Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 07, 1911, Image 5

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Registered Hpreford Bulls for
sale at all times of the .year.
Simeon - Nebraska
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
F. M. Walcott Oiivcr M. Walcott
Walcott & Walcott
Practice before U. S. Land Ollice and all i
Federal and State courts.
Valentine Nebraska
. M. nUoY
Office front room , second story ,
over T. C. Hornby's store , Main
street entrance.
Valentine Nebraska
Dr. M. F. Meer ,
Rooms over Ked Front store
Valentine - Nebr ,
Dr. D. W. Stunner
Hornby Building'
Phone No. 173.
on the SOUTH would be valuable
now. U. S. Government tests
show a .windbreak of trees will
protect crops and conserve moist
ure a rod for each foot in height
of the windbreak , \vindbreak of
trees 40 feet high will protect
crops and conserve moisture 4.0
rods. Cultivate trees each week
or oftener.
We have all varieties of forest ,
shade arid fruit trees , shrubbery
and ornamentals , adapted to North
Western Nebraska.
g T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Boyd Nurseries and Fruit
On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station
Ainswcrth , - Nebraska
Valentine Lodge No. 70 ,
A. O. U. W.
Meets 1st and 3rd Mondny in each
month at Fraternal Hall. All
Brethern are cordially invited to be
present ] ALBERT P. WEBB , M.W. .
Believes gas in stomach , distres.
after eating , stomach nervousness
dizziness , headache , heartburn ,
heart palpitation and other ail
ments caused by faulty digestion.
Price 25c. Prepared by United
Drug Company , Boston , Mass.
Sold in Valentine only by G. A.
Chapman. The Rexall Store.
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17
No. 16C050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg
Bulls for Sale at All Times ,
During the month of December
the price of the NEBRASKA FARMER
Nebraska's Real Farm Paper is
cut square in two. The publisher ,
S. R. McKelvie , agrees to send it
every week until January 1 , 1915 ,
( three whole years ) for $1.50. He
will also include the beautiful New
Year's Number and the handsome
1912 Nebraska Farmer Boy Calendar
' -FREE. The regular price is ? 1.00
per year in advance. If you wish to
accept this offer simply cut out this
announcement and send to the NE
BRASKA FARMER , Lincoln , Neb. ,
together with the money , or see or
phone the local agent in this terri
tory. If you prefer to pay some time
before March 1 , simply say so and
the paper will be sent to you on
TRIAL until that time.
The above offer is good during
December only. Be sure to give your
name and address.
Subscriptions sent direct will be
credited to the local agent.
Don't confuse the NEBRASKA
FARMER Nebraska's Real Farm
Paper published weekly at Lincoln
with a cheap mail order semi-monthly
of similar name published in Kansas.
If in need of wind mills or wr
ier tanks call on Breuklander
" Jfope better made. 42-tf
* .
Plump your coal orders to Fisch
er's Hardware. We have added
Mr. Hornby's sheds to ours , there
fore have plenty of storage room ,
and can fill your bins on short
notice. 38
Early Xraas buyers should re
member the place. Bigger and
better than before. O. W. Mor-
81 acre farm for sale. Good
house ; fair barn ; 45 acres alfalfa ;
25 acres fenced hog tight ; all un
der fence ; all tillable ; 1 mile
from town. This is certainly a
fine farm , an l cheap at § 4,800.
Address , S. K. Imes , Altooha ,
Button Trimming for dresses
etc. , is the latest. Save your
scraps of cloth and take them to
the Red Front where they can
show you 18 styles including the
new oblong shape made to or
der. 48
Bring in your suit or overcoat
and have them French dry-cleaned
and pressed. They will look like
new. C. H. Austin. 48
Remember the auction sale at
Johpson's Millinery Saturday af
Here Are Facts We Want You to
Prove at Our Risk.
When the roots of the hair are
entirely dead and the pores of the
scalp are glazed over , we do not be-
liev < ? that anything can restore hair
But , when the hair roots retain
any life , we believe there is nothing
that will so surely promote hair
growth as will "Rexall " 93" Hair
Tonic. To prove that statement ,
we promise to promptly return all
the money you pay us for Eexall
" 93" Hair Tonic , should it not
please you.
Eexall " 93" Hair Tonic destroys
the g-srms which are usually re
sponsible for baldness. It pene
trates to tbe roots of the hair , stim
ulating and , by promoting circula
tion , nourishing them.
cBexall " 93" Hair Tonic helps to
relieve scalp irritation , to remove
dandruff , to prevent the hair from
falling out , and to promote an in
creased growth of hair. It comes
in two sizes , prices 50 cents and $1.
Remember , you can obtain it only
at our store The Eexall Store. G.
A. Chapman.
Slier-ill's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the
clerk of the district court of Cherry County ,
Nebraska , September 18th , I'.llI under a de
cree of Tax Lei n Foreclosu re wherein Rob
ert Robiiihoii is plaintiff and Lester Eeebout
and David Beebout , minor heir-of Aluheus
lieebout , deceased , and NEi , Sec , ; > o , Tp. 2o ,
Range rCCherry County , ! Nel > ra.ska , are de-
lendants. I wiii .sell at the front door of the
court house in Valentine. Cherry County ,
Nebraska , that being the building wherein
the hibt term of said court was held , 011 the
IGlh day of December , I'.Hl at 11 o'clock a. m.
to .satisfy judgment ot $7 ± S and interest s > l
7 p' ' ! " cent lron date of judgment June 7th
I'.ill , and costs taxed at 4:54.25 and accruing
costs , at public auction , to the highest bid
der , tor , the lollowing described prop
erty , to-\vit : North East ( Quarter section 3 ,
township 5 , range I'd , in Cherry County.
Jated this 10th day of November , 1011.
45 5 C. A. ROSSKTER. Sheriff.
Walcott it "Wnlcott. Attys. for Plaintiff.
Contest Notice.
United States Land Office. Valentine. Neb.
November 21,1911.
To Harry 0. Sreehan of Overton. Nebraskai
Coniestee :
You are lierebv notified that A > a D. Fu-
gate who gives Correctionville. Iowa , as his
vostoince address did on the 2rd of October ,
1911 tile in this ottice his duly corroborated
all of Section one. To\ynsfcip 2S. Range ; 5J.
West ot the Sixth Principal Meridian , and as
grounds tor his contest lie alleges that said
JIarry C Jleehan has wholly abandoned the
said land since the said ( late'of entry. ,
You are. therefore , further notnled that
the said allegations will be taken by this of-
lice as having been confessed by "you. and
vour said entry will be canceled thereunder
without your further right to be heard there
in , either before this oince or on appeal , if
vou fail to tile in this olllce within twenty
days after the FOURTH publication of this
notice , as shown below , your answer , under
oath , speciiically meeting and responding to
these allegations of contester if you fail
within that time to tile in this office due proof
that 3"ou have served a copy or your answer
on the said contestant in person , or by .reg
istered mail. If this service is made by 'the
delivery 01 a copy of your answer to the con-
' "
testant'in person" proof of such service must
be either the saiu contestant's written ac
knowledgment of his receipt of the copy ,
showing the date of its receipt , or the 'afllida-
vit of the person bv whom the deliver } * was
made stating when and where the C9py was
delivered ; it made registered mail , proof
of such service must consist of the affidavit
of the person by whom the copy was mailed
stating when and the post ottice to which it
was mailed , and this ailidav.t must be accom
panied by the postmaster's receipt for the
You should state in your answer the name
of the p st office to which you desire future
notices to be bent to you.
Luke M. Bates , Register.
Cate of first publication November 2311911.
Date of second publication November 30.1911.
Date of third publication December 7,1911 -
Date ot fourth publication .December 14 , 1911
If you have young children you have
perhaps noticed that disorders of the
stomach are their most common ailment.
To correct this you will find Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets excel
lent. They are easy and pleasant to
take , and mild and gentle in effect. For
Ed Coliinjr of Merriraan was in
town Tuesday.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Brackett on Tuesday.
Charles and Otto Roberts -.were
down from Gordon today on busi
The Experiraontal farm is put
ting in a cement ice-house of 20-
ton capacity.
Mrs. Lulu Kurtz Hudson was
iu from the ranch near Simeon
the first of the week.
Miss Geraldins Tracewell re
turned to Stuart Sunday night.
She came home for a Thanksgiv
ing visit.
Margaret Haley went to her
school at Merriraan Sunday night ,
having spent Thanksgiving with
home folks.
Dr. Baldwin and wife of Merri-
man visited George Roberts and
family Thursday and Friday of
last week.
George Hartzell of Lead , S. D. ,
was in town this week. Mr. Hart
zell is an old timer having lived
here twenty years ago.
Mrs. Basil Hunt accompanied
by her son Jess and daughter Lu
lu were attending to business in
Valentine Tuesday.
Rev. Vincent Beebe of Chadron
is assisting his brother the Rev.
Lewis Beebe in a series of meet
ings at Kewanee.
Mrs. Amzi Veach and family ,
and Mrs Margaret Kcplinger
spent Thanksgiving at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gasidll.
Mrs. Wiswell and Mrs. Mars-
den of Ainsworth came to Valen
tine Sunday night for a visit with
Mrs. John Slonecker and family.
The Simeon post o'ffice will be
discontinued on December 15.
The supplies , records , etc. , will be
checked up by the Valentine office
on that date.
Geo. A Corbin and Leo Shepard
were subpoaenied on the Everett
White case and left for Oacoma ,
S. D- , Tuesday night. Mr. Cor
bin will visit his wife who is in
Omaha , before returning home.
George Miller died at his son's
home in Muscatine , Iowa , Sunday
night. The remains were brought
to Valentine Wednesday and the
funeral was held at Harmony to
day. He was a veteran of the
civil war. Mr. Miller was the fa
ther of Mrs. H. M. Cramer , Mrs.
Dewey Kellog and Mrs. Don Kel-
A four horse teara belonging toTem
Tom Jelly became frightened at
ari auto Monday noon and ran
away. Mr. Jelly was weighing
back an empty hayrack and was
in the store when the horses start
ed. They ran north on main
street following- the court house
walk breaking off many pickets
on the ornamental iron fence en
closing the count house lawn and
ran into an electric light , pole on
the corner , snapping it off by tbe
force of the compact. One of the
horses had its leg broken and had
to be shot ; another horse was in
jured but not seriously.
The ladies of the M. E. Aid
will give a bazaar and 5 o'clock
dinner at Behtel Hall , Dt'c. 14.
Chicken Pie and Gravy
Mashed Potatoes Baked Beans
Cabbage Salad Pickles
Celery Cranberries
Sherbet Cake
Tea Coffee
Price 35 conts.
J. W. Copeltxnd , of Dayton , Ohio , pur
chased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy for his boy who had a cold , and
before the bottle was all used the boy's
cold was gone. Is that not better than
to pay a five dollar doctor's bill ? For
sale by Chapman , the druggist.
For your Xmas cakes call at the
Home Bakery. 48-2
U. S. Weather Bureau Report
Dally mean temperature 30 ° ,
' Normal temperature 233.
Highest temperature 05 ° .
Lowest temperature 19 = .
Range of temperature 463.
Precipitation for week 0.00 of an inch.
Average for 23 years 0.15 of an inch.
Precipitation March 1st to date 10.43 inches.
Average for 23 y ears 20.81 inches.
JtfffiN 'J ; JWl Ayi OVaerve'ri
Old Crow , All -Leading
Hermitage Brands /
and Bottled
Gruchen- f < S - 'si ; - fit Under the
t J % y ' *
J .S ® l
heimer Supervision
Rye of the
Whiskeys. U. S. Govt
p p.lso handle the Budweiser Beer.
. , t School Notes.
A telephone has been installed
in the office.
School is'again in session after
Thanksgiving vacation.
Lawrence Wells was enrolled
in the sixth * grade j , last week.
The second year German claps
have taken-up the study of Un
Miss Gordon has taken the or
gan into her room for the benefit
of the little ones.
The teachers are now working
up the program for the second
semester of eigh school work.
The Senior class met with Prof.
Eiton"to discuss the proposed lec
ture course , and the plans for
working it up.
The eighth and ninth grades
changed rooms Wednesday. It is
a great improvement , the high
school now being nearer together.
The pupils in Miss Van Os-
doll's room gave an entertain
ment for Thanksgiving. There
were about thirty guests present.
Pumpkin pie and popcorn balls
were served as refreshments. The
pupils were dressed to represent
the inhabitants of the different
FOR RENT House in north
east part of Valentine. Inquire
of L. J. Conklin at barber shop
north of post office.
When you have a bad cold you \vant
the best medicine obtainable so as to cure
it with as little delay as possible. Here
' "I have sold
is a druggist's opinion :
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for fifteen
years , " says Enos Lollar of Saratoga ,
Ind. , "and consider it the best on the
market. " For sale by Chapman , the
Here's a woman's stock
ing of quality and wear.
You are proud of
once they grace your feet.
The way they fit and the way
they wear is a revelation.
Their dye is one of their superla
tive features. The brightest , truest ,
surest , most lasting blaclc and the
richest shade of tan known to
hosiery making. Dyed with Wur >
dsrdye fast to the last.
Made for all ages and
sizes , for women and
Four pairs to the bo
$1.00 , or a de-luxe grade ,
three pairs to the bos
$1.00. The
Insures the
\ toe , heel and sole against
need of darfcing for -four
In reference to Holiday gifts
I shall not attempt to describe
on paper , just what I have ,
but I urge you to inspect my
line , which is larger , newer ,
and than
more up-to-date
ever before.
Best and Largest Display of Cut
Glass shown in our city. b
A ISTew and Complete Line of
Books copyrights ; leather bound
and children's books.
Staple and Fancy China , hand-
painted , and odd designs.
Reliable "Watches afc lowest prices.
Swell Line of Back Combs ,
and leather and velvet purses.
Hundreds of Xmas Postals
and booklets.
The Only Exclusive Line of Toys
in the City. Biggest and most Corn =
plete Display ever Shown.
Yours for Inspection.
fffY * f * f / nF <
helpful Service
is what we offer to the people of Valentine and vicinity. A
service that means something to each and every one of our
custonieis a real Bank Servico.
Each and every customer gets the benefit of our equipment
for the protection and safe-guarding of his money ; the bene
fit of our facilities for the transacting of his financial affairs ;
and , on request , our very best advise on business matters and
investments. This service will prove of value to you , why not
open an account with us now and take advantage of it ?
Y * V fi fl T ? = s F. 9w c F3 r * Hi * / * * ? * P P A B 9 T f
Deposits in ths ! hank lire protected by the Depositor's
& Guarantee Fund of the State ol Nebraska.
Ask I. M. Rice about
German Fire insurance Co. of Omaha , backed by the
National of Hartford with $11.000,000 , guarantying
every policy. As sound as the "Rock of Gibraltar. "
The Northwestern Life Ins.
Co. of Milwaukee writes the most liberal policy in
Ordinary Life , Endowment , or Payment "plan. You
cannot lose a dollarthat you spend with this com =
pany. A dollar is worth 100 cents the day you spend
it and increases every day , and is always within-
your reach , growing for you.
Call on I. M. RiCEr Valentine , Nebr.