BULLS FOR SALE Registered Hereford Bulls for gale stall times of tln year. 8UHHY SLOPE STOCK P.A3CH Simoon - 'W. H. Stratton Dealer in , "FLOUR & FEPD Generui & i'BONFJ ' 25 cor. Hull & Cut.h. 'VUonJine , 'Nebr. F. M. Wafcoit Oliver H. Walcoil Walcott & Walcott Attorneys Practice before U. 8. Lund Office and nil Federal and Statd courts. Valentine Nebraska CA . Law Attorney-at- Office front room , second story , over T. U. Hornby\s store , Main Btreetentrance. . Valentisie Nebraska Dr. M. F. Meer , DENTIST Rooms over Red Front store Valentine - Nebn * Dr. D. W. Sumner DENTIST , ' ' Hornby Building Phone Eo. 173. If you have young children you have perhaps noticed that disorders of the stomach are their most common ailment. To correct this you will find Chamber- lain'a Stomach and Liver Tablets excel V lent. - They are easy and pleasant to take , and mild and gentle in effect. For ' , Chapman , the druggist. A WINDBREAK on the § OUTH would bo valuable now. U. S. Government tests ahow a windbreak of trees will protect crops and conserve moist ure a rod for each foot in height of the windbreak , a windbreak of trees 40 feet hijjh will protect crops and conserve moisture 40 rods. Cultivate trees each week or oftener. We have all varieties of forest , shade and fruit trees , shrubbery and ornamentals , adapted to North Western Nebraska. T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent , Valentine , jS"ebr.v Boyd Nurseries and Fruit : Farm. On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station Ainswerth , - Nebraska Valentine todge No. 70 , A. O. U. W. Meets 1st and 3rd Monday m each month at Fraternal Hall. All Brethern are cordially invited to he present ! ! ALBERT P WEBB , M w- " JAMES U. QUIGLEY , Recorder. Felch's Restaurant and Lunch Counter Come to my new location in the old Morey building. Home Cooking REX DYSPEPSIA TABLETS as In 8t m ch. distres. * * after eatipp , stomach net vr.iiH'ps.1 dizziness , headache , heartburn. he Tfc palpitation and other ail ments caused b.v faulty digest-ion. Price 25c Prepared b\ Druir Company , B"-t > n , Sold in Valentine onb b.G. . . A Chapman. The Eexall Su re Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , 0. H. FAULHABKB * ST > NS , ERO\VNLKE , NEB Herd Leaded by S. . tel n-.bi.p 17 No. 36C050 , srd Orni 2 , No. 289 832 ; a.leoMelvii . ; , No. 827072 , reg Bulls for Sale at Ail Times , When you have : i I-K ! cold you the best medicine nViiuble ; so as to cure it with as little delv apossible. ; . Een ' "I have sold 3s * druggist's opinion : Chamberlain's Cougli Beinedy for fifteen ywrs , " says Enos Lollr of Saratoga. Ind. ; , "andconsider it the best on the market. " For sale by Chapman , the druggist.- . Buttons'rmade to orderx to match .your gown. 18 styles ; all fed Front , . ? ht.-rilf'n Sale. By virtue of nn order of snle Issued by the Clerk of the district court of Oli rry County , Nuiiruska , ueceiuber 2r , litirunder a decree of tax lien loreclobin'o wherein H. A. Pox Is p'.tisniln Jind Jios.i trttumbrvuiier find .John " aorly 'iiopiiht i ) . Atttw * und iv , ' ! , V 11111.40 oiuorgi.t , . . Jut > . " ; i Ji , JjC'telnIaUtJ i ; viii t rim iVoit uoor oi the court lou < e in juiri' } , iiuerry County , Nebraska , tint1. helugtiie buitdinu viierela the lust term of said court WHS held , on ihe rd day of Feb- ru ry lyl ui ten -lock a. in. to satisfy judgment of i5.7. > nncl Interest ut 10 per cent from date ot judgment November Ssah , Ijii , : uid codts titAcd .it J-8.7S und acurulnj : costs , Jit public auction , 10 the highest bid- ] " / . ot'OM.jJuViii ! 107.'iii { ; dO'sflj'i'TctL prop er. , .o-'Yt ; uotj. . . : : . ! iU ! iioc . , \ i > i - i-ur. , : . ; , ' ; ti'rr. . Cu mi.v , Ktruvukii. Uutertni.sa-.UJi dny ot letcuber ) , Iftil U. A. liosseier , rfheri \Vaicotl it Wuieoii Aitys lor riulntiiT. rfbenfl'V - ale. By virtue of itn order of s-ilc issued by the K at uhe d ; .trlct court oi Oherry County , lii'lmiri ao.i ucconih" ! ' nh , iJ i , under E , < iccro' * .01 lax lien foreclosure wherein Oar-sioj/tier U. i'liompson Is plnlntliT nnd AOIIKO ! Moaherand Mrs..Alice Mosher his wue , Kmina Meed anu Mr. Meed , her hus- J ) : ndIir.st and real name unknown , Minnte P.ui.ler an.l Mr. Palmer , Oral and reftl ; iiic unJuiovv , aou1 heirs of Matthew ? fosh- "idet-ca-cd , T 0. Cannon and \Vlnniircd Ot.iiion , iiis viifc , Ailplph Abraham and Mrn. Auraimtn , hlsirlfe , rh-Kt ami real name \in- known : : ? r.l .tfJLi-i X\\ ' $ section an , township ; ? ; north range ' 8 west 5th p. in. are defend- iitits i" will dt'ii at tneont door of the court , house In Vaientinc. Cherry County , Nebras ka , thuv being the building wherein the last term o. a d court was held on the arc ! clay ot Feoruary , lulznt l.O o'clock n. m. , to MHi.sty judgment of $ tVs.75 and interest at 10 per cent iroin November 28th , 1911 and costs itiod at S-Jl.OO and accruing costs , at public aticUon to tne higncst bidder for cash the ioiK v."in descrloed jjroperty to-wit : NEj > i\V oi section a.'toya-siiip M north range _ s esl otii p. iii , In ( Jiiurry County , I ebnib- i-a. Dated thi.s SOlh day of December , A. I ) , r.ill , C. A. Rosseter , Sheriff Walcott & Walcoti Attys for plaintiff. 52-5 Contest "Notice. United States Land C31ce , Valentine , Neb December CO , 1911. To Ilanry 0. Meehan of Overton , Nebraska , Coiitcsteu : You are hereby notified that Asa D. Fu gate who gives Corrcctionvlllc , Iowa , as his postoce address did on the fEhrd of October , jyi. tlie in this oflice his dulj * corroborated .ii jnication to contest and secure the can cellation of your homestead. Entry No. 18D3. : Serial No. 0 ; > SSO , made Februarv 13th. 1007 , for ail ot Section unc. Township 28 , Range 33. \Vcst or the Sixth Principal Meridian , and as grounds.for his contest he alleges that said ilarr3 * U. Meehan has wholly abandoned the said land since the said date of entry. lou are , therefore , farther notifled that the saiu allegations will be taken by this of- " lice as having been confessed by "you , and your saia entry will be canceled thereunder without your turther right to be heard there in , either before this oliice or on appeal , if you fail to iUe in this oliice within twentr days after the FODRTK publication of this notice , as shown below , yo-r answer , under oath , speciiicalij' meeting and responding to these allegations of cqntest , or if you 'fail within taut time to iilein thisofilce due proof cliat you have served a copy or your answer wii the said contestant in person , or by reg istered mail. If this service is made by the aelivery or a copy of your answer to the contestant - testant in person , proof of such service must be cither the baid contestant's written ac- Kiiowieagmeiit of his receipt of the copy , showing the date of its receipt , or the afllida- vit ot the person 113' whom the deliver } ' was niada stating when and where the copy was delivered : it made by registered mail , proof of such service must consist of the allidavit ' . > f the person by whom the copy was mailed stating it hen and the post office to which it \v as mailed , and this allitlav t must be accom panied by the postmaster's receipt for the : etter. You should state in j'our answer the name jf the p ; st olnce to which 3 ou desire future notices to be sent to 3ou. 3ou.E. . OLSON , Receiver. Date of flrst publication December 21 , 1911. Date of second publication December 28,1911 Date of third publication January 4.1911 Date of fourth publication Januai'3 * 14 , 1911' YOU RISK m mm Our Reputation and Frloney are Back of This Offer. \Ve pay for all the medicine useM during the trial , if our reineny fails to completely relieve you of consti pation. We take all the risk. You are not obligated in any way what ever , if you accept this offer Could anything be more fair to you ? Is there any reason why you should hesitate to put our claims tea a orac'ical test ? ' A mostscenifie : ! , common-sense treatment , is Recall Orderlies , which ar i entail like candy. They are very pronounced , gentle and pleasant in action , and pnrticularly agreeable , in every way. They -do nor , cause diarrhoea , nausea , flatulence , grip ing , or other inconvenience , Eexall Orderlies are particularly good for cliildien , aged and delicate persons We urge you to try Rexall Order lies at our risk. Three sizes , 10c. , 2on. , and 50J. Romembar , you can gel Eexail Orderlies in this cora- mimity only at our r.tora The Rex- all Si05e. G. A. A Crippled Mind. Many strong minds , giant intel- leeis a.rn heltl ilown arid starved out b.cripplf.ii di 'i-livo pirvM\ d.pfpia and Jlio poison absorbed a > ; t -suit of chn > nc constipation. 1 : . \ cur st < rujich licks dijfpstive po\v < * r tli natural and simplest th'Djrto.do i s to put into it the ajT'iii if- 1'tckAb - ve all things ' a\ old su'ony dnijjthat - pnr.-ilJZ-1 * and ir-i'ntH h > srofi-ch nd bov A s-'unii , herhy ! 80 narli Pepsin ttl > ! i IM c < ntih ) . i * * Spruce Pepsin tablets will di- | fprm-vnlinuf , d C'Vvinjj , fo id that I i.v lil- a lump in your 8t rntfh. : TW hav proved rlus thoiiS'indx of tunes or we would -noi dire < pnif. | tion an' ' < > f 'Kl- lar , < to provf * it tt > eyer.v sufferer from stomacii i.nnb ! > . We will Sf nd ycm a trial box FREE. . SprucR Tablet. Co. . Heron Like , Minn 50c SIZPS cr.n be had of G. A. Charnan ( , Drusfjii t , V - * - * ' * * * " - w . Simeon : ' % W. Stratton and C. L. LiHa have moved the.ir cattle t/j the f - r mers pUcfi to feed. . - . 7 Tne infrtui daughter o'f'Mj * .and \ir8. Tuung has recovered'ts'firV mer g < iod.health. . - . ; v * ' ; The recent cold wave cnme , our way Vrp can ; . ap - ! ii i rj.i L\ . L ,5 hee have the sciiol l nou e. on D * e > Like rcjuly forciiooi. : Vloi'f * * K ee a-id farm lhi.lo New YV.ar dinner with Mr. , anr ) Mrs D.iaielt ; . A ph-asinc" time i.-i reported. > John Miller is vUltinif home folks and well trying 10 avoid baching b.v not krvp.ii < wliile it stays so cold. , v Mrs. A E. Spall spent last week visiting relatives and friend.- ? m Valentine. A E. looked lour- f some preparing the njCiLs those cold mornings. The International Live Stoclr Show at Chicago wiS watched with much inieitiht by nur stockmen vhilw ail have ju.st cau- to fe. ! pride in their chosen breed , tin raisers of the Angus are jubilant over the victory oi their favorites. One finds hard coal burners in most of our ranch homes now. There is talk of hot water ami lighting plants soon. Joining in the wa.of . comfort in the home KS too good lor those whose lives ar . spent out in storm and shine , or their faithful companions. ( Last v/eelt's correspondence. ) Miss Aiay Barnes visited Mrs Spall lat week. Kev. Beebe filled his appoint inents at Simeon and Gordon1 Val ley Sunday. H. A. and Mrs. Daniels spent Xtbits with J. VDaniels aicl wife. Mrs. U. M. Keece has returned to her home at Simeon after an absence of several weeks. Mr. and Mrs J. H. Baker tn- tertaiued at Xmas dinner. We are sure a splendid , time was en joyed. Schools around Simeon have closed for two weeks vacation. Misses Moore and Andrews will spend their time at Valentine and home respectively. Mrs. Crowe will remain at homo. Miss Andrew's entertainment was well attended , The pupils dia well with their program as did all who assisted. A beautiful ce dar tree nicely ornamented brought memories of many pleas ant days in jears gone by. The sad news was received Wednesday that , Mrs. George Christopher died in the hospital a Lincoln. She hnd been in pooi health for some time , and was ti ; ken to the hospital that she might receive the bestof cure. rib. leaves .1 husband and four sou- She had made m.tny friends amen her neighbors who did not n aiz ! tnat the messenger WHS s > > ne.ai i he entire community joins m Ui sorrow .at the loss of this beautifu character. * ' . 7 Jf i-1 5. ' t. ' \ the t to - . . : > a yrc-- -p cruide p ' * . B wants fe J , W , Copeland , of Daytoq , Ohio , pur chased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Seuiedy for Ms "boy who had a cold , and before the bottb vas all used the boy's cold vras gone. Is that not ) Trotter than .to pay a five dollar doctor's bill ? Fpr , Old Crow , . All Leading -j - f * * * * * t * * ' " - Hermitage1 Brands * * ' " " T- , - > . < ; ' and * Bottled ; ; m G-YicKon- " ' - i rndcr tht Supervision I Rye- I "V * . - of the 'V ; ' - , * J . Whiskeys. U.S. the I5udvvtiser Beer. \J 1ENRY STETTER , Propr. iJVDKKED-FOR-THE UU1 Coprrblii 1900 , by C E Siarcensaa Cc.-Ho. C9I-T IM order to farnlslij proper banking protection , ; President Lincoln and his first congress established' ' the National Bank which , operates under government ! supervision. .From lime to time addi tional laws have been passed under the different presidents shown above strengthening the protec tion a National Bank af fords. films the confidence and jsecurity that conies with the possession of money in the bank is greatly en hanced when it is in a Na tional Bank , for here it has safe-guard every pos sible for human ingenuity to devise. In selecting a bank in which to deposit your savings or surplus funds the one thing to be considered is safety , and we ask for your busi ness only on the basis of ab solute safety. Call at our bank and let us explain to you- how safe your money 1 is here. Baek Valentine , Nebraska headache , biliousness , in m digestion , rheumatism , pimples , blotches , yellow complexion , etc. , are all signs of poisons in your blood. These ' poisons should be driven out , or serious" illness may result To get rid of them , use E53 8 iO & the old , reliable , purely vegetable , liver medicine. Mrs. J. H. Easier , of' Spartanburg , S. C , says : " I had sick headache , for years. I felt bad most of the time , I tried Thed- , ford's Black-Draught , and , now I feel better than wjjen J was 16 years old. " ' Your druggist sells-it , in 25 cent packages. jston ' 'OUR SERVICES. Our equipment for the protection and safe guarding of money and our facilities for the , transaction oJhfinaiicial matters are respectfully > * ; .offered to the people of this community with the full assurance that any trust , given to- this bank will be handled in a safe and fair-jninded manner. ' - Your Account Will S3 Appreciated. VALENTINE STATC DAMS - Deposits in this bank arc protected by the depositor's < t Guarantee Fund o : the State of Nebraska. V j A i /u j j AAAJLAA&A § O & \ I I PATTERNS " . ' "fl 0 S ci ONE DAY ONLY > aturday9 January 6th. ohnsoif s Millinery. Ask L M. Rice about - $ 1 . .V German Fire insurance Co. oi Omaha , backed by the National of Hartford with $11.000,000 , guarantying-- ; every policy. As sound as the "peck of Gibraltar. " The Northwestern Life Ins.- ' Co. of Milwaukee writes the most liberal policy in- ' v/ : Ordinary Life , Endowment , or Payment plan. Youu > cannot lose a dollar that yon spend with this com * panyf A dollar is worth 100 cents the day yoa-spend it and increases every day , and is always within your racn , for you Call on I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. 'lever. ' The long winter even ings give a woman a splen did chance for sewing or embroidery ; but her eyes suffer from the strain unless she has a good light. -The Rayo is the best lamp made. h gives a strong , diffused lisht that is remarkably easy to the eyes. . There "is no glare to it ; no dicker" It lights up a whole room. The Rayo is an economical lamp , too. . You ret the awi ptfcable li ht-valus for the ofl burred ; and { be Rcyo itself Is a low-prictii Itmp. Yel rt is n har-dsorre-lainp an'oztsamcit to any roora in the house. The Rayo Lamp is cnisly fitted vrlho' t removing shade or chinney ; easy to clean ar.d rewicL Made of sclid bra , nickel-plated ; also in numerous other styles nnd ii ichcj. 'Ask your diiiir to ihov. you i "isr.c of Rayo iscps ; crivris fordaerpUve circular to any agency of the l Standard Oil Company ( Incorporated )