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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1911)
BULLS FOR SALE Registered Hereford Bulls for sale at all times of the .year. SUNNY SLOPE STOCK RANCH Simeon Xe brash a . t imru'/ui * W.IM4 J. W. Copeland , of Dayton , Ohio , pur chased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for his boy who had u cold , and before the bottle was all used the boy's cold was gone. Is that not better than to pay afive dollar doctor's bill ? For gale by Chapman , the druggist. W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUR & FEED General'Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. F. M. Walcott Oliver M. Walcott Walcott & Walcott Attorneys Practice before U. S. Lund Olllce and nil Federal nnd SUite courts. Valentine Nebraska C. A. RUBY Attorney-at- Office front room , second story , over T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. Valentine Nebraska Dr. M. F. Meer , DENTIST Rooms over Red Front- store Valentine - Nebr , Dr. D. W. Sumrier DENTIST Hornby Building Phone No. 173. A WINDBREAK on the SOUTH would be valuable now. U. S. Government tests show a windbreak of trees will protect crops and conserve moist ure a rod for each foot in height of the windbreak , a windbreak oi trees 40 feet high will protect crops and conserve moisture 40 rods. Cultivate trees each week vor oftener. We have all varieties of forest , shade and fruit trees , shrubbery and ornamental ? , adapted to North .Western Nebraska. T : \V. CRAMER , Local Agent , Valentine , Nebr. Boyd Nurseries and Fruit Farm. On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station Ainswcrth , - Nebraska Valentine Lodge No. 70 , A. 0. U. W. Meets 1st and 3rd Mondny in each month at Fraternal Hall. All Brethern are cordially invited 'to he present ; ALBERT P WEBB , M W , TAMES 0. QCIGLEY , Recorder. REX DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Relieves gas in stomach , distres. after eating , stcmach nervousness dizziness , headache , heartburn , ) heart palpitation and other ail ments caused by faulty digestion. Price 25c. Prepared by United Drug Company , Boston , Mass. Sold in Valentine only by G. A. Chapman. The Rexall Store. Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , C. H. FAULHABER & SONS , BROWNLEE , . NEB Herd headed by S. 0. Columbus 17 No. 16C050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289 822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg Bulls for Sale at Ail Times , When you have a bad cold you want the best medicine obtainable so as to cure it with as little delay as possible. Here ' "I have sold is a druggist's opinion : Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for fifteen years , " says Enos Lollar of Saratoga , Ind. , "and consider it the best on the market. " For sale by Chapman , the druggist. Everybody who reads magazines buys news papers , bet everybody who reads newspapers doesn't buy magazines. Catch the Drift ? Here's the medium to reach the people of this community. Senator Cummins' Story. Senator Albert B. Cummins at a Glmulauqua banquet at Council Grove , Kan. , said of a law which seemed to him unjust : "They declare , the upholders of this Jaw , that there are compensations to ' its injustice. but such talk reminds me of a conversation between two DCS Moincs men. ' 'Wot is this 'ere compensation. Bill ? ' said the first man. ' 'Well , ' said Dill , 'it's line this , If ye're blind ye hear the better. ' " 'Oh. I POC , * said the other. 'For instance , if a feller's born with one lepr shorter'n the other then the other leg is longer. * " Washington Star. An Export , Railroad Operator. Julius Kruttschnitt , vice president ami director of maintenance and op eration of the Harrirnan lines , is re garded as one cf the most efficient railroad men in the west. Under his management is a vast army of workers , the Federation of Shop Employees alone numbering 23- 000 men. It is with the shop employ ees that the labor dispute arose. The JULIUS KKUTTSCIINITT. inen demanded recognition of the fed eratiou , which comprises five shop craft unions. This was denied by the railroad olficials on the ground that such recognition would hamper the company in performing its duty to the public. Krultsclinilt is a native of Isew Orleans , fifty-seven years old and is a nephew of Judah Benjamin , who was a member of Jefferson Davis' cabinet. After graduating from the engineering school of Washington and Lee r.niversity he entered railroading and twenty years later was assistant general manager of the Southern Pa- ciflc lines enct of El Paso. When Hary riinan Fecured control of the Southern Pacific he advanced Kruttschnitt to his present position in the merged Un ion Pacific system , Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the county court of Cherry county , Nc- jraska. State of Nebraska , ( _ _ /"iv * . < - * - * * Count r * * Cherry } ( To the heirs and all persons interested in the estate ot GeorgeNenzel deceased : On reading the petition ot Joseph Xolette praying a linal settlement and allowance of his account filed in this Court on the 13th day ot November , lull and for a decree of final account : It it , hereby ordered that you and all per sons interested in said matter ma } ' , and do. appear at the county court to be held in and for said count011 the 2nd day of Dec. A. D , 1911 , at 10 o'clock a. m. , to show cause , if any there be , why the prayer of the pe titioner should not be granted , and that not- ice ot the pendency ot said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons inter- ested in said matter by publishing a copy ot this order in The Valentine Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said county for three successive weeks prior to said day ot hearing. JAMES C. QUIGLEY. fSEAi.J 45-3 County Judge. Wale oit & Wa. t-iitr Attorneys 'or petitioner. Contest Notice. United States Land 021ce. Valentine. Neb. November 21,1911. To Harry C. Meehan of Overton. Nebraska. Contestee : You are hereby notified that Asa D. Fu- gate who gives Correctionville. Iowa , as his iotoi ce address did on the 23rd of October. Ifll 1 lile in this office his duly corroborated app ication to contest and secure the can- ce lation of your homestead. Entry No. 18C08. iserial No. ufe.0 , made February 13th. 1907 , for aii of Section One. Township 28 , Range 30. West ot the Sixth Principal Meridian , and as grounds for his contest he alleges that said Harry C Meehan has wholly abandoned the said land since the said date of entry. You are. therefore , further notified that the .said allegations will be taken by this ot- flceas having been confessed by you , and your said entry will be canceled thereunder without vour further right to beheard therefa in. either before this offlce or on appeal , if you tail to iile in this onlce within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notice , as shown below , your answer , under oath , specilicallv meeting and responding to these allegations ot contest , or if you fail within that time to tile in this ofilce due proof that you have served a copy or your answer on the said contestant in person , or by reg istered mail. If this service is made by the delivery ot a copy ofyour answer to the con- testant'in person , proof of such service must be either the sam contestant's written ac knowledgment of his receipt of the copy , showing the date of its receipt , or the afllida- vit of the person by whom the delivery was made stating when and where the copy was delivered ; it made by registered mail , proof of such service must consist of the affidavit of the person by whom the copy was mailed stating when and the post ofllce to which it was mailed , and this affidavit must be accom panied by the postmaster's receipt for the letter. You should state in your answer the name of the p 'st office to w hich you desire future notices to be sent to you. Luke M. Bates , Register. Date of first publication November 23,1911. Date ot second publication Ncvember30,1911. Date of third publication December 7,1911 * Date of fourtu publication December 14 , Ul 1 If you have young children you have perhaps noticed that disorders of the stomach are their most common ailment. To correct this you \vill find Chamber lain's. Stomach and Liver Tablets excel * lent. They are easy and pleasant to take , and mild and gentle in effect. For sale by Chapman , the druggist. Henry Schaffer was down from Tuesday. Simeon. R D. Evans is feeding for W. G. Ballard at the camp on Watts lake. lake.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomp son visited Mrs. Thompson's par" cmts Sunday. Their son Ruy is staying with his grand parents at tending school. Mr. Bucy is improving. He has been confined to his bed for some lime.Ve hope to see him out soon. Mrs. Robert King , the trained nurse who was nursing Mrs. Brown , returned to her home Thursday. She won many friends by her splendid services in the sick room. C. L. Latta went to Valentine for supplies Monday. - He brought out the organ "recently purchased b.y his district. They now have one of the best equipped schools in the county. The Thanksgiv.iug social given by Miss Moore at her school house was very successful. The decor ations were original and made a very attractive room. There were vegetables of all kinds ; a large pumpkin suspended from the ceiling - ing received special attention. The program was well rendered and made another pleasant even- ing f ( r all who attended. Mrs. J. E Brown who was so badly burned by a kerosene ex plosion on Nov. 4 , died Tuesday , Nov. 21 , at three p. m. She was born Sept. 26 , 1S9U in Dakota county , Nebr. She was married to John E. Brown at Murdo , SD. . , March , 20 , 1911. She leaves a husband , father , mother , four feis- ters and two brothers to mourn her loss. Mr. and Mrs. Brown recently came from South Dakota , Mr. Brown having filed on a Kin kaid homestead. They had not erected a house and were staying in a small hous. ? belonging to Ha zel Stratton until they could build , when the unfortunate acciden happened which took a bright young life from those who cared so < tenderly for her. That she might be more comfortable , Mr. arid Mrs. Bucy had her brought to their home where all was done tnat \ relatives and kind neighbors could | devise. She was young d strong ' and made a determined light for life , but her injuries wore too severe and the summons came quietly while she was sur rounded by those who loved her. She was buried in the Simeon cemetery , Rev. L. C. Beebe con ducting j the services. Mr. Brown is very grateful to thobe who as sisted during his sad bereave ment. Jas. Mone was down from Cody , Tuesday. The county commissioners were in session this week on bridge mat ters and oihec county business , Naylor , Rowley , and Adamson all being present. Wilber Kirk and Miss Alt a Barnes , both of Newton , were married yesterday by Judge Quigley - ley at his office. Cecil Barnes and Miss Dora Grewe accompanied them. Rock Spring's Coal and all other kinds at Fischer's Hardware. 38 that just because you are in business , everybody is aware of the fadt. Your goods may be the finest in the market but they will remain on your shelves unless the people are told about them. if you want to move your merchandise. Reach the buyers in their homes through the columns of THIS PAPER and on every dollar expep'ded you'll reap a handsome dividend YOUR' YOUR'BILLS > - * Old Crow , All Leading Hermitage Brands 4 and Bottled * * Gruclien- Under tha , * * * , heimer Supervision Rye of the * Whiskeys. U. S. GOT. "VVp Pso handle the Budweiser Beer. HENRY STETTER , Propr. CHILDREN INJURED Ordinary Cathartics and Pills and Harsh Physic Cause Distressing Compiain.ts. You cannot be over-caieful in thei selection of medicine for children. 'Only the very gentlest bowel medicine - . cine should ever be given , except in emergency cases. Ordinary pills , cathartics and puigatives are apt to do j more harm than good. They' ( may cause griping , nausea and olh- er distressing after-eifects that are frequently health-destroying. , We personally recommend and guarantee EeJ a I Orderlies as the most dependable remedy , which we know , for constipation and associate bowel disorders. We have such absolute - ' solute faith in the virtues of this remedy that we sell it on our guar antee of rnotiey back in every in stance where it fails to give entire satisfaction , and we urge all in need of such medicine to try it , at our lisk. ' Piexall Orderlies are eaten just like candy , are particularly prompt and aggreable in action , maybe taken - j en at any time , day or night ; do not cause diarrhffii , nausea , griping , i xcessive looseness , or other un desirable effects. They have a very caild but positive action upon the organs with which they come in contact , apparently acting as a reg- j .ilative tonic upon the relaxed nius- jular coat of the bowel , thus over coming weakness , and aiding to re store the bowels to more vigorous and healthy activity. Eexall Orderlies comraouly com pletely relieve constipation , except of course when of a surgical clrir- acter. They also tend to overcome the neccessity of constantly taking laxatives to keep the bowels in nor mal condition. Three sizes of pack ages , 10 cents , 25 cents , and 50 cents. Remember , you can obtain Rexali Remedies in Valentine ony at oar store , The Rexali Store. G. A Chapman. 'We are anxious to ' have you find cut Know about them They will interest you when you're in need of ' printing U. S. Weather Bureau Report WEEK ENDING NOV. 30,1911. Daily mean temperature t4 = ; . " Normal temperature : O3. Highest temperature 6 = . Lowest temperature 1 ° . Range of temperature 55 = . Precipitation for week of an inch. Average for 23 years 0.21 of an inch. Precipitation March 1st to date 1C.43 inches. Aver age for 23 years 20.63 inches. JOHN J. MCLEAN. Observer. F. L. Boyer , II. B. Boyer and H , G. Humphrew of Mullen were here the first of the week. The McNaraara trial at San Francisco is now in its eighth week and only eight jurymen have been accepted. . . - ( | ' Himdreds of Scopes of Fssie ? SBaghtiy zssed @sg332s go at ss Bow asy ezssfa Entire "overproduction" of 17 manufactur ers to be forced out during November and December. Freight prepaid One-fifth of price brings a piano to your home for trial satisfaction or your money back. Send for circular describing 1,000 phenomenal "Cash" Piano Values. WESTS &T QMSE. ZJSE JME GGUFGPJ PR3&TEB Tire ? e 52e ; PSeaso send me y&zw SpscisS Syndicate SaJs cash price list of Pianos at once. Address. YOUR REQUEST TO sns Sfs.p ® RiASiA9 NEB. Ask L M. Rice about I r German Fire insurance Co. of Omaha , backed by the National of Hartford with $11.000,000 , guarantying every policy. As sound as the "Rock of Gibralter. " The Northwestern Life Ins. ) Co. of Milwaukee writes the most liberal policy in Ordinary Life , Endowment , or Payment plan. You cannot lose a dollar that you spend with this com- - pany. A dollar is worth 100 cents the day you spend it and increases every day , and is always within your reach , growing for you. Call on I. M. R1CB , Valentine , Nebr. The Democrat is only $1.50 a year. Won't you subscribe