Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 04, 1912, Image 8

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    Commissioners Proceedings.
Oct. 4. 1911.
G Carlson , repairs , court
house , § 1395
K. L. Steen , assessors fees ,
1910 , 21 00
Gertrude Jordan , stamped ,
envelopes-Co. Treas. , 107 40
G B Fehmerlincr. repairing
basement , court house , 15 90
GM Gaskill , Pub. Treas.
semi-annual statement , 21 50
I M Rice , same , . 2300
Alfred Lewis , viewing dead
body , ThoraarBelsky , 5 00
Alfred Lewis , inquest , Thos.
Belsky , Deceased , 16 7C
Alfred Lewis , coroner's fees , 12 lc
Alfred Lewis , fees , case
C P Sellers , deceased , 52 7C
Alfred Lewis , fees , casa
CL Hamilton , -54 6C
C R Kinkead , constable-fees-
insanity case Rose Seadore , IS 5C
Theo. S Vian , witness , Thos.
Belsky , deceased , i 10
Leo J Rogers , ? ame , 1 10
Ed Belsky , same ,
Mrs. FJ Wilbur , nursing
paupers , GOC
Red Front Merc. Co. , sup-
plies-pau pens , 222 ;
A M ISenhart , supplies-
Geo. Hammond , 82C
Mrs. R Howe , boarding pau
per , 13 OC
G ii Hornby , burial expan
ses-paupers , ' 97 4.C
Mrs. B I Johnson , supplies-
pauper , 2 00
James Felch , boarding pau
pers , 650
Peter HODS , giurliag pris > n-
ers a- night , 132 5 J
Peter Hoes , jailor's fees ,
night guard , Sept , 75 Oi
t ) W Hilsinger , sil iry Sept. ,
I9il-guarding jail , 60 Ou
I > VV Hilsingar , j lil , 144 0 )
SFGilman , light etc 25 2
S F Gil.nan light court H 13 3
C A Ros-eter ; , Bailor's fees
ana fees , 172 50
C A Rosseter , services as
sheriff , 16105
0 A Rosseter , salary , etc. , 79-i 60
CA Rosseter , sa'a y and
.T , 'Xpense-.Iune 16 enC
C A Rovseter , hoarding pris
oners , 205 00
F A Curabow , expense-
April , 23 SO
F A Cumbow , expense-
May , . 23 nd
, F A Curabnw , court costs-
state vs. Benedict , - 130n
FA Curabow , sa.lary-2nd \
quarter 19LJ' 100 Od
F A Curabow , < ? our . . feas.
Adj. Apr. it-nu , 1911 , 24 50
F A Cumbow. .fees iu crimi
nal cases , 73 50
F A Cumbow , expense-
July , 1911 , 2246
F A Cumbow , expense-
Sept. 191J , 910
FA Cumbow , salary & fees 145 5C
F A Cumbow , partial fee-
tax list , 1 11 , ' 500 Od
F A Cumbow , expf-nse-
Augus' . , 1911 , 2025
G H Hornby , Reg. fees , 6 OD
Mrs. Jane Tische , Reg. fees , 1 25
L D Cole , juror-Tnos. Bel-
sky , deceased , 1 10
James VV King , same , . 1 10
Joseph S Cole " 1-10
J S Marr , " 1 10
J R Duraintt , " 1 10
JHTrp.pton , " 110
Max E Viertel , primary elec
tion fee-1911 ,
Albert Pike , same , '
Henry Sauerwein , "
A B Overman. "
Jens .
M W A Hall , Crookston ,
use of house ,
S J Heth , primary election
fees ,
T J Christo ] h > r , same ,
M F Cyhus , " /
J A Adamson , 7J
H A Davis , } >
William Gibson 400
EPErikeon 400
O VV Pearson 400
Frank Reed 40o |
A L Stewart ' 2260
William Qibson - 200
L C Starr I 15 60 j
Phillip Nelson 400
ASttele 400 ,
Oatmeal Macaroons.
Come , all ye little- would be cooks.
And join our m.-rry band :
Learn to prepare the toothsome foods
Enjoyed throughout the land.
Put on your caps and aprons quaint.
Set out two bowls and spoons.
And butter well your biscuit tins
For oatmeal macaroons.
The sugarcane ! the butter mix
Till creamy as can be.
Then add the beaten yolk of egg
And stir most thoroughly.
In another bowl the dry things put ,
The oatir.eal ami the salt.
Stirred with the baking powder till
They blend without a fault.
Next mix the contents of the bowls
And add vanilla , too.
And last the well whipped white of egg
Most thoroughly mixed through.
Then drop the mixture from a spoon ,
Two inches space between.
In little bits no larger than "
A tiny lima bean.
St. Nicholas.
Turning Water Into Milk.
For the trick you will need some limewater -
' water , a. glass tumbler ami a rod of
, glass or a piece of broken window pane
I small enough to be used for stirring the
1 contents of the tumbler and so long
thnt the water will not get on your fin
gers. You can buy enough limewater
, from the druggist .for f cents , or you
can make it yourself by dropping bits
of 'unslaked lime intothe amount of
water you are goinj ? to use. Drop tiny
bits at a time and wait until each is
dissolved before you drop the next , b
cause the chemical combination of the
lime and the water generates great
heat. Li mo is calcium oxide. Com
bined with Water i't makes calcium hy
Set before your guests the tumbler of
lime wafer , which does not look differ
ent from pure water. Tell the company
that your breath is magic aud will turn
the water into milk and then breathe
into the tumbler , stirring the water
with the glass rod after each breath.
The water will turn white , and the
white will become more dense as you
continue breathing.
What have you done ? You have
-made a second chemical combination ,
without heat this time. The carbon
dioxide in your. breath has combined
with the calcium hydroxide and pro
duced water aud calcium carbonate ,
which is what chalk and limestone are
made of. You would better warn your
friends that there is chalk in the milk
you serve , because pretty soon the
white powder that made the water
opaque will sink to the bottom of the
tumbler , leaving clear water above it.
Tom Tiddler's Ground.
A game that used to be played by
our graildparcuts and by their grand
parents ( only under another name ) is
Tom Tiddler's ground. There must be
at least three players. One is chosen
to be Torn Tiddler , and his ground is
the lawn or the yard any part of the
ground marked off as his domain. Tom
Tiddler gets on to his ground and. shut
ting his eyes as he stands , nreteiids to
be asleep. Then the other players ven
ture upon the ground , singing :
Hero Tarn on Tom Tiddler's ground.
Picking up gold and silver that's round.
As Tom continues to play at being
asleep , the poachers go closer and
closer to him. when suddenly Tom Tid
dler makes a dash aud tries to seize
upon one of them. If he succeeds in
grasping hold of oven the garment of
mo of the players the one thus caught
bcvome.s Tom Tiddler , and the Orst
Tom Tiddler becomes one of the poach
ers. If he fails to grasp hold of a
player , however , the game goes on as
before , continuing till one of them is
Geographical Game.
Seat the players in a ring. Let tbe
first one say aloud the name of a city ,
mountain , river , lake. etc. . located in
any part of the world or in any divi
sion of the earth agreed upon. The next
' : : . er must give a name beginning
wi'h the last letter of the name pre
viously given , and the third must sup
ply one beginning with the final letter
of the second , and so on around the
circle for example. America. Athens ,
Santiago. Omaha , Antwerp. Peru. /
Each player is allowed thirty seconds
in which to think. If by the end of
that time he fails to give a name he
must drop out of the game. The one
who keeps up longest is the champion.
Any player may at any time be chal
lenged to give the geographical loca
tion of the place he has named. If he
cannot do this he must pay a forfeit.
When the King Travels.
When the ruler of England travels
an engine is carefully selected. In
charge of an experienced engineer and
fireman. A pilot engine always pre
cedes tbe royal train , and no train la
allowed to cross ( he main line for halt
nn hour before the time fixed for the
king to pass. The gates nt nil grade
crossings are locked , all shifting op
erations are suspended , and an army
of trackwalkers is on duty to remove
my obstruction from the line. Iu ad
dition to this , a telegram is sent from
every station heralding his approach.
Altogether it must bo quite an event
when he takes a trip , but the general
traveling public cannot enjoy it.
Punctuality at School. *
Punctuality at school is more impor-i
Lant than is usually appreciated , for it
cultivates an important trat | of char-
icter which is an excellent one to ac
quire. As a rule , there is little excuse
Cor boy or girl being late in tbe class
room , for both can calculate juct ho\r
eng it takes to reach the scho'ol build-
np from Iholr homs. Then it IsjoWy a
matter of leaving home in time to be
n their seats before the 0 o'clock bell
n *
Kirby , New Head of Amateur
Athletic Union.
Gustavus T. Kirby , the new presi
dent of the Amateur Athletic union , is
one of the most popular men that ever
held the position. For many years he
has been inuentified with the sport and.
according to friends , is better posted
en field athletics than any other man
'in ( he country. Mr Kirby succeeded
Everett C. Brown of Chicago as head
of the union.
Pitcher Bailey Likes Minor League.
j Bill Bailey , the young southpaw , does
not want'to pitch for the St. Louis
Browns next Reason. He was turned
over to the Montgomery Southern asso
ciation team last season and is eager
to return to that city , where he had
more luck than in many campaigns.
Owner Hedges has refused to turn him
back to the Southern leaguers and says
1 he expects Bailey to reward him for
1 some of the four years' salary he paid.
Bailey won few games for the Browns.
The former Texas sidewheeler claims
' he can make ! ? GOO more each season by
remaining with Montgomery than by
rejoining the Browns.
Pittsburgh Spent Fortune on Players.
The Pittsburgh club iu 1911 spent
more money for ball players than any
1 other t\vo clubs. The outlay of each
I ciub in the major leagues was as fol
lows :
National Pittsburgh , $40.000 ; Bos
ton , $ GOr > 0 ; Brooklyn , $10,930 ; Phila
delphia , $8,450 ; St. Louis , $9,750 ; Cin
cinnati. $21,800 ; New York. $10,750 ;
Chicago , $14,000.
American Chicago , $2o.7SO ; St. Lou
is , $14,450 ; Philadelphia , $13,750 ; De
troit , , $7.850 ; Cleveland , $20,850 ; Wash
ington , $13,900 ; New York , ? 25,000 ;
Boston , $25,800.
Yale May Taks Up Boxing.
Properly restricted and safeguarded ,
boxing might prove an acceptable form
of intercollegiate sport , in the opinion
of Dr. William G. Anderson , director
of the Yale gymnasium , but it would
have to be freed from the "knockout"
and "any other element that has
proved hurtful to boxing. " Discussing
the question. Dr. Anderson suggests a
meeting of representatives of different
colleges and universities for the pur
pose of giving the subject careful con
IntcrcoHegiate Ice Hockey.
Most all the big college sevens have
beguu hockey practice for the approaching
preaching season. Few of'the teams
have been able to practice on ice. and
the majority of them have had to de
vote Iheir attention to armory work.
Columbia is working out at the St.
Nicholas skating rink , in New York ,
and Harvard's puck chasers are pre
paring in the rink in Boston.
One Armed Bowler Sets Record.
Ned Nelson , the one armed bowler
of the O'Leary team , rolled a record
breaking total of 711 recently in Clii-
cage for the individual titJe in the city
pin tournament. This is the highest
mark ever made iu the Chicago tour
nament , inaugurated in 1904.
Probst to Lead Syracuse.
Right Tackle Archibald Rudie Probst
was % elected captain of the Syracuse
eleven for the 1012 season. The se
lection was .made on a street car
while the members of the team were
returning from the game with the St.
Louis university recently.
Thomson to Captcin Michigan Eleven.
George "Bottles" ' Thomson of Cadil
lac. Mich. , has been elected"captain of
the University of Michigan football
team. Thomson played fullback - during
ing the season Just closed.
Mehdcn Great Cuban Pitchsr.
Mendez , flio Cuban pitcher , would be
Worth approximately § . " 0.000 to any
American club if he were onljr a white *
Ttajfrf . t
* ' * * f * "
It Has Baen Proved That Microbe !
Cause Baldness.
Professor Unna of Hamburg
Germany , anil Dr. Sabourand , the
leading Freach dermatologist , dis
covered that a microbe causes bald
ness. Tneir theory has time anc
again been amply verified througl
research experiments carrie.'Lon un
der the observa ion of eminent
scientist ? . This microbe lounges ii
the Sebum which is the natural hail
oil , and when permitted to flourish
it destroys the hair follicles and ir
tine the pores entirely close , anc
the sctl.p gradually takes .on r
slimy appearance. When thU
hippens there is uo hope of tha
growth of the hair being revived.
We have a remedy which will ,
we honestly believe , remiwe dan
druff , exterminate the microbe , pro
mote good circulation in the scal {
and around the hair roots , tighter
and revitalize the hair roots , aud
overcome baldness , so long as there
is any life left in ihe hair roots.
We back up this statement with
our own personal guarantee thai
this remedy called Rexall " 93" Hair
Tonic will be suvplie'd free of all
cost to the user if it fails to do as
Wd state.
It will frequently help to restore
gray and faded hair to its original
color , providing loss of color has
been caused by disease ; yet it is in
no sense a dye. liexall ' ' 93" Hair
Tonic accomplishes these results by
aiding in making every hair root ,
follicle , and pigment gland strong
and active , and by stimulating a
natural flow of coloring pigment
throughout the hair cells
We exact no obligations or prom
ises we Himply ask you to give
Rexall " 93" Hair Tonic a thorough
trial and if not satisfied tell us and
we will refund the money you paid
for it. Two sizes , prices 50 cents
and § 1 00. Remember , you can
obtain it in Valentine only at our
store The Rexall Store. G. A.
Teachers' Meeting.
Janurary 13 , 1911
The Teacher and the School ,
G. W. Eaton.
Agriculture , Chapt. 14-16 ,
Mr. Cowan.
Domestic Science , Miss Stuckey.
Discussion , Mrs. Amelia McLean.
Great American Educators ,
Miss Brown.
Ethics for children , Miss Gordon.
Uses of School Library in Ru
ral School , Helen Hupter.
Discussion of Books Suitable for
School Library ,
Edna-Hobson , Myrtle Searby.
School Room Ventilation ,
Hiram Newman.
What Constitutes an Education ,
Ada Smith.
The regular time of meeting is
the se9ond Saturday of each
84 acre farm for sale. Good
house ; fair barn ; 45 acres alfalfa ;
25 acres fenced hog .tight ; all un
der fence ; all tillable ; 1 mile
from town. This is certainly a
fine farm , and cheap at . § 4,800.
Address , S. K. Imes , Altoona ,
Here is a woman \vho speaks from per
sonal knowledge aud long experience ,
viz. , Mrs. P. H. Brogan , of Wilson , Pa. ,
who says , "I know from experience that
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is far su
perior to any other. For croup there is
nothing that excels it. " For sale by
Chapman , the druggist.
Well pipe at lowest prices at
Fischer's Hardware.
Guardian's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given thnt In pursuance
jf nn order of the Hon. AV. H. Westover.
Incite of the District Court of Cherry Ooun-
; y , Nebnisk'n. mntle on the 25th day of No-
rum her. jyil lor .the sale of real estate liere-
nnltcr described , there will be sold tit pub
ic venelure to the highest .bidder for cash
it the Iront door of the Court House in the
I'illnpe of Valentine in said County on the
! 0th day of Jauuary , MilrJat the hour of ten
) 'clock a. iu. the lollowlng described real
! Stnto , to-wft : South Hail of No'th Half ,
South Half , Section JO , Southeast Quarter of
Southeast Quarter , Section a , West Half of
northwest Quarter , Section 15 , Township J ,
orth , Range 8 , West , Cherry County , Ne-
miKka , said sale will remain open ono hour.
Wi H. Hndlcy , guardian of Frank , Hutt-
er , minor heir oi Irene E. Huclley , foimerly
i reno E. Miller , deceased , by
il-1 Walcott < fc Wulcoit , His Attorneys.
' "
- / *
L "fr * " U i L L. i i \ z I
Cigars and
Soft Drinks
Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTERNATIONAL / *
No Hill too Steep , ' no Sand too Deep
Soldby D , McLeod
Guaranteed by International Harvester Company
\ll Imi'ls of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
lifsidence and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska
References : My Many Cup *
S With new prices , which are the lowest for
3 good business. My stock consists of Dry
Goods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent
bargains. You are invited to call and
make this your home store. Highest pric
es paid for produce. Come and get ac
2nd Building South the Bank. Crookston , Neb.
ti2ic i l jSS
E. M. Faddis & Co
Post.oniee address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
( in left
tli inn
Horses branded
g or till ? !
nn left
or thiji
P. H. Young ; .
Simeon. Nebr.
'CaftV branded
as cut on Jolt , eicle
Jj Some QYon 1
A slue.
) * n loft jwo
S f v lioraes.
rr'm f i
Kant e on Gordon Ore-k n' fth of Simeon ,
N. S. Eowley.
Kenued ) , Meuraaka.
Same as cut on
side and hip , niicl 011
left shoulder of her
ses. Aisoi aet on
left side
F X on left sid"
Some cat
tle branded -
ed husk-s aaagging peg ( either side up ) on
left side or hip. p on left Jaw and lef c shoulder
of horses. uj
ujQ on left hip of horses.
N on left jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , 8D
Horses and cattit
sanuas cut. also
CJBB fj on riflrht
ftaupe on Oak and
A literal reward
for information
.KMling to detsctioo
of rustlers of stocV
Baring viv
R. M. Terrill , Propr.
Brownlee , Xeu.
Cattl branded as
in c-t oa left
side. So in e
branded Ji T \
on left hip. Range
on North Loup
river. t\vo iuils
west of Brewulee
'Not Afraid
St Francis Mis
Cattle branded
is in cut ; horses
: -.tne orI Kl * on
"Vk and Little
White riror.
Albert Whipple & Sons.
Koaebud 3.D.
Cuttle branded
- ' SOS on left side
OSO on rljtatsldt
1 Some cattle also
have a 4on neck
_ Some with A oa
left shonlder and
with two bars i
Across hind qnar-
_ _ _ | cers Some Texas
cattle branded O on left side and somefMM
n left side. ffigj
Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattS
prano > d Aw bar connected on both sides an
left hip of horses
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.left side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
Cattle branded OB
any part of animal ;
also the followlnf
brands :
Branded tit
Bange betww
Gordon on the FJI.
&M V..B. S. and
Hyannis on B & ? , T. R.K. fn Northwestern Nebr
Say/yer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
G. K , Sawyer has
chanre of these
cattle. H rses
I > Won left shoul
der. Some |
left side.
Horses !
same left thigh.
Range in Snake
Metzg-er Bros.
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand on
ift thigh.
iKe on Gordon and Snake Creefcs.
.Reward of $250 wlh li * paid to anj- person t t
luiorination learfin to the arrest and final
conviction . . . , , of auy jvrson or persons stealing
! . .
wlrl > R.OV ( hrMndj
J. A.
Fuliiaan , Nebr
"Cattle branded JT
on right sMe
Uorses branded JT
oa rigLt shoulder
Keasonable reward
for any Informattom
leftdiag to the re
covery of cattle
strays ! -from my