BULLS FOR SALE fl fro foul BnlU fo' - .t all limos of the \ par Slim SLOPE STCCK RAKf H r Simeon \Yl * , . W. H. Stratton Dealer in General T I / PHONE 1:25 : cor. HK ] ] & ( V.-ilen tine , Neh ? ' F. M. Walcott Oliver ftl. VYalcoW Walcott & VfValcott Attorneys rrnctice hoforc U. R. LnncI Olllcc find a' j Federal and State courts. j Valentine - - Nebraska J PV o : > atLaw Attorney- - Offifc front n rs > , sc slorv. T ( i S < iriliy' ? - 5 tree I entrance. Valentine f ebraska Dr. M. F. IVIeer , DENTIST Rooms over Red Front store Valentine - Nebr. Dr. D. VV. Sumner DENTIST Hornby Building Phone i\o. 173. If yon have young children you hr.v ° perhaps noticed that disorders of the Btoniach are their most common ailment. To correct this yon will find Chamber- / " Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets excel lent. They are easy nnd pleasant to take , and mild and gentle in effect. For i ' sale by Chapman , the druggist. A WINDBREAK on the SOUTH \\ould be valuable now. U. S. Government tc- ! show a uindb'eak of tries v.ili protect crops aii' coieivi - m i-r ure a rod for each loot in hijhi of the vriridbieak , a x\inibreak o' trees IT ) feet high will protect crops and conserve moisture 4'1 ' rods. Cultivate tret s e ch v.ee ! , or oftener. We have all varieties of forest , shade and fruit trees , shrubben and ornamentals , adapud toNoitl-- Western Nebraska. T. W. CRAMER , Local A ( rent , Valentine , Nebr. Boyd Nurseries and Frisit Farm. On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station Ainswctth , - Nebraska Valentine Lodge No. 70 , A. 0. U. W. Meets let and 8)d Monday m each month at Fmeinal Hall. A'l Bretbern aie roidiallj iimud to le present , . , ALBERT F \ \ KBB1 ] u Y , Ik-corder/ Felch's Restaurant and Lunch Counter Come to my new location in the old Morey budding Home Cooking REX DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Relieves gas in st < mach , distres. after tatirp , FJtn nh i fi * . ( u--rc5-j- dizzi ess , headache , heartburn , heart palpitation and other ail ments caused by faulty digestion. Price 25c. Prepared by United Drug Compan.\ , Boston , Mas * . . Sold in Valentine onl.by G. A Chapman. The Kexall Store. Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , C. H. FAULHABEB A SONS , BIWWNLEE , NEB Herd headed hy S. ( . Colnmbi. ? 17 No. 16C050 , nd Clm ox 2 , Ko. 289 822 ; also , Kelvin , Ko. 327072 , leg Bulls for Sale at All Times , When you iiave a bad cold you want the best medicine obtainable so as to cure I it with fis little delay as possH&j. Here is a druggist's opinion : "I iiave sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for fifteen years , " says Enos Lollar of Saralcgu , j Ind. , "and consider it the best on the 1 i I/ .market. " For sale by Chapman , the druggist * Buttons made to order , to match your gown. IS styles , all 1 t at tto By virtue o.'in ' o/clor oTsuie l ciie I ! > / tin * C.erk o ? tlift dlsvrlfl. euiirt oi , hrry C0jnt\ . .seiir.iaic. . , ixtveinui'r/i , l.ui under a ( ii-ert'e of iaxlii ! < o * ilojur wherein ii. A. F < - \ Is ti.lu7i.jif K'v-.t SifJjiltfei-lU'r and .iohn I' IV.MU.iJ r t Mil ! .1. i f.t".d.tni- I Will ' " . I * tii , iiv . . ' > ji uoui'ui i.1.1. court Jiua e hi | Vuleiu.ne , i-jier < ' \ vo-iiuy , Kenrasi.a , mat. J IxMfi the miiiding . ' eiein the lust term ot slid court was iieitl , on ttie.'lni day of Feh- ! tu ry him s.l ten oeloex a. in. to .satisfy l oi JJj.7.i . .MI inten-st at 10 i c-i-ii. " < ru.it da e o < ju ! pneni No\enijer $ iSui. t. < jj , 4l .i CoSit IMlffi 't i-S. | . > Hist iiCl'-'U 11 . . , Ik , < t < , ' . ! ' . .It' . , / , , U lil ( Hli I l I ll > ei l. . , Utll. . i.O-i . 'lid lO 1 JOC. > 1 , \ - „ \aeOrgia , v'nero ( Jonntv , X } r ian.a. iy.'tie.i ti-i 'sUt. ! t'a ui ieceniti.r , l ul. WaicutiValeott utty.lor fl.'untiir. oJ- < -ale. Uy virt jo o : n orui of s tie istuud ! ) . . " tJac ICIK < ji mo vlistr.ji , UI'L 01 Onerr. , Uonat. , , o.i Jyece.iibt-r iSLh , i : i , nnvl'-c : . j : er U. l.ioniojon ib puiintitr and . ' .lusherand Mr- . . Alice io- her nS \\i. ' . Kniia Ttieed and I Ir. Meed , lier hu- - t-and , nrst aiul : tj iii. : ie : inUnuvvn , Ili.nie and Mr. Pj.imer , Ilr t : 'nd le.u r , ooie.i-ecl , T. C. C : > : mon and Cannon , his wile , Adolpii Ahraiiain and Mr& . Aur > hum , ht-s wise , ilr t and real j'U'ne un- Miov.'ii anu ThJ ! Neclion ' > ! , lo xiislnp : . ; noiiii rai e 26 vse-t i.lh ; . in niv ( Je. : < 'r. I ntubJ Viili heii at tlie i > nt ( Jeer oi th ' euu.v tibe in Vulea tlueC ry County , Ne'rafa - . . tiitit r eo22 i i < u2td2nMiiren lu < . tiC.i < sttiU votii'i K aiiejd ou d > . . < i , o. i'i.rj.i.\ , _ ' u i ' . * .oi-K i. ; , , iO ,1 1 f > l I , .7 .111.I tljt ! -L . (1 I i < < u IN1'i'l : ! in , , i.il ai it < i > -ti uiiiH t.is * at J.u .li u l ! .1' o i i , . > r i < ! . lo-v it : > ' ) \ iei | . ui , in U.ioj'O County , Xt'lii u- Dated thla ; .0tli day of DecL'nibiv , AT ) . i.ill , C. A. Kosseier , ahoriil' \Valcolt \\'alcott Attys lor plaintiil. . } i'-5 Contest Notice. United States Lana Office , Valentine. Xeb December i'J , : ' . U. To Harry C. IMcehan of Overtoil. Xebr.iska , ontu.stee : "i ou art. hereby noliueci that Asa D. Fa gate who gives C'orrectionville , Iowa , as his yobto . ce uiiress did on theiird oi October. .Hi hie in th.s ottice hi' ? Uuly corroborated application to contest and secure the c.in- elation ot \ our houiestead , Eiitr.v No. IS'iJft faerui Me. C.ihio. ir.aac i cbruary i.Jtli. KUi * . lor ' itJl oi Set tionlie. . 'iownship'ih. Hange . ' "J. . est 01 ttie tsixth 1'riiit ipal Meridian , ana as -.rounds ior Ins contest he alleges that sain i-airy C Meehan liasholly abandoned the said land -nice the -ai Kiate'or entr ' . xou are. therctj-j. . lurcher notified that f.csaiii allegations \nA be taken by this eli - i ce as hivii.g been confessed by "yoa , anu > ui sai't eatry.ul be cam eieit "thereundei . ithout .tour rurtlier right to bo heard thcr _ - in. either bei re this oiilce or on appeai. il cii tail LO i .e in th's ollice within t\\entx ua\s alter tne l-OL'kili pubiicatiun or tins : , tire. a.s shov.n be.oiv. yo..r answer , unuei alh. hpeciiitaliy meeting and responding to n < se allegations ot contest , or itou tau Auinn lli t tune to ule in thibolice : .meprool Liiat jou have serv cu a copor j-onr answer a the saiu contestant ui pei > on. or by reg ii.Mi. it this service is niaue by tin f iti a i ton oi j ot.i answ er to the con- " i peisoi" proot il such .servu e mast e either the bai _ contestant's \\rii en ai.- t IHJ\id-t-UKiit oi Ins receipt of tne copv. iun * ing tlr- date ot us receipt , or the aflnaa- jt or the i eiMn by whom tne denvery was . .aue.stating u lieu unu i. here the copy v. as 4"iiverea' : ridue ! > j i.eg.stered niaii , prool r , - > ucli sc-r ice iust < on ist ol the aiTiuaut l the i-erstm bhom the copj * was mane ,4.ttii..j u hfti < mu the p'ist oliice to which u * < i.i uraiieu. ana tlii.s a' i.iav t mustbeaccora- , .naiCvt bthe postmaster's receipt ior che ' lou shoulu state in your answer the name I the p si otrue to v.-inch you desire fature joules to becut to 3 ou ouK. . Ofisos. Receiver. ; ate of f-rst publication Des cinber 2. . ; ( .U1. a e 11 strtoiu. puoiuauor. bccember . 1311 . .e ot ihira pubncauon Januarx * -1.1'-'ll ' uate ol tourtli publication JanuaVy 1-1 , 1J11. Aoticc to Creditors State ol'Xcbraska , . Couiuj ot cherr5b l.i u < < ni > . < \ ( id i \\t Inn i'.iu ! for Chf r tit't\ , r \-i"itiika . fiif unei i l he e-I.it" ol 'Ikos K. Dowi I o iiucr'diior nf iaui estate : You an-1 lii'ji'tij uotiU | < i. 'I hill IV I U sl : < it ( li > Couati < 'ou i liuuiii in V'alontiae hi ttiml e-jutit\ i the ilia Utj ot Jan i ; r.v. UH'J ' , , ii > ieiiai'd < \-tii'iit' til cl mis itr.iiu- > % i in fst.iti , \\ilii . \ nV1 < > ili < i- . - a i ill xxaiici- I he da o inn ILi I.Hit - } > "t-sfn iit.n t iniis ay.uiisi s iiu i-Bi.ih- 1- siutintli Imait iJTIii O.iv U .Jtl'y A i' 1911. utid n I nit' iiniitiMi bit p \iii - i 01 di-btb 1-5 oae > et < fioui sal i7' ' i ui > 01 . ) u x. I'Jll. \\itm- b inx n.iu' .11 ilu-si-al 1 S.IK ) shxl i iMinij o'tti i ib irli il .y i , ) M - 1:1 : ' . JA4I S C. OL'IIJ' ' ( Y , V2 3 vitinty linljit' . \V.ilf"H < v W ale 'tr. Attorneys. Pale-faced , v/eak , and shaky women who suffer every day with womanly weakness need the help of a gentle tonic , with a building action on the womanly system. If you are weak you need Cardui , the woman's tonic , becau.se Cardui will act directly on the cause of your trouble. Cardui has a record of more than 50 years of success. It must be good. S60 The Woman's Tonle Mrs. Effie Graham , of .Vf3 Willard Ky. "J , . , says ; was so v/eak I could hardly go. i suffered , nearly every month , for 3 years. When ! began to take Cardui , my back hurt awfully. I pnlyyeighgjj 99 pounds ! Kotlongatterj S I weighed ! 15. Now , I " * * 7 < do all work and * * f ? my , am in good health. " Begin taking Cardui , ioday. Button Trimming for dresses etc. , . is the latest. Save your scraps of cloth and lake thorn to the Red Front \vher tho.v can * bhow , v iu IS st.lis . including thr i new oblong shape made to or der , iS * , ' - ' ' * * . $ , , . t - Story of the Trials of an . Embryo Funny SVian. " 'i'-ilk ain.ut ink-lit or genius ou the singe. ' sjml l lie [ iroiupter. "I have seen more > : ; < ess niiiuug1 su-tor-i from awideut thnn nuj' other cause except not trying. " " \Vlmt do you uienn ? " aslied the playwright. "Do you Unov. * ho'.v Sothern senior came in for his first success : " "Yes ; I've heard that story. They say that when lie \vent on the stage as Lord Dtintlreary he trippi'd and c-auglit his step. The audience laugh ed , and he kept , it up. " "And did you ever know how Milton ttuggh's got to he the grei't funny man he was : " "Xo : I never heard that. " "It was ( his wa.v : Uurglos vrlien no fiv-'i s arietl - ' ' too ! : a f.ui'iy tlint he cou.d phiy iiirlit fouiedy. esppci.-t'ly the lar.Ahabie parts. He had . - . very dro'l way v ; itu Ijim that loo' ; -tii : his frii-itds. and \vhen they learae.l that he was going on the stage to to that business they all agreed he v 'ould make a Gucces" ? of it. So great wtis the promise that he se-ured an en gagement in a roaring faive arul : jet about studying it. The truth is that a good deal h.uitg on his success. JIo had married without a cent in tlu- world a lovely girl , and liie question vras hov. * to live. Kuggles bpesl vrcek. = in practicing the most luJrrcua fca tnres of his part and when lie \veni on the stage for his debut lir'il done all that study could do to in-ilia a hit "I was there. I had scan the p ! : . before , and when lingerie's eair.e en ! expected at the first funny IJI"H : S t pee the , aiu'ience rplit with la'/'A'.i.u" \Vhat was iy j-urpii'e to see the.i : r > ' as quiet as if at a ru".eul. : 'n > \o-'l or us. friends of the ( Ic'.K''r'iil. : ' : ) - ) ! ; . ' vociferously , but the luovoment d u : ' extend leyond our little circle.Ve' ' ! throughout the wliole p'.ay the a"S"n'- < maintained the aaii'o dciennn.and a : the end of Hie tlrrd act tu > poor v. i1' could not control h"r tea-s any lo""e < o to avoid their effect on her lius'm " she le-t tlie the.iter. "Y\'ha : v/as tlio CUPO of tlio f.iilur1 * \ve coukln't any of ns tell r.p.k/u it w.is that Iluggles lul . - fuelled nil til ? i-a1 uralnosR ort of him : r\l t > .e fii : v.-- forced. His mi' : : : : : rr stud : ' y I : ' M a " ' . told him that he v/ouM ! i'e t- jr.h"u in a scros ! part. Iliggjr - ipe.l at tit ! > ch.ir.ce and undertone a pallvtii- charnctei' . a man who l > : 'd run down Into hnJ'by genti'ity nun endeavored to pr.ivifl- ilvig f r his family. "Vv'e were ail \e'y fed : of Ruggles and turiK',1 o".t in a bnly to erccu"av : hira In this recund and prolv.bly In--'t a' ten'pt to earn a living by acting for bi little wife , whom we loved as much a ? we loved her uuslr.ud. "The evening came round , and we had drummed up a very gou hoyre The Ftnr came 0:1 : In t'ruiltl.l ! . ' o. " the Hrrt net. lie v-'as dre-u\l in a t'lve-Ui- ' hare suit of black and had on a rueful countenance. Sir.uoliow tlr e.Tecr. in stead of being lum'-v.-ior. : " . wu : lurl- crous. I cast my eye on the : iii'en : 'e nnd saw an incipient smile. If wr-- snipreFeil ] , l a pvar. till Fiuggios be gun to speak h : ' ? linps. wlien i' broaJ ened and at the first bit of path'-- broke into broid laughter. "I i ever shall foriret the enn- on poor Ilu gles * f.ic. . For a : :5.rn : ! > e was really a man of mviVe. : rvl audiei'ce quic-tod down into { jerio'vn Kuggles pulled h'ins&lf ' t \ tier : and ' " -i"t' awhile he went on with ui P'i"f- - " did venW"ll. . but J 00:1. t'r - " ; > .tl-g t'n > blow he ha-1 reccive-1 at evcK'Mg h'Ugh- ter inste-ul of tears , Uo Itecame liis nat ural self once more aul at the next re- curren'-e of a climax in pathos gave it 5-0 ludicrously that not only the audi ence. but this time his clix Ie of fiiends burst into laugiiter. "The effeitvnti so distressing upon the aitc.r that ho ltf ( Hie stage. In going out he turned to ca t a lnak of reproach at the jiudience. Had he been trying to uiimi.- the expression ct a crushed tragedian he cou'.d not Inve done it. His natural expression gave it perfe.-t'y. ' Kveiy | : erson in t'-'P ' ' Iliea- tcr shouted. TliQ curtain was rung duwn , but the audlen'e thum-ed ; a"-1 palled 'IJuir-iles ! ' lor ten minutes. The manager becged hirn to make the best of a bad job and go before the uirlnia. bow and retire , after whMi an au- noricom , ut would be made that the t play would not proceed. " Then came what T call Kuugles'reii- ius. He spired upon the success. ; > f failure and turned } t t > a sj-jendid a-- couut. ( ining before the furtr.in. with out trying to overdo the matter he made what he would have considered a speech full of sorrow for hifailure. . Retirng amid deafen5ug applause , lie. , resolved to let \lie \ vest ofys \ \ \ irgn \ \ as fayc 'al , continue TO act inturaily. only orrasSonally intensifying his eiiio- tions. : id play it out to the end. The result -.vas that he was cal'ed ' before the curtain after every act and at the close received an ovation. "T'mr ' the wuy Rutrgles get ic be a funny man. ppfnrp he left the tho-ter he , Ijad signed for an eniragemeut at $200 a vreek. A plnywriirht sat up a" pif.ht re-ic-4ing : the play to Ljaice it rpajly coaiic. anfl it \ \ \ , \ \ for tir nlr' ' ihvay-s hul : his plays written expressly for Iiiai. always drew liijr houses aid innde a forfuno. "Siafni'jir. " s.M : the plny-nrirln thonirhrf ly. "fiijif thp IK J. hnth in plays a ill their actors < spoiHiineons. Hard stuly ruay somctlinei ; do it. bm never wih the bountifil success of a trf , t - J - ' , --i. . 1 \ . Old Crow , All Leading Brands a.d Bofciled Under the iiner Supervision of the1 Whiskeys. U. S'Gey. . .fllso handle the Budw iser B er. % iJ.t oAL HENRY STRTTER , , Proo'r. M VORKED-FOSTH C -AFEIYO'fYOUK-fiONE - - - - WifEN-IT-IS-IN-A > , by Cr , l'inr.c : an Cc.--Mo. CS1" EN order to furnish proper banking protection , President Lincoln and his first congress established the Xationa'l Bank which operates under , government supervision. : From time to time adcli- tional laws have bei'ii passed under the different .presidents shown above strengthening the protec tion a National B nV i"- -fords. . Thus the confidence and- * security that comes with rt'he possession of money in the bank is greatly en hanced when it is in a Na tional "Bank,1 for'.here it has safe-guard every pos sible for human ingenuity to devise. In selecting a bank iu which to deposit your suvin or surplus funds the one drug to be considered is safety , and we ask for your busi ness only on the basis of ab solute safety. Call at bank and let us explain toj you how safe your money' ' is here. First National Ban Valentine , Nebraska FOB AG.ED PEOPLE fJ ) ! Folks Should Lc Carefui in Tuslr Selec tion of Regulative FrlociLir.e. We have a s-ifp , dopf'noHhh' and .v acJapt.cd to liu * re- ' s of nm-d ptv > p ! -irj-I Duller frm c ( ustip'iti' > n or oiltor bo\vi' ! disorders \Vt > : ir so cer tain that it will n-lh-vi' ibn o c ni- paint ! < at d iri\e ahsolut * sati-f ; c lion in evcr.v nartieuUr that ir. sh ll eo > t th < n-i\r noth > nj if < it fails to stihstantiatp our o'ai'ii ' Thi < rpmi-d.\ . CH ! ] M | K.-xtll Qr derlies. Rcxall Qnlprjioa are i ifon ju-t lil < Ppar.d.V , ro pirticid-i-lv prompt and a rei-ai ) ! * * in ; vcfi ' . may be takpn at any tiiif.- ' , d-i.v r niulit ; do not C'lusp diirrhopa , nau oa , jjripiny , ox'cf-s ivp In i > - nrs'i nr other undesiruMi- . c1-- ? The.V haye a v T.nii'd ' hut po .i tivo action upon the orjrui- with * which the ; , t5nnie in contact , ap- i parrnliy nciti ! i as a rci/nUiive tonic upon ilie relaxi'd niuci'la coat of the boxvel. tliusovt'rcominir weaUncFs , and aiding to re tov the bowels { o nif > re vijsor/jns and healthy activity. Th pp ci// . 10c2oc. . and 50c. S > ! d < > j Jv at , our store The Eexall Store. Cr , 'Jb ' Olia iftaiii * o ( k t 'To Accomplish'Your Purpose of SK'nimnliiling n competence fo > - ell HOconforts ; you need the help , the : i > sih ! { > nce of a good b.mKing connexion In every man's life theie conies a time when thh help is vcrj necessary to - } the canning out of his plans , the complete fulfillment of his pur3 pose. If yon do not fully mirlerstanrl jnst how or in what way an account at this l > : i"k will h lp you come in and let us explain how it can be u.-e l to huild up your eietlit ; how it will help you in many other ways. ! . 71 ! ri T. s n f ANK * IVj'os'.ts ! : : ths1 Mi ! ; : MV protected by theDepositor's | FtnHl'o. tJ.c r.tute o , Xinslia. . 3V | ! . . ! ' i1 JJ-gi 1 * F ! OPENIMG DISPLAY in Guaranteed Hosiery 4W. for the entire family. 4W.M' " ' i Four pairs in box $1.00 ( the better grades5 three pairs. ) Though guaranteed to wear , yel their style and quality are equal to the most expensive kind or hosiery. n sczia ffiC i : L ± = ta Ask I. M. Rice about 3 O - & * t /rfi LO ii alila L German Fire insurance Co. of Omaha , backed by the - National or Hartford v/ith $11.000,000 , guarantying ' every policy. As sound as the "Rock of Qibralter. " The Northwestern Life Ins. ' - Co. of Milwaukee writes the most liberal policy in ! : Ordinary Life , Endowment , or Payment plan. Ycur" cannot lose a dollar that yon spend with this com- . pany. A dollar is'worth 100 cents the day you spend " * i it and increases every day , and is always within your ra h , gro > vin for you. Call on I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. ARE YOU GOING TO DO any building or r.3pairin in the spring ? If so , I respectfully request ycur patronage. All kinds of carpenter work cone in an npto = cfate manner. House painting , calcimiaing and interior finishing a ' specialty. Plans draws to scale and blue prints made. Chas. M. Eads Box 5 Nebraska