Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 28, 1911, Image 1

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Volume 26 , To. 51 VALENTINE , NEBE , , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 28 , 1911. $1. 0 per year.
To our many friends and customers we wish to
extend the season's greeting. We desire to
thank you for your generous patronage \ and
hearty .co-operation in making the past year
one of the most successful of our business ca-
, * .
reer. Trusting that the past year has been a
prosperous one for yon and that the future
twelve months hold much more we wish you
all A Happy and Joyous New Year.
fYVwwYVWYv yyvwYvvyvyYYYyv ,
* *
This cut shows .one of the 5
extreme' tests which these
watches undergo. Call in
and let us show 4 them to you. .
piher Standard makes sucli as Elgin. Waltham and-
Hamilton , at right prices. Yours for Inspection.
JL 1 tvflj f V JulLiJuJL\
Typewriter Supplies at The Democrat Office.
As we have a large stock "on we can
sell at Lowest Prices ,
Fischer's Hardware. |
Livery , Feed and |
Sales Stable. . . ,
Wood Lake , Nebraska j *
{ Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. *
Red Front Hardware Ca.
. Headquarters For Electrical Supplies
We Carry the Largest and Best Line of
. - * 'Carbon and Mazada Lamps
Sad .Irons Stoves . Warming Pads
'Toasters Gurling Iron Heaters
: Electrical Fixtures of all Kinds.
Electrifc. Wiring , Plumbing , and Heating ,
, f\ C" 1 \
Our specialties.
Red Front Hardware
Margaret Conger spent Christ
mas with her parents at Norden.
G. H. Hornby went to Lincoln
to spend the holidays with his
Mrs. Mable Blake of Chicago is
visiting her sister , Mrs. John
Slonecker and family.
Mr , and Mrs. Ed Flynn and son
Mark went to Norfolk to spend
Christmas with relatives.
Quigley's Hall was crowded
Christmas night at the dance giv
en by the A. 0. U. W.
Mrs. Fannie Robertson of Lin
coln is visiting at the home of JVJiv
and Mrs. George Cowan.
Ruth Quigley went up to Cut
Meat Saturday to spend Christ
mas with the Gardner family.
John Helzer came down from
C it Meat Saturday for a .week's
visit with relatives and friends.
Miss Phoebe Jacobs of White
Clay is visiting her sister , Miss
Mary and many friends in Valen
tine .
James Phelps of Belmont , Nebr.
and Gerald Cox of Chicago are
visiting at the home of J. ii.
Mrs. Charles Salmon and chil
dren came up/rora Brunswick to
spend the holidays with Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Hobson.
D. E Sherman went to Fullerton -
ton lasc FriHay to visit his daughter -
ter and family. Mrs. Sherman
has been there for the past month.
J.H. , Scriven , who had been at-
Eendiug court at Yankton and
Sioux Fails returned Tuesday
night and next day went up to
Frank Bray ton , who has been at ,
Excelsior Springs , Mo. , for the
past three weeks writes that he is
feeling much better and that the
rheumatism is slowly leaving him.
. Lloyd Million of Rockpoint ,
Mo. , has purchased the 'old Jim
Petty crew place on the North
Table from Walcott & Wa'lcott.
Th i sale was made through the ,
Northwestern Land Co.
Henry P. Schmidt of Milwau
kee , ex-secretary of state of Wis
consin was here Tuesday looking
after the estate of the late Dorai-
nick Bray. Two nephews of
Milwaukee are the oBly heirs , of
his estate which is estimated to be
worth § 15,000.
Charles Sparks and George
Hunter went up to the Boarding
School Wednesday after an auto
mobile the telephone company
purchased of George Seagrist.
That gentleman drove it as far as
the school and decided it was too
cold to make the trip to Vajentine.
The Valentine postoffica has re
ceived word from Washington
that the order discontinuing the
Simeon postoffice has been - revoked
ed and that the office shall be
moved to the iiobbs place a half
mile west of the present location
and Miss Hobbs will be the post
Margaret Haley , Kate Helzer ,
Alice McLean , Helen Hunter
Bessie Gaskill and Geraldin
Trasewell , former high school
girls who are making a success at
teaching -in different schools
throughout tlie state , are home for
the holiday vacation.
Miss Mary House celebrated
her birthday Friday night with : a
party for her friends and school
mates. About thirty young folks
went out from- town in a hayrack
and had the time of their life , and
it was quite late ( or early ) when ,
they returned. The guests pre
sented Miss House with a beauti-
fut fotftatt anti njhwav
Land Office Notes.
The office expects to have sales
o isolated tracts almost every
week day during January , Febru
ary. March and April.
The general land office has sus
tained the action of the local office
in rejecting the iinal proofs sub
mitted by Abbie Murphy , of Rock
The federal land office has sus
tained the action of the local office
in rejecting the final proof sub
mitted by Carl S. Kiehl of Cherry
county. Because he had served
in the United States army in the
Philippines , Kiehl demanded cred
it for military service in lieu of
residence upon his homestead , al
though his service was not in time
of war. . i
Among those who have bought
land at public sale at the local of
fice during December are : Albert
C. Sharon 80 acres in Key a Paha
county ; Winfield S. Arter 40 acres ,
John P. Lackstaff 40 acres , Gus-
tav Dinke SO acres in Rock county
Josephine Hoy1480 acres , William
C. Shittuck 120 acres , Charles
Larsen 1GO acres William D.
Bachelor 120 acres , Frank G.
Bura 160 acres , Walter C. Lyon
40 acres , Elmer L Burr 80 acres
Cherry county.
The preparing of an application
for sale is rather a technical mat
ter , as the general land office is
very particular in scanning such
applications when they are passed
upon , and persons who wish to
make such applications should
have them drawn and sworn to be
fore _ . some . person . who is skilled inv
" ' ' -
v "I'i
such matters. Applications' pre
pared before notaries public n
the country are almost invaribly
faulty , and have to be returned
for correction , and often new ones
prepared , thus causing useless ex
pense and delay to thp parties.
Woman's' Improvement Club.
There will be a meeting of the
Woman's Improvement Club on
January . three o'clock in
the court room.
If in need of wind mills or wa
t'r tanks call on Breuulander
None bettpr made 42-lf
Dr. M. Jb' Meer lias decided to
visit Wood Lake the first Monday
and Tuesday of each month to do
.dental work. 19tf
New style wire type Edison's
G. E. lamps can be used in any
position. 25 watt lamp 60c. 40
watt , 70c. Special prices for a
short time only at H. I. Weinzim-
mer's. Plumbing and Electrical
shop. 40
The meetings of Org vnized Ag
riculture begin at the University
Farm , Lincoln , January 15 , 1912.
Tuesday , January 16 , will be de
voted especially to horses , Wed
nesday to swine , and Thursday
and Friday to cattle and silos.
The Horticultural and Dairymen's
meetings continue for three days. |
The reception at the Governor's
mansion is to be held on TuesdayI
evening , with full programs of
music and speakers of national
.reputation at the University Tern-
pli on "Wedneslay and Thursday
evenings. The nineteen bodies of
Organized Agriculture will meet
here and hold their annual meet
ings , at which general business is
transacted and officers elected.
Every progressive farmer in our
county should attend and secure
all up-to date ideas possible for
the benefit of our community.
The amount of coal mined in
. *
-i *
the United States'in 1910 , accord
ing to the figures of the IJuite4
States Geological Survey , " was
greater by 10,000,000 tons thau
the total tonage wh'ch liad been
mined up to the close of the year
New tlUW to look at the new fail
styles and get an idea
as to what are going
New to be the style leaders
Shirts "
and begin to" make up
.your niind in regard
" "
" to the new "Togs" you
Caps will want to buy soon.
You'll find us , at all
times show
, glad to
- „ . ' . the new goods ! New
and distinctive styles ,
in everything a manor
or boy wears are now
Suits- * *
- being shown.
sers H. W. HOENIG , Prop.
. 5
McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
] Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
g .Bourbori Whiskiesr < * f"\ Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , } . Guchenheimer ,
Cedar Brook , . . . - , , : , Sunny Brook , -
Spring Hill , - Tt and 29 > * year/old
andjas , E , Pepper , - .O. F. C. Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the IT. S. gov
5 ernment warehouse. They are guaranteed - - '
anteed pure and unadulterated. Unexcelled - l
* excelled for family and medical use. - ; .
fc _ _ * . 4
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies. Imported.
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. . !
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska I
r t
Coats , Skirts , Dress Goods ,
Underwear , Clothing , Shoes , etc. ,
having a Eed Tag during this sale will he
offered at a big reduction. First day of 'sale
Saturday , December 30.
* ' , - *
Look for the .Red Tag.
' 4 .
Red Front Mercantile Co. * *
J& k\M
II im is * i * j
Stetter & Tobien , Props. J
$ Jlfif
' All Kinds of Fresh f
and Fait Meats. . . .
Vtll * iay your tJzrt.l * , rlo r .
ilo.-Sf- , \Ii > -s and
yea live > o oji * .