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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1911)
BULLS FOR SALE Registered fieieford Hulls for sale at all time * > ot the .vear. SUNNY SLOPE STOCK RAKOK Simeon - Nebraska W. H. Straiten Dealer in FLOTJK' & FEED General Merchandise rnoNE 125 ' cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. . F. H. Walcott OJivcr M. Walcott Walcott & Walcott Attorneys Practice before II. 8. Land Olllce and all Federal and State courts. Valentine Nebraska Cft . Law Attorney-ai- Office front room , second stor.y , aver T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. . > . Valentine Nebraska > Dr. M. F. Meer , \ DENTIST f X * Rooms over lied Front store ; r Valentine - Nebr , Dr. D. W. Suniner ? DENTIST 0Hornby - Building i. . Phone No. 173. J. W. Copehmd , of Da3"ton , Ohio , purchased - - ; - " chased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough 1Remedy 1 for his boy who had a cold , aud v before the bottle was all iised the boy's "f cold was gone. Is that not better than , y to pay a five dollar doctor's bill ? For sale'by Chapman , the druggist. 'A WINDBREAK * nn the SOUTPI would be valuable now. U. S. Government tests show a windbreak of trees will protect crops and conserve moist ure a rod for each foot in height of the windbreak , \vindbreak of trees 40 feet high will protect crops and conserve moisture 40 rods. Cultivate trees each week or oftener. We have all varieties of forest , shade and fruit trees , shrubbery and ornamentals , adapted to North Western Nebraska. T. W. CRAMEH , Local x\gent , Valentine , Nebr. Boyd Nurseries and Fruit Farm. On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station Ainswcrth , - Nebraska Valentine Lodge No. 70 , A. O. U. W. Meets 1st and 3rd Monday m each month at Fraternal Hall. All Brethern are cordially invited to be present- ] ALBERT F WEBB , M W. TAMES C. QUIGLEY , Eecorder. REX DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Relieves gas in stomach , distres. after eating , str-mach nervouFness dizziness , headache , heartburn , heart palpitation and other ail ments caused b.v faulty digestion. Price 25c. Prepared by United Drug Company , Boston , Mass. Sold in Valentine only by G. A. Chapman. The Eexall Store. Loyp Valley Hereford Ranch , C. - ATJLnABER * EONS , BROWXLEE , NEB Herd Leaded by S. ( . Columbus 17 No. 160050 , mid din as 2 , No. 289 822 ; also , Melvin , Ko 327072 , reg Bulls for Sale at All Times , When you have : i bad cold you want 'the best medicine obtainable GO as to cure it-with as little delay as possible. Here is a druggist's opinion : "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy for fifteen years , " says Enos Lollar of Saratoga , Ind. , "and consider it the best on the market. " For sale by Chapman , the druggist. - _ _ _ Buttons made to order , to - match your gown. IS styles , all sizes , at the Eed Front. 48t t When you vdo > your shopping call at A. John's first. Two 4-room houses for rent. I. M. Eice. tf i The Ladies Aid society of the Presbyteriau church will give a food sale Saturday , Decem ber 30 , " t Hoenig'a store. Crookston. I > t Schoss-er cry .your sales. Eel Pike has let the contract for H six room hou-p to be built in tin north part of lou-n. Ui i s reported that a man inthe vicinity ff Lincoln } ja.s paroh'i'-'e'.I the Morrissy ranch west of Crook ston , paying1 § 30.00 per acre. Mr. and Mrs. Moss have gone to Wisconsin , Mr. Moss' former home , to spend the holidays. Fnifik liuthleuiner of Kilgore transacted business here Wednes day. day.D. D. J. llichardson moved hi > building occupied as a blacksmith shop to the west cud Wednesday. He has connected it to the shop recently purchased by Antone Fisher , thereby giving him the much needed room. Pete Levine of Corsica , S. D. , was here several days this week looking after bis land interests on the reservation. - John Cordier of Rosebud was down Tuesday after government f right , 'Quite a number from town at-1 tended the John Davis sale ThursJ J day. It is rumored that things sold exceptiosnlly well. ' Mrs. Schosser 'and daughter Marie departed Monday night for Chicago where they will spend Christmas and New Year with rel atives. George Allard was a Valentine visitor Wednesday of this week. John Davis and family exppct to leave in a few days for Chicago where he has secured a position as locomotive inspector for the C. & N. W. By. George Cutler of Valentine is finishing the interior of J. F. Was- mund's new residence this week. It will be ready for occupancy the fore part of next , Amorig the Valentine visitors from here Saturday were A. E. Green , J. F. Campbell , M. E. Viertel , Emil and Jake Sauerwein , H. E. Schosser , Douglas Bliss and Charles Werlz. \ i Valentine. Roy Kellar was down from his home near Crookston Tuesday. | ' Austin Howe was up from Wood Lake Friday and Siturday. Rev. Hoffman of the German j settlement was in town Wednis- day. day.Will Will Porath went down to Shelton - ton to visit friends for a couple of weeks. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Headington Sun day morning. Judge and Mrs , J. C. Quigley returned from their trip to San Antonio , Texas , Tuesday night. John Harman , an old time ranchman of southwestern Cherry county , now living at Long Pine , was in town Tuesday on business and visiting friends. Three hundred petitioners from ( Jherr.v county have aslu > d Gover nor Aid rich to do something which he sa.\s ho has no riyht to do. 1'h c.dcsiro . him to appoint a judge ro coi'duct. an invKSliuuiion before a grand jury and inquire deoprr into tv inuuler of Gnarles riellcrs who was haijfJtd last June b.y Al ma Weed , Harry Heath , Georgn Weed , and Kenneth Murphy , ai of whom are novv in the peniten tiary for the crime. The petition ers also a-k the governor to ap point a county attorney jto assist in the investigation. They ask for a judjje , jury and attorney that will act impartially. Judge Westover who tried the muidt-r case , is objected to and the gover nor is asked to appoint another judge , preferably from the south ; western part of the state. J udge J. J. Harrington of that district is also objected to because his bret h er , M. F. Harrington , was one of the attorneys in the murder trial. The petition was forwarded to t'-ie governor by Ray W. Hitch cock , editor of the Cody Cow Eoy. Thu object of an invnstigation through a grand jury is to ascer tain whether or not others besides the convicted men were implicated in the ipurder. * R. S. .Gibson of Lake heads the big petition filed with the governor. Governor Aid rich sad ; he had no authority to do the thing asked of him. He will refer the petition to the county attorney. The gov ernor believes that if the county attorney will make a statement in court that the district judge is pre judiced , another judge will be call ed in by Judge Wcstover or Judge Harrington. This is the ordinary method of procedure in such cases and the governor btlieves the c > unty attorney will do his \uty. ] Lincoln l\'ews. Contest Kntice. United States Land Oflice. Valentine. IST December ; o.1911- To Harry 0. Meehan of Overton. Nebraska. Oontestee : You are hereby notified that A'sa D. Pu- gate who gives Correctionville. Iowa , as hit , postott ce address did on the 23rd of October , 1011 lile in thisoflice his duly corroborate application to "contest and secure the can cellation of your homestead. Entrv No. 18GOS Serial No. oi2G : , made February 13th. 1JWT , for all of Section One. Township . Range 30. West ot the Sixth Principal Meridian , and as grounds fornis contest ! he alleges that said Harry C Meehan has wholly abandoned the said land since the said date of entrv. You are , therefore , further njtftied that the said allegations will be tat en by this of- liceas having been confessed by you. and your said entry will be canceled thereunder without your further right to be heard there in , either before this onice or on appeal , if you fail to nie in this onlce within twentv days after the FOURTH publication of this notice , as shown below , 3'oi.r answer , under oath , specifically meeting and responding to these allegations of contest , or if you fail within that time to tile in this office dueprool that you have served a copy or your answer on the said contestant in person , or by reg istered mail. If this service is made by the deliver } ' of a copy of your answer to the con- testant'in person , proof of such service must be either the saia contestant's written ac knowledgment ot his receipt of the copv , showing the date of its receipt , or the afliiua- vit of the person by whom tne delivery was made stating when and where the copy v. as delivered ; it made by registered mail , proof of such service must consist of the affidavit of the person by whom the copy was mailed stating when and the post office to which it was mailed , and this affidavit must be accom panied by the postmaster's receipt for the letter. You should state in your answer the name of the post office to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. you.E. . OLSON . Receiver. Bate of first publication December 21 , 1911. Date of second publication December 28,1911 Date or third publication January 4,1911 Date of fourth publication Januarv 14 , 1911. Hear the "Victor- Victrola at Chap man's you will spend a delightful half-hour and go away with a great er love for music a more thorough apprecia. t i o u of this superb instru ment. The element of cost didn't enter into the designing . and construction of the first Victor-Victrola The only object was to produce a musical instrument that was absolute perfection. And ihe result was a new jdnd of instrument with a sweeter , richer , mellower tone than was ever heard before. Afterwards this unequaled tone was secured to the le s expensive models. From time to time more popular- priced instruments were added until today the Victor- Victrola is within the reich of all and everybody can en joy the exquisite music from this greatest of all musical instruments T ewnter Supplies at The Democrat Office . * i waw&iefc Old Crow , All Leading S . ' . Hermitage Brands . * and Bottkd . . , . . f * Gruchen- Lrnder the ' \ heimer Supervision Rye of the - . , : * Whiskeys. U. S. GOY. "WV jil. < o handle the Budweiser Beer. r J HENRY STETTER , Propr. iTHESEMEN-HAVE JiLWOKKED-FOR-THE WHEN-rriSlN-A 'NATIONALBAMK Copyrieht ISO ? , by C E Co.--Nc. 25N IN order to furnish proper banking protection , President Lincoln and his first congress established the National Bank which operates under government supervision. From time to 'time addi tional laws' have been passed under the different presidents shown above strengthening the protec tion a National Bank af fords. Thus the confidence and " 'security that" comes with the possession of money an the bank is greatly en hanced when it is in a Na tional Bank , for here it Jias safe-guard every pos sible for human ingenuity to devise. In selecting a bank in which to deposit your savings or surplus funds the one thing to be considered is "safety , and we ask for your busi ness only on the basis of ab solute safety. Call at our bank and let us explain to you how safe your money is here. First National Bank X Valentine , Nebraska If weak , you need Cardui , the woman's tonic , Cardui is made from gentle herbs , acts in a natural manner , and has no bad results , as some of the strong drugs sometimes used. As a med icine a tonic for weak , tired , worn-out women , Cardui has been a popular success for over 50 years. E 5 ? The Woman's Tonic Mrs. Lula Walden , of Gr-amlin , S. C , followed this advice. Read her let ter : "I was so v/eak , when I first began to take ! Cardui , that it tired me to j walk just a little. . Now , I j can do all the general housework , for a family of 9. " Try Cardui for your troubles. It may be the * ery remedy you need. < a In reference to Holiday gifts I shall not attempt to describe on paper , just what I have , but I urge you to inspect my line , which is larger , newer , and than more up-to-date ever before. Best and Largest Display of Cut Glass shown in ourcity. A New and Complete Lin8 of 'I Books-4-copyi'ig'htri ; leather bound and children's books. Staple and Fancy China , hand- painted , and odd designs. R eliable "Watches at lowest prices. Swell Line of Back Combs , and leather and Inspection.'I Hundreds of Xmas Postals and booklets. I The Only Exclusive Line of Toys . in the City. Biggest and most Coin = I plete Display ever Shown. Yours for Inspection. r § * / ' Opens The Door To Prosperity A little deposit NOW- and a little deposit NOW anl THES soon builds a B'inji Account. And builJing a Bank Account opens the door to prosperity. A little deposit NOW ami a little deposit NOW and THEN is within the reach of all. YOU can save money on this plan. And it's the only SAFE plan for anyone. No other plan for accumulating i so good , so reliabl $ as giving your surplus earnings bank protection. When you have a sufficient sum tucked away an oportuuity for making an invest ment will find you. Will you make use of the facilities afforded by this bank and give the plan a trial- ? : NTI Deposits In this bank are protected by the Depositor's ' * Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. JU J AjkJ J ftJ J * * j-r& . Our g&re's Gaar tecdEose s is the point ! I v/as tired walking always on bare tees end heels. A. JOHN & GGP3PANY recommended celebrated seamless stocking , and now I wear the smile. smile.We We recommend them to all s men who demand ctyler fit , fin ish and wear. 25c. worth cf ' for . " . and' style 25c. "vvorth.