VALENTINE DEiQORAI EOR6E M. GASKILL , Editor and Manager. A Wwkly Newspaper published every Thum- Valentine , Nebraska. Subscription - § 1.50 Per Year Local Notices , 5c per line per issue Entered at the rostoIT.ce at Valentine , Neb. . f8r transmission through tliu mails , ns secoud class matter. Thursday , January . 1912. Washington News By 0. H. TAVKNJCKII special "Washington correspondent. "Business men all over tl e eotmtry are expressing complete confidence in the Democratic House. They are not being fool ed by ttie old bugaboo about 'Dem ocratic Success meaning business depression. ' I am familiar with how the Democratic leaders feel about this , and the leaders and the majority of the party are conserv ative. The tariff will be revised downward- it will be done con servatively , and without disturb ing business conditions unneces sarily. Democrats realize that business men have rights which must be protected. " This state ment by Congressman John LL Rothermel. of Pennsylvania , chair man of the committie on expend itures in the department of Com merce and labor , is endorsed b.v all the Democrats in Congress Mr. Rothermel's home is in Rt ad- ing , Pennsylvania , which is in thr heart of the Pennsylvania manu facturing section. Evidence is multiplying that btfstness men do not fear Demo- crjfti.c success in 191SJ , and that. on" ttie contrary , they will wo ! cotrie. it. This is due almost wholly , the House leaders say , to the businesslike way in which the Democrats have handled affairs lin e they were 'placed in control of.jtha lower house of Congress & year ago. The steel trust , which would have more reason than any other trust to be suspicious of Democratic , success , is thriving as & * * > nafcr before . at this season of the ' * * > > j y - year , and the customary holiday Itfe op of. twelve- days was reduced to two. , Early in January , it is iaid , the steel -mills all over the country will be working. up to 9u per cent of capacity. Blast fur naces long idle , have resumed operations , and the steel corpora tion confidently . expects 1912 to be - * * j the banner year of its history. The same story of increased ac tivity is told" * by . the" " " * ' " railroad- - . The NewJYbrkNew. Haven and Hartford , * , which" last spring laid off several f , thousand - > . „ men - , , lately has taken 'them al [ back , anvd many more" besides' . The sh ( > psat"Hirt- fof V thV c"ompnnyJ Jials say , WSJ be busierduring ( 'the. coming year thah tHeV luVu-blseiirfor/four , -.1- . - Wi"trf - " ' r-- " > jfr-w veSrs back. All the big railroads ; r , , . „ . . . - r * / : haye placed large orders' fornew equipment , a recent order of the for-anexpencliture of $23,000OJO * " * AJl 'pf tfepm afe worltiug their men to capacity. , . > * -i * * e Republican orators who expect torfooPthe voters 'with the old t- scare ab Democratic succas > ' meaning business , depression : ire going , _ tohave' . K both ? hands full * > * j- i i * / - * j * from now on. The Taft tariff bpard-exooeritqs woolen manufacturers of > nytbinj like' taking ad vantageof , high.tar i itf [ rates to advance . - , The board's repor.t wpulcl rao.kejit ap- ] paar that the woolen trust wouldn't dojsuch a thing. But the Irej'ort ; isn t altogether ; useless , because/ prpvesbeyond successful rcpntra--j diction : First That Schedule I if " * ' .it this "K ? is indefensible ; proves coiiclusively'arid for all time. , Second -It-confirms practical * ly every charge' made against vth"e woolen .schedule by * DtMiincratg and Progressive Re publicans. , v Third It proves that -Che America'n people are victims of extortion frqra . . wool " > rhanu- * - f * factarers. * ' . . ' * v"- - ' " . h -CAnd I1iajr ; President fll''was against" the" ! justified : urirtpcp'ssary , and there fore unforgivable. Louis D. Brandies , the famous Huston lawyer , who looks , sits , walks , and talks like Abraham Lincoln , while testifying before the Senate trust investigating com mittee , showed how the trusts re ceiving -the greatest protection have destroyed trades unionism" , reduced wages , increased working hours , and driven Americans out and brought foruigu immigrant la bor into their mills. He exposed the injustice and fu tility of the Tobacco Trust settlement - ment , effected by the United States Supreme Court , and said the rule laid down amounted to this : "What man has illegally joinrc together , let 110 court put asun- Jer. " In contrast with the record of the tariff protected trusts , Mr. Brandies presented instances where prices have been reduced , and wages raisetl , in industries operated under free competition. Tet the Standpatters would have the working men believe that the Payne-Aid rich" high protection wall was put up exclusively for their benefit. The Republicans .have selectee the man who is to be in charge oi the filling of the Republican campaign - % paign barrel for the 1912 contest lie is Fred \V. Upharn , who was assistant trust contribution grab ber in 1908. Between presiden tial elections .Mr. Uphaui trains with tiie Bub. e machine Chica go , runs a coal monopoly during trieinter and an ice trust during trie summer , and also has a lum ber company , a railroad , and a few bunks auu trust concerns. An ideal Selection ! United States circuit coun judtie , Peter S. Grioascup of Cni- I ca f < > , has managed to make a mil- hona're out of himself while sit- 1 ting upon the federal bench. Besides - | sides getting rich himself he ap pointed Marshall E Sampsell , his clerk , receiver for a traction com puny that was in litigation in his court , at a salary of § 25,000 a year. , John M. Pierian , one of the really great jurists in this nation's ' htiiory , and one of the best friend : ? ! the common people ever had on i the Supreme bench , died a few i weeks ago. His daughter recent ly has accepted a position as sec retary in earn her living. E Will wonders Ever Cease. Advanced repretoire and pro gressive muugemcnt has a great deal to do in the modern foim of a uusement. Ail lovers of popu lar prices are pleased to hear of tiivi Chase-Liattjr Theatre Co. , WfchClint ! % aud Bessie Bobbins , in gudug both a vaudeville sho\v and * t- drjLiutic . company on the same 7 ix-AJ. ni ht for the one admission. The " " ' " ' 'entire 'performance is condensed toattwo hour and a half show and satisfaction ever of fered for 545-35-50 are given the company opens an engagement in this city , Jan. 8-9- ' 10. Did you ever- etgood thing slip ? Get busy 4jeJi | Before this one is gonc-3 . . Jtnd lot S.t K. . . Imes * " - ( r > - < * Oj j help jou'totfalle tha mO acres for a jjoud. borne in southeastern Kansas'/ " , 'HiiVe a'20"acre 'farm able. ' Other laiiilYoresale or trade. . For. ' particu'lirs afjd f ( jss , S. Inic.s'vAkmVna , Kansas. ' IP Last seen south of , Crookaton enl Dec. 20. Notify "jil 'County ' of Chefrj- In .no < nitiiiy Cuuri withiii * ? nd lor Cherry cou-ty , jfebnjvjM , . j E „ 0 I n thPiii-af ter of Hier isftire or Tkos. " Er To the creditors of said estate : You aiw hereby notirudThatjIiWdl Mt atthf > Coutitx C'ou t Kooiu In Valentine in said countv ou the. 27th diy of January , 1912 to receive'iaiid cxiiulpa all 1 rms against NilflVstateitlrt vltt 'tn HiMradjuntitiPiit and aliowance Th tinje linuteii for Hie presenta tion of ciajm ? R jilnst salii.estateasTMK months fiomtnp 27tli day of July A J > 1911 , and the Mine limited for p < iToie t of debts is one vear from snUl 27t'i dav of Jniy. , l9n. - * u ftlips * uiy MM an K tlte seal'Jff said < Kvr. ( "ountv onrt t is 4th dnv of , lan . . - - iff.jr.iJ Mr. and Mrs. G orgt * Laraour- eaux will' entertain next week for the following : Mr. and -Mrs. Parker of O'Noill , Will and Oliv er Lamouroaux of Witten , Mrs Kiva LPWJS of Gregory , Paul Larnoureaux-from the ranch , an.d MrsMcCintic ! of Dallas. Geo. A. Miles was awarded a verdict in the district court of Holt county atQ'Neill for $2173.57 for printing the Scavenger tax list in July 1905 and the subsequent tax sale in October of that year both of which thfe county commis sioners of that county refused to pay Mr. Miles who obtained a judgement against the county of the full legal rate in 1906 but \Vhelan and Dixon , attorneys for the county curried the case to the supreme court and there it was de cided that Mr. Miles could recov er from the county for his services but onl.i in such amount as his ac tual and necessary cost in pusblish- ibg the first notice in which there was a dispute as to who was en titled to the printing of that no tice , the county commissioners having intentionally awarded it to D. II. Cronin of the Frontier , but the County Treasurer acting up on legal advice , gave the notice to Geo. A. Miles of the Holt count.\ Independent under the belief that , the County board had not made a legal designation. D. H. Cronin obtained a judge merit ngainst Ex-County Treasur er D. J. Cronin in the December .erm of court 1911 , for about § ( JOO and interest since July 1905 as his profits because of the county hoard's , designation. Crookston. W. E Sear by left Monday ing for the eastern part of the -tatp , to be gone several days on business. Several went from here to Val I'ntine Tuesday , to be present at n teleuhone meeting which was held on that day. "Mr Epje , teacher at Iron wood school , spent last week's end at J F. Wasmund's. ' R. A. Selway of Belle Fonrche , S 1'i i * in the vicinity looking np a location to winter about 5000 Wasmund returned from Rnshville , Sunday night and hap aeain repumed his duties in the store. _ _ Thp dance. IVIonday nipjht wa ? well attnnded , ronsiderino ; the in- elpmont wealhpr. Several from Valentine and other points were Ed Pike returned from unknown Thursdav evening. L H Bowman shipper ! a car of baled hay to the Black Hills last week. Art.hnr Graeff anrl family , Miss Bp sie Reid , and H. E. Shosser enjoyed New Year's festivities at A. B. Overman's. George Allard returned from Broken Bow , Friday night , Mr ? . Allard remaining for a longer vis it with relatives. > I. M Jones went to the Agency Wednesday on business connected wit.h the new government barn which fa nearly completed and of which he has the contract. Mr. Johnson of McGinn was in town Wednesday enroute to Ed Pike's sale. False Rumor Afloat. The rumor afloat that all seats for the opening performance of the Chape-Lister Theatre Co. , with ( Mint and Bn ie Rohbins , are gone , bears no official foundation a1 ? iH 're are quite a few good peats left' , butit is evident that they will be.ellingr-standing room at the thpatyejValentine , , Jan. 8-9-16 \vhent4li-qr'P ° nular company make its.'initial.appearance in this city. - , : * Advertisement. " The Valentine" , .Locating Co. , is surely meeting good success in advertising Va-lentirier and the managerifis-sureof-50'0 ! Ticket rijldera'Comingrthis wayt' < Let all ' Viilejitinejstop.-kickJLg. and help all they cacr.- * NearlyJQ : answers to < tiOOletter ? , ; and' replies allindi - e.ate tbey-.w.ill.-corae - . Bucking the Game. "If I could onlj\buy'a coir and eave the cost of cream And shoo the noisy milkman off 'twould bo a happy dream. " That's \vhat 1 told myself one day. I said : "Why , can't you see , We'd have fresh milk ami butter , too , anil whey from microbes free. We'd have our homemade buttermilk with out a cent oC cost Except a trifling sum for feed , and that would not be lost. " I said that over to myself until I made a vow To save my cash till I'd enough to buy a gentle cow. And so one day I found a man who of fered one for sale. She had a pale clue gleaming eye ; she had no horns or tail. He charged me ninety plunks for her and ' swore I had a snap. But when I tried to milk the brute she sat down in my lap. And then I gave the neighbor's boy a quarter every day To coax a pint of milk from her. I bought a ton of hay. \ Besides I fed her bran and straw and built a coldproof shed. bought some other luxuries and saw that she was fed. "Why dwell upon the piteous tale ? YThen. six months after that , I figured on the rest of cream and whey and butter fat 1 found each pfnt of so called milk had cost a dollar ten In feed and cow and shed and boy and clothes and work and men. And so in anger and in pain I killed the cow one day And sold her to the butcher for whatever he would pay. And then I bought her back again in lit tle bits , of course. The second time I paid for her at prices then In force. I found that dead cows cost a. lot , much more than when alive , Like murderers and skunks and things. I nevermore will strive To beat the cost of living thing. I think I've had enough. . I lack the nerve and foolishness to try to ' call its bluff. Miles Overholt in New York American. Finical. "I am told that your new play is drawing crowded houses and that you turn hundreds of people away every night. " "That is merely newspaper misrepre sentation , sir. V Te don't turn anybody away. We tell them in the kindest possible manner that every seat in the house is sold , and they turn away themselves. These lying journalists make me tired ! " Chicago Tribune. - An Early Frohman. First Medieval Manager How's your latest miracle play ? Second Ditto Fine ! Thought it would be a failure , though , till vre hit on something that's got tha women coming in droves. F. M. M. How so ? Second Ditto "VVe lost the baby -that we used in the "Solomon and the Two Mothers" baby scene and have been using a lap dog ever since. Puck. G. W.'e Integrity Questioned. Englishman And who was this George Washington ? American He was the father of our country. Englishman But do you really be lieve he was the most honest Ameri can ? American Oh , I don't know about that. They lock all the banks on his birthday. Folies Bergeres. An "Do you think the automobile is interfering - terfering with American home life ? " "It seems likely , ' ' replied Miss Cay- enn5. "A nice limousine is usually so much more comfortable and tasteful than the averr.go living room.- ' Wash ington Star. Hsrclesi. "He has managed to convince him self that his poor children need a new mother. " "Got her .nicked out , too , I s'pose ? " "Yes. All that remains , now is to convince the children. " Washington Herald. Gentility. "She seems to be a thorough aristo crat. " "Yes. She is proud of the fact that she can't sow. never learned toticook and had a grandfather who owned slaves. " Chicago Record-Herald. "It's All In tha Fillin' . " "You can reach a man's heart vrith food ; a woman's with flattery , " re- rnarke d the wise guy. "In other words , stuff them and they are ours , " added the simple mug. Philadelphia Record. Razor Count. "I suppose the hairs on a man's face are numbered. " "Jaybe. Why ? ' ' "I've got a razor that has pulled prery single one of them. " Cleveland Plain Dealer. * No Smoker He. "I can truly say that I never did a hasty act for which 1 was afterward sorry. " "Didn't you ever put the wrong end of a cigar in your mouth ? " London Telegraph. Something Back of It. "He'll neve'r marry. He's an 'imbit- tered.old bachelor. " "Yes ; he's so thoroughly imbittered that I think he must hare been mar ried before. " Louisville Courier-Jour nal. Ona Way. "Whdl ! s your father Soing fbV "Staying 'home so he vron't IMVP to ' to a ! ! the people who have sure I Out We desire to announce that T , e are not clos ing out , but are still selling the yer3r best goods at reasonable prices. Our line of John Deere Implements , Yelie Buggies , Moline and Davenport Boiler Bearing Wagons and Samson Windmills is complete and priced right. We also have a large stock of lumber , lime , Wall Plaster , Cement , Brick , Sash , Doors , etc. Is it not good policy to. patronize afirin who expects to continue in business and intends to handle the same line of goods for years to come. * We never advertise so-called bargains because we have always had our goods priced right. rCo. A. E. Morris. W.V. . Morrissey. Dr. C. "W. Noyes O Go to tin C < k ck Exchange Saloon VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. V $ St ne D. A. WH3PPLE , Propr. ' ' Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House " " Rosebud Hotel Leave Yalentine at 8 o'clock every morning , Sundays excepted. : Arrive at Eosebud at 2 o'clock p. m. Leave Eosebud at 8 o'clock every morning , - - Sundays excepted. Arrive at Yalentme at 2 o'clock p. m. Britt at 11 o'clock a. m. Special attention to passengers , baggage and express or packages. Leave orders at headquarters or at the Eed Front store. . A. Whspple. ARE YOU GOING TO DO any building or repairing in the spring ? If * so , I respectfully requ est your patronage. AH kinds cf carpenter wcrk done in an up-to-date. . manner. House painting , calcimlning and interior finishing a specialty. Plans drawn fco scale and blue prints made. ' Chas. M. Bads Valentine , Box 5 Nebraska Order cf Hearing on Petition for Appointmen of Administrator. In the County Court of Cherry County Neb raska. STATE OF NeuuASica I „ „ COUNTT or CHKRHV f a3 To the heir ? nnu to all persons interested in the csate oi William Hntier , tfeceaned : On reading the petition of George Cronk praying tint the administration of said estar * * ho crauted tu Ueorgu O'Keefo as adiuiius- ( r.itor. It is hereby ordered thar you a"d all persons interested in said matter muy , and do. appear at t'ae County Cou-t to J > e held n and for s-nid county on the : J3th da > of January , A D. , IPliiat to o'clock a m. io liu\v taiiie , it any tuer - ne. . why the pniyerof the petitioner , houd not be Kr.inted aim That notice of the nnd icy of .sid p-titiotiiind thit th * heartn-r tlvreof bepiven to a'lxjtprsous interested in sairt uiaiter by punlish- ; iiijr a copy of this ordr Ja the Valentine Demoj j prat \veekl > n vvsitpcr | j nnfe l in vtwl county , for 3 siece < 8ive weeks prnr to said day of J bearing. Witr.pis my hand and the seal of sa'd court this 2nd < l. \ - > f Jan. 4. f > 13J- . . 52 3 Couutj Judge. P. H O'itouke Attoniej * . Button Triniminff for dresses etc , is the latest. Save your scraps of cloth and take them to the Bed Front- where they can show .ycu IS styles including the new oblong shape made to or der. Notice to Creditors. THE STATB OF NEBRASKA t In the County tf83 Court. In thp matfr of the estate of Acna Janak. deceased : To the Creditors of saM Estate- Vou are hereby notified. That 1 will sit at the Conty Court Room in Valentine In said conncv on tL-tt 271 a day o Januarys 191S , to receive ann examine all claim. * agaiuat * aid tate with a viVw to their adjusting and anowancr. The time llmittHl for the presenta tion of. i-lanns a hiust said estate la alx mouths from thr 2Tth day of July. A. D.19H. and the tune limited for payment of aebts 13 outs lear from saia 27th day of July. 1911. Witness my hand and S A ! of s-i5d county court A- this 4hs day of January. A. f > . 191 * . J4ME5 C. QUJGLKY. , . - , * - * . County Judge. > X A. lluby. vttorney St. Nicholas5 Church. Services will be held in the Catholic church as follows : In Xenzel on Monday Jan. 1st. ID Valentine on Sunday Jan. 7 | 1st Mass at 8 a. rn. nd Mass at 10 a. ra. Benediction of the Blessed Sac rament after Mass. LEO M. BLAERE. Eector. Sick headache is caused by a dered stomach.Take Chamberlain's Tablets and correct that and the head aches -will disappear. Sold by Chapman * fee