Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 18, 1912, Image 1

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JL JL- &
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vr A T HH I YTTTQ T \ A "V T \ ATTT A 1Q 1O1 O
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The Lihte the the
In the Maish Comfort you get Warmth with
out Weight.
Kothing exhausts you so as heavy bed clothes.
The Maish Comfort is luxuriously warm , yet
light and fluffy. With it jou cm sleep in cold
fresh air , yefc be per feet iv warm. We have
them in exquisite designs and patterns. Conip
in and ask us to show thorn to you and see the
soft , laminated cotton that goes into them.
Price 8 .00 each.
This cut shows one of the
extreme tests which these
watches undergo. Call in
and let us show them to you.
Oilier Standard rankos such as Elgin. "VValthnm acd
Hamilton , at light piicep. Youis for Inspection.
Typewriter Supplies u arTSe'Democrat Oifice.
' i
Aoy size buttons covered with ]
your own material.
* § . Bring the scraps from that new gown and get y v
buttons while you wait. V-
Red Front Hardware Co. ' t. )
Headquarters For Electrical Supplies j
We Carry the Largest and Best Line of
Carbon and Mazada Lamps aud
Sad Irons / Steves Warming Pads Mr.
Toasters Curling Iron Heaters the
Electrical Fixtures of all Kinds. and
Electric Wiring , Plizmbiag , and the
Our Specialties. him
Front Hardware Co , ! has able
dHJ. Vabntine
A son was b' > rn Thursday ,
Mr. and Mrs. Amzi Veach.
Miss Francws Grewe of Kilgorc
spent Saturday in Valentine.
Prof. Eaton went to Lincoln
Monday night on school business.
JR. P. Carter ofVooJ \ , S D.
was a visitor -Valentine the first
of the week.
Obe Church came down from
MerrimauTuesday to attend to
some business mutteas.
J. M. Tucker was in Washing
ton Tuesday on business before
the Interior Department.
Mrs. Luther Blake has returned
to her home in Chicago after spending
ing home time visiting her sister ,
Mrs. Slonecker.
Xeila Lilz of B-issult re-
turned to her home Tuesday after
spending several days visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
0. D. . Query writes to a friend ,
from Salem Oregon , that they are
all well aud time Mrs. Query is
improving m health.
P. ii. Young , George Christo
pher and Sam .Hudson went .0'
Lincoln Tuesday night to attend
the State liorefoid BreL-ders As
sociation meeting' .
J. C. Appiegate , president of
the Citizens' Bank of Wood Lake ,
\vas in Vcilentiriy Wednesday aud '
iiled a petition for a road through
hs : laud lying near Wood Lake.
Mrs. Olive" To wrie has s'old"AlieV
residence property on Macomb ;
street to Miss Cora Tlmckrey.
Mrs Towne wih move into the
Simpson dwelling where Miss
Thackrey now resides.
The TV. O.V. . held an enthusi-
a&tic meeting ia t Friday night. it.
After the installation of officers for
the ensuing > ear a banquet was
spread for the members and sev
eral especially invited guests.
The following names have been
selected for the grand jury- and
petit jury , and the subpoenas is
been issued. The grand jury is
called for the first day of the term
February 20 , and the petit jury
will be called the following day.
John Eiton and family are
going to Charlottevillo , Virginia , i
, . , , , , ,
t r
starting last night. Inpy may ,
make their homo among Mr. Eit-
on's people there though we may
look for them back here again
some time.
Woodruff Ball returned the fore
part of the week from Fremont.
While there Mr. Ball allowed his \
thumb to remain in the way ) isf
the heavy doors of the baggage
room and now has that member
bandaged waiting for the nail to
grow out. h'n
George EHornby walker ! out
from town to his school on Plum
Creek Monday morning facing the
blinding snow storm which raged
'nearly : ili ( Jay * "lie had expected
go on the Norden * stugo , but
Bother passengers occupied the
wagon uniil no room was left for
him. Johnstown * Enterprise. .
W. B , Howe has purchased the the
Valentine House of John D. Eaton
took possession Tuesday.
. Howe and wife are exper
ienced hotel people and will keep
Valentine House up to its
tradicional popularity for business
those who have found irS-it a ed
harbor in the past will not now be Last
disappointed. Mr.
Howe invites Dec.
old patrons to continue their
patronage and to come in to see
and get aquainted. Mr. Howe
appears to be a genial and hospit- has
host and the Valentine House sue
lots of friends who have been Edi
steady patrons uhea they were : ting
ftftvm . ' iness
to The following account of
Pike-Cavanaugh nuptials is taken
L „ > from [ . the Lead Daily Call. Mr.
\j I
. % has many warm friends
this cornty who will join with
n . Democrat in wishing them many
years of happy wedded life.
, At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
; Fred Kiridler , 109 West Hill street
Edward Pike and Miss Margaret
Cavanaufh were united in mar'-
riage at 5 o'clock this evening
( Jan. 11) ) llev.W , J. Waltz , pas
tor of the Methodist church sof
this city officiating. The ring
ceremony , so beautiful in its sim
plicity , was used. n3
The bride , a sister of Mrs. Kindler -
ler , is of the
one popular young '
ladies of Omaha. For some time
she has been employed by John
Latin ker of that city as one of his
trusted 1 and
competant stenograph-
ers. Last July she visited in his
city , and during her
short stay
won ! many friends by her pleasing )
personality. The groom is one of
the prosperous merchants of r
Grookoion , Xeb.
, where he has re
sided for some time. lie ;
owns ! a large ranch near that place.
About twenty guests witnessed ;
J ' the ceremony , following which
! t'-ie. enjoyed an elaborate wed [ 1-
ding dinner.
, The happy couple are receiving
the congratulations and best wishes
es . of their friends. They will
lea\e Saturday evening for Crook-
f ton , Xebr. . where the groom has
a home awaiting hi.s bride.
Omaha vvi"iiav3 ! ! Aub Show. '
Xenrly every known make of
automobiles manufactured in this ;
country will bo on exhibition at
the Omaha Automobile Show ,
whijii will be held in the Audito
rium February 19 to 2-i. This
year's she v will compare imst fa
vorably with the Chicago show ,
which will bo held the week pre
ceding. Many of the exhibits will
be sent down f rom C'licrg. ) , which
will put the Omaha atf lir on an
equal basis with t'n3 larger eastern
Dealers throughout I he country
have cnme to reilize thit : NVbras-
k.i oilers a territory second to
none , for the distribution of curs , j
both pleasure and bnsine = o. The !
continued prosperity in ca
Ins created a livelier interest in
automobiles and it is
for this reas-
on that the coming show should
prove the banner one in the his-
tor.v ; of Nebraska sho\vs.
To accommodate- exhibit * ,
the floor space in the Auditorium
\vili be .
re-arrannred. This new
Arrangement wi'l ' provide space
for eijjht addition il dealers. The j
exhibit of commercial cars , which J
will be much larger , will be con
d to the b-tsemenr nie I
- , sfiving the ,
pleasure cars all the first floor ;
The decorations for the 191 12 j
siio.v will be an inn.n-aUon 12.n ,
entirely new scheme will be cir-j i
ried oat. the mana pment having !
gone to considerable time and ex-
pense to provide a new scheme ,
Nebraska dealer ? , ub-agents for ,
larger concerns , are manifest-1
much interest in the coming
show. The Iowa dealers are al o
co-operating with their Nebraska |
Esirayed or Stolen.
Elevren head of vonng cattle brand
0 C on left hip and right side.
seen south of Cronkston e.m e.r
. 20. Notify J. F. Kellar ,
Crookston , Nebr. x 52
The Cottage GroVe restaurant
a new adrertisemb.nt in thi is-
. It is conducted iss. ' Will
now byMrs. .
Edmund Gerb'er and is already et- "Ol
< its share of the restaurant busam
of Valentiner . i
the on Ladies' and Men's Fur and Fur-
. Lined Overcoats from $16 to tEO
et ' Ladies' Suits from $1 .5Q to $25.
' , - Ladies' and Men's Felt Shoes and
s- Slippers.
All heavy winter goods included
in the special prices.
These prices are on for two weeks
only , commencing January 6th. ,
* * .
o not miss this sale. "
R II f
i rf m H
H. W. Hoenig , Prop.
" - - -A bad colci is the most
dangerous common illness
\ / < r ' \ U7T ) /l lVA /
'VX/ ' ' i J y ° u can suiier from. To ; i Lad
' >
J'.v / \jp \ * r - , "r-.r c0 1)a3 ' ' > e tfaced more deaths
.t > r Z&W/l ! . . _ . / . . \ . t i fij I . * * * tliajl anv * " ailment in tSie woilil. fc
Ko. S3 is easy to acquire but is as easy to
'get ; rid of or if } ou try our "way
CoranotindeJ of the finest drills fro.n the formula of a famous
physician. If taken in tinno , h is jrtiarantee 1 to relieve the
congestion caused by phlegm , to cure that tightness in
the head , to stop that c-niijli and to jj ivc you a pleas
ant feeling of relief. It is a sifo and sure rem
edy with a lon j record of cures to its credit.
Can be taknn by youn r or old.
Send or call for a package at once , price 25c.
t ! ne , Neb.
f ?
I tfiX3 *
McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. I
I Fine Wines , Liquors and Clgat
Bourbon Whiskies :
Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Gu chenhcimer ,
Cedsr Brock , Sunny Brcck ,
Spring. Hill , and 29/-yearxold S
and Jas , E , Pcppei4 , O , F , C. Taylor , .
These whiskies were purchased in bond f.U
and came direct from the U. 8. gov f.I
ernment warehouse. They are guar I
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un IA
excelled for family and medical use. A
Three Star Hennecsy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout , I
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budwe-iser Beer ,
Valentine = Nebraska
S S2 S2 S 2 S 3 S2S S 2 tt
! buy jour Cttle ; , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules j-n ]
anvf.hiitr von harp tr cpl. ]