Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 11, 1912, Image 6

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    The Valentine Democrat
Two Seamen on the Salem Swept Oi
erboard and Drowned and Vess
Heavily Damaged Schooner Elois
is Also Wrecked.
New Yorfk. Five torpedo boat dc
stroycrs belonging to the Atlanti
fleet on Its way to Guantanamo fo
the winter maneuvers , which wore ou
in the violent storm off the coast , pu
into Bermuda. The destroyers wen
all of the new oil burning type thi
Preston , Ammen , Perkins , Walker an (
Sterret. The Bixie , mother ship o
these boats , also reached the same an
chorage. The Bixie , the dispatch says
lias spring a leak , necessitating re
pairs , but to what extent was nol
Wireless messages indistinctly re
Delved in New York repoorted the
United states torpedo boat dcstroyei
Terry in trouble. The vessel's posi
tion was given as latitude 36.21 north ,
longitude 67 west , which is a little
northeast of Cape Hatteras. The ves
sel was in communication with the
steamer Tagus and the battleship
South Carolina. No other details were
received here.
Further wireless advices from ves
sels in communication with the Terry
were to the effect that the destroyer's
turbine engines and pumps were out
of commission ; that all her stores
were ruined and her wireless appara
tus not working
' . A message received from the battle
ship South Carolinajndicates that the
disabled craft is somewhat further
north than reported by the Tagus in a
previous message , the battleship re
porting the Terry's position in lati
tude : J8.21 north and longitude G7 west.
An Illinois Justice of Peace Holds
Owner to a Grand Jury.
Banville , III. Justice of the Peace
H. J. Hall has decided that a bulldog
is a deadly weapon.
Mrs. Cleo Wilson went to the home
of Mrs. May Hensley , in Greene
Creek. Mrs. Hensley , according to the
testimony , sallied forth , reinforced by
Q son , bearing a club and a powerful
Sulldog. Mrs. Wilson and other wlt-
Desses testified that Mrs. Hensley
Seized her by the hair , the bulldog
grabbed her by the leg and the boy
struck her with tne club. She swore
out a warrant charging Mrs. Hensley
with assoult with a deadly weapon , to-
wit , a bulldog , and Justice Hall held
the defendant to the grand jury.
Missouri Hotel Fire.
Excelsior Springs , Mo. With the
temperature at zero the Snap hotel
fcurned. The sixty guests escaped , but
one woman was injured. She was un
able to hold with numbed hands to a
rope , and fell , wrenching her back
and suffering internal injuries. The
building and contents , valued at $125-
000 , were a total loss. The insurance
was $75,000.
Advertiser is Dead.
St Louis , Mo. Ewing Hill , 70 3'ears
old , originator of street car advertis
ing in America , died at his home in
this city. He was a pioneer in the
Held of advertising , was president of
the western advertising company and
had been a member of the merchants
exchange for thirty years. He is sur
vived by a widow and four children.
Mrs. Roosevelt Recovering.
Oyster Bay , N. Y. Mrs. Thoedore
Roosevelt has been quite ill for several
al days but is recovering. Two months
ago she was injured by a fall from her
horse while riding with the colonel.
Her present illness is said , however ,
not to be the result of the accident.
Live Stock Market.
Sioux City. Cattle Good to choice
cornfed steers , $7.00S.50 ; medium to
good , | 5.50@7.00 ; good to choice grass
steers , ? 4.50@6.50 ; good to choice fat
cows and heifers , $5.00@6.00 ; grass
cows , ? o.50@5.00 ; canners and cut
ters , $2.75@3.50 ; bulls , ? 3.50@4.75-
veals , $3.50@7.00. Hogs Prices range
trom $5.60g ( > 6.1 f , with a bulk of the
sales at $5.90@6.20. Sheep Lambs ,
? 5.25 < g > 5.50 ; yearlings , $4.25g)4.50- ( )
wethers. $3.253.85 ; ewes , S2.25 ©
Six Persons Killed.
Paris. In a collision between two
trains at Henry , about seven miles
from Paris , six persons were killed
and twenty injured. Three passengers
are expected to die. Four.of the cars
wore wrecked. A misplaced signal is
given as the cause of the accident.
Storge House Burns.
Houston. Tex. The main building ,
boiler house and storage house of the
I Industrial Cotton Oil company , with e
10,000 tons of seed and other produce , c.
* biirnod here. The loss i estimated c.t (
io be between § 500,000 and $750.000. si
Dropped Dynamiting Inquiry and W ;
Admitted Into Labor Printing Par
nership Former Executive Wlilir
to Bare Details to Jury.
Indianapolis , Ind. Former Mayc
Charles A. Bookwalter , who , it J
claimed , had sufficient evidence i
his possession two years ago that Ii
dlcated that Bridge and Structun
Iron Workers' officials had caused d ;
namlte explosions In this ) city , wa
charged with gross negligence by B <
tectlve William J. Burns in not pusl
Ing the prosecution.
Burns said the former mayo
dropped the investigation and no
long afterward was invited to becom
a member of a printing firm doln ;
much work for a national labo
unions , and In which Samuel Gomr
ers , president of the American Fed
eration , is reported to him to havi
been interested.
Bookwalter denied that Gompen
had been interested in the printinj
firm , or that he knew him intimately
He said the partners in the firm wen
Leo M. Rappaport , counsel for the In
ternational Association of Bridge am
Structural Iron Workers , and Huge
Thorsch , a long time friend of Gem
Bookwalter admitted that two years
igo he had told a score of prominenl
lational labor leaders that he wafi
: onvinced of the guilt of John J. Me-
Samara and the Iron workers' union
n connection with the four explo
sions on property of Albert Von
Jprechkel'sen in October , 1909.
Bookwalter said he would bare all
he details of the municipal investiga-
lon which satisfied him that John J.
xIcNaniara , as secretary-treasurer of
he International Association o
Jrldge and Structural Iron Workers
ras the conspiring executive who
aused the explosions in this vicinity.
Bookwalter said that he had told
ohn J. McNamara of the strong sus-
icion against him and that In his
onversations with a score of labor
jaders he had placed the responsl-
ility upon the iron workers' union.
Washington. Samuel Gompers ,
resident of the American Federa-
on of Labor , commenting upon a
tatement by former Mayor Bookwal-
jr of Indianapolis , said :
"No person , living or dead , ever
lade such a statement to me or even
ave a hint that J. J. McNamara or
ay one else was engaged in a dyna-
iite plot or dynamite campaign. "
Washington. President Samuel
ompers of the Federation of Labor
2nies with all the emphasis at his
> mmand the charge that he stood on ,
insulted in any way , an American
ig while delivering a speech at the
bor day celebration at Oakland ,
il. , last September.
The accusation was made in re-
> rts to the war department from of-
: ers in San Francisco and Los An
des. The most direct evidence ap-
sars In photographs received by
ajor General Wood , "chief of staff
the army , and by Major General
nsworth , adjutant general of the
emors Cause People to Rush from
Homes Into Streets Damage
Is Slight.
Chicago. Chandeliers oscillated ,
ndows rattled and books were _
iken from shelves and tables in Chi-
? o as' a result of two distinct earth-
ake shocks that caused some of the
: iler wooden structures in the city
sway and tremble , and sent hun-
? ds of inmates hurrying to the
Phe earth tremors extended through-
: the state of Illinois , and were felt
Wisconsin , Michigan and in four
icr states in the Mississippi valley.
Iowa three shocks were felt , and
some parts of that state they were
ch more severe than in this city.
ladian Authorities Send Couple
'rom Country "Affinity" of Wom
an to Follow In Near Future.
Winnipeg , Man. J. B. Snead , said
be a wealthy canal contractor of
t Worth , Tex. , and Mrs. Snead ,
> , it is alleged , eloped with Albert
Boyce from Texas to Canada , left
e for Minneapolis ,
oyce and Mrs. Snead were being
1 here ws undesirable citizens in
lada. .Mr. and Mrs. Snead were ac- ,
ipanied to the train by private de- ' !
ives. Boyce , the authorities here '
, will be deported later.
rgeLabor Leaders With Murder.
: uscatine , la. O. C. Wilson , Social-
alderman of this city , and busi-
5 agent for striking button work-
together with forty other proml-
: labor leaders , were arrested here
'ged with conspiracy to murder
other grave charges.
Punished ; Kills Father ,
idalia , Mo. D. M. Woolet , a farm-
living near here , attempted to
itlse his eon , Boyd Woolet , four-
y.ears old , with a strap. The boy
and killed him.
oinchot and Garfield Speak Agains
Indorsement of Any Candidate-
Platform Principles Adopted Fo
low Those of Chicago Conference.
Columbus , O. The Ohio progres
slve Republican conference here b ;
a vote of 52 to 32 refused to indorsi
Senator Robert M. La Follette as i
candidate upon whom the progres
gives could unite for the nominatioi
for president at the Chicago conven
After refusing the Indorsement o
the league , the delegates voted , 81 t <
11 , In favor of a resolution , as a per
sonal expression of the delegates
laming Senator La Follette as "th <
iving embodiment of the principles
) f the progressive movement , and the
ogical candidate to carry them tc
successful fruition. "
Gifford Pinchot , who declared thai
ie spoke only for himself and in no
vay for Theodore Roosevelt , and for-
ner Secretary of the Interior Gar-
ield were the leaders In the debate
tgainst giving any candidate an in-
[ orsement
Senator Works of California and
ater Senator Clapp of Minnesota
rere vigorous In urging that the Ohio
TOgressives concentrate their efforts
a working for the election of La
A declaration of principles adopted
nanimouslywas substantially the
ne * prepared by a committee ap-
ointed at a meeting of progressives
f the western reserve. On the ques-
on of national policies , it followed
tie line of the platform adopted by
ie progressive conference In Cni-
iwing to Lack of Funds 1,000 Men
Will be Dismissed During
Washington. About 1,000 census
jreau employees are expected to re-
jlve notices of dismissal before the
id of January as the result of the
ifusal of the house of representatives
i sanction the $1,000,000' appropria-
Dn asked for by Birector Burand for
ie maintenance of the bureau. Mr.
urand was noncommittal as to the
: act date of the dismissals , but ad-
itted that such action was contem-
ist Instance in Which State Officials
of Rhode Island Will Be Sworn
In for One Year.
Providence , R. I. For the fourth
ccessive term Gov. Aram J. Pothier
3k the oath of office. It is the first
ae since the adoption of the state
nstitutlon in 1842 that'a governor
s been inaugurated for four con-
: utive terms , and it Is the last time
2 state officials will be sworn In
one year.
Seeks Divorce from Stallo.
Cleveland , O. Mrs. May Harrington
illo , formerly wife of Ban R. Hanna ,
3 filed suit for divorce from Edmund
Stallo , formerly a Cincinnati attor-
7 , but now of New York. Cruelty
I gross neglect are charged in the
Stove Explodes ; Woman Dying.
Mxon , 111. Mrs. Thomas Burkhart
dying from burns received here
m the explosion of a kerosene
ve. Her husband was also severely
ircd. j
Financier's Testimony Is Desired Bj
Stanley Steel Committee ConcernIng -
Ing Tennessee Coal Deal.
Washington , B. C. According to a
statement made by an eminent mem
ber' of congress , J. Plerpont Morgan
made a hurried trip abroad to avoid
testifying before the Stanley steel
committee concerning the purchase of
the Tennessee Coal & Iron company
by the "United States Steel corpora
It has just become known that for
the past month or more the most
prominent Bemocratic corporation
lawyer in New York has been work
ing quietly in behalf of the Stanley
committee gathering information as
to this deal. It Is declared that Mr.
Morgan learned of the activities of
this lawyer investigator , and started ,
as he himself expressed it , for "Egypt
as fast as he could go. "
The Stanley committee Is particular
ly anxious to ascertain at first hand
the exact plan of purchase , how the
money was paid and how the property
of the Tennessee Coal & Iron com
pany was delivered. These points
can only be made clear by the books
of J. Pierpont Morgan and company ,
fiscal agents of the Steel corporation.
Banker Accused By Prison Warden of
Attempting to Influence Him by
Money Tender.
Atlanta. That Charles W. Morse
soon after commencing his prison
l.erm offered him $1,000 , which he con
strues as an attempt to bribery , is
: he charge made In a formal state-
nent by Warden W. M. Meyer of the
! ederal prison at Atlanta.
Meyer said he gave Morse permis
sion to send a cipher telegram buying
; ome gas stock and that a few days
ater Morse came into his office and !
laid : |
"Warden , I made $2,000 on that i
leal and I want you to have half of ,
tn I
The warden said he promptly told '
, Iorse never to offer him money again ,
.nd advised Attorney General Wick-
Tsham of the incident. An investl- !
; ation by the department of justice , |
he result of which has never been
aade known , was made Immediately.
iince Berlin Liquor Dealer Was Tak
en Into Custody Fatalities Among
Shelter House Inmates Cease.
Berlin. As no deaths from polson-
igs have occurred among the inmates
I the Municipal Shelter house since
ie arrest of the dealer who had been
jlling cheap groceries , wood alcohol j ,
ad adulterated whiskey to the vag- \
mfs , the authorities believe the '
luse of the illness has been found , j
here have been 162 cases and 72 '
jaths reported since Becember 26 !
id there are 20 persons still serious- !
ill. !
Atwood Falls Into Ocean.
Boston. Harry N. Atwood , thie avla-
r , fell in the ocean off the Point of
nes in his hydroplane. He was res
ted and recovered after a few hours ,
lysicians , after a careful examina-
m , said that he would suffer no"lll
"ects from his cold plunge.
Tufts College Junior a Suifeide.
Medford , Mass. Albert B-.fPecker.
member of the junior class at
ifts college , committed suicide in
3 room here by Inhaling g s. No
> tive is known for the suicide
i !
Both Were Officials of a Manufacti
Ing Concern and "Lent" It
Money $144,000 Involved.
Battle Creek , Mich. H. M. Dearin
cashier of the failed Albion ( Mich
National bank , and his son , P. 1
Bearing , pleaded guilty to charges <
embezzlement and forgery. The
were bound over to the Detro
grand jury and bonds were place
at $25,000 each by United Stat <
Commissioner Clark. The men wei
arrested at Albion Tuesday , as
result of the closing of the ban !
The shortage amounted to $144,02
The men confessed that they ha
been forging the notes for over li\
years in order to finance the Coo
Manufacturing company , of which th
younger Bearing was secretary an
treasurer and the eJder president.
The Cook Manufacturing compan
was having a hard time financially , s
the father permitted the son to t'org
notes to protect its credits. This b <
gan In 1905. The money was insutt
dent , so Cashier Bearing aided hi
son , until their forgeries reached $144
000. Not until Bank Examiner Hei
bert Johnson came along Saturda
last was the situation discovered am
the bank closed.
The arrests of the two men followei
a dispatch from Washington statin ]
that Comptroller of the Currenc ;
Murray had announced that the forget
notes , which caused the failure of th <
bank , amounted to $144,088.
Civil War Veterans Opposed to Ower
Bill Which Would Create Public
Health Head.
Washington. The Owen bill , which
should it become a law , will create a
new cabinet officer as head of the de
partment of public health , is meeting
ivlth opposition on the part of the old
soldiers , and also on the part of the
secretary of the Interior and commis
sioner of pensions. The bill provides
'or the taking over by such depart-
nent , if it is organized , the entire con-
, rol of the present pension bureau ,
aid the old veterans seem to be op-
> osed to such a transfer of their in-
erests. They say :
"To transfer the pension bureau from
he department in which it was or-
; anized and developed would be a
lardship upon the veterans who deal
vdth it and are familiar with the
nethods of the present department
nd the bureau chiefs. It would be
he substitution of doubt for cer-
ainty. "
It is also proposed to transfer the
rolunteer Soldiers' homes to the new
epartment. It is suggested , however ,
hat the home for regular soldiers be
etained in the war department.
The veterans are being urged to
ommunicate with their representa-
Ives in congress and express their
pposition to the passage of the bilL
on of Famous English Novelist Dies
of Heart Trouble in New
York Hotel.
New York. Alfred Tennyson Bick-
ns , son of the famous English 'au-
lor , Charles Bickens , and godson of
ie late poet laureate , Alfred Tenny-
m , who arrived in this country from
ustralia last October for a lecture i
> ur , died suddenly here at his apart-
tents in the Hotel Astor.
Overcome by weakness while seated j
L the hotel smoking room , Mr. Bickj j
is was escorted to his rooms. Bocj j
> r Burt , the house physician , quick- .
reached his side , but he succumbed
jfore the physician completed his
agnosis of the attack. Afterward
ie doctor said death resulted from
jart failure , superinduced by acute j
rar's Court-Martial Exacting Heavy
Toll for Casualties Suffered in
Tabriz Invasion.
Tabriz , Persia. Sixteen Persians
sre hanged by order of the Russian
mrt-martial in connection with the
cent attack on the Russian troops.
The Russian court-martial is exactj j
g a heavy toll for the casualties suf-1
red by the Russian troops. The ofi i
: ers composing the court-martial are
ring the prisoners In batches , and In '
larly every case the accused are con- j
mned to be summarily banged.
- - - - i
Admits $5,000 Gem Theft.
St. Louis , Mo. R. Paul Bunlap , aged
enty-three an artist and athlete , ;
is arrested at his father's residence ,
st after he sat down to dinner , and
; er confessed to Chief of Betectives
lender that he stole fifty diamond
igs and other jewelry from the store \
John Huetter in Cleveland Thanks- .
ring day. Sixteen rings were tied to t
> undergarments. .
May Recognize Republic of China. !
Washington. So intense is sympai i
f throughout the United States i
th the Chinese nation in its strug-
; for liberty that a rapidly growing
itiment exists in congress favoring
j recognition of that country as a
Wind Kills Indiana Man.
Ferre Haute. Ind. Wind blew down
sixty-foot smokestack at the Moses
rner glass factory , killing David
yle , an employe , and injuring two
American Newspaper Publishers'
s Delation Committee Attacks
Plan to Double Rates.
Washington. Awarm attack on-
Hitchcock's plan to Increase the sec
ond-class postage rates la contained la.
a bulletin just issued by the postal
committee of the American Newspa
per Publishers' association , Don C-
Seitz of the New York World Is chair
man of the committee. The bulletin.
says :
"The extent to which the post.
office department does not carry sec
ond-class matter is well revealed in.
the following abstract of inquiry oC
publishers conducted by house com
mittee on expenditures in the post-
office department ( William A. Ash-
brook , chairman ) concerning the vol
ume , weight and handling of the out
put of publications entered as mall
matter of the second-class for the
fiscal year ending June 30 , 1911 :
" 'Inquiry was made of all publish
ers , approximating thirty thousand , of
which nearly seventeen thousand are
weekly publications.
" 'More than ten thousand returns-
were received , embracing sixty-six.
plus per cent , of all tonnage of pub
" 'The publications reporting repre
sent an annual output of more than.
six and one-half billion copies , the-
weight of which was one and three-
quarter billion pounds.
" 'These publications delivered by
mail in such period weighed 633,012-
902 pounds.
" 'They delivered by their own car
riers , newsboys , and news companies
840,466,574 pounds , of which an unas
certained percentage was carried to-
destination by express and other rail
shipments outside the mail. They de
livered by express , " 202,729,510 pounds , .
and by other rail shipments 121.491-
748 pounds. The rate by express and ,
rail varies from % to 1 cent per-
[ jound , but the bulk of these ship
ments went at a rate of % to yz cent.
per pound.
" 'The post office for the year end
ing June 30 , 1911 , handled 951,001--
369 , and excluding one-half million. \
pounds free in county matter , it re
ceived one cent per pound. '
"All this goes to add to the ab
surdity of the proposed Hitchcock leg-
slatiou doubling the second-class rate-
'rom one to two cents per pound , and
imiting the 'privilege' to publications
.hat carry as much reading matter as-
hey do advertising.
"The proposition was stupid enough.
vhen the postal deficit , reached $17-
' 00,000 two years ago. It becomes-
) reposterous in face of a surplus.
"What business has a transnorta-
ion corporation , which is all the post :
office is , to prescribe how a business
hall be conducted ?
"Newspapers cannot afford to ex-
iand their columns beyond the call
> f the day's news , nor can they be *
xpected to control the requiremonts-
f their advertisers who have a right
D reach the public as copiously as--
hey care to.
"It cannot be assumed that such ,
egislation will ever get by congress.
! ut publishers are requested to fight-
tie theory that the right to send their
utput by mail is a "privilege. " The'
gures show it is not.
"The post office is a badly man-
ged business. That is all. We-
hould fight its dictation , its censor-
hip and its inefficiency. "
Impracticable Suggestion.
Robert Henri , the artist , was talk-
g at a tea at Sherry's , in New York. .
> out the Latin quarter.
"In the Latin Quarter , " he said , "in
: tle streets off the Boule Mich , it Is-
issible to get a oed dinner for 15-
mts and even at that there's many-
Latin Quarterite goes dinnerless. "
Mr. Henri smiled and sighed.
"One spring afternoon , " he resumed ,
s I was sketching the horses of the-
een bronze fountain in the Luxera-
nirg Gardens , a youth stopped and
Iked awhile.
"The spring sunshine on the youth's ,
at brought out ail its shabbiness iner-
essly , and I ventured to hint :
" 'Look here , old chap , why don't yom
ve that coat turned ? ' !
"He smoothed the shabby sleeves *
" 'I would , ' he said , 'if it had three-
les. ' "
The Connoisseur.
Joseph E. Widener , being congratu-
ed at the Ritz-Carlton in New York ;
the excellence of his father's pic-
* es , smiled and said :
'Yes , my father has been a discreet
[ lector. He is not like the New
rk millionaire whom Sargent vis-
'Sargent was taken by this millions -
s ' through a huge gallery of dubi-
s Rembrandts , Titians , Raphaels and :
"Mr. Sargent , ' the millionaire said , ,
zing pompously at the long lines of
jt , dingy canvases , 'I have decided-
leave my pictures to some public ia-
Lution. What institution would vou
"I suggest , ' said Mr. Sargent , 'an
titution for .the , blind. ' "
Turn to V/ccden Flooring.
[ "he use of wooden Scoring is on the
rease in Italy , taking the place or
i former extensive demand for isar-
, tiling and cement. Oak , larch an.l
ch pinp are mostly adopted , and but
le , if any maple , birch or beech has-
; n brought to the market.
What Was in Her Heart.
'Tell ' me , " he sighed Mt ll '
lutiful maiden , what is in your
irt ? " The girl gave him a look of-
disdain , and then vouchsafed-