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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1911)
. OF INTEREST TO-HORSE BREEDERS ' Every Stallion in the State of Nebras ka Must be It is getting toward the season of Ihf year when the farmer be gins fo figure on the number of horses he must keep for the next season's work. He is usually ithtr buying or selling horses , "dickering" so that he will be. bet- tter off than he is now. 4 'We want to call the attention of the farmer to the fact that a new ; : ' 'vlatr , enacted at the last session of the legislature , requires that very stallion and jack kept for gale , public service , exchange or transfer , must be examined by an ' ; 'inspector sent from the office of the Nebraska stallion registration board. This board issues a li cense , to the owner of each stallion ' or jack that passes the inspection which license is good for one vear. The State Stallion Inspectors have , , now covered the state once , - but owing to the fact that the J" Board could not secure the names . of all the stallion owners they have .decided to make another trip over the state. They will be in or near our town sorteyime during the winter. After this second trip through the state , every stallionxand jack should have been examined. Be fore buying or using any animal kept for pu.blic service , the far mer should demand to see the li cence issued by the Stallion Keg-1 istration Board.If such papers cannot be produced , have nothing more to do with the animal as he ; is doubtless refused a license or is ! auch a poor individual that his , , owner * was afraid to present hirni for examination. Rememl er that all stallions that hav been or will be shipped into the slate since July 7 , 1911 i and ali those born info the state' after that time must b'e absolutely sound. If you want sound colts , know what you are breeding to , insist on seeing the license issued by the Stallion Kegistration Board. Contest Notice. United States Land Office , Valentine. Neb December 20,1911. To Harry O. Meehan of Overton , Nebraska , Coutestee : You are hereby notified that Asa D. Fu gate who gives Correctionville , Iowa , as his posto'l cc address did on the 23rd of October. 1911 llle in this office his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the can cellation of your homestead , Entry No. If COS , Serial No. 038:20 : , made February 13th , 1907 , for all of Section One. Township 28 , Range 30 , West of the Sixth Principal Meridian , and as grounds for his contest he alleges that said Harry C. Meehan has wholly abandoned the said land since the said date of entry. You are , therefore , further notified that the said allegations will be taten by this of- lice as having been confessed by you , and , your said entry will be canceled thereunder withdut your further right to be heard there in , either before this office or on appeal , if , you fail to tile in this office within twenty days after the FOUliTH publication of this , notice , as shown below , your answer , under . oath , specifically meeting and responding to i these allegations of contest , or if you fail j within that time to file in this office due proof , that you have served a copy or your answer on the said contestant in person , or by Teg- istered mail. If this service is'made ' by the delivery of a copy of your answer to the con- 1 testant in person , proof of such service jnust be either the said contestant's written ac- 1 knowledgment of his receipt of the copy , showing the date of its receipt , or the afliida- vit of the person by whom the delivery was made stating when and where the copy was delivered ; it made by registered jna'il , proof of such service must consist of the affidavit of the person by whom the copy was mailed stating when aud the post office to which it was mailed , and this affidavit must be accom panied by the postmaster's receipt for the letter. You should state in your answer the name of the p''st office to which you desire future notices to be sent to j'ou. j'ou.E. . OLSOX , Receiver. Date of first publication December 21,1911. Date of second publication December 28,1911 Date of third publication January 4,1911 Date of fourth publication January 14 , 1911. Felch's Restaurant and Lunch Counter Come to rhy new location in the old Morey buikling. _ Home Cooking Teachers'Meeting. ' Janurary 13,1911 ' Music The. Teacher and the School , G. W. Eaton. Agriculture , Chapt. 14r-16 , Mr. Cowan. Domestic Science , Miss Stuckey. Discussion , Mrs. Amelia McLean. Great American Educators , Miss Brown. Music Ethics for children , Miss Gordon. Uses of School Library in Ru ral School , Helen Hunter. Discussion of Books Suitable for School Library , Edna Hobson , Myrtle Searby. School Room Ventilation , Hiram-Newman. What Constitutes an Education , Ada Smith. Music The regular time of meeting is the second Saturday of each month. Did you ever let a good thing slip ? Get busy thenbefore this one is gone and let S. K. Imes help you to trade that 640 acres * for a good home in southeastern Kansas. Have a 240 acre farm for sale at § 37.50 an acre , all till able. Other land for sale or trade. For particulars address , S. K. Iraes , Altoona , Knsas. Button Trimming for dresses etc. , is the latest. Save your scraps of cloth and take them to the Red Front- where they can show you 18 styles including the new oblong shape made to or der : 48. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed bids accompanied by certified check for $500.00 on local bank and made payable to County Clerk will be received until 2 p. in. January 3.1912 , by the County Commis sioners nt the Court House , Valentine , Nebr. , . for the furnishing and erection of the fol lowing bridges : ' One Thirty-foot span wit'h steel legs over Snake River in Sec. 1 , Townshipj : | , Rangeao. One Fifty-foot span with steel legs over Snake River in Sou SO , Township 31. Range ! M ) . One Forty-foot spau with steel legs over North Loup River In Sec. 12. Township 28 , Range J. Bridges to be constructed as per plans on llle In oilice of County Clerk ; length of steel legs to be determined in meantime by Coun ty Board and information given successful bidder when contract is awarded. Jn order to satisfy and insure the County Commissioners that successful "bidder in tends to furnish and erect the bridges in a satisfactory length of time , the sum of $ 3.00 per day for each day overtime will be ex acted for .non-compliance with following conditions , said sum not to be considered a penalty but to be considered just damages due County : , / First : All steel and other materials used in construction of bridges must by delivered f. o. b. cars , Valentine , Nebr. , on or before Jan. 22,1SU2. Second-Bridges must be completed and ready for travel on or before Feb. 215,11)12. ) The successful bidder also agrees to leave certified check for $ . : CO.O ( > on llle until work is completed to guarantee that foregoing conditions will be faithfully carried out. County Commissioners reserve right to reject any or all bids. The notice to bidders covering the furnish ing and erection of the same three bridges described in this notion issued bv the Coun ty Clerk under date of Nov. 18,1911 , is hereby cancelled and annulled. By order of County Commissioners dated Nov. 20th , 1911. 48-4 ( Seal ) F. A. Oumbow , County Clerk. 84 : acre farm for sale. Good house ; fair barn ; 45 acres alfalfa ; 25 acres fenced hog tight ; all un der fence ; all tillable ; 1 mil * * from town. This is certainly a fine farm , and cheap at § 4,800. Address , S. K. Imes , Altoona. Kansas. Here is a woman \vlio speaks from per sonal knowledge and long experience , viz. , Mrs. P. H. Brogan , of Wilson , Pa. , who says , "I know from experience that Chamberlain's Congh Remedy is far su perior to any other. For croup there is nothing that excels it. " For sale by Chapman , the druggist. Red Tag Sale at the Bed Front begins Saturday , Dec. 30. Well pipe at lowest prices at Fischer's Hardwares I. will sell at my ranch 61-2 miles southwest of Valentine and 6 miles southeast of Crookston on Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. the following described property to-wii : f- " ' " * Consisting of 1 black driving team , weight 1850 , five years old ; 1 span of mares , weight 2200 , nine and ten 'years old ; iteam of geldings , weight 2500 , seven and eight years old ; 1 bay driving team , weight 1800 , -eight and nine years old ; I team of grey geldings , weight 2000 , seven years old ; 1 team of bay mares in " 'foal , part Hambletoniani weight 2100 , six and seven years old ; 1 grey mare in foal , weight 1100 , eight years old ; Ispan of mares , weight 1800 , seven years old ; 1 team of brood mares , weight 1650 , eight years old ; 1 f gelding ; weight 1000 , eight years old ; 1 span of brood mares , weight 2000 , nine years old. These horses . /.are all well broken. 5 yearlings all halter broke ; 2 sucking colts. * * * i * < < - Consisting of 3 cows giving milk. 1 fresh cow and calf. 4 milch cows fresh soon. 3 coming three year. > old heifers. 6 coming two year old heifers. 6 coming yearlings heifers and steers. , * * rv 3 sets of work harness , 3 sets of buggy harness , 3 top buggies ; one nearly new ; 1 spring wagon , 1 light wagon , 1 .wide * tire wagon , 1 3-inch wagon , 1 hay rack. 1 John Deere riding cultivator , 1 John Deere riding plow , 1 14-in. \ ' * \ plow , 1 good grind-stone practically new , 1 Deering mower , 1 hay sweep , 4 dozen .chickens . Other articles too - * * t f- * numerous to mention. v FREE LUNCH AT NOON. TERMS OF . SALE On sums under $10 cash. On sums of $10 and over 12 months' time will be given on * ' - * * t if" - * - * approved notes. . Five per cent , discount for cash. H * , i If I ' Everything will be Sold without Reserve. s PIKE , Owner. si k h SO4OSSER , Auctioneer. MAX VIERTEL , Clerk. Y C 3g 3&3S3 'IZgSS3gfli ! 3B MM - 'E s y oweai * jsa Cigars and Soft Drinks , m JOHN G. STETTER - PROP. INTERNATIONAL " 30" . . , in i Mni jij 'n inwnqtir--n. i- i Bi B HisaMC aBEa ii- - i 11 jggaagai gBHgacKH Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTERNATIONAL / ; NATIONAL " 30" . * * * * * * No Hill too Steep ? no Sand too Deep \ ' O3IHI B = IHBIIIK H HH MHB BiBKanW HHHHB ' " P Soldby Guaranteed by International Harvester Company GRANT BOYER \ _ _ _ _ _ , CARPENTER & BUILDER. A.11 kimls of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska References : My Many Cummers. ! ? 3S2j SES5aua gz fe \ * With new prices , which are the lowest for good business. My stock consists of Dry Goods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent bargains. You are invited to call and make this your home store. Highest pric es paid for produce. Come , and get ac quainted. Tra y. 2nd Building South the Bank.Crookston , Neb. tt3&iai&i3ZX3 R. M. Faddis & Co Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded on left thigh ITorses branded left or thU/h Some Soniej branded branded on rijiht thigh on left or .shoulder. shoulder or thijjh P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattc ! brander. as cut on left aid * Some QYon l side. - on left J iw o V horses. Kame on Gordon Creek n. rth of Simeon , N. S. Eowley. Kennedy , flame as cut on leit tide and hip , and on. ' eft shoulder of hor- to. . AlsoBSW on eft side lip. K X on left side ' Some nafc- le brand- ' ; d- ing peg ( either side up ) on eft side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder if horses. UJ UJQ.on left hip of horses. N on left Jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and catt ! same as cut ; alst CJ BE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A literal reward for information leading to detpctlor of rustlers of R. M. Ten-ill , Propr. Briuvniee , Neo. in1 c-.t on lefl side. Home branded K. T on left hip. Kange on North Lonp river , two inile-s west of Brewnlee Not Afraid t. Francis IStis- ion. Rosebud. . D. a in cut ; horses , uue r'KP ' on 'itthish. hanue etweeii Spring I'k and Little Albert Whipple & Sons. Eosebud. S , D. Cattle branded SOS on left aide OSO on rlehtsld * Some cattle alsa nave a - fen neck ! < Some with A. OK left shoulder , anl some brandtjti with two > b&ri .across bind jjngr- . _ , Iters. Some Texa cattle branded O on left side and some ! n left side. I Horses branded SOS on left hip. 8ome ca li Branded A W bar connected on both sides and left hip of horses - D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded M on'cut.Ieft side ome on left hip. Horses same on I < ? ft shoulder. Kange Square ake. Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. tartlett Richards Vres Will G Comstock. V. T Chas 0 Jamison SecSTreas Cattle branded 01 any part of animal ; also ths following brands : horses same Bange betwee * Gordon on the FJt HyannKon B & .M. K.R. in Northwestern Nebr BARTl.ETT HICHAKDS. KlHworth. Nebr Sav/yer Bros. Oasis , Nebr G. K. Sawyer has charge of thetc cattle. H net l > on left shoal- der. Somej left side. Horsosj same left thigb. Kauge on Snakt river. Metzger Bros. hoife Nebr Cattle branded mywhere on left ride.- Karmark , square crop right ear. Horsps have arne brand on sft thigh. Eanpe on Gordon and Snake CreeKs. i Reward of $250 will be paid to any person f r iufornmtion leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons stealla * u-ith sUmve brand. J. A. Taryan. Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JT on right side Horses branded JT on right shoulder Reasonable rewsrf for any information leading to the re covery ol eaW * strayed from ay range.