Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 04, 1912, Image 7
CREATION OF THE NEW CARDINALS AT ROME IN photograph shows the Sacred College of Cardinals in session at the time when Archbishops Farley , O'Con- THIS and Falconio of America , and fifteen others were made princes of the church. The pope is seen seated on his throne , and in the latticed gallery on the right is the famous choir of the Sistine chapel. HITS SOCIETY WOMEN Briton Says American Upper Class Petted Too Much. Praises Southern Family Life Pride in Maintaining Lineage Receives Approval of Writer in Eng lish Review. London. The American society woman is severely criticised by Filson Young in an article on "American Characteristics" in the. current Eng lish Review , "She is as much pampered and pet ted , " he says , "as the favorite of an eastern harem. Her life , since most American men are closely occupied with business , is lived almost entire ly among women. The American favorites of the harems crowd to gether in noisy restaurants in lunch eon parties , chatting endless nonsense at the top of their voices , this being almost their sole distraction , poor things , since for women , no more .than for anyone else ( except for chil dren and servants , who have the lib erty to be insolent and inefficient ) , Is there any true liberty in America. "Just as the moment when women In American society become mature they cease to live and grow , and re main half children , half dolls. "Before marriage they can do as they please ; after marriage they sur render both individuality and liberty of thought and movement. " / So much for the American woman in society. On the subject of Amer- 'ican women in the family of the same writer holds very different views. "If one takes the family as the basis of any state of community , " he says , "and judges it by its failure of success In the communal purpose , then I think without any doubt , one must admit that family life is one of the very best things in America. "American families are singularly united , and carry on into mature age that unity and affection which , as a rule , only last through the period of childhood. "There is no pleasanter sight than that of some well-to-do American fam ily in a beautiful and spacious house in one of the southern states , where the patriarchal life goes on beyond , the youth of the children , who , If they marry , still keep the old home as their center , and , instead of forsaking it , bring new sous and daughters into it ; or , if they be unmarried , are com rades and friends of their parents , whom , as old age steals on them like sunset , the children , in their turn , cherish and care for as they them selves were cherished. "This is- the id-eal of family life , seldom realized anywhere , b.ut more often now in America than anywhere else. " FORGOTTEN HOARD IS FOUND. Nebraska Merchant Hid Gold and Sil ver in His Store Recovered When Building Is Razed. Lexington , Neb. Willow Island. Neb. , has the champion absentminded man. While tearing down his old store building after building a new one , Neil McMullen , for thirty-five years the principal merchant or Wil low Island , found § 4,500 in gold and silver that he had hidden at various times and forgotten. McMullen is eighty years old , 'but Is active In busi ness. He is a bachelor. Wolves Run Deer Into City. Anaconda , Mich. Driven from the hills by the deep snows and desperate hunger , bands of timber wolves are prowling on the outskirts of the city , A band of five wolves pursued a deer into the heart of the city but were put to flight by a night watchman. Death Claims Two Oldest Colored Women in Washington One 98 , the Other 92. Washington. Two of the oldest col ored residents of the capital have been claimed by death recently , Mrs. Mary J. Wayne , 98 years old , dy ing at her home , 315 East Cap ital street , and Mrs. Louisa Wright , 92 years old , dying recently at her home , 918 Twentieth street Northwest. The funeral of "Aunt Mary" Wayne , as she was known , was. held from Is rael African Methodist. Episcopal church , First and B streets , Southwest , the services being conducted by Rev. R. K. Harris , pastor of the church , assisted by Rev. W. J. Howard and Rev. W. H. Stevenson. Mrs. Wayne , who was the widow of Rev. L. H. Wayne , who died in 1868 , was born in 1813. Seven children 15 grandchil dren and 10 great-grandchildren sur vive her. Arrangements were made to hold the funeral of Mrs. Wright from the , 1 < C1 gCSj3 K. . ff & * TIO n ll / / r / * 5fcO .311 lls I 631S Abraham Kalinsky Helped to Burn Moscow When Napoleon Marched Upon City. Baltimore , Md. Abraham Kalin sky , one hundred and seventeen years old , who helped burn Mos cow when Napoleon marched up on that city in 1S14 , and who was be lieved to be the oldest man In the world , died in the Hebrew Friendly Inn and Aged People's Home , on Als- quith street , late the other night. He had been in the home only eight days , having been taken there from a squalid room on Albemarle street , where he had lived for years. Infirm and feeble from age , he nevertheless put up a vigorous re sistance against his rescuers before , he was carried from the place by force. He had lived In the room so long that he did not want to leave , but the Hebrew Friendly Inn Society de cided to care for him- , and he was ac cordingly taken to the home on Ais- quith street. After being taken there he remained in a semi-stupor until he died. Dr. Morris Savage , the physician of the home , attended him. His son , who is -sixty-eight years old ; Morris Waxman , superintendent of the home , and Dr. Savage were at his side when he died. He was buried in Alount Carmel ceremony. Services were conducted by Rabbi Rosenthal of Low Street Synagogue. Over 250 friends and rel atives attended. Born in Kiev , Kalin sky lived with his parents on a farm until he entered the German army Tinder General Bluciier and fought aeainst Napoleon. After the wax he settled down on a farm for a while , but after several of his children had come to this country and written home of their prosperity here he de cided to come to' ' America and came direct to this city , where he always lived. Thrice had he been married , his last wife , who is eighty-four years old , surviving him. Also surviving him are three children , twenty grandchildren , twenty-eight great-grandchildren , five great-great-grandchildren and six great-great-great-grandchildren. DIVORCED WIFE MAKES FIND Decree Twelve Years Ago Property Worth $400,000 Found in Man's Name He Must Divide. Seattle , Wash. Superior Judge Boyd G. Tillman has issued r. decree giving to Mrs. Sarah V. Phlpps title to one-half of a $400,000 property in Seattle owned by Luther E. Ptipps. from whom she was divorced in Chicago cage twelve years ago. Phipps was al so ordered to give an accounting of the property for the last twelve years. Phipps' whereabouts are unknown. Mrs. Phipps alleged that when she obtained her divorce her husband set tled wltli her for a few hundred dollars lars , assuring her that he had little money. Later she learned that h < j had prop erty in Chicago worth $390,000 , and re cently she discovered that he had val uable property In Seattle , which he had bought in 1896 , before their dl- vore * Metropolitan African Methodist Epis copal church. M street between Fif teenth and Sixteenths streets. "Too Pretty for a Poor Man. " San Francisco. A comely counten ance of a wife Is too great a luxury for a working man , William J. Gallag her told Judge J. J. Van Nostrand In the superior court the other day while testifying in support of his complaint for divorce from Mrs. Blanche Gal lagher. "I could not afford to pay for the motor cars 'which she thought her good looks entitled her to be sup plied , " said Gallagher. "She also thought she should wear' clothes en tirely too expensive for a man earn ing only § 5 or $6 a day. I did the best I could , but she was too pretty for a poor man and became discon tented. " After listening to the husband's de tailed recital of his wife's necessities , the court granted Gallagher's petition. * * * rssssmsisr \ * s * > l DOCTORS 0. K. POWDER PUFFS New York Medical Journal Declarer. Cosmetics Help Miladi Keep Young. New York indorsement of miladi's powder puff and rouge pot has come from an unexpected source. A recent issue of the New York Medical Jour nal , the most staid professional period ical of the physicians in the east , says : , "The use of face creams and make-ups is universal and the moral aspect of the question is becoming settled. Our , women now fearlessly and scientific ally handle the complexion brush , the face cream and the powder puff. i "Why is the face of a country worn- ! an of 60 years faded and wrinkled , while the face of a city woman of the same age frequently is smooth and beautiful ? On account of protection against the elements. " WILD HOG TREES A HUNTER It Charges Party of Four , _ Kills Dop and Keeps Man en Limb All Night. Cumberland , Md. While trailing a raccoon on Williams river , south of Webster Springs , W. Va. , a party of four with dogs routed a wild hog hav ing tusks several Inches long. The hog charged the. party. It was dark and the men being uiiArmeci. ran back to camp , where one climbed a tree. A dog gave battle , which lasted fif teen minutes. * At length the hog gave the dog several rips with his tusks and the dog fell dead. The hunter remained treed all METHOD OF KEEPING YOUNG Remarkably Sound Advice for the 'Woman Who Has Some Years of Life to Her Credit. The way to .ward off old age is not to fear it , not to allow one's self to be oppressed by the dread of advanc ing years. Use only legitimate pre ventives and avoid trying expermients with preparations not indorsed by physicians. Do not wear toilettes in tended for young girls , they only add years to the appearance. Keep up your interest in the young , but do not envy them. Retire with dignity from the struggle , do not pose as your daughter's rival. Above all , surround your life with sweet , true affections which prevent the heart from growing bitter. Do not lose interest in the growing events of the day ; do not fall behind the times and do not harp on other and better days. To those who come to you for advice be always kind and sympathetic. As you advancefn years preserve carefully your personal appearance , for once lost it may not be regained , save by strenuous effort. Your costumes should be simple and unpretentious , yet graceful. These , rules , carefully and sensibly followed , will keep you young and attractive. Exchange. | ALMOST FRANTIC WITH ITCHING ECZEMA "Eight years ago I got eczema all over my hands. My fingers fairly bled and it itched until it almost drove me frantic. The eruption began with itching under the skin. It spread fast from between the fingers around the nails and all over the whole hands. I got a pair of rubber gloves in order to wash dishes. Then it spread all over the left side of my chest. A fine doc tor treated the trouble two weeks , but did me no good. I cried night and day. Then I decided to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment but without much hope as I had gone so long. There was a marked change the second day , and so on until I was entirely cured. The Cuticura Soap we have always kept in our home , and we decided after that lesson that it is a cheap soap in price and the very best in quality. My husband'will use no other soap in his shaving mug. " ( Signed ) Mrs. G. A. Selby , Redonda Beach , Cal. , Jan. 15 , 1911. Although Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold by drug gists and dealers everywhere , a sam ple of each , with 32-page book , will be mailed free on application to "Cuticura , " Dept. 24 K , Boston. Feminine Rebuke. The suffragette was conversing with the eminent African traveler. "And you don't believe in woman suffrage ? " said the lady. "No , madam , " the Hunter of big game replied , "I believe that the femi nine trails , gentle , humane , tender , fit your sex for the home rather than for the sterner duties of life or the possi ble necessities of the state. " "Yes , " the suffragette replied. "I have heard those arguments before. And now may I ask how you received that deep scar on your cheek ? " "It was given me by a lioness , madam. " The suffragette smiled. "Good for the lady lion , " she said. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Nothing Much. "I don't know whether I ought to recognize him here in the city or not. Our acquaintance at the seashore was very slight. " "You promised to marry him , did you not ? " "Yes ; but that was all. " Modern Conditions. "That speaker is laying down the law in a very emphatic manner for a candidate. " "He ain't a candidate. He's the voter. The candidates are in the audi ence and he's telling them what they've got to do. " IN HASTE , TOO. , "I fought yous said yous kin liclc me wid yer hands tied behind yer back ? " "I I can ! I'm 3 just goin'now to get a string to tie 'em ! " Jones Admitted It. Jones and Brown argued as they al ways did when they had time enough. They had dined together , and as Jones lived at a distance and it was very ' late Brown offered to put him up for the night- . On the way home they fell to dis cussing the strategy of the Civil war as indicated by the campaigns * of Lee and Grant. The topic was elastic enough to keep them going for half an hour , and reached its height as they neared the Brown house. Then Brown lost his temper. "Jones , " said he , "if you don't admit that Grant was a greater general than Lee , you can't sleep here. " It was then two o'clock in the morn ing , and Jones was eight miles from home. Chicago Post. Her Career. She You know Clara was ambi tious to have a career. Mamma And matrimony interferes with a career ? She Yes , but she made up her mind that she doesn't want any ca reer that matrimony interferes with. Puck. Where Ignorance Is Bliss. "Judging from the way Puffkins walks , he seems to be well pleased with himself. " "Just so. And Puffkins never seems to realize how much he stands alone in that particular. " Sore Throat is no trifling ailment. It will sometimes carry infection to the en tire system through the food you eat. Hamlins Wizard Oil cures Sore Throat. What has become of the old-fash ioned man whose word was as good as his bond ? PILES CURED IX 6 TO 14 DATSm Yonrdruggist will retund money if PAZO OINT MENT fails to cure any case of Itching , Blind , Bleeding or Protruding Piles in C to 14 days. 60c. Reproaches are certainly an effec tive cure for indifference ; but they change it to anger rather than love. Mrs. Wtaslow's Soothing' Syrup for Children teething , softens the gums , reduces Inflamma tion , allays pain , cures wind colic , 25c a bottle. A woman falls in love gracefully , but a man usually stumbles into it. Some society women are known by what they waste their affections on. PERFECTION Smokeless Odorless Clean Convenient The Perfection Smokeless Ofl Heater warms up a room in next to no rime. Always ready for use. Can be carried easily to any room where extra warmth is needed. A special automatic device makes it impossible to turn the wick too high or too low. Safe in the hands of a child. The Perfection burns nine hours on one filling glowing heat from the minute it is lighted. Handsomely finished ; drums of blue enamel or plain steel , with nickel trimmings. Askyour dealer or writs for descriptive circular to any agency of Standard Oil Company ( incorporated ) The expression occurs so many times in letters from sick women , "I was completely discouraged. " And there is always good reason for the discouragement. Years o pain and suffering. Doctor after doctor tried in vain. Medicines doing no lasting good. It is no wonder that the woman feels discouraged. Thousands o these weak and sick women have found health and courage regained as the result of the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite . Prescription. It establishes regularity , heals inflammation and ulcera * tion , and cures weakness. IT RJ-SfCES WEHK WOMEN STRONG 3ND SICK WOMEN WELL. Refuse substitutes offered by unscrupulous druggists for this reliable remedy. Sick women are invited to consult by letter , free. All correspondence strictly private and sacredly confidential. Write' without fear and without fee to World's Dispensary , R. V. Pierce , M. D. , Pres't , Buffalo , N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach , liver and bowels. Sugar-coated , tiny granules , easy to take as candy. Rayo lamps and lanterns give most light for the oil used. The light is strong and steady. A Rayo never flickers. Materials and workmanship are the best. Rayo lamps and lanterns last. Atk your dealer to sftotc you his line of Rayo lamps and lanterns , or tcrite for \ illustrated booklets direct to any agency of Standard Oil Company _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Incornorated ) A Forbearing Friend. "Benders , you were Intoxicated last night. " "Blbbles , I was nothing of the sort. " "All right , old chap. Have your way about it , but If I should tell you what a sorry figure you presented , trapped in a revolving door , you would hang your head in shame. " Physical Proof. "Mr. Jims , I saw your double on the street today. " "Impossible , madam. I'm a single man. " CREAM OF RYE For health and energy eat it for breakfast. Reduces cost of "living. Free Silver Spoon in every package. Ask your grocer for a package. Makes for Happiness. "Are they happily married ? " "Very. His lodge night falls on her literary club night. " About one man in a hundred can stand prosperity. The other ninety- nine never have a chance to find out whether they can or-not. You need expect no quarter from the footpad until you give up your last cent. Knees Became Stiff Five Years of Severe Rheumatism The cure of Henry J. Goldstein. 14 Barton Street , Boston , Mass. , is another victory for Hood's Sarsaparilla. This great medicine has succeeded in many cases where others have utterly failed. Mr. Goldstein says : "I suffered from rheuma tism five years , it kept me from business and caused excruciating pain. My knees would become as stiff as steel. I tried j many medicines without relief , then took' Hood's Sarsaparilla , soon felt much better , and now consider myself entirely cured. I recommend Hood's. " Get it today in usual liquid form or. chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. You Can Save Money by buying OLD BUCK ROOFING direct from factory at manufacturers prices , fralghl prepaid , to your nearest railroad town. 103 square feet to thk roll GUARANTEED. nail * and cement included ready to lay. WRITE TODAY for free samples and prices that will convince. BUCK ROOFING CO. , Dept. 21 , St. Louis , Mo , Cut butchers bills In two. Order early. FISH Fish better than OTcr. Promptshlpment. 100 ib. sack FatFrozen Split Rock If errinir $3.25. SCA.NDIA FIS1I COMPANY , Uulntb , SJnm. WatsonE.Colemnn.Wasl > PATENTS Ington.D.C. Hooks free. High- cat references. Best result * . Sioux City Directory D11 PTI IH E ? CURED in a few days IIII1 I UH U without a surgical oper ation. No pay until cured. Write to Dr.Z.E.Matheny,601F.L.4Tr.Bldg.SIouxCityIa. TYPEWRITERS Swanson's Factory Rebuilts 2 year-Iron-clad guarantee. Remington. 835 , L. C. Smith & 5 , Underwood $45 , Smith Premier $35. A large stock to select from. Shipped anywhere on approval. B. F. SWANSON COMPANY. Department D , Sioux City , Iowa. ROCKLIN & LEHMAN FLORISTS SIOUX CITY IOWA Fresh Gut Flowers & Floral Emblems OF ALL DESCRIPTION ON SHORT NOTICE. Order by Mail , Telephone or Telegraph. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Is a heavy yield , but that's what John Kennedy of Edmonton , Alberta , Western Canada , pot , from 40 acres of Spring Wbeatln 1310 Kcporta from other districts in that prov ince shoTred other excel lent results such as 1- 000 bushels of wheat ! from 120 acres , or 331-3 bu. pcracre. 25.30and 40 bushelyiclds were num erous. As high as 132 bushels of oats to the aero werothrcshed from Alberta fields in 1910. The Silver Cup at the recent Spokane Falrvras awarded to the Alberta Governmcntfor its exhibit of grainsgrasses and vegetables. Keports of excellent yields for 1'JIO come also from Saskatchewan and Manitoba in Western Canada. Free homesteads of 16O acres , and adjoining pre emptions of 1GO acres ( at S3 per acre ) are to l o had ill the choicest districts. Schools convenient , cll- mate excellent , soil the very best , railways close at band , building ? lumber cheap , fuel easy to get and reasonable In price , -water easily procured , mixed farm in j a , success. Write as to bestplaco for set tlement , settlers' low ralltvay rates , descriptive illnstratcd "Last Best West' ( sent free on application ) and other informa tion , to Sup't of Immigration , OUatra , Can.ortotho Canadian Government Agent. _ _ ( GS ) E T. Boise. 315 Jacfaca SL , SL Past. Hlaa. J. H. tUdadilan , Drawer ISJ.Wztertoa. 5.2. Please write to theagentaeareftyoa of this paper desiring to buy any thing advertised in its columns should insist upon having what they ask for , refusing ail substitutes or imitations. W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 1-1912. UTNAM FADELESS DYES ColormoreBOodabrighterandfastercolorsthananyotherdye. One lOc package colors all fibers. TheydyeincoldwateTbetterthananyotlierdyc Youcac. dye any garment without ripping apart. Write for free booklet How to Dye. Bleach and Mix Colors , MONROE DRUG COMPANY , Qulncy , m.