Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 07, 1911, Image 1

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    7 * " * ' *
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Volume 26 , No. 48 VALENTINE , NEBR. , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 7 , 1911. § 1.50 per year
has put the stamp
of approval upon
men's collars and
labeled it ARROW.
. . . . .
.1 iir'mrM'l" * * " ' { ! * y.irH'lr : ! ! ' > * T'llli''rl ' ! ii
| | FRONT 2. IN.BACK . $ * . INj- - It always points to
the right direction in style , quality and
comfort. Insist upon the ARROW
brand. Ail Styles , quarter sizes , a pair for
a quarter.
Somebody Happy
Home memories that are cherished
most are those of the great home
day Christmas , Better than mere
memory , though , is the pictured
story QJLthe family , .rauaion , the
happy children , the gay young
folks , the grown-up boys and girls
back home again. The pictures
taken with the Christinas Kodak
will give pleasure the whole year
round and for all the years to come.
Let us show you the simple Kodak way
which makes picture-taking so much fun.
We have Kodaks at $5 , others up to % & *
H ss
* "
Livery * Feed and
Sales Stable. .
< *
W oed Lake , Nebraska * *
Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. J
St. Nicholas' Church.
Services will be held in the
Catholic church as follows :
In Valentine ( in the new church )
on Sunday Dec. 10. First Mass
&t 8 a. m. , second Mass at 10 a. m.
Benediction with the Blessed Sac
rament after Mass.
In Arabia on Sunday Dec.3.
Feast of the Immaculate Concep
tion of the B. V. M.
LEO M. BLAERE , Eector.
Did you ever let a good thing
slip ? Get busy then before this
one is gone and let S. K. Imes
help you to trade that 6iO acres
for a good home in southeastern
Kansas. Have a 240 acre farm
for sale at § 37.50 an acre , all till
able. Other land for sale or trade.
For particulars address , S. K.
. - Imes , Altoona , Kansas.
: *
. _ -Jv > .
Bass Ponds Completed.
Work has practically been com
pleted on the bass ponds in Gov-
erment Canyon , and will be stock
ed in the spring. As soon as the
hatching season is over the build
ing on Lake Minnechaduza will be
removed to the new site and en
larged , and a cottage and barn will
be erected for the use of the care
taker. The last legislature appro
priated § 5,000 for this work.
Bass and croppies hatched in
these new ponds will be distribut
ed over the entire state. It is the
; intention of the fish commissioners
I to place 5,000 young trout in the
stream above the ponds and note
their development to see if the
water is suited to their require
Largest line of fancy Xmas can-
.dies at the Home Bakery. 48-2
: : Eock Spring's Coal and all o hei
relief's * Jd rjci iir vJ
. . " " ' . vrV Jf f ? *
, , % Wc ? . ?
Don McLeod went to Lincoln
Monday night.
E. L. Hutchison was over from
Penbrnok on business Saturday.
Anton Schaefer of Nenzel was
in town Wednesday on business.
Geo. E. Hornby was up from
his school near Johnstown over
Mr , and Mrs. David Groves
drove up grom Wood Lake on
Dr. Lewis left for Mesa , Ariz. ,
Sunday night for a two weeks
visit with his family.
Henry Schaefer has sold his
hardware store in Nenzel to John
Me Kenna of Kilgore.
Wm. Anderson of McC.irin was
in Vulentine last week paying his
taxes and attending to other busi
Mrs. J. W. Meridth and son
Bryan left Thursday night for an
extended visit in Hartington ,
Omaha and Gretna.
Anna and Belle Raver of Ous
ter , S. D. , came last week for a
visit with the Ganow and Wilber
families. They will stay until af
ter the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brosius en
tertained at dinner Sunday Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Juel , Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Hooper , and Mr.
and Mrs. D. A. Melton. Covers
were laid for ten.
F. M. Walcott left Saturday
night for different eastern points.
Monday Mr. Walcott took * in thfe"
International Live Stock Show in
Ohicago. From there he goes to
Washington , New York , Boston
and Montreal , Canada. lie will
be away about two weeks.
To insure the safe delivery of
your Christmas gifts , see that ev
ery package is wrapped extra
good and that the address is writ
ten plainly. During the Christ
mas rush the postoffice employees
and postal clerks are greatly an
noyed by broken packages and
those that are poorly addressed.
The Democrat stated last week
that the Quigleys were going to
the Gulf coast to look for a win
ter home. Judge Quigley in
forms us that they have no inten
tion of looking for a winter resi-
deace in Texas. Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Quigley will visit relatives ,
and Judge will look after business
in connection with the Satro es
tate in San An tone and expects to
be away about ten days.
Dominick Bray died in Sioux
City on Dec. 3 of pneumonia The
body was accompanied to Valen
tine by a nephew , Albert Bray , of
Milwaukee. Mr. Bray has lived
for years on Rosebud and was a
government employee- The fu
neral was conducted by Rev. W.
W. Wells at Rosebud Wednesday
and burial was in Rosebud cem
etery. Mr. Bray was a Mason
and several members of that lodge
accompanied the body from Val
entine to Rosebud.
The low pressure vacuum steam
plant just installed in The Dono-
her Annex was turned over to
Eugene Grace & Son , on Wednes
day by the contractors , The Red
Front Hardware Co. Steam was
turned into the thirty-five radia
tors about a week ago and the
boilers and valves tested and regulated -
ulated to a nicety. The large four-
inch feed-pipe encircles the base
ment and supples the three floors
with steam through smaller pipes.
Two pounds of steam will heat the
entire building in twenty minutes.
The plant cost about § 1800 00 and
is the finest in this part of Nebras
ka. The Red Front Hardware
, , Coii 'wptf out in this contract over
itftfarcoin tittfrs ;
Land Office Notes.
In the case of Jane Connor vs.
Harry L. Ayeis of Merriman , the
general land office has remanded
the case for the submission of evi
dence by the defendant.
During the month of November
the local office allowed forty-six
homestead entries , forty-seven fi
nal proofs , and held two public
sales. It is expected that there
will not be much homesteading
during the winter , and very few
final proofs.
Under the act of August 19 ,
1911 , it appears that persons whose
entries on that date were" still less
than six months old , will have un
til April 15th next in which to es-
'tablish residence. Such persons
should bear in mind , however ,
that they will receive no credit
for residence until they actually
begin to live upon the land , and
that when making final , proof five
full years of actual residence must
be shown.
The general land office has al
lowed a large number of applica
tions for the sale of isolated tracts ,
about one hundred and fifty tracts
having been ordered sold. No
tices have already been issued in
some wases , but others will not be
issued for some time , as this num
ber of sales cannot well be taken
care of in a short time. The cases
will be taken up and notices is
sued in the order in which the ap
plications were first filed in this
office. The notices are now sent
directly to the applicant , who is
obliged to attend personally to the
pfttjlicatioh of the notice , and to
see that on the day of sale the
affidavit of the publisher showing
proper publication of the notice
is filed in this office. Without
such affidavit the sale cannot be
Teachers' Meeting.
December 9 , 1:30 : p. m.
Music . . .
The Teacher and the School ,
G. W.Eafm.
Book Review - Mabel Helzer.
Christmas in Other Lands ,
Jennie Bennett.
Discussion - Miss Stannard.
Great American Educators ,
Miss Brown.
Reading - Vena Marie Kellar.
Report State Association ,
Maude Van Orsdoll.
Music . . .
Ethics for ChiJren ,
Bertha Gordon.
Clay Modeling and Sand Table ,
Miss Sheparcl.
The Supervision of the Play
Ground Bessie .
- - Johnson.
How May Grammar School Pu
pils be best fitted for High School
Work - Vena Marie Kellar.
Music . . .
NOW IS TH E TIME , -and John-
sou's is the place , to do your
Chrismas shopping at your own
price. To make room for more
holiday goods I will sell many ar
ticles from my regular stock at
public auction on Saturday , Dec.
9 , at two p. m. Mrs. B. I. John
A suit or overcoat ordered with
in the next ten days will be de
livered by Christmas. Litest
samples to select from. C. H.
Austin , the Tailor. 48
John Davis will hold an auction
sale at the old Ayers place near
Crookston on Thursday , Dec. 14.
All stock and household goods will
be sold.
New style' wire type Edison's
Gr. E. laimps 'can be used in any
position. 25 watt lamp 60c. 40
watt , 70c. Special prices for a
short time only at H. I. Weinzim-
mer's. Plumbing and Electrical
Eats A 10 ME RICH'
New to look at the new fail
styles and get an idea
as to what are going
to be the style leaders
and begin to make up
your mind in regard
" "
to the new "Togs" you
Caps v/iil want to buy soon.
You'll find us , at all
times , glad to show
- the new goods ! New
Wear *
and distinctive styles ,
in everything a manor
or boy wears are now
being shown.
New .
sers H. W. HOEJS3IG , Prop ,
McQEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
i Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars , ! aWE * -
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , - Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer , E
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 29/year/old fc
and Jas , E , Pepper , O.F.C. Taylor , |
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Heanessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout , f
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , f
Valentine Nebraska t
Genuine Java& Mocha
Plantation Brand
Chase & Sanborns
McLaughlins XXXX
ExoeSsior Brand
. , . Farmer's Ak-Sar-Ben
Why ! Bless my Soul ! , .
„ t
Qolden QIow
/fs WBrteoise Co ee.
Grocery Department Phone 5
Red Front Mercantile Co.
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
&ii HfWfe&if fJi,1/ ,
All Kinds ofFresh | |
and Rait Meats. . . . " *
Will buy your Cuttle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything you have to sell.