Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 04, 1912, Image 6

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May be promoted by those who
gently cleanse the system , now and
then , when in need of a laxative
remedy , by taking a deseitspoonful
of the ever refreshing , wholesome
and truly beneficial Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna , which is the
only family laxative generally ap
proved by the most eminent phy
sicians , because it acts in a natural ,
strengthening way and warms and
tones up the internal organs without
weakening them. It is equally benefi-
ficial for the very young and the mid
dle aged , as it is always efficient and
free from all harmful ingredients. To
get its beneficial effects it is always
necessary to buy the genuine , , bear
ing the name of the Company
California Fig Syrup Co. plainly
printed on the front or every package.
.The Deacon You shouldn't fly your
kite on Sunday.
The Boy Oh ! well , de kite's made
outer a religious paper.
All Very True , but
Fond Father Yes , Johnny , when
the milennium is come the lamb can
lie down with the lion in perfect
Little Johnny ( doubtingly ) I s'pose
that's so , but I'd rather be the lion ,
just the same.
Too Bad.
"I never see you at church , Mrs.
Whipple. "
"No. I'm afraid the services would
be trying on Fido's nerves , and when
I leave . home the poor dear
gets positively frantic.
The Lingo.
"I confess I can't understand what
your baby's saying. "
"It's queer language , isn't it ? "
"Yes , sort of early English. "
"His wife is a remarkable woman. "
"How so ? "
She can look stylish in. bonnets
that he likes. "
Could Eat Without Changing.
Gerald A man becomes what he
'eats. '
Geraldine But suppose he is a lob
ster at the start ?
It seems that to make both ends
meet requires no end of money.
20 YearsT Slavery How She Got Free-
A dyspepsia veteran who writes
from one of England's charming rural
homes to tell how she won victory in
her 20 years' fight , naturally exults in
her triumph over the tea and coffee
habit ;
"I feel it a duty to tell you , " she
says , "how much good Postum has
done me. I am grateful , but also de
sire to let others who may be suffering
as I did , know of the-delightful meth
od by which I was relieved.
"I had suffered for 20 years from
dyspepsia , and the giddiness that usu
ally accompanies that painful ailment ,
and which frequently prostrated me.
I never drank much coffee , and cocoa
and even milk did not agree with my
impaired digestion , so I used tea , ex
clusively , till about a year ago , when
I found in a package of Grape-Nuts the
little book , 'The Road to Wellville. '
"After a careful reading of the book
let I was curious to try Postum and
sent for a package. I enjoyed it from
the first , and at once gave up tea In
its favor.
"I began to feel better very soon ,
giddiness left me after the first
few days' use of Postum , and my stomach
ach became stronger so rapidly that it
was not long till I was able ( as I still
am ) to take milk and many other ar
ticles of food of which I was formerly
compelled to deny myself. I have
proved the truth of your statement
that Postum 'makes good , red blood. '
"I have become very enthusiastic over
the merits of my new table beverage ,
and during the past few months , have
conducted a Postum propaganda among
my neighbors which has brought bene
fit to many , and I shall continue to tell
my friends of the 'better way' In which
I rejoice. " ' Name given by Postum
Co. , Battle Creek , Mich.
Read the little book , "The Road to
Wellville , " in pkgs. "There's a rea
son. "
Ever remL the above letter ? A neir
one apiear. / from time to time. They
nre genuine , true , and full of human
" rj3fcffi\l
-Mt 5
Jack Keith , a Virginian , now a bor
der plainsman , Is looking for roaming war
parties of savages. He sees a wagon team
at full gallop pursued by men on ponies.
When Keith reaches the wagon the raid
ers have massacred two men and de
parted. He searches the victims finding
papers and a locket with a woman's per
trait. Keith is arrested at Carson City ,
charged with the murder , his accuser be
ing a ruffian named Black Bart. A negro
companion in his cell named Neb tells him
that he knew the Keiths in Virginia. Neb
says one of the murdered men was John
Bibley.tho other Gen. Willis Waite. former
ly a Confederate officer. The plainsman
and Neb escape , and later the fugitives
come upon a cabin and find its occupant
to be a young girl , whom Keith thinks
he saw at Carson City. The girl explains
that she is in search of a brother , who
had deserted from the army , and that a
I\Ir. Hawley induced her to come to the
cabin while he sought her brother. Hawley -
ley appears , and Keith In hiding recog
nizes him as Black Bart There is a ter
rific battle in the darkened room in which
Keith is victor. Horses are appropriated ,
and the girl who sawrs that her name is
Hope , joins in the esfcape. Keith explains
his situation anctSie fugitives make for
Fort Lamed , wliere the girl is left with
the hotel landlady. Miss Hope tells that
she is the daughter of General Waite.
Keith and Neb drift Into Sheridan , where
Keith meets an old friend. Dr. Fairbain.
Keith meets the brother of Hope Waite ,
under the assumed name of Fred Wil-
loughby. and becomes convinced that
Black Bart has some plot involving the
two. Hope learns that Gen. Waite , who
was thought murdered , is at Sheridan ,
nnd goes there.
CHAPTER XX. ( Continued. )
It was growing dark , the outside
world , now consisting of level plains ,
fading into darkness , with a few great
stars burning overhead. Trainmen lit
the few smoking oil lamps screwed
against the sides of the car , and its
occupants became little more than
dim shadows. Allby this time were
fatigued into silence , and several were
asleep , finding such small comfort as
was possible on the cramped seats.
Hope glanced toward the heretofore
noisy group at the rear the girl near
est her rested with unconscious head
pillowed upon the shoulder of her
man friend , and both were sleeping.
How haggard and ghastly the wom
an's powdered face looked , with the
light just above it , and all semblance
of joy gone. It was as though a mask
had been taken off. Out in the dark
ness the engine whistled sharply and
then came to a bumping stop at some
desert station. Through the black
window a few lanterns could be seen
flickering about , and there arose the
sound of gruff voices speaking. The
sleepers inside , aroused by the sharp
stop , rolled over and swore , seeking
easier postures. Then the front door
opened , and slammed shut , and a new
passenger entered. He came down
the aisle , glancing carelessly at the
upturned faces , and finally sank into
thfl seat directly opposite Hope. He
W * H > a broad shouldered man , his coat
buttoned to the throat , with strong
fafle showing clearly beneath the
brttad hat brim and lighted up with a
pa'r of shrewd , kindly eyes. The con
ductor came through , nodded at him.
aivtl passed on. Hope thought he
m'-Jst be some official of the road , and
ventured to break the prolonged si-
leJice with a question :
" "Could you tell me how long it will
be before we reach Shesidan ? "
She had partially pushed aside her
v ll in order to speak more clearly ,
afd ( the man , turning at sound of her
voice , took off his hat , his searching
eytss quizzical.
"Wellj , no , I can't , madam , " the
wrrds coming with a jerk. "For I'm
nfft at all sure we'll keep the track.
Of-.ght to make It in an hour , however ,
if everything goes right. Live in Sheri-
dfh ? "
She shook her head , uncertain how
frankly to answer.
"No loss to you worst place to live
in on earth no exceptions I know
been there myself three months got
friends there likely ? "
"I hardly know , " she acknowledged
doubtfully. "I think so , but I shall
have to hunt some place in which to
stay tonight Can you tell me of some
some respectable hotel , or boarding
house ? "
The man wheeled about , until he
could look at her more clearly.
"That's a pretty hard commission.
Miss , " he returned uneasily. "There
may be such a place in Sheridan , but
I have never found It , Old Mother
Shattuck keeps roomers , * but she
won't have a woman in the house. 1
reckon you'll have to try it at the
Aotel I'll get you in there if I have
to mesmerize the clerk you'll find it
a bit noisy though. "
"Oh , I thank you so much. I don't
mind the noise , so It is respectable. "
He laughed , good humoredly.
"Well , I don't propose to vouch for
that the proprietor ain't out there
for his health but , I reckon , you
won't have no serious trouble the
boys mostly know a good woman
when they see one which isn't often
anyhow , they're liable to be decent
enough'as long as I vouch for you. "
"But you know nothing of/me. " 1
"Don't need to your face is enough
I'll get you the room all right. " <
She hesitated , then asked : <
"Are you are you connected with
the railroad ? "
"In a way , yes I'm the contract
surgeon had to dig a bullet out of a
water-tank tender back yc-ider fel-
! MW howled as though I vcs killing
{ Copyright. A. C. McClurg & Co. . 1310. )
him no nerve mighty poor stuff
most of "the riff-raff out here ball
wasn't in much below the skin In
dian must have plugged him from the
top of the bluff blame good shot too
ragged looking slug like to see it ? "
She shook her head energetically.
"Don't blame you nothing very un
common get a dozen cases like it a
day sometimes stay In Sheridan ,
show you something worth while
very pretty surgical operation tomorrow
row come round and get you if you
bare to see it got to open the stomach
ach don't know what I'll find like to
go ? "
"Oh , no ! I'm sure you mean it all
kindly , but but I would rather not. "
"Hardly supposed you would only
knew one woman who cared for that
sort of thing much she was nursing
for me during the war had a hair
lip and an eye like a dagger good
nurse though rather have your kind
round me ever nurse any ? Could
ge you a dozen jobs in Sheridan
new prospects every night fifty dollars
lars a week what do you say ? "
"But I'm not seeking work , Doctor , "
smiling in spite of her bewilderment.
"I have money enough with me. "
"Well , I didn't know thought may
be you wanted a job , and'didn't like
to ask for it have known 'em like
that no harm done if you ever do
want anything like that , just come to
me my name's Fairbain everybody
his charge to the cinders below. Bend
ing before her , and butting his great
shoulders into the surging crowd , he
succeeded in pushing a passage
through , thus finally bringing her
forth to the edge of the street
"Hey , there , " be said shortly , grab
bing a shirt-sleeved individual by the
arm. "Where's Charlie ? "
The fellow looked at him wonder-
"Charlie ? Oh , you mean the 'Kid ? '
Well , he ain't here ter-night ; had a
weddin' , an' Jfc totin' the bridal
couple 'round. "
Fairbain swore discreetly under his
breath , and cast an uncertain glance
at the slender figure shrinking beside
him. The streets of Sheridan were
not over pleasant at night.
"Only hack in totfn is somewhere
else , Miss , " he explained briefly. "I
reckon you and I will have to hoof If. "
He felt the grip of her'fingers on his
"The boys are a little noisy , but it's
just their way don't mean anything
you hang on to me , an' keep the veil
down we'll be there In the shake of a
dog's tail. "
He helped her over the muddy
crossing , and as they reached a stretch
of board walk , began expatiating on
the various places lining the way.
"That's the 'Mammoth' over there
dance hall back of it biggest thing
west of the Missouri three men killed
Don't Be Nervous I'll See You Make the Hotel All Right. "
knows me here operated on most of
'em rest expect to be Damn that
engineer ! don't believe he knows
whether he's going ahead or backing
up. " He peered out of the window ,
pressing his face hard against the
glass. "I reckon that's Sheridan he's
whistling for now don't be nervous
I'll see you make the hotel all right"
The Marshal of Sheridan.
It was called a depot merely through
courtesy , consisting of a layer of cin
ders , scattered promiscuously so as to
partially conceal the underlying mud ,
and a dismantled box car , in which
presided ticket agent and telegrapher.
A hundred yards below was the big
shack where the railroad officials
lodged. Across the tracks blazed In
vitingly the "First Chance" saloon.
All intervening space was crowded
with men , surging aimlessly about in
the.glare of a locomotive head light ,
and greeting the alighting passengers
with free and easy badinage. Stranger
or acquaintance made no difference ,
the welcome to Sheridan was noisily
extended , while rough play and hoarse
laughter characterized the mass.
Hope paused on.the step , even as
Dr. Fairbain grasped her hand , dinned
by the medley of discordant sounds ,
and confused by the vociferous jam
of humanity. A band came tooting
down the street in a hack , a fellow ,
with a voice like a fog horn , howling
on the front seat The fellows at the
side of the car surged aside to'get a
glimpse of this new attraction , ana
Fairbain , taking quick advantage or
the opportunity ttus presented swung
there last week what for ? Oh , they
got too fresh that's the 'Casino , ' and
the one beyond is 'Pony Joe's Place'
cut nis leg off since I've been here
fight over a girl. Ain't there any
stores ? sure ; they're farther back
you see the saloons got In first that's
'Sheeny Mike's' gambling joint you're
looking at like to go over and see
'em play ? All right , just thought I'd
ask you it's early anyhow , and things
wouldn't be goin' very lively yet Say ,
there , you red head , what are you try
ing to do ? "
The fellow had lurched out of the
crowd in such a manner as to brush
partially a ide the girl's veil , per
mitting the glare of "Sheeny Mike's"
lights to fall full upon her revealed
face. It was accomplished so openly
as to appear planned , but before he
could reel away again , Fairbain struck
out , and the man went down. With
an oath he was on his feet , and Hope
cowered back against her protector.
Each man had weapons drawn , the
crowd scurrying madly to keep out of
the line of fire , when , with a stride , a
new figure stepped quietly in between
them. Straight as an arrow , broad
shouldered , yet small waisted as a
woman , his hair hanging low over his
coat-collar , his face smooth shaven
except for a long moustache , and
emotionless , the revolvers In his belt
untouched , he simply looked at the
two , and then struck the revolver out
of the drunken man's hand. It fell
harmless to the ground.
"And don't you pick it up until I
tell you , Scott , " he said quietly. "If
you do you've got to fight me. "
Without apparently giving the fel
low another thought , he wheeled and
faced the others.
"Oh , it's you , is It , Doctor ? The
drunken fool won't make any more
trouble. Where were you taking the
lady ? "
"To the hotel , Bill. "
"I'll walk along with you. I reckon
the boys will give us plenty of room. "
He glanced over the crowd , and then
more directly at Scott
"Pick up your gun ! " the brief words
snapping out. "This is the second time
I've caught you hunting trouble. The
next time you are going to find It I
saw you run into this lady what did
you do it for ? "
"I only wanted to see who she was ,
Bill. "
"You needn't call me Bill. I don't
trot in your class. My name is
Hlckock to you. Was it any of your
affair who she was ? "
"I reckoned I know'd her , and I
did. "
The marshal turned his eyes toward
Hope , and then back upon Scott , evi
dently slightly interested.
"So ? Recognized an old friend , I
suppose ? "
The slight sneer in "Wild Bill's"
soft voice caused Scott to flame up In
sudden passion.
"No , I didn't ! but I called the turn
just the same she's Christie Mac-
laire. "
The marshal smiled.
"All right , little boy , " he said sober
ly. "Now you trot straight along to
bed. Don't let me catch you on the
street again to-night , and I'd advise
you not to pull another gun you're
too slow on the trigger for this town.
Come along , Doctor , and we'll get
Miss Maclaire to her hotel. "
Pity the Chinese Student.
A new map of China was recently
published by a German house which
undertakes to transcribe the chief
names in the exact forms which they
assume in the dialects of the respec
tive provinces as well as the common
ly accepted form. In this way the fif
teen chief dialects are represented ,
says the National Review. The com
monly accepted form is- printed in
dark green , the dialect forms in black ;
Thus such unfamiliar forms appear
as Taetsiu for Taichow , Fupe for Hu-
pei , Fulan for Hunan , Hokkiong for Fu-
kien , Ssjutchon for Suchow , etc.
Other features which make he map
valuable are the thoroughness with
which it treats Mongolia .and the Ko-
konbr country north of Szechuan
regions which In most maps are left
more or less blank spaces.
He Made an Army.
A noteworthy example of patience In
small things is to be seen in the re
cent acquisition of the Invalides of
some eight thousand lltle soldiers
made of cardboard and mounted on
little wooden stands , says the London
Globe. It is the work of M. Paul
Schmidt , a Strasburger , and repre
sents the troops stationed in the fa
mous cathedral city in 1848. Infantry ,
cavalry , artillery , voltigeurs , zouaves
and barracks firemen are represented ,
and these had taken part in the con
quest of Algiers. For the most part
at any rate as far as the officers are
concerned , the faces are true portraits
and at the back of each figure the
name and rank of the party is to be
On the Warship.
First Officer Things look threaten
ing on 'shore. We will have to land a
Second Officer Go tell that to the
Ants Plague English District.
An extraordinary plague of ants Is
causing alarm in the Durham , Eng
land , colliery village of Ryhope. One
hundred and twenty miners' houses
are infested with myriads of the pests ,
which swarm In the living rooms , caus
ing serious discomfort and damage.
The ants spread rapidly , and swarm
about the cupboards and on the food
in the houses. They are of a foreign
species , and were brought to the vill
age in consignments of Egyptian hay.
The colliery owners nave engaged ex
perts to exterminate the pests. The
infested houses are dealt with in turn ,
the ants being dug out In colonies and
their nests destroyed.
Companions in Affliction.
"I'm sorry. Mr. Wilson , to see this
splendid field of potatoes so seriously
diseased. " said a sympath&Sng inspec
tor. "AL ! well , it's a great pity. "
replied the farmer , "but there's a
great comfort Jack Torason's is not
a bit t Mer ! "
Free with
Mother's Oats
Description :
This beautiful spoon
is triple silver plat
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handle is the
latest French
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The bowl is
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This advertise
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cut this out
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from two packages
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tisement accepted from
each customer as 10
Bay a package of Mother's Oats today
and send a postal for complete premium \
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Mother's Oats , Chicago
m mmBm mm * mmmi mi m mmmmmmmiim fammmmamHmmmmmmmm * *
Her Resignation.
"Papa , " she said , "I am very angry
with Geraldine. "
"What's Geraldine done ? " asked her
"Why , I told her a secret last sum
mer , " said the little girl , indignantly ,
"and she has just told me she's go
ing to tell it. "
"That's very wrong of Geraldine.
Has she any excuse ? "
"Why , I told her it was wicked to
tell a secret , and what do you think
she said ? She said : 'Ob , I know , but
I've resigned from that secret ! '
"Papa , " she concluded , earnestly ,
"you can't resign from a secret , can
you ? "
The mental processes of children are
past finding out.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle or
CASTORIA , a safe ancTsure remedy for
infants and children , and see that it
Bears the
Signature of
In Use For Over 30Years7
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Making a Hit.
"Mary , are you sure that young
man you've got in the parlor will
make a good husband ? " 4
"I'm certain of it , mother , because
he is so economical with the gas ! "
Not Affinities.
Mistress And why did you leave
your last place ?
Maid Me and the missis was not
congenial. Harper's Bazar.
Accepting a Compliment.
Neighbor What a lovely day this
is !
"Weather Man Thank you.
Constipation causes and aggravates many
serious diseases. It is thoroughly cured by
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. The favor
ite family laxative.
And the love of money is also the
root of much matrimony and all ali
Take LAXATIVE BBOMO Onlnlne Tablets
Druggists refund money If it falls to care. B.W.
GBOVE'S signature is on each box. 25c.
It doesn't take a fisherman to cast
Many a man's handshake is less sin
cere than the wag of his dog's taiL
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent Cure
faiL Purely vegetable
ble- : act surely '
but gently on
the liver. ITTLE
Stop after 5VER
dinner dis
tress cure
indigestion,1 _ _
improve the complexion , brighten the eyes.
Genuine must bear Signature
s. < -