Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 04, 1912, Image 1

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' „ " , > - * > JL JL
Volume 26 , No. 52 VALENTINE , NEBE. , THURSDAY , JANUAEY 4 , Si.50 peryju- .
The Lighter the Bed Covering the
- _ Better.
In the Maish Comfort you get Warmth without -
out Weight.
Nothlpg cxhaiv-ls you HO as heavy bed clothes.
The-Maish Comfort is luxuriously warm , yet
lighfoand Huffy. "With it you can sleep in cold
fresltxair , yet be perfectly warm. We have
them in . exquisite designs and patterns. Come
> ' *
in and ask us to show them to you and see the
soft'liiminated cotton , that goes into them.
Price § i.OO each.
This cut shows one of the
extreme tests which these
watches undergo. Call in
and let us show them to you.
I. *
j Oilier Standard makes such ns Elgin.Valthnm and
; Hamilton , at right prices Yours for Inspection.
' a fj > Xa t V L-ii iUii t
* ' Jp
Typewriter Supplies Tlae - Democrat Office.
SS 3'
As we have a large stock on we can
set ! at Lowest Prices.
VS > 0 > ? $ < ! * < ? _ * ! * f ! $ ' # > .t-j .
Livery , -Feed and 4 *
Sales Stable
/ , r It
Wood Lake , Nebraska 4 * 4
Sp'eci'al Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties , t
Red f rent Hardware Co.
Headquarters For Electrical Supplies
We Carry. the Largest and Best Line of .
Carbon and Mazacla Lamps
. , , ,
U .1 L " ]
Sad Irons Stoves Warming Pads
Toasters Girling Iron Heaters
- Electrical 'Fixtures oP all Kinds.
Electric Wirmg , Plambicg , and Heating ,
On ? Secialties.
Red Front Hardware Co.
W. A. Met zger was down fiom
Merriman Tuesday.
Chas. H.JLane of Vian was in
town on business Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hutchison
were in town the first of the week.
W. J. Gordon and wife of Ains-
worth registered at The DonoLcr
Mrs. Charles Shepard returned
Monday from a visit with relatives
in Crawford.
L. C. Peters of thi Canton
Bridge Co. spent several days in
town this week.
Mrs. Slenecker's mother , Mrs.
Marsden , went to her home in
Ainsworth Saturday.
Henry Graham is clerking in
the Rd Front while Ei nest Foster
is on his eastern trip. '
Ernest Wilkinson was up from
his ranch near Kennedy today
after a load of supplies.
There will be services in Si *
John's church on Sunday January
7 , both morning and evening.
George Christopher and chil
dren returned fcom Lincoln last
night and will go out to the ranch
The Eugle dance in Q-iiglay
Hall on New Year's night was well
attended and everyone enjoyed
themselves till a late hour.
Mrs. W. W. Weils and Sarah ,
went to Ewing to spend New
Year's with the former's- daugh
ter , Mrs. F. W. Green and fam-
JErnest 'Foster and Mrs : John
Foster started for the east M < m
day morning They will visit .
friends and relatives in Pennsyl
vania and New Jersey. ,
Word has been received from
Dr. Lewis , who is with his family
in Mesa , Arizona , stating that Alf
is still very sick and that he will
not be home for some time.
Harry Bulmer came up from
Neligh this week for a visit with
friends. Harry was at one tirem
an employee of Cherry County
Telephone Co. and has a host of
friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Elraund Gerber
have purchased the building and
business used as a restaurant on
the east side of Main street and
| h ive made some changes. Here
after it will be called the Cottage
Grove Restaurant.
Mrs. George Lamoureaxgive
a party Saturday night in honor
of Misses Helen Sparks , Alice
McLean and Kate Helzer , who
are home for the holiday vacation.
The , home was beautifully deco
rated withhearts ( , the decorative 9
scheme being carried out even to
the dainty two course luncheon.
The prize for the highest score
was won by Alice McLean , and
Clifford Pike won the consolation.
Twenty-five were present and
greatly enjoyed the evening.
Interest in the next meeting I v
place of the Nebraska Stite Teachers -
ers Association is keen among the
teachers- Unlike last year , the
location of the 1912 meeting place
will be decided much earlier , . tlie . „
- > - \
vote being taken this year frajap
January 2 to 13 , with the Canvass
at Grand Island on January 20.
Omaha as a meeting place is
finding much favor among the
teachers , who feel that the raetrop-
oHs furnishes adequate hotel and
meeting place accommodations.
With its large auditorium , Omaha
can easily accommodate the crowd
that gathers for this important
meeting. Last November 4,0-J9 V
atterideJ the convention and the f <
officers feel tbat the 1912 gather-
fo ] wii ! surpass this aUoitorl C
Sixteenth Judicial District of Neb
raska , W. H. Westover , Judge.
Cherry , Feb. 26 Sept. 9
Sheridan , Mar. IS Sept. 30
Box Butte , April 1 Oct. 7
Brown , April 15 Oct. 21
Sioux , April 29 Nov. 11
Dawes , May 13 Dec. 2
Fanners Will Discuss Important Ques
tions ;
* *
Omaha , Neb. , Jan. 3 When
the farmers of Nebraska meet in
annual convention in Omaha on
January 10 to 13 , they will be
privileged to hear -exhaustive dis
courses on various questions ,
whichg&Te vital in their impost.
he programwhich has been
program , - ar
ranged by tne secretaries of the
three organizations , the Farmer's
Congress , the Rural Life Com
mission , and the Farmer's Co
operative Shipping Association ,
iricludes addresses by men , who
have -made a life study of thu eco
nomic conditions.
4kHow the Aid rich currency
plan will effect the Farmer , " will
be discussed from every angle by
Henry W. Yates of Omaha. Mr.
Yates will deliver his address on
the evening of January 11.
Dr. George O. Virtue , of the
University of Nebraska , will de
liver an address on the " 6ub-ti- ;
tutes for the personal tax. " This
address , which is scheduled for
the same evening will deal with
the passible elimination of the per
sonal tax element , and will sug
gest ways and means to get rev
enue from other sources , which
will mean a more equitable div-
Secretary Olell of the Kural
Life Commission is conducting an
investigation and is asking a se
ries of questions , which have for
their , object the ascertaining of
facts and suggestions , which will
increase the desirability of farm |
life and check the drift from the
farm to the city.
Indications are that nearly 1,000
farmers will attend the joint con
gress of the three associations.
All farmers are urg.jJ tv > attend j
congress , whether tiiey are regu
larly appointed delegates or not. !
Every one will have a voica in the
convention and will ba entitled to
vote on any question that is raised , j
Tiie officers of the three associa
tion : , have joined in an invitation
to every fanner in the state. All
are urged tojje present and be pre
pared to discuss the various ques
tions , which will be raised during
the three days session.
Hard To Beat.
A combination hard to beat , is a
pretty girl , two seats and a good
show , anil this coii'Dination will
be found in abundance on 8-
10 , when the Chasr-Lister
Thi'-itro Company , with Clint and
Bessie Bobbins , is
If in need of wind mills or wa
ter tanks call on Breuklander
NTone better made. 42-tf
Dr M. F Meer has decided to
visit Wood Lake the first Monday
and Tuesday of each month to do
dental work. 19tf
style wire type Edison's
GE lamps can be used in any
position. 25 watt lamp 60c. 40
watt , 70c. Special prices for a
short time only at H. I. Weinzim-
mer's. Plumbing and Electrical
shop. 40
- Will Kill.
John C. Chase will kill the mis
understanding between labor and
capital at Bethel Hill , Siturday ,
January 13 , at 8 o'clock p. m.
Admission and subscription to the
Weekly Enterpriser for one year
for 25c. Brin your misunder-
stan ling and have it killel or a
on Ladies' and Men's Fur and
Lined Overcoats from $18 to
r *
Ladies' Suits from $1&50 to
Ladies' and Men's Felt Shoes and.
All heavy winter goods included
in the special prices.
These prices are on for two weeks
only , commencing Jaauary 6th.
Do not miss this sale. -
H. W. Hoenig , Prop.
= A. bad cold is the most
dangerous commonillness
you caa suffer from. : To a bad
cold may l o traced more deaths
than any ailment in tlie woilJ. Ifc
is easy to acquire hut is as easy to
get rid of or if you try our way
QTI d ?
Compounded of the finest dru s from the formula of a famous
physician. If taken in time , it is guaranteed to relieve the
congestion caused by phlegm , to cure that tightness in
the head , to stop that cough and to give .you a pleas
ant feeling of relief. It is a safe and sure rem
edy with a long record of cures to its credit.
Can be taken by young or old.
Send or call for a package at once , price 25c.
> -
eeiieea e
McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenhelmer , '
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 29/yearxold
andjas. E. Pepper , O , F , C. Taylor ,
> ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure * and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout.
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
Valentine = * Nebraska
Va S(2i&ffi&K *
Stetter & Tobien , Props ,
All Kinds of Fresh
and Fait Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , '
Poultry , Horses , Mues : and
anything you liact * to * ! ! .