Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 23, 1911, Image 3
Canada at th Chicago Land S low WILL MAKE A MAGNIFICENT EX HIBIT OF GRAINS AND GRASSES , VEGETABLES AND FRUIT. 'A carload of grain in straw , grasses jmd other of the products of Western jCanada arrived at Chicago the other jday , and Is now installed in the ( Coliseum , where the United States iland and irrigation exposition is under jfrray. Those who are interested In. the "Back to the land movement" will find in the Canadian , exhibit one of the best displays of the agricultural products of Western Canada that has ever been made. There are repre sentative men there , who will be pleased to give the fullest Information regarding the country. The exhibit shows what can be done on the free grant lands of that rcountry and most of the grain was produced on the farms of former resi dents of the United States who have jtaken advantage of the homestead lands of Manitoba , Saskatchewan and Alberta. The vegetable exhibit will attract Ta great deal of attention , and some Jmarvelous potatoes , carrots , turnips , ( Cabbage and cauliflower are shown. It is true that the homestead area Is being rapidly taken up and the ( bulk of that now to be had lies north tof the Saskatchewan river in a por- 'tion ' of the country known as the park country. Here there Is a large quan- tlty of open prairie interspersed by { beautiful groves of poplar and willow. Water Is in abundance , hay Is plenti ful and consequently fodder for anl- "mals Is right at hand. Those who tave taken advantage of farming In these districts and watched the efforts of those In the prairie proper feel that they have the advantage of their brother , who Is not able to secure fuel and the other conveniences of the lark district on his own farm. The crop conditions throughout Western Canada the past year have been generally good , and some won derful crop yields of wheat , oats and : barley are recorded. The Canadian 'Government , tinder whose auspices ithe exhibit spoken of is being made , \Is \ preparing reports on crops In the ' different Western Canada districts , and while these will not be ready for 'distribution at the land show com mencing on the 18th of November 'and closing on Dec. 8th , application made to the Canadian Government agent nearest you will bring them to iyou as soon as thev are published. SOUNDED LIKE IT. The Talker I tell you , no man has \ got a right to be sick nowadays ! The Joker You've evidently been reading some patent medicine adver tisements. UNDEFEATED CHAMPION OF THE NORTHWEST. T. A. Ireland , Rifle Shot of Co If ax , Wash. , Tells a Story. Mr. Ireland Is the holder of four Iworld records and has yet to lose his first match says he : "Kidney trou ble so affected my vision as to Inter fere with my shoot ing I became BO nervous I could hard ly hold a gun. There was severe pain in my back and head and my kidneys were teYribly disordered. Doan's Kidney Pills cured me after I had doctored and taken nearly every remedy imaginable without relief. I will give further details of my case to anyone en closing stamp. " "When Your Back Is Lame , Remeni- bertheName DOAN'S. " 50callstores. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. Apicultural. Mother Yes , Johnny , the queen bee is boss. Johnny How about the presiden tial bee ? For over fifty years Rheumatism , Neu ralgia , and other painful ailments have been cured by Hamlins Wizard Oil. It is a good honest remedy and you will not regret having a bottle ready for use. Doubtless. "She left me for some motive or an other. " "Probably another. " LIppIncott's Magazine. 3 > r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach , liver and bowels. Sugar-coated , tiny granules , easy to take as candy. Love never fails , because it never stops trying. -r- Resolutions of Regret. Resolutions of regret on the depar ture of J. W. Crabtree to Wisconsin have been prepared by a special com mittee of the state normal board. Secretary Tobey and Dr. Roach were appointed as a special committee Thursday to draft the resolutions which follow : Whereas , James W. Crabtree has re- j signed his office as state superintend ent of public instruction in the state of Nebraska and has accepted the presidency of the state normal school of River Falls , Wis. ; therefore , be it Resolved , That we , the members of the board of education of state normal schools of the state of Nebraska , do hereby give expression to our appre ciation of his years of untiring devo tion to the cause of education in the state of Nebraska in the various posi tions of prominence which he held and in which he achieved signal sue cess. cess.We We regret that we must lose his wise counsel in the deliberations of the board. We do assure him that he possesses our best wishes for his continued sue cess in his new field of labor. Figures on State Ticket. Following are the total figures from ninety counties , seventy-six of which have been officially reported at the secretary of state's office : Supreme Judge : Letton 102,696 Rose 100.841 Hamer 96,713 Dean 93,456 Stark 86,628 Oldham 86,096 Railway Commissioner : Hall 101,199 Harman 90,113 University Regents : Haller. eighty-nine counties. . . 97,691 Lyford , eighty-nine counties. . . 95,937 Knapp , eighty-nine counties. . . 84,830 Miller , eighty-nine counties. . . 84,955 May Open Hospital. The members of the board of public lands and buildings , comprising Land Commissioner Cowles , Secretary of State Walt , Treasurer George and At torney General Martin , discussed the matter of opening the tubercular hos pital at Kearney. A tenant whose lease expires March 1 asks $1,000 for a cancellation. The owner of the property who has sold it to the state will be obliged to buy the lease If the state demands possession. Correspondence School for Officers. Adjutant General E. H. Pheips of the Nebraska national guard has is sued general orders establishing a school of correspondence for officers of the Nebraska national guard. In fantry drill , military hygiene , tactical principles and problems and small arms firing is to constitute the course for the coming winter. Such schools have proven successful in other statefl and will be atempted in Nebraska with well qualified instructors. Socialism Gaining in Nebraska. Socialism- has more than doubled its strength in Nebraska during the last two years , as shown by the re turns from forty-six counties officially made to the secretary of state. In an off year election when the vote of other parties exhibited the usual slump , the socialists have gained 31 per cent in their following at the polls. Has a Large Membership. Through the energetic efforts of tha business men of Lincoln , the local Y. M. C. A. has reached 2,000 and by so doing receives the distinction of hav ing the largest membership of any association in the state and also ac quires the honor of having the largest membership of any city of its size in the world. Warrants to the amount of $103,636 are now registered against the gen eral fund of Nebraska , and to the amount of $185,483 against the univer sity fund. The state treasurer called in $17,000 of warrants during the past week , but expenditures are still in ex cess of receipts. H. C. Mead and others have filed a complaint with the state railway com mission against the Cozad Canal com pany , alleging that the canal company has permitted its headgate to become clogged with sand and its ditches overgrown with weeds. Water users from the headgate receive no water. This is the first complaint filed with the commission under the law passed by the last legislature giving it juris diction over irrigation rates and ser vice. State Buys More Game Birds. State Game Warden Henry V. Miller - ler has received 100 hen pheasants of the Chinese ringneck variety. They will be plac ed with other game birds in the city park of Lincoln. This makes a total of three hundred birds of this kind in the collection. The birds were recently imported from England and were bought by the game warden at Jefferson City , Mo. Mr. Miller has been informed that most of the Hungarian partridges liberated In the northern part of Nebraska hav been killed. ALL OVER NEBRASKA. Farmer Fatally Burned. Johnson County. Ind Webber , a far mer residing two miles east of Ster ling , was at Talmage , and when near Burr , on his way home , had an ex plosion of some kind in his wagon. Some men passing saw him tearing off his clothing and th'rowing blazing ma terial from his wagon. They found that the man was fatally burned , yet he still clung to the lines and drove his team along as ff nothing had hap pened. His breast , face and hands were badly burned and all of the hair was missing from his head. He was taken to his home. It is thought he was taking home some powder and a spark from his pipe set it off. Physi cians give no hope for his recovery. Beet Sugar Interests. Scottsbluff County. The Scottsbluff Sugar company made its first payment for beets , amounting to $348,000. This is estimated as about half of the crop. The record-breaking run was just made by a day shift of twelve hours in which there was turned out by the mill 2,700 sacks of sugar. The mill is daily putting out about half a million pounds of sweetness. It is ] estimated that the sugar campaign will continue about seventy-five days more. Feed ing , incident to the beet crop , has assumed proportions far in excess of early predictions. About 6,000 cattle and 50,000 sheep are being fed in the valley. Alfalfa is bringing $6.50 in the stack and other feed equally high. Woman Suicides. Adams Conuty. Word was received in Hastings of the sudden death of Mrs. Sarah Spricker , a widow residing at the outskirts of the little town of Bladen. Mrs. Spricker had been in poor health for some time , but her death was not expected , and the shock so preyed upon the mind of her daughter , who was living with her , that she took the contents of a bottle of carbolic acid , and in five minutes was a corpse. The daughter was a school teacher and was about 33 years of age. Principal Deserts Her School. Stanton County. Miss Elizabeth Noaker , principal of the Stanton High school , took a train for her home in Pennsylvania. She had .had considera ble trouble in teaching the hopefuls in the Stanton high , entire classes re belling and refusing to recite to her. She handed in her resignation several times to the school board , but each time the board refused to recognize it. Finally she simply left town. Will Teach Domestic Science. Johnson County. Under the direc tion of Superintendent V. L. Strick land of the Tecumseh schools the women's mutual league has com pleted plans for domestic science in struction in the High school on the Crete plan.- Both the ladies of the league and the High school girls are enthusiastic over the scheme. Nebraskan Gets Good Job. Richardson County. Friends of George A. Lee , a former Humholdt young man and a son of Mrs. M. C. Lee , have received word of his recent appointment on the interstate com merce commission from the state of Washington , with a salary of $5,000 per annum. Wool Growers' Meeting. Douglas County. The National meeting of the Wool Growers' asso ciation will be held in Omaha on De cember 14-16. In connection , a gigan tic sheep show will be held. Sheep of every kind and description will be on exhibition. Boesch Is Paroled. Lancaster County Herman Boesche , sentenced to the penitentiary for life on conviction of having killed a sa loonkeeper named Jarner at Norfolk , was paroled by the State Board of Parole. New Depot at Seward. Seward County. Ed Bignell , super intendent of the Burlington , and Chief Engineer Dawson were in Seward to advise with the mayor and councilmen - men concerning the new $35,000 depot to be built there by the Burlington in the spring. Thieves Got Five Suits. Richardson County. Five suits ol clothes were stolen from the store of Shirley , Buestella & Co. , at Humboldt. The theft occurred some time during the day , presumably while the clerks were in another department of the store. Foul Play Suspected. Claude Bailey of Fullerton , disap peared , presumably at Omaha , while en route to his home from Percival , la. , where he had been visiting with relatives. Nothing has been heard from him since he left Percival and being a young man of exemplary hab its his mysterious disappearance is the source of much anxiety to his par ents. He left Tabor with quite a sum of money. Requisition Honored. Lancaster County. Governor Aid- rich honored a requisition for the re turn of Irene Foregraves to South Da kota , where she is wanted on a charge of running a house of prostitution. She was under arrest in Boyd county , but it is stated she escaped. To Explore for Oil and Gas. Richardson County.- Some 3,000 acres of land around Salem have been leased to a company that will explore for oil and gas as soon as it gets some 2,000 acres now under lease. ABINET HE loftier my thoughts become - _ come , the less is there to divide me from the humblest of my fellow creatures. Maeterlinck. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. When roasting wild ducks instead ol stuffing them , put an onion in some and a bunch of celery in others. Of course neither the onion or celery is to be served. Flour should always be sifted before measuring. When baking powder is used sift It with the flour several times , using two pieces of manllla pa per , the wrapping paper that the gro cers use. Don't overwork , there Is nothing gained and many times much lost by itIf If over heavy In weight eat less sweets and turn away from candy. Don't forget to drink plenty of wa ter daily. Keep the feet warm , low shoes have no place after the frost arrives. "Workwell begun is half done. " This means well planned. Let each day's work be carefully thought out , have an aim and make It high enough for something to work toward. Take time to play a little at least once a week , if not every day. Follow up a match head that has snapped off in striking , and avert a fire. fire.In In looking for a leak in a gas pipe don't strike matches along the pipe , but rub the suspected place with soap suds and the gas if there will escape and form a small bubble , showing the break. Water should never be thrown on a kerosene lamp when it has exploded as it only spreads the flame. Smother the fire with rugs or quilts. The ashes from the burned leaves make a fine sweetener of the garden soil. soil.To To pour oil on a smoldering fire is always a reckless thing to do. One may escape ninety-nine times , but the hundredth will be your Waterloo. Have a hot soup these cold nights for a supper dish , they are relished by the best of men. Remember there are none In the humblest walks of life that are not able to teach us something. Experience is often dearly bought and she is wise who will avail herself of that which has been proved by others. Don't put off the Christmas prepara tions another day , begin now , and avoid a case of nervous prostration after the holidays are over. O BE able to have things we want , that is riches ; to be able to do without , that is power. George McDonald. HOLIDAY COOKERY. The time will soon be here when It will be necessary for us to look up the old family recipes and prepare for the festive holiday season. Fruit cakes may be made weeks be fore hand and are better for their age. Fruit Cake. Take two pounds of raisins , a pound of currants , half a pound of citron , four cups of brown sugar , two cups of butter , a cup of mo lasses , eight eggs , two teasponfuls of soda , a half cup of grape juice , five cups of flour , the grated rind of a lemon , two teaspoonfuls of cinnamon , a teaspoon of cloves , and also one of nutmeg. Beat the eggs and add the flour last giving a thorough beating. Bake in a slow oven for the first hour and a quarter then increase the heat to brown the cake. Fruit Wafers. Take a cup each of raisins , dates , figs and nuts put through a meat chopper. Work and mix together with a little lemon juice , then roll out on a board dusted with powdered sugar. Cut in dominos and pack in powdered sugar in boxes with waxed paper between. White Fruit Cake. Take a cup of sugar , three tablespoonfuls of butter , half a cup of milk , one and three- fourths cups of flour'the whites of three eggs , two teaspoonfuls of baking powder , half a cup of shredded almonds mends , one cup of shredded citron , half a cup of raisins , half a cup of shredded orange peel chipped very fine. Bake in a moderate oven for one hour then increase the heat to brown the outside. This cake is best three weeks old. Orange Icing. Take the rind of half and the juice of a whole orange , fill the cup with hot water , add a teaspoonful - ful of lemon juice , two tablespoonfuls of cornstarch , pinch of salt , the yolks of two eggs , a third of a cup of sugar and a tablespoon of butter. Cook un til smooth and the starch is well cooked. When cool spread on the cake for filling. For the icing soak the grated rind of a large orange in three tablespoonfuls of lemon juice , squeeze through muslin .and add powdered sugar to the juice until thick enough to spread. The Correct Way. She Speaking correctly , darling , should I say , "I will have a new bon net , " or "I shall have a new bonnet ? " He Speaking correctly absolutely correctly my love , you should say , "I Won't have a new bonnet. " Prejudice Is a Serious Menace Prejudice Is a hard thing : to overcome , but where health is at stake and the opinion of thousands of reliable people differs from yours , prejudice then be comes your menace and you ought to lay It aside. This Is said In the inter est of people suffering from chronic constipation , and It Is worthy of their attention. In the opinion of lesions of reliable American people the most stubborn constipation imaginable can be cured by a brief use of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. You may not have heard of It before , but do not doubt Its merits on that account , or because it has not been blatantly advertised. It has sold very successfully on word of mouth recom mendation. Parents are giving It to their children today who were given it by their parents , and It has been truth fully said that more druggists use It personally in their families than any other laxative. Letters recently received from Mr. E. M. Connelly , Genoa Jet , WIs. , and Mrs. E. Belch , Hatfleld. TVis. , are but a few of thousands showIng - Ing the esteem in which Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin is held. It Is mild , gentle , non-griping not violent , like salts or cathartics. It cures gradually and pleasantly so that In time nature again does Its own work without out side aid. Constipated people owe it to themselves to use this grand bowel specific. Anyone wishing to make a trial of this remedy before buying It In the regular way of a druggist at fifty cents or one dollar a large bottle ( family size ) can have a sample bottle sent to the home free of charge by simply addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell , 201 Washington St , Monticello. 111. Tour name and address on a postal card will do. SUCCESSFUL COLLECTOR. Easte Turner I should think you'd nave lots of trouble collecting 'way out here. Collector Suremark Not on yer life ; everybody here knows I kin plunk the bull's-eye nine shots out of ten ! PHYSICIAN ADVISES CUTICURA REMEDIES "Four years ago I had places break out'on my wrist and on my shin which would itch and burn by spells , and scratching them would not seem to give any relief. When the trouble first began , my wrist and shin itched like poison. I would scratch those places until they would bleed before I could get any relief. Afterwards the places would scale over , and the flesh un derneath would look red and feverish. Sometimes it would begin to itch until it would waken me from my sleep , and -would have to go through the scratching ordeal again. Our physician pronounced It "dry eczema. " I used an ointment which the doctor gave me , but it did no good. Then he advised me to try the Cutl- cura Remedies. As this trouble has been In our family for years , and is considered hereditary , I felt anxious to try to head it off. I got the Cuti- cura Soap , Ointment and Pills , and they seemed to be just what I needed. "The disease was making great headway on my system until I got the Cuticura Remedies which have cleared my skin of the great pest. Prom the time the eczema healed four years ago , until now , I have never felt any of its pest , and I am thankful to the Cuticura Soap and Ointment which certainly cured me. I always use the Cuticura Soap for toilet , and I hope other sufferers from skin diseases will u Je the Cuticura Soap and Ointment. " ( Signed ) Irven Hutchison , Three Riv ers. Mich. , Mar. 16 , 1911. Although Cut'cura Soap and Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere , a sample of each , with 32-page book , will be mailed free on. application to "Cuticura , " Dept. 17 K , Boston. It is only those -srJio live on low ground who complain that the world is overcrowded. Stops Neuralgia Pains Sloan's Liniment has a soothing effect on the nerves. It stops neural gia and sciatica pains in stantly. stantly.Here's Here's Proof Mrs. C. M. Dowker of Johannesburg ; , Mich. , writes : " Sloan's Liniment u the best medidne In the world. It has relieved me of Neuralgia. Those pains have all gone and I can truly say your Liniment did stop them. " Mr. Andrew F. Lear of BO Gay Street , Cumberland. 3Id. . writes : r'I have used Sloan's Liniment for Neuralgia and I certainly do praise it very much. " SLOANS LINIMENT is the best remedy for rheu matism , backache , sore throat and sprains. At all dealers. Price 25c.,5Oc.and fl.OO Sloan'f book on Hors * , Cattle , Hog * and Foul , try sent free. .Address Dr. Earl S.Sloan Boston. MAML Why Rent a Farm and be compelled to pay to your landlord most of your hard-earned profits ? Own your own farm. Secure a Free Homestead in Manitoba , Saskatchewan or Alberta , or purchase land in one of these districts and bank a prof It of $1O.OO or S12.0O an acre every year. Land purchased 3 years ago at $10.00 an acre has recently chanced hands at $25.00 an acre. The crops crown on these lands warrant the advance. You can Become Rich by cattle raisingr.dairyintr.mixed farming : and grain pro wine in the provinces of Manitoba , Saskatchewan and Alberta. Free homestead and pre emption areas , aswell as land held by railway and land com panies , will provide homes for millions. 38 Adaptable soil , healthful climate , splendid schools and railways. For settlers * rates. descrlptlyo Jlterature"Last Best West.'rhoir to reach the country and other par ticulars , write to aup'tof Immi gration , Ottawa , Canada , or to the Canadian Government Agent , E T. Holmes. 315 Jaduoo SL , SL Pasl. Mian. J. H. Madaddafl , Drawer 197Watertown. S. D. Please write to < ue agent nearest yon Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta ble act surely ' CARTER'S but gently on the liver. 1TTLE Stop after IYER dinner distress - PILLS. tress- cure indigestion , ' improve the complexion , brighten the eyes. SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE , Genuine must bear Signature RUPTURE CURED in a few days without a surgical oper ation. No pay until cured. Write to Dr.Z.E.Matheny , aF.L.&Tr.Bldg.SiotucClty.Ia. FREE MAP Excursion Norember 220. See the Tropical wonders : many chances for investment. Write MEXICAN ISTH MUS LAXD Co. , Commerce Bldg. , Kansas City , Mo. UT rifYnTinTT\mC Irish wolf hounds , Norwe- DLi\J\JlJn.\J\Ji \ Lfo gianbeardogs.Toxhounds , coon , cat. dogs. Illustrated 40-page catalogue 4-cent stamp. BOOKWOOD KBNNKL3 , Lexington , Ky. Watson E. Coleman.Waab. PATENTS Ington.D.C. Books free. High est references. Best results. 2 } Thompson's Eyt Water W. L. DOUGLAS S2,50$3.00$3.50&$4.00 SHOES , , . , , . . WOMEN wear W.L. Douglas stylish , perfect fitting.easy walking boots , because they give long wear , same as W.LJouglas Men's shoes. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 3O YEARS The workmanship which hasmadeW.L. Douglas shoes famous the world over is maintained in every pair. W. L. Douglas shoes are warranted to hold their shape , fit and look better and wear longer than other makes for the price. CAUTION TIie enulne have W. I * Douglas wnuuuii name and price stamped on bottom Shoes Seat Everywhere All Charges Prepaid. Ilovr to Order by Mall. If W. L. Doug- I las shoes are not sold In TOOT to wosend direct to I factory. Take measurements of foot as shown [ In model ; state style desired ; size and width I usually worn ; plain or cap toe ; bearr , medium or light sole. I do the largest ffioe mail n order 6twJne * < u the world. / C Illustrated Catalog Free. ONE PAIR of my BOYS * 83 , * 2.5O or /Bgy 3 > w. t. DOUOI JS , S3.OO SHOES -will positively outwear ' TWO PAIRS of LJI - ordinary boys'shoes i45SpsTkSt.Broekto , Msss. Fast Color Eyelets Used Exclusively. THORPE & COMPANY Sioux City's Leading Jewellers , 511 Fourth Street