Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 11, 1912, Image 1

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1 - Volume 27 , No. 1 VALENTINE , NEBE. , TipUESDAY , JANUAET 11 , 1912. ' ? 1.LO per year.
In the Maish Conifort ycu get Warmth with'
out V : 'eight.
Nothing pxba.u MS , vc u.o us heavy bed clothes.
The Maish Comfort is luxuriously warm , yefc
, - ' Hi&li.t ancl Jlvitfy. Wish it you can bleep in "cold , . \ et be pi-jfccii\ \\urfn We have
v ; * ; them in exquisite dft itnis and jalterns. Come
in and ask us to show them to you and see the
soft , laminated coltcn t bit goes into them.
Piice cacii
rv /WV A n VYY
X. O f * * " " " & * > B C H " * 4
This cut shows ODC of the
extreme tests which these
.watches undergo. Call in
and let. us show them to you.
Oilier Ptn-tsds.Hl Los such : is Elgin Jiilh * iu at d
Hum ; ] ( < ] > , jt ; i'gh1 pi ces Ymu- for Inspection
W o ' 'j 19 fL * tf * EtL--
Typewriter Supplies , ai The Democrat Office.
* * * *
I W y F r
bif &rxi-3 tsss
| As we have a large , stock on ham we caia S
sell at Lo-wesi : PrlceSo
ir "
Fische 1
> (
\ - j fo s 5rJ5ae2 ! ;
Any size buttons covered with |
your own material.
Bring the scraps from that new gown and get , .
buttons while you wait. SV
-V *
Johnson's Millinery ,
„ Red Front Hardware4 Co.
\i\ \ \
iW Headquarters For Electrical Supplies
Carry the Largest and Best Line of
Carbon and Mazada Lamps
Sad Irons Stoves Warming Pads
Toasters Curling Iron Heaters
Electrical Fixtures of all Kinds.
Electric Wiring , Plumbing , and Heating ,
Our Specialties.
Red 'Front Hardware Co.
P. II. Young was in town tlicj
firs ! of i ho. week * .
f.a a DAU Soars returned to'the ranch
Tuesday morning.
J. E. Thackrey visited in town
the fore part oMhevee.k. .
! ' a. k M'i .1 -VMS from
J\VF. ! Nova Barker is visiting
wiih Mr. and"Airs. B. L Johnson.
K-m Bracktjtt , of Kig ! < > ro was
„ in town a couple of days this
W E. Packenham ot Kennedy
. here for several da.\s during
tht1- past week.
HouardVii.son , county clerk
of Brown county , .was in Valen
tine I ) ! ( { ; i. > .
Do i Hi is Quiver , arrested on a
cattle stealing charge , \vas bound
over to the district court.
. ) . Brood , former agent at
Rosebud , registered from "Every
where' ' at The D-umher this week.
Mo : n > Si-.inn atif ( .MrM t\\\ \
Lee oi Gordon were married b.\
Coi.nry .Judge QuigJey on Tues
day. Jan 2
0W ' has ivuinis-tj "to
Norfolk jifler spending several
ay vi hison ; * VMI and
fsnul.and . in nv f ivied- ;
I > I. JMiMSon ii.'Siimed hi- du
ties al .lie express fiice. TiK-'sday
morning hivi'g ; ocet ) on IMP si < k
li. t the past ten da.vs
J. T KeeK-y , clerk of the dis
trict court is getting .out . : > ubpoe.- >
' * * '
% *
nas for witnesses to appear-'be fore
the grand j'iry ' which convenes on
Feb. 26.
Mrs. Frank Kletecka and chil
dren Dave and E'-i * ' re. ; urne 1 Fri
day from a IH intii1 viit with rel
atives in Uaz-jlton and Sioux City ,
AMX | McAlevy the newly install
ed commissioner from the second
district is attending the session of
the county board this week Mr.
McAlevy is hobbling around on
crutches , the result of a freight
wagon passing over his left f < : > t.
Chas it B 'o-vn returned to
Vale.ntinr M ; > n < U.v to spend the
winter. Chr'ln been work
ing out on tin ? D.nvell ranch ihn
past few months and before
inji to Y' l' > nim' vi-ifed himofh -
er at Superior and friendin Lin
coln ,
Mrs. Mary Shields and dauirhfer
have returned to their home in
Giil < M.te , W.\o. Mrs S.'iields o-.mfi
to Valentine be.foro the holidays
for a visit with her parents , Mr.
and Mrs J. P. Jordan
Chase-LiMer Theatrical Co. ,
placed here the past thr e nights ,
to largo atuli"nrps This com
pany has pli.\ : i d here for several
years : md the theatre goers of
1 Vsili ittine look" foi'wurd Jo their
corningit.h < l 'e \ \ ith rhicom - j
oan.v * ii' - ( -lint ami i es.-ie Hobi/ ;
.Tin1 Ch is. Lister ( . \ > would liP
; good withoutthis pair of cut-up * .
I but with them they cannot be out-
' ' '
Mif-s Mao O'Kecfe , aged 28
years , died at the honte of her
panntR , Mr. and Mrs : J : T.
O'KeefeV -sr , of \\rc od Lake , on
; hud been in failing hetrkh for
j some time and but recently re
turned from Phoenix , Arizona
where she had gone seeking.ta
find in that climate a cure for her
affliction. She leaves jier ;
parents , three - brothersaiid * 't v6'
sisters and many warm friends
who mourn her loss. The funeral
was held from St. Nicholas church
on Monday , Rev. "Father HI iere
ollicii ing. Bur. } ] was in Mt.
Land Office Notes.
} , During the month of Drc mher
; /fthe local office allowed thi''ty-thre -
j Hiornestead entries. , aggregating
: 10,039 acres ; twenty three final
proofs , aggregating 11,24:8 acres.
eleven public sales , aggreg
j 1,405 ac'res.
Among those who h , ve b ug n
l.ind at public 'sale recently are :
tJ.unes M lianna 80 acres , John
B Carver 40 acres. Marion B
Gilchrisfi-10 acres , Ado.0 - Smith
SO acres , Li/xie J. Gordon 4o
acres , John E Enders J20 acres' .
Harriet E. Nolte 40 acres , How
ard 0 VVilson SO acres , Columbia
Penn 160 acres in Brown count\ ;
.Joseph Seaclore 200 acres , Erastns
[ L. Sellers SCO acres William F.
Denny 100 aero ? . , James T. Gal
loway 40 acres , 'Ajiliam K. Pack-
en ham r > " 0 acres , PIvrmin : Bur-
j tinjihaus SO acres , \ \ illiam Det-
gen 40 acres , Gardner H. Folsom
4 ! ) acres. Barton Nicklin oOO acres ,
James L. Hibbs 40 acres in Cher
ry county.
The attention of p < - inter
ested in public land al s is called
to the fact that it is a criminal of
fense to enter into agreements
wh'eh prevent , free comp tit5 < p.
benve.i-n inieniling purcheis of
isolated tracts Section 2--57. > of
'the ' Revised SlatllJes n ! the Ujiitul
S'iti-s : provides that :
/'Any person -vho , before or : it
the. u ii ! ' of the public s.ilo of an.\
of tu- ; laidof tise Ufiited State ,
, contrac's or agrees , or
' ,
attempts to b-irgun , contract or
agree with any other person , that
; ! ; fr ? Ha3t named -.person shall not
bid upon or purchase the land of- for sale , ormy parcel thereof -
of , ' " shill be lined not more
tlvui one thousand dollars , or im
prisoned n t mre than two yi irs ,
or both. "
Persons , therefore , who jjefc to
gether before a land salt ; at this
ouice and agree that one of them
shall bid on the land , so that corn-
petition between them shall be
avoided , are corainittintr a crimi
nal offense which nviy result in
prose.cuti < n Several such prose
cutions have recently been com
menced by the government in the
Kipid City land dS-trict in
- , C"i-
rciionviti ! public ltnd ; .sal.-s.
Test Seed Corn.
Every farmer among our read
ers should te > t his seed corn and '
nowis , the time to do it , . If , \ < > u
wait , until spring other dutie- . will ,
occupy your time. The Novern- j
ber freeze killed the < ierminatin r |
power of a great percenMge of
corn and you sh > .i ! I kuo.v.vhit
you are planting If you wish in
formation as to how to test the
seed corn , write W. R. Mellor ,
rfecretarv of Agriculture , Lincoln , j
and he wi 1 send you' instructions.
D- > this now.
Did yu ( ever let a good thing i
slip ? Ge.t bu < y then before this' '
on * * is gnne and let S. K. loses
heip v 015 to trade thai G4D aoes
for a good home in southeastern
Kansas. Have a 240 acre firm
for sale at § 37 50 an acre , all till-i
able. . Other land for sale or trade. |
KW particulars addre-s , S. K.
s , AUoona , Kansas i
Estrayed or Stolen.
Eleven head of young cuitle brand-
eil O C on lefr hip and right side , i
LHS s en Mnith of ( 'rnok-ton on ,
Dec 20 Koiif.J F. K'-lhr , {
Cro ( kstjn , Nebr. 52
Food sale by the ladies of the.
Presbyterian church , at H enigV
store. on Saturday , January 20 , at
10 o'clock.
Hero is \romin who speaks from per
sonal knowledge and long' experience ,
viz. , Mrs. P. n. Brogau , of Wilson , Pa. ,
who says , ' I Icnov from experience that
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is fsr superior - 1
perior to any other. For croup there is s
nothing that excels it. " For sale by
; F3-v h froM & &
A Vw < ff I H
on Ladies' and Men's Fur and Fnr-
Ir'vd Ov rco ts from $16 to
Ladias5 Suits from § 12.50 to
Ladies' and Men's Felt Shoes and.
All heavy- winter gosds included
in the special prices. ;
These prices ara on for two weeks
only , commencing January 6t"li. /
Do not IB : S3 this sale.- ,
Wo MoeoJg % Prop.
-A. bad cold is toe itost
dangerous comincn ilkess
3p.v V v-- \ / y 7 x ? xr . /V , fi
Ss * K < 7 ( u SWxM ,
ifp"v DJs/-'y v. - A x Ko.53 t .is easy lo acquire but is us easy to
. get rid of or if yon try our.iy
r V .T' A 77 x * /f" > TT fi " > ' f 7T * \ . TT l TT ' 5TP ! < v
EX ALL CoLU . .1 ABLb-fS
Corauoundoi ] of feh- finest dru .is fro n the for iniia of a f imous '
physician If taken in tine , h "H guarantee 1 to- relieve the
coRijpstion caused by phlegm , to cur.- that , tightness in
the head , to stop that co.i h and Ur < : ive .you a pleasant - < _
ant feelinjr of relief. It , is a sifo ai ? 1 sure rem
edy with a lon j record .f eurestoitscre-lic-
Cari be taken I y younjr or olJ.
Send or call for a package at once , pric
% -sea rses Kses TK JEa - cfti : K : :2cSf5 : ? f |
8T t ! X V !
Tr I 1 $ * & v r CT f > - 0 > -ri l Z
Tv : 11 Cict O flHOii I
S Fine Wines and ft
, Liquors Cigars > 1
; 4
Bourbon Whisides : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , Shcrv/ocd ,
Hermitage ,
Cedar Brook , Sqnny Brcok , .
Spring Hill , arid 29/year/old fi.I
and Jas , E , Pepper , O , F , C. Taylor , I * .
These \vhiskies vrere purchased in bond i
and came direct from the U. h > . goy-
eriirnciit warehouse. They are guar
K anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Sar ? Hcnnsssy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported ' s
Gordon and DeKuypcr Gins , Guinncss's Extra Stout.
Bass Aie. Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
I Valentine Nebraska |
'X-2 ? Z& J&Ztttt&-S. v2/
Stetter & Tobien