SSSS A. LOWE House Mover I am to do work at any time. Write for estimates. Gordon , - Nebraska Felch's Restaurant and Lunch Counter Come to my new location in the old Morey building. Home Cooking Sick headache is caused by a disor dered stomach. Take Chamberlain's Tablets and correct that and the head aches will disappear. Sold by Chapman , the druggist. ' ? > Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the County Court of Cherry count } * , Nebnisku. STATE OF NEBRASKA , ! Cherry County. fha I To the heirs and all persons interested In the estate of Ellen "Watts , deceased : On reading the petition of "Win. Welch praying a llnal settlement and allowance of his account Hied" In this court on the llth day of Nov. , 11)11 , and for a decree of llnal account. It Is hereby ordered that you and all per sons interested in said matter may , and do , appear at the county court to be held in and for said countyon the 2nd clay of Dec. A. 1) . , Hill , at 10 o'clock a. in. , to bhow cause , if any there be , why the prayer of the pe titioner should not be granted , and that no tice of the pendency ol said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The Valentine Demoeiat , a weekly newspaper printed in said county , for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. JAMES O. QUIGJET , [ SEAL ] 4j-i : County Judge. Old papers for sale at this office 15 cents a hundred. Jackson & Fischer s f Undertakers and v Licensed Ernbalmers VALENTINE , NEBRASKA Calls answered at all hours , Night Phone 74 , It is the Purpose of the Officers of THIS BA.NK to encourage sane living and conservative invest ment ; to assist our customers with advice and aid them to get ahead in the world ; to extend such needful help as is consistent with safe sound hanking ; to be of use and materially aid in the upbuiding of our town and community .to this end we offer to the public our experiencs in financial affairs , the facilities and services of a strong , catefully managed bank. shall be glad to have YOUR name on our customer's list. k > mim STATE BANK i > Deposits in this bank arc protected by the Depositor's * Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. The Lamp That Saves The Eyes Children naturally never think of possible strain on their eyesight when poring over a fascinating book. It iup to you to see they do not ruin their young eyes these long evenings by reading under a poor light. The Rayo Lamp is an insurance against eye troubles , alike for young and old. The Rayo is a low-priced lamp , but it is constructed on the soundest scientific principleSj and there is not a belter lamp made at any price. It is easy on the eye because its light is so soft knd white and widely diffused. And a Rayo Lamp never flickers. Easily lighted without removing shade or chimney ; easy to clean and revvick. Solid brass throughout , ith handsome nickel finish ; also in many other styles and finishes. Ak your dealer to show you his line of Rayo lamps ; or write for descriptive circular to any agency of the Standard Oil Company ( Incorporated ) ONTAGNE I Livery , Feed and Sales Stable , Wood Lake , Nebraska M Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. Line D. A. WHJPPLE , Propr i Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House ii i i Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel Leave Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning , Sundays excepted. Arrive at Rosebud at 2 o'clock p. m. if - - Leave Rosebud at 8 o'clock every morning , > ! Sundays excepted. ' Arrive atr Yalentine at 2 o'clock p. m. * Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. < m. : Special attention to passengers > baggage and n i ; ! express or packages. M Leave orders at headquarters or at the Red 1 Front store. D. A. Whipple. I V'H 1 laM COMING TO VALENTINE Associated Doctors , Specialists , will be at The JDohoher Hotel MONDAY DEC. 4 AND TUESDAY DECEMBER 5 FROM 10 A. M. TO8P.M. AND WILL RE AIN TWO DAYS ONLY Remarkable Success of These Talen ted Physicians in the Treatment of Chronic Diseases. OFFER THEIR SERVICES FREE OF CHARGE The Associated Doctors , licensed by the state of Nebraska for the treatment of deformities and all neruous and chronic diseases of men , women and children , offer to all who call on this trip , consulta tion , examination , advice free , making no charge whatever ; ex cept the actual cost of medicine. All that is asked in return for these valuable services is that ev ery person treated will state the result obtained to their friends and thus prove to the sick and af flicted in every city and locality , that at last treatments have been discovered that are reasonably sure and certain in their effect. These doctors are considered by many former patients among America's leading stomach and nerve specialists and are experts in the treatment of chronic dis eases , and so great and wonderful have been their results that in many cases it is hard indeed to find the dividing line between skill and miracle. Diseases of the stomach , intes tines , liver , blood , skin , nerves , heart , spleen , kidneys , or bladder , rheumatism , sciatica , diabetes , bed-wetting , leg ulcers , weak lungs and those afflicted with long standing , deep-seated , chronic dis eases , that have baffled the skill of the family physician , should not fail to call. According to their system no more operations for appendicitis , gall stones , tumors , goiter , or cer tain forms of cancer. They ; were among the first in America to earn the name of the " "Bloodless Surgeons , " by doing away with knife , with blood and with all pain in the successful treatment of these dangerous diseases. If you have kidney or bladder troubles bring a two ounce bottle of your urine for chemical anal ysis and microscopic examination. Deafness has often been cured in sixty days. No matter what your ailment may be , no matter what others may have told you. no matter what experience you may have had with other physicians , it will be to your advantage to see them at once. Have it forever settled in your mind. If your case is in curable they will give you such advice as may relieve and stay the disease. Do not put off this duty you owe to yourself or friends or relatives who are suffering because of your sickness , as a visit this time may help you. Eemember , this free offer is for two days only. Married ladies must come with their husbands and minors with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Koot of Merriman who have been 'visiting with E. Olson and family returned home Friday evening. 'Tedos and Tisod" a temper ance story written by Mrs. Ada M. Bittenbender , reached our desk this week. The author is one of Nebraska's able women lawyers. Here is a woman who speajss from per sonal knowledge and long experience , viz. , Mrs. P. H. Brogan , of Wilson , Pa. , who says , "I know from experience that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is far su perior to anjr other. For croup there is nothing that excels it. " For sale by Chapman , the druggist. That every added sub scriber helps to make this paper better for everybody The Sunday school convention which was advertised to be held at Cody last Sunday was not very well attended on account of the severe weather. W. A. Petty- crew , president of the county Sun day school organization , was the only one from outside that was present and only a part of the pro gram was carried out. It is hoped that a convention may be arranged for at some future date under more favorale conditions. Cody Cow Boy. A BALD-HEADED WOMAN Shorn of Her Crown of Beauty , Loses in Love and Marriage. Hair is certainly most necces- sary to woman. Who could love and marry a bald-headed woman ? What charms could one array to offset such a disfigurement ? A woman's goal is usually love and marriage. Her crowning glory is her hair. The loss of her hair mars her beauty , happiness , and success. Yet , right here in Val entine , there are hundreds of women who are neglecting or in juring their hair to such an extent that it is only a matter of time when it will be utterly ruined. Many women destroy the beau ty of their hair through thought lessness or ignorance of certain facts. They use curling irons overheated er-heated , or to excess , which de stroys the natural oil of the hair , causing it to split , break , ai d cone out. They do not shampfo their hair oft3n enough , or too of- t.m. They use soaps or prepara tions which contain ingredients positively harmful to the scalp and hair. As a result of such treatment , dandruff is created , the hair loosens ens , loses color , falls out and bald ness commences , unless proper and prompt precautions are taken in time. Then again , microbes and certain diseases bring about unhealty scalp and hair conditions. Almost any woman may rid herself of dandruff and diseased scalp and hair if she will but use ; the right remedy. We have that remedy , and we will positively guarantee that it will either cure dandruff and baldness or itwill nor , cost the user anything. That's a pretty broad statement , but we will back it and prove it with our own money. We will return your money if you do not find that Rexall " 93" Hair Tonic is an entirely satisfactory remedy that will promote hair growth and overcome scalp and hair troubles ; that it will grow hair even on bald heads , unless all life in the hair roots has been extinguished , the follicles closed , and the scalp glazed and shiny. It gets its name from the fact that it grew hair in 93 out of 100 cases , where it received a thoroughly hard , im partial , and practical test. We want you to try Eexall " 93" Hair Tonic at our risk. You sure ly cannot lose anything by doing so , while you have everything to gain. You had better think this over , and then come in and see us about this offer. You will be well repaid for your visit to our store. Remember , you can get Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store The Rexall Store. G. A. Chapman. In The District Court of Cherry County Nebraska. In the matter of the application of W. H Had- Idy. guardian ol Frank W. Hadley , minor ueir of Irene E. Hanley , formerly Irene E. Miller , deceased , for the snle ol re l estate. ftow on this 2Gth day of Ot > hHr , 1911 tliN cause camu mi for hearing upon the petition under oath of W H. Had-ey. guardian of the estate of Frank W , Hartley , minor heir , for license to sell the lollowiuir described mil estate belonging to said minor , to-wit : SJ NJ SI , Section 10 , s Ki SEi , Section 9. W | NWJ , Section 15 , Township ya , Nortn , Kange M. West. Cherry county. Nebraska , lor the support , maintenance and education of said minor heir and for the purpose of investing the residue ot the proceeds of said stile m security for the benefit of said minor heir. It is therfqre ordered that all prsons inter ested in said estate appear before me at Chambers in thCny of , Sheridan Countv. Nebraska on the 23th day of Novem ber. 1911 at the hour of ten o'clock a. m to show cause , if any there be , why license should not be granted to the said W H Had ley to sell the interest of said minor heir in the above described real esUte for the sup port , maintenance and education of said minor and that any residue remaining in the bauds ot lh saia guardian may be invested in \ roper security for the use and benefit of saiu minor. It is lurlher ordered that acopv of this order be served upon all persons interested in said estate by causing the same ro be published once each week for four successive weeks in the Democrat a newspaper printed and published in said County of Cherry. W. H WEST-OVER. Judge District Court. Walcott & Walcolt , Attorney * . BILLIARD HALL UJD i Cigars and Soft Drinks 1 JOHN G. STETTER - PROP. rf'fi 'ftit ( INTERNATIONAL " 30" Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTERNATIONAL / * NATIONAL " 30" No Hill too Steepf no Sand too Deep Soldby DMcLeod Guaranteed by International Harvester Company CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska Eeferences : My Many Customers. I A NEW STORE \ H In Crookston , Neb. 9 With new prices , which are the lowest for good business. My stock consists of Dry Goods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent bargains. You are invited to call and make this your home store. Highest pric es paid for produce. Come and get ac quainted. , Tr 2nd Building South the Bank. Crookston , Neb. j3r3 a R. M. Faddis & Co r'osTootce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded 3 on left Florses branded jgjigon " ' left 'Shoulder or thiph Some Some hranded brai.ded on riylJt thigh on Ifft or .xhoulder. shoulder or thl-h P. H. Young. dimeon. Nebr. Catto branded as cut on left side Some Q yon 1 Bide. on V burses. Ranre on Gordon CrePk n' rth of Simeon , N. S. Rowley. Kenned } , Nebraska. Same as cut on left side and hip , and OL left shoulder of her sey. AlsoBJJS on left Hide hip. 10 X on left side Some cat tle brand _ ed huskHBBRfmg peg ( either side up ) on left side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses. yj yjQ on left hip of horses. M on left jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJ BE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock hearing any E. M. Terrill , Propr. Brow nice , Neo. f'attle branded as in c-.t on left side. Some branded li T V on left hip. Kange on North Lonp river , two mil-s west of Brewnlee Not Afraid St Francis Mis sion , Rosebud. S. D. branded asm cut ; horses same or jj\P on Mtthiph. Kanse between Spring C'k and Little White river. Albert Whipple & Sons. .Rosebud , S , D. Cattle branded SOS on left aide OSO on right side Some cattle also have a 4on neck Some with A on left shoulder and some branded with two bars across hind qnar- _ | ters. Some Texas cattle branded S O on left side and somej n left side. Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some'cattla branded AW bar connected on both sides and left hip of horses D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. 3artlett Richards Pres WlllGComstock. V.P Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following brands : f horses bran dec same Range betwee Gordon on the PJ . &M. V.R. R. and Hyannis on B & , M. R.R. in Northwestern Nebr BARTl.ETT RICHARDS. Ellsworth. Nebr Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr < * * G. K. Sawver has chanre of these cattle. H rsea I onleftshotil- der. Some ! left side. Horses ! same left thigh. Range on Snake river. Metzger Bros. Itoife Nebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square crop right ear. Horsps have i same brasd on eft thigh. Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks. A Reward of $250 nili be paid to any person fer information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons stealing with 5 l > ov brand. , * J. A. Taryan. Pnllman , Nebr Cattle branded JT on rightslde Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any infonnatloa leading to the re covery of cattl * strayed from range.