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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1911)
VALENTINE DEMOCRAT GEORGE M. GASKILL , Editor and Manager. A Weekly Newspaper published every Thurs day at Valentine , Nebraska. Subscription - 81..00 Per Year Local Notices , oc per line per issue Entered at the Tostofflce at Valentine , Neb. , for transmission through the imiila , as second class matter. Thursday , December 7.1911. Washington News By O. II. TAVKXNKU special Washington correspondent. Having struck a trail leading to the front door of the house of John D. Rockefeller , and other trails ending at the doorsteps of other million aire trust magnates , the Steel trust investigating com mittee of the House of Representa tives has been summarily sum moned by Wall street to bring its probe to a halt The Stanley commiltpe is in pos session of evidence sufficient to convict the Steel trust of obtain ing rebates , or preferential divis ions of rates which amount to re bates , from the railroads amount ing to millions of dollars. The evidence has not become public for the reason that the committee has not had time to reach , in pub lic hearings , this feature of the trusts wrongdoings."This inves tigation must , bp stopped ! ' ' is thp command that went out of Wall street several weeks ago. "Spt up the plea that the investigation ought not proceed because Mr. Wickersham has already started n suit against the corporation. " The steel trust attorneys carried the ultimatum to the committee in Washington. But chairman Stan ley stands firm for a continuation of the investigation. "IP * says Mr. Stanley , "the Steel Corpora tion has not violated the law , then it will welcome this opportunity to demonstrate its obedience to the law in advance of a litigation which will take years to determine , i and if it has violated the law it n will use all its power and all its immense wealth to silence a com mittee which can neither be ca joled , deceived nor corrupted. " "Get together and stay togeth er. " This is the advice Speaker Champ 'Clark said he would give to the democrats of every com munity in the land if he had the opportunity. He added that it was the only instructions that it would be necessary for the rank and file of thp Democracy to fol low to insure a grpat national vic tory in 1912 "Of course , " said JMr. Clark , " I am taking it for granted that the tariff is to be the chief issue. No doubt the enemy would like to sidetrack that issue , but we must not permit it for an instant. " Mr. Clark had just ar rived at the capital city prepara tory to opening the first regular session of the Sixty-second Con gress , and disctissed the political situation optimistically and at con siderable length. "Looking back at the recent elections , " said Mr. Clark , "they demonstrated two things : one , that the people en dorse o-jr tariff reco-'d witho-1 , doubt ; two , f. whpre er we .i \ united , we v ; win. After rsic Democrats in Congress have got ten together -jnd inado such u' ' splendid ret ' f * - S"lidariii c would be a - > ' and , - calan. ' \ to lose in 1912 i > y reason of polc.\ , factional lights of a local natuiv. : I believe as firmly as that I mu t die some da.\ char \ve can win in 1912 , but to do > o there must be no factional fighting anywhere among differences , and present a united front Now is the time for them to get together and stay to gether * . The moral of the bundle jof sticks is as forcible today as when Aesop first wrote it , 'in unity there is strength , ' and in this case , victory. " Democratic leaders in the House t of Representatives are planning to give a great deal of attention dur ing this session of congress to the appropriation bills. It is by dem onstrating their ability to spend < Undo S-m ; ' rm m > i wisely that * I * * V iilB tluiiiUCriiLuj iA > i > U Lu GSlilDilSHl j their claim for greater recognition in 1912 , and if there is one thing upon which there is no division of opinion among the House major ity leaders , it is the determination to make the coming session memorable business-like administration orable for its - istration of the vast government machinery. That the republican cabinet members realize that there will be no chance for unmerited expenditures is indicated by the fact that the greatest care is being given to the preparation of esti mates. The interior department , it is announced , will ask for two millions less , and similar savings will be effected in other depart ments. This reduction is in the estimates alone , and by the time the appropriations committee gets through with its pru ning work the probabilities are that the saving will be still further increased , while the efficiency of the government business will not be decreased in the slightest degree. The democrats , in short , are out to make a record as busi ness men. The big finaacial interests which have their headquarters in Wall street have reached the conclusion that it will be worth one million dollars to "put the Aldrich bank ing plan through congress , " An organization , known as the "Na tional Citizens' League for the Promotion of a Sound Banking System , " has been formed , and the work of raising funds already is under way in all the big cities of the country. Just how the money will be used to "put the bill through" has not been made clear. In Philadelphia the funds as soon as they are collected , are being deposited in the Girarc Trust company bank , and to the bankers who subscribed it was ex plained that "pressure would be brought to bear on the member of Congress , " Plow long must the public con tinue to pay express companies a profit of 40 per cent a year on money that is not invested in the express business , and that exist in blue air only ? This is a ques tion that the people desire answer ed , and one that they are begin ning to become impatient about , judging from the ever-increasing number of communications on the subject that are being received b.y members of Congress. "Express companies ought to be permitted to make a good , liberal rate of in terest on money actually invest ed , " writes an Iowa man to his Congressman. "The thing that arouses our disgust is that the government permits the express companies to extort a profit of from 25 to 50 per cent on capitali zation that is two-thirds water. I would like to see a parcels post. If we cannot have a complete sys tem , why can't we at least have a limited parcels post as a starter , effective only between towns and cities and thesuroundingcountry ? Such a limited system would help rather than injure the business of the retailers. Think it over , " The interstate Commerce Com- r.pport shows that the income from the express com- oppiation is § 11,000,000. arid on their own valuation of 27,000,000 , their profit is shown to be approximately 40 per cent. It i1 known , however , that the ctual value of the express com panies' equipment is less than one- uilf of what they allege , so that profits on money actually in- rested run up to nearly 110 per lent. Estrayed. 1 blue mare , sorrel colt , mare ) randed 753 on left hip. 1 sorrel iaddle horse , 1 brown work mare. \11 branded X on left hip. Re- vard for information. 4S J. W. Shepard. The special Xmas display will > e complete early next week at he Red Front. 48 Hero is a woman -who speaks from per- onal knov/leclge and long experience , iz. , Mrs. P. n. Brogan , of Wilson , Pa. , vho says , "I know from experience that Chamberlain's Congh Remedy is far BU- lerior to any other * For croup the re is Lothing that excels it. " For sale by. Pure Lakes Hessae Baking Easy With minimum trouble and cost bis cuit , cake and pastry are made fresh , clean and greatly superior to the readymade - made , dry , found-in-the-shop variety , and danger of alum food is avoided. Omaha Men Petition Mr. Metcaife tc become a Candidate for Gov ernor of Nebraska. Omaha Nebr. , Dec. 2 , 1911. Hon. R. L. Me teal fe , Lincoln , Nebr. Dear Sir : For two de cades the attention of the Demo cracy of the nation has centered upon Nebraska. Within that per iod Nebraska's great exponent of progressive'Democracy has , three times , been called to the leader ship of the national Democratic party. Nebraska Republicans have absorbed progressivism from their Democratic neighbors and in the last Congress , their represen tatives were found in the front rank of the battle against "Let- well-enough-alone-ism , " and "Stand-pat-ism" in their - - own party. Progressivism is written large upon the banners of both parties in this state and least of all , Ne braska Democrats cannot consent to its eft'accment. In the state campaign of 1912 the democratic standard-bearer must be known as a progressive. It would be to consent to and to invite'defeat for the democrats to oppose a progres sive Republican candidate for Gov ernor with a reactionary Demo crat , or one whose progressiveness - ness is not above dispute and above suspicion. We recognize your long and in timate knowledge of Nebraska af fairs , your loyal and consistent services to the best interests of the Democratic Party , your emi nent fitness and preparedness to exercise the functions of the office of Governor , broadly and with due attention and consideration to all sections and interests of the state and as citizens and Demo cratic voters of Omaha and South Omaha , we respectfully ask you to become a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Gov ernor of Nebraska , before the primaries of 1912. This letter was signed by 54 business and professional men of Omaha who will -give their sup port. Crookston. Mrs. Wm. Strube was a Valen tine shopper Wednesday. . W. H. Brown returned from the hospital last week. Ray Jones was slightly injured in a runaway Monday. Wm. Strube returned from a business trip to Merrirnan Tues day night. H. E. Schosser departed Tues day night for Oacoma , S. D. to at tend U. S. court. Mrs. Mary Estes was down from the Agency for provisions one day this week. Pearl Merser who has been ail ing for some time will leave in a few days for Colorado , where she hopes to regain her health. The lower grades of the school are preparing for the box social to be held Friday ovanin. ? . Tae proceeds will be used to buy new desks. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed bids. Jiceompaniert by certified cheek for $ oOrt.Kon ) loi'sil bank and made payable to County Olerk will be received until 2 p. in. January : ; . li)12 ) , by the County Coni.nls- bionorsut the Court House , Valentine , Nebr. , for the rurniahing anil erection of the fol lowing bridges : One Thirty-foot span with steel legs over Snake River in Sec. ! > , To\vr.ship:5l : , Ranged ) . Ono Fifty-foot bpan with steel legs over Snake River in Sec _ ' ( ) , Township 31. Range : ) . One Forty-foot span with steel legs over North Loup River in .Sec. 12. Townsnip : S Hango : K ; . Bridges to be constructed as per phins on file in o'llce of County Clerk ; length of .steel logs to bo determined in meantime by Coun ty Board and information given successful bidder wium contract is awarded. In order to satisfy and insure the. County Commissioners that succe.sstul bidder in tends to furnish and erect the bridges in a satisfactory length ot time , the sum of $ : > 5. < M ) i per day for each day overtime will bo ex acted for non-compliance with tallowing , condition : ) , said sum not to he considered n ' penalty but tp be considered just damage.- , due County ; First ; All steel and other materials used in construction of bridges must lie delivered f. o. b. cars , Valentine , Nebr. , on or before Jan. ± . > , liil-J. Second-Bridges must be completed and ready for travel on or before. Fi b. 35 , ISUi , The. successful bidder : IMJ agrees to leave certified check lor $ XXX ) ( ) on file until work is completed to guarantee that foregoing conditions will be faithfully carried out. 1 County Commihioners reserve right to j reject any or all bids. I Tin ; notice to bidders covering the furnish- i ing and erection of the same three bridges i described in this notice issued by UHS Ootin- t ty Clerk under date of Nov. 18 , Hill , is hereby cancelled and annulled. I Bv order "of County Commissioners dated ! Nov. Sith , 19J1. JS-1 ( Seal ) F. A. Cumlow : , County Clork. Buttons made to order , to match your goxvn. 18 styles , all sizes , at the Red Front. 48 o Big enough for the biggest game. Quick enough for the most dangerous game\ Deals five , smashing , one-ton blows with KgnN ning rapidity or deliberate fire as need may be. The only recoil-cperated rifle that locks the cartridge in the chamber until after the bullet has left the muzzle. Built to handle the heaviest ammunition with greatest accuracy and safety. ftefnJR&tQflzUMC the perfect shooting combination. Send for Descriptive Fclder\ Remingloa Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. 2S9 Broadway , New York Cily Out We desire to announce that we are not clos ing out , but are still selling the very best goods at reasonable prices. Our line of John Deere Implements , Yelie Buggies , Moline and Davenport Eoller Bearing Wagons and Samson Windmills is complete and priced right. , We also have a large stock of lumber , lime , JWall Plaster , Cement , Brick , Sash , Doors , etc. Is it not good policy to patronize a firm who expects to continue in business and intends to handle the same line of goods for years to come. We never advertise so-called bargains because we have always had our goods priced right. r Co. ; A. E. Morris. W. W. Morrissey. Dr. C. W. Noyes Go to the I e Saloon VALENTINE'S PURE LJQUOR CENTER Wafther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. As we have recently purchased Qeo. fi. Hornby's coal sheds and now have almost unlimited stor age room , we are in a. position to supply you with your wants in the coal line. Phone or leave your orders and same will have our prompt attention. Fischer's Hardware. A Crippled Mind. Many strong minds , giant intel lects , are held down and starved out by crippled digestive power , dyspepsia and the poison absorbed as a result of chronic constipation. If your stomach lacks cligpstive power the natural and simplest thing to do is to put into it the agent it lacks. Above all things avoid strong drugs that naralize and irritate the stomach and bow els. A sound , heali-hy stomach contains the sarnu 'ii-ie iive agents Spruce Pepsin i&iAts contain. Spruce Pepsin tablets will di gest fermenting , decaying food that lays like a lump in your stomach. We have proved this thousands of times or we would not dare spend thousands of dollars lars to prove it to every sufferer from stomach trouble. We will send you a trial box FREE. Spruce Tablet Co. , Heron Lake , " Minn. 50c. sizes can be had of G. A. Chapman , Druggist , Valentine , Nebraska. "I refused to be operated on , the morning i heard about Cardui , " writes Mrs. Elmer Sickler , of Terre Haute , Ind. "I tried Car dui , and it helped me are read by the people I because it gives them greatly. Now , I do my own of news absorbing in washing and ironing. " terest. People no longer i- go looking about for EG3 things they want they go to their newspaper i for information as to where such things may be found. This method saves time and trouble. The Woman's Tonic If you want to bring your wares to the atten \ Cardui is a mild , tonic tion of this community , remedy , purely vegetable , our advertising columns and acts in a natural man ner on the delicate , woman ly constitution , building up strength , and toning up the nerves. In the past 50 years , Cardui has helped more than a million women. W You are urged to try it , 3. . because we are sure that it will do you good. nnnnnnn At all drug stores. D P ;