Ciiapuias , the , "
druggist. TeM.te ;
Buttons made to order , to bn > -
match yonr gown. S styles , all * le/ \
ft at tbe Bed Front. iS ju Sl-4
.John " - ' ckr Ii i ? > bei-n rnufin
'd to his home the past few dau
nih ! t ijo ir Ip
B-n Bachelor -.vas in from hi
rurcli near Fern por-lolfice the firs !
of the week.
John Holland was in from his
Frii.'a.x '
( if thr-
holders ( * f Lhul institution.
n ?
, JpL'fichurch. . J.ui 21.t , both
mojrlfiiT aivi 'ivoninj ? , at eleven
and spvpj ! thirty o'clock rospoct-
ivol.v Choir rehearsal on Situr :
dav.tivpninif at pven o'clock.
Wo fa'lt-cl to mention the mar
ri-'irc ofl.Vtn. A Mfjjjer ; nnd Mi-s
1'car , ' O P. rprvhicii ! ; o.-curi'd al
thr I' * me ofV. . S Barker in Val-
{ nt.M' f.j > \Vhii'sila.v January' 1C
Mrai'tlMt.Mcizui'r left 'ii l !
niiii.r ir.iin f < > r Omaha , and fr .u
Lh 'ie v\ : ! ! tie toJali f' < > rni-i arid oiri
cr f-cnuls in the west.
T.y \ irtue of an on-- of pali1 isbiied by ( ho
C. r . o itn u.iiru t tt art ' lierry County ,
ia ( K'tvi'f
i t i . in-.i lu/fcJoburc . 'n-in II. A. Fox i.- >
.t j-i' : : ; ji. ! Ki iL'Uii.uvl'tv : nul .folui
uul lui- ; : ; ( . Hophia 1 > .
. Hopln.i 1) , .Ioii < ' - > ; uul
li > Llocic I , \'ii 1 ,0 of
( Jl.cri-y Ccunl.v lN 'hrasKi , i cn'iuljuUb 1 will
fifi1 ai tiu1 ironl dooroi.e ; court limiiin
V.-Ienunc. i'n rry t oiniisi't rnska , that
Li' * . I ; . li ' > uli li'ir ? v.I : < -/cni tlio Iit turni of
Ml U t * I'l'i \ Itti'i ! . t'il Vli 'if'i ) / Ot i'Vl-
rur ; t. U .u ten u cloriv . . i > i. U >
, ' . . . ! ' 'i . < . "il < -f 'r > . .7.tut ! iiuc.est at It ) j cr ro.uii.uo o. jUiU'i' : < ' . .i NovcmlxMiKih. .
r.Hi. ! . . i ftts t. x--t r.t J-X7o and aff i uinjj
-o , s. jn j uulii' at't-lhM , to tin1 higlK'-.l ! ) ! ( !
CI M . i > r c-.oli , tiic lOilou iiiji ( k'icriiii'd i./oj-
rn > , io-vir : LoCu iiaml Hi P.lotI. I. Village
01 ( Woffi'ii , C'lu'ri" CoiiH\XflLM.ska.
D.itea tlu.s ; > 'v > ih d.iy oi i , < vt'inlifr. Hill.
O. A. KOil'UT , SlKTlir.
\Vik't > tt iv V.'alcoti Ailys tor 1'laintirt. 32- . " )
blienir , Sale.
By virtue of ! > n order of ssi lo Issued by 1 he
Ci ! / : . < ; the dihlnc-t mint of Ulierry County ,
. .
of Us. lien forecioure v. herein > ] jl er f. inor.spsoii i- > piiintii and
YOJ ] ! . t ) 3h5-ii'- ! . ! Airs , . \iiiv [ oer hib
v.i'i , K.i : i " 'UH'-j .Mid Mr. Mv-ed , her hu-a-
. .nd.I : . ; JUKI AS' ' I u.-.nie iijiknown , Mi.niie
1' and All. i'.ilnier , lir t and
na. . ' ' u iki.ov. f. , oif i.c. : ' ! Matthew XosJ---
! - , ut vea-eu , i. L' . ( ' . ! . i'0ii and V/inniitv-d
C.i.Miui. li. ifo , Viiolpii Abi-aiiaisiand Mr.s.
AIT. i. i iii , ! iiviie , tir > l and real name un-
kiui\\n and NtJj N\\ | i -efon : U. town-ship
{ north r.supe _ * . vei jj. in. are deleu'l-
aiits-I \ > ili ; 3 -ii ni the Ironi door of the eourt
hon ie inieiitine. . Cherry County ,
ua , mat < eintt tiie ljinldiir > AVJierein the
> ! . uviii > i s.iuj eijiu't was iJiId on the ; ii'd
dao , he-i u.'r.i . .it lid o eloi'k a. in. , to
saiV..v | U lsmeht , 01 J.N.T. iand iriere.-t at 10
IA-I'VI'I.L iroin No\e nber isth. I'.ill and e5ts
laxeil : .t ? . , - i.iNtt s eiisin eostfc , at publie
.iiu-lion lo i he i.i Iu'al cuider for eatii the
! ' ttii ti d-'neru.cil property to-wit : NKJ
ZsWi --ei-uoij :5J : township WJ north ranye
, \ e t i/ih i ; . in , in Chero CountNelmia -
l > iiiedthis oOtli day of December , A. D.
JM ] , C. A. rvoi-eter , fohei'ilT
\ViUcott A "SValcott Att\h tor pluintifi" . oJ-- )
Notice to Creditor S
Rt. te of N
Count } of Cherry. t 's
in . .JKtiutitv ' 'fiut v.nhiii and for Cherr ; .
l.v , Nel r.ik.i. .
! n ! ! . i .u'lt-r f le ! esit.ol TI-.os. E. Do we"
To crrd'ioic '
Hie < - sa'n estate :
Yo.i : ii" heieltv iitilu-l ( , 1 hat f wll sir ; : t the
Coniitv Con i f.'ooin in Valentine in said coinUv
tuj ! rili iliy ot .Inn-jary , JUfJ.
-fu-he : i .il ( Minme : il ! el-nns , t < ; ; inis !
said tit ' , \\ith a MI Wlo llit-iradju-tJiiiMit ; i id
alhiu-ance I he tsii e inuite t tor tne presenti-
tion ol ii.iiniagainst sam es > tate Hi.v numtli-s
froin t..e liTtii dav ot .liny A it 19M. and in -
t'lite iianifi lot p. A . . i- .1 o. dfl'ts is one year
intiii . . -T' i lrtci . .laIU1I. .
_ u iiK f , i\ ; ' i.811,41 at the " -t-al < f said
? 1.\L oait\ ; " 'i.r' irix llli d y of Jan
- lii'i' . JAlMl'.S C. QU1GI.KY , as
SO : s " County Jtidsre.
\Vi. , .ii \V.le-itt
Ciccr d Hc ! lr.g en Pctiilcn for Appointmon
of A-J.riinictrat
In the foi.ntj ( 'ours ol Cluirry ( . 'oui.ty Neb-
M'A'I H Of NKHH\SK'l ( . -
> 1 " CHKIUf
Inilie hfiranil to al i rsins interested ni
i > & ! oi \ \ ! lltin h t' ' r , iirueaM'ti :
On rt-j.'l.nj' th * ' | , ititi ! > n oi O 'irgf * CronK
pr\iiu li ! t Si. < 4 n-uinii stnitK'ii ot s.tid evf it-
nil-id to iiL-orgi ; o'Kerfe as
tr.Uo- .
It i.preliy nl'-rcd thai vui at d nil j er ons
ini.-i.Med in NI d mallei in i > , and < l < . appear
! < > < ( ouuon ; ( i to he ht Id in and tor - dd
.or.nt , o.iihi dr.t > , A. I > , liU at
lOi.ii i ! v a I. ' > o.-'l , 11 : iiiy tiKFr l . , sel
ti' . ' i "i\ ' -i : Hie jieli Mini * -l.o dd not l '
i T d u'"J . n ii"e { ol tisi ii-iult'iiev of - > n : i P' aao Hi ; txth ) ear.iu iJK'reot ! > rfri\tjn to
jn'U - > ! iit fe.sten in.Mti inatterby piUilisi- bci
, , ' c p > of this unr ! ! u the Valentine Ueino-
u v e"Kli iiv < .S | > r per ; .nnied in said < -oiint\ , . ca
: i : .ti-fbi\f v.ct-Us pi KIP to vn\l \ < lay i >
ttf-.iiov. nu Imiid Miii t' e sea * of : < ! ( ]
id < ! a.\ < > t .Lin. A. D. lylJ. : be
( 'otinii Jiulye.
fl U'itovtKc. Attorney.
Xoiiee lo Creditors.
S-IA'ij OP Nf TSHAhltA I , 111 tilt' CoilIII ( -
i iK ! - i.O i.M'\ . . * Court
In tl.e iiiaftop ol 55 y staie of AMI : >
It. tn < in ( M-t'ji < . . > f . : MI ! I & te :
: ir l.t'M-i v nriiS.d. 11 , .t 1 will sit at tlu- son
utj ot.ltu ( ) "i . - . ' ' saitl cotm j
tut1 27iii < ! ; iy c > : , IuniarliMJ ,
ri-f * '
- a M' u lo ( ! ir ai'jns'in nt .u.d Kc
aimv.iis" ' T..r fitic liinrni l < r the j-tt-s nt i-
' t l ! ! > rti. st.i'd s'ate is sixmo ths
m h _ 7h . .i\ ! , J.i > V. D. 11)11. ) and ih *
. liiM.1'-'i'or ( > Jin-tit ofMts is one j ear
IH.jfil a itM.'lc. -.ifdrounty i-ourt D.
V I 11)12. )
. iC4 Couuij Jtul e.
A. Kills. .Attorney.
KolU-e Js hereby gi"\-en that in jiursuanee
su ! osuer 01 i.r.e Hon.V. . \\Vstover ,
o. tLc i'is-ti ict Com : of ( herry Uoun-
--ebrasK.i , on the . .jth day of JS'o-
veiiil- . > or the Mue of leal estate here-
infitfrti' enLed. ' 1 e.eiii i e sold at pub-
vi'iu'urf 10 iue i.i hPM , ladder for ca li
tin * tro tciforot tnr Court House in the
\"iihi-'oi ; N : . .i-juuu' in County oj ; tue
u.iv oIJ. uuaiv , iv-lsai the Lour 01 tea
"oVJocksi. m. tl.e lohouiny described real
. : , to-\\it : s-outli Hall ot No th Half ,
Sou'Ji J.i' : . > eeiion . . Southeast Quarter ol \
tsi-iJ-t Quarter , het.o'i ! , West Half of
ISorihw-i quarter , fteetion iO , 'lownshipJJS ,
"t-itit , r-.i.nge _ j , West , Clifrry County , A < .
sia. saMl s.tlev 11 renuun open one hour.
\V. Ii. > f Kiank W. IJud-
leniino / heir oc Irene K. Ifaclley , lonnerJy
i.e , tkveahcu , oy
"NVuiwrt & WuinmHis' /
Ask the Grocer Boy ii
He will tell you that many of the
"beet people" the best cocks
y/ill have no baking powder but II
m 6- : 1
He v 'ould deliver no much again if it
didn't last so lcn. < r. One tcaspoonful
does the work of two of otherpowdcra
at the seme price. That's the reason.
It coots bat a cent an ounce. That's
the cntl ( rust rr.cs for Ighe2t grade
bcklnj : po\v der. Get it at your grocer's
in 10c-15c-25c cons.
Layton Pure Food Company
Esst St. Louis , III.
? ' ! ? ii f"'ov
t . _ PI .
t-a ) i
Jolin Leh nan \Vcnt to i-lushvillc
Tnurpihiy after supjjJiis.
> ,
Iom ! D.vinr on- ! itcl n List
-i-i . .Mommy J < .n. b' , ncl wjii re
view in the eighth grade ,
"Will arid Emrnn V\'cllnix ( took
advtmtttiro or'tli . ! pasa it weather
and went 10 Saturday.
M. M- Dewing and family have
returned U > the fa. m after 1'wirijji
in iitsshvilk : ih.e piiL Hvu mijnu s
Miss Jacobs resumed iier scinnl
duties en iMonday .Ian. S , after
spending a two weeks' vacation at
Tiiur.vlay , January Li , was the
c-ilJj'Su < ! < ty we navu had this ye-.r.
ID registered 0 ° beiow early in
the even ing.
Mr. Humphreys went to Rush
vill ' Saturday jiUtl brought out his
daughter Mary. She returned
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and MrsChronco Clark
visited at J < ; hn ILtr in.s' part of
last week. Mr. iiig ms Ins been
suli'ering with rlieumatiam.
Tha attendance at school last'
week wa- . small only six in atten
dance. Some or' the pupils have
as far as three and a hall mi-erf and
bad roads to traol. .
Lillian Aubert nvido two at
tempts at jr ) injr to to vn last week.
Sunday she pit : i = ? far as Silmon's
three miles north of town , and
was obliged to remain over ni rht
the weather was ioj severe.
Many farmers made a mistake ,
by going to town , in bob-sleds Sat
urday. The clay was exceptionally
warm and in places especially on
the hill tops sleigning was out of
question. In other place- ? the
drifts w re liifiicult to pass
The following udrn.'S hive be * n
selecte-1 iO < * the urand jurv arid
p-i jury , rn l the Hl ! > pn , , - a have
been iss el. Tlie graj.d jury is
called ! t'or tne fir-i day of the tf'rm
jbruary "nd ii .
- , e pot ij. Jury will
cai.eci the foil v , a > g t a > .
f , V * \ f\ B * - ' -
kjit ilkiLi O Li' y
CrPoriT Si'vycr , Ii. I ? . chnck-
loy. M P DeMMnii > r , EJ ( olSins ,
-1. H Pncmi-riinj ; , Austin IO [ AP ,
Janus ! iul-.on. . K C. Davenport ,
KS l-Iook. .1. L. liibbs , .1. C. Car
, A. L. G''i , V oodruLT
Ball , G < 'orr > OMCietl.V. . F.
Reais , J.V. . Cir ; en'er-
Petit Jury.
' G. Fo.vler , Philip ieion , Het.-
Ormis ier. Sam L.arcJ , K. B.
Tavlor , J. 0. Harms , \V. S.
Sainn : , Henry Graham , Walter
Btien. Chnrhs Bookman , H. L.
Guilders , \ \ . I.Vra.v . , LN. .
Hand , 1) . OBucher , 1 ! . G.
Quible , John liirp. l\eal ( ole- f&
marM. , . B. Tiussel ; Jolin Shel- 1
bourn , Jr. , Joseph Kudelka , I
Henry O JfhnecU , A. Palmer ,
\V/N Ballnrji. B-n S-.nders
E. iiP > n .roo'vof . Ch s e
Tl lie er
Crow , ll Leadin-
ii i i
! Guclien-
Kudweiser Beer.
if ? 't ? A TTK > ryv ? rGf \ T ? T f- ?
/ "
? * \ VV = j \ ? 11" ( HI 3 'it
$ WnEN-lHSIN-A i
"r. ' Iit 1009 , by C E "Timnenan Co. Ko. 39N
IN order to fnrnisli
proper banking * protection ,
President Lincoln and his
first congress established
[ lie National Bank which
operates under government
From rime to time addi
tional laws have been
passed under the different
presidents sliov ; n above
strengthening * , the protec-
wJ * J JL
tion a Xational Bank af
Thus the confidence and
security that comes - with
the possession of money !
in the bank is greatly en ! !
hanced when it is in a Na
tional Bank , for here it :
has every safe-guard pos ' i
sible for human iiigenuifcy j
to devise. |
In selecting a'bank in which
to deposit your savings or I
surplus funds the one thing
to be considered is safety ,
and we ask for your- busi '
ness only on the basis of ab
solute safety. Call at our
bank and let us explain to
you how safe your money
is here.
Valentine , Nebraska
In a letter from Branch-
land , W. Va. , Mrs/ Elizagf
beth Chapman says : "I
suffered from womanly
troubles nearly five years.
All the doctors in the coun
ty did me no good. I took
Cardiii , and now I am en
tirely well. I feel like a
new woman. Cardui saved
my life ! All who suffer
from womanly trouble
should give Cardui a trial. "
Hie Woman's i onic c
50 years of proof have [ p ]
convinced those v/ho tested
> f
it , that Cardui quickly re al
lieves aches and pains due
to womanly weakness , and ;
helps nature to build up
weak women to health and
strength. Thousands of § | o
women have found Cardui
to be a real life saver.
Why not test it for your
case ? Take Cardui today ! ai
: If You Winx
V a ical helpful bank Strvieo , consider these fr.cts :
'I his bank is n ( mne institution of strength anil stability ; or-
ganiz-d to assist in the deveiopement of local industry.
In addition to our ample capital and surplus wo have a very
strong board of directors emplountj in the management , of this
t bank UIP same w.Uchful , conservative methods ulnch brought
i tliem individual succci-s
The officers give courteous , prompt and careful attention to
; f the needs of each individual depositor.
SfAi P Ti $
y n. L L rJ y § si II C TflTF E a RflMif 5 n s
; t.'uanrntuo I'tnxl of Hittiti : - of ? . " : r.-k.i.
Ask I. M. Rice about
. . 3 3k CTJS Tt" ff
iGern-an Fire insurance Co. of Omaha , backed by the
National , of Hartford with $11.000,000 , guarantying
every policy. _ As sound as the tcRock of Qibralter. "
The Northwestern Life Ins.
'Q . of Milwaukee writes the most liberal policy in
Ordinary : Life , Endowment , or Payment plan. You *
cannot Sose a dollar that you spend with this coni =
pany. A dollar is worth 100 cents the day you spend
it and increases every day , and is always within
'your rach , growing for you.
Can on I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr.
any building or repairing in the spring ? If
so , T respectfully request your pairoiipge.
All kinds of carpenter v/crk done in an up = to date
Rouse painting , calcimlning and interior. finishing a- ,
specialty. Plans drawn to scale and blue prints made.
CluaVL / Eds .
T X i. -
* * i ' e i T J * o iL 4 + * * - i > > .
Valentine , B < 5 Nebraska- '
22. 19 and 1.
Tnese are not lucky numbers
rhich to pay ! policy : they ihe un-
ucky nuinl erv.ith \vc ! h society is
ilayii'jr a losinir same. It is recorded
nat iu a apartment Ii-mse
a the Hack Bay district of Huston
here art' tweuty-tv/o families. Nins-
een of thest1 fasiiiMos have.1 ar.ionso-
.ili-.s. and in tire \vli h t\vt'iiy-t\\Tj (
amilics tli > re is just on l.-aby. In n
cneniont house in ihf nortli end of
ho saint1 cify < l'.voI ! t\veuty-f.vo I'nn-
it-s ; one of these families has a # oat.
nd in ihe tv enty-t o families therii
re sixty-six children. The statement
rardin the Hack Hay apartment
souse is true , that concerning the
lorth end teneir.eni is probably tiniler
ather than over the truth. The life
an automobile at the outside is
bout ) five years ; the life of a child
hould b ? at least thirty-live yrar < . A
end automobile costs about ten times
much as a pror.d healthy b-ihy and
fists only about one-seventh as louj ;
nd is detciv r'tinr all the time , and
these figures su.r : st some very se-
ior.s social and economic problems.
Ve do not propose to solve them. V\"e
onfess we cannot. Cut the American
seople v.-ill have to reckon rhcin as vi-
factors iu their calculations of the
tation's future. Uuiversalist Leader.
can get
hern by ad
vertising in this
paper. It : reaches-j !
the bes's : class of
people in this
gayagr * LCUEJ rjrrtagac zrF''g . * * < g jgjj a S
I Use this paper if
I )7ou want some j
kJ ? { of their business.
I i , . _ _ . .J
S ' " " * * r - ' " " * - 7niTTTiTi ffn.ra T mnm
I Use This Papes :