White Clay Precinct. Miss Phoebe Jacobs will give a . Christmas program nt her school house Friday , Dec. 22. f Mr. Albright of Hay Springs pissed through here Wednesday enroute for Pine Ridge. County Superintendent Kelly was visiting the schools in this vicinity on his new motorcycle. 4 Albert Preble spent several days this week at Clark's visiting his niece , Mrs. Clarence Clark. J. O. Apian came out to the ranch Monday with a load of sup plies returning to Rushville. Fri day. Lillian Aubert and Wilraa Hauk- ins were absent from school the forepart of the week on account of sickness. Miss Mary Humphreys after pending three weeks at home with whooping cough returned to take up her school duties last week. Did you ever let a good thing elip ? Get busy then before this one is gone and let S. K. Itnes help you to trade that 610 acres for a good home in southeastern Kansas. Have a 2iO acre farm for sale at § 37.50 an acre , all till able. Other land for sale or trade. For particulars address , S. K. Imes ; Altoona , Kansas. Felch's Restaurant xand Lunch Counter Come to my new location in the old Morey building. Home Cooking s Fpr .your Xraas cakes call at the Home Bakery. 48-2 Phone your coal orders to Fisch er's Hardware. We have added Mr. Hornby's sheds to ours , there fore have plenty of storage room , and can fill your bins on short notice. 38 Early Xraas buyers should re member the place. JBigrger and better than before. O. W. Mor- ey. 4-i 84 acre farm for sale. Good house ; fair barn ; 45 acres alfalfa ; 25 acres fenced hog tight ; all un der fence ; all ' tillable ; 1 mile from town. This is certainly a fine farm , an l cheap at § 4,800. Address , S. K. Imes , Altoona , Kansas. Button Trimming for dresses etc. , is the latest. Save your jscraps of cloth and take them to 1 the Ked Front where they can show you IS styles including the new oblong shape made to or der. 48 Notice. I have made arrangements to run the town herd the coming summer. Stock will be cared for and brought home on time. Robert Williams , p Dr. M. F. Meer has decided to visit Wood Lake the first Monday and Tuesday of each month to do dental work. 19tf Hock Spring's Coal and all other kinds at Fischer's Hardware. 08 SALE BILLS' ' Teachers' Meeting. Janurary 13 , 1911 Music The Teacher and the School , G. W. Eaton. Agriculture , Chapt. 14-16 , Mr. Cowan. Domestic Science , Miss Stuckey. Discussion , Mrs. Amelia McLean. Great American Educators , Miss Brown. Music Ethics for children , Miss Gordon. Uses of School Library in Ru ral School , Helen Hunter. Discussion of Books Suitable for School Library , Edna Hobson , Myrtle Searby. School Room Ventilation , Hiram Newman. What Constitutes an Education , Ada Smith. Music The regular time of meeting is the second Saturday of each month. Notice. Do not be surprised on hearing the church bell ring Sunday night at 11:30 : p. m. and 11:55 : p. m. * Midnight Mass will be celebrated in the Catholic church on Christmas ( mas , at which everyone is most cordially invited. LEO M. BLAERE. If in need of wind mills or wa i ter tanks call on E. Breuklander None better made. 42-tf The special Xmas display will be complete early next week at the Red Front. 48 Christmas candies and nuts o all kinds at The Daylight Store A. John & Co. 1 NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Scaled bids accompanied by certified check for $ XX.flO ) on local bank and made payable to County Olerk will be received until 2 p. m. January 8,1012 , by the County Commis sioners at the Court House , Valentine , Nebr. , for the furnishing and erection of the fol lowing bridges : One Thirty-foot span with steel legs over Snake River in Hoc. ! > , To\viislilp3l , RanguM ) . One Fifty-foot span with steel legs over Snake River in Sec 20 , Township 31. Range 530. One Forty-foot span with steel legs over North Loup River in Sec12. . Township 28 , Range : . Bridges to be constructed a- > per plans on file in oflice of County Olerk ; length of steel legs to be determined in meantime by Coun ty Board and inlormation given successful bidder when contract Is awarded. In order to satisfy and insure the County Commissioners that .successful bidder in tends to furnish and < > rect the bridges in a satisfactory length ot time , the sum of $ t.W per day for each day overtime will be ex acted for non-compliance with following conditions , said sum not to be considered a penalty but to be considered just damages due County : First : All steel and other materials used in construction of bridge.- , must be delivered f. o. b. cars , Valentine , Nebr. , on or belore Jan. 22,15)12. ) Second-Bridges must be completed and ready for travel on or before Feb. 2:5,1)12. : ! ) The successlul bidder also agrees to leave certified check for mo < ) on flic until work is completed to guarantee that foregoing conditions will be faithfully carried out. County Commlnsioners reserve right to reject any or all bids. The notice to bidders covering the furnish ing and erection of the same three bridges described in this notice isaiiod bv the Coun ty Clerk under date of Nov. 18,1011 , Is hereby cancelled and annulled. By orcter of County Commissioners dated Nov. 2th ! ) , 1'Jll. 48-1 ( Seal ) F. A. Cumbow , County Clerk. St. Nicholas' Church. Services will be held in the Catholic church as follows : In Nenzel on Sunday Dec. 24. In Valentine ( in the new church ) on Christmas Dec. 25. 1st Mass ( Midnight Mass ) full illumination of the church. 2nd Mass at 8 a. m. 3rd Mass at 10 a. m. Benediction of the Blessed Sac rament after Mass. LEO M. BLAEUE , Rector. Here is a woman who speaks from per sonal knowledge and long experience , viz. , Mrs. P. H. Brogan , of Wilson , Pa. , who says , "I know from experience that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is far su perior to any other. For croup there is nothing'that excels ifc. " For sale by Chapman , the druggist. I will sell at my rancli 61-2 miles southwest of Valentine and 6 miles Southeast of Crookston on Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. the following described property to wit : Consisting of i black driving team , weight 1850 , five years old ; 1 span of mares , weight 2200 , nine and ten years old ; ! team of geldings , weight 2500 , seven and eight years old ; 1 bay driving team , weight 1800 , eight and nine years old ; i team of grey geldings , weight 2000 , seven years old ; 1 team of bay mares in foal , part Hambletonian , weight 2100 , six and seven years old ; 1 grey mare in foal , weight 1100 , eight years old ; 1 span of mares , weight 1800 , seven years old ; 1 team of brood mares , weight 1650 , eight years old ; 1 gelding , weight 1000 , eight years old ; 1 span of brood mares weight 2000 , nine years old. These horses are all well broken. 5 yearlings all halter broke ; 2 sucking colts. SI It Itt t < Ifh Si IIei ei Consisting of 3 cows giving milk. 1 fresh cow and calf. 4 milch cows fresh soon. 3 coming three year eie ! ol old heifers. 6 coming two year old heifers. 6 coming yearlings heifers and steers. 3 sets of work harness , 3 sets of buggy harness , 3 top buggies ; one nearly new ; 1 spring wagon , 1 light wagon , 1 / \ wide tire wagon , 1 3-inch wagon , 1 hay rack. 1 John Deere riding cultivator , 1 John Deere riding plow , 1 14-in. plow , 1 good grind stone practically new , 1 Deering mower , 1 hay sweep , 4 dozen chickens. Other articles too numerous to mention. " FREE LUNCH AT NOON. TERMS OF SALE On sums under $10 cash. On sums of $10 and over 12 months' time will be given on approved notes. Five per cent , discount for cash. Everything will be Sold without Reserve. as asM Iff ll - HEi SCHOSSER/ Auctioneer * MAX V1ERTEL , Clerk , C'lW Cigars and m Wit Soft Drinks G STETTER - PROP. _ INTERNATIONAL " 30" Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTERx " * NATIONAL " 30" J No Hill too Steepj no Sand too Deep D < McLeod Guaranteed by International Harvester Company GRANT BOYER. CARPENTER & BUILDER. AJ1 kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. ValenLiae , PHONE 72 Nebraska References : My Many Customers. With new prices , which are the lowest for good business. My stock consists of Dry Goods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent bargains. You are invited to call and make this your home store. Highest pric es paid for produce. Come and get ac quainted. 2nd Building South the Bank. Crookston , Neb. S3 K2ZSS E. M. Faddis & Co Posiofflce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded ssj5.on Uft K"f ! thigh Horses branded left jjsboulder or thih some Some branded branded on right thigh > n h ft .or shoulder. shoulder Jr thUh P. H. Young- . Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on left Bide Some Q _ yon 1 on left J xw o lame on Gordon Creek m rlh of Simeon. N. S. Eowley. Kenned } , fl tbraska. Same as cut on ide and hip , and on ; ft shoulder of heron - on > ft aide ' X on left side ome cat- e bnnd- PCS ( either side up ) on ift side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder f horses , LU LUQ on left hip of horses V ! on left Jaw of horses C. P : Jordan. Rosebud. SD Hordes and same as cut ; also CJ BE S3 on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A lite'al rewarc for information leading to detection ruatiers or stocl- of th > si : < riiri > > . E. 11. Ten-ill , Propr. Brou nice , Xeo. branded ain : - in c-t on lefi 5 i d e. S o ni e bra fulfil It T 1 on M thin. Range on North Lonji river , tuo mil-s v.est of lirewnlee Not Afraid Francis Mis- in. Rosebud. * J fMtle branded in cut ; horses me or UC on 'ttliteh. hauue twt-en Spring k and Little hite river. Albert Whipple & Sons. Kosebud S.D. Cattle branded SOS o i left side OSO on riffbtsldB Some cattle algo have af on neek Borne with A. OB left ahonlder and soma branded with two ban across hind qnar- .Jters. Some Texns cattle branded is O ou left side and semen n left side. Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cawii brandpd AW bar connected on both sides and left hip of horses D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on Mt shoulder. Range Square Lake. Land and Feeding Co. tartlett Eichards Pres NVIHGComstock. V. P. Chas C Jamison SecSTreas Cattle branded OB any part of animal ; also the followlni brands : jrandedtit same Bange befweeB Gordon on thtjrF. . Hyannis on R & , .M. R.R. in Northwestern Nebr. BAKTi.ETT KICK A UPS. Ellsworth. Nebr Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr G. K. Sawrer has chanre of thew cattle. H rs g I > > on lettshoul- dor. Somej left bide. Horss same left thigh. Range on buaJc river. Metzger Bros. Kolfe Nebr Cattle branded anywhere on left It ide. Earmark , square crop right ear. ' Ilorss have brand on aft thigh. Ranee on G onion and Snake Creeps , A Reward of $250 will b * rafd to any person far infnriii-rtUon lea'ling to the arrest and final conviction of any person ort persons stealing " " ' " ' " with ahovp brand. J. A. Yaryan. Pullman , Nebr 'Cattle branded JT on rightside IJoraes branded JT on right shonlder Keasonable reirart fo T n ; inforinstloB landing to the r - cavery of catti * strayed from my 11 range- 4 fc ?