Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 23, 1911, Image 1

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Volume 26 , No. 46 VALENTINE , NEBR. , THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 23 , 1911. § 1.50 per year.
has put the stamp
o f approval upon
men's collars and
labeled it AEOW.
FRONT , 2. . IN.BACK I ? * IN It always points to
' ' ' '
! ! ! ( ! ! ! !
the right direction in style , quality and
comfort. Insist upon the ARROW
brand. All Styles , quarter sizes , a pair for
a quarter.
Big shipments of Holiday Goods arriving daily
and soon to be on full display. Largest stock
of Xmas gifts ever shown in the city.
Don't forget the place.
Bakery Goods Confectionery *
Cigars and Tobacco
' -
- '
- -
Lunches and Meals
SS tt'J&3ta&'Jtib&ifJ& i K
My very dear old liackberry
Neighbors : We have received
word through several of you , that
you had planned a farewell sur
prise party for us Saturday night
had we not unexpectedly moved
away during the day. The sur
prise the evening before was a
very happy one and we supposed
that was the end of it. and moved
to Valentine on Saturday , just in
time to miss the glorious time your
party would have given us. Our
hearts are filled with regret that
we did not know you were coming ,
but in fancy we see your bright
smiles and hear your merry laugh
ter and the delightful songs by
that matchless quartette ; and while
we have sacrificed you as neigh
bors we are happy to still hold
your friendship. Our memories
of you will ever be fond and tender
and as lasting and life-long as the
evergreen. Although we miss
you deeply , you know the glad
fwelcome of the clever hearts .of
Valentine would make sunshine
and happiness for anyone , so that
we are indeed quite content in our
little new home.
Very respectfully ,
Mr. and Mrs. Milt Latta.
J. M. Ganow died suddenly of
heart trouble at his home near
Oasis on Saturday Nov. IS * aged
72 years. Mr. Ganow was ap
parently in his usual good health
and had been attending to the
work around the place. About
1:30 while sitting in the house he
was stricken and died instantly.
Mr. Ganow was one of the early
settlers , coming to Cherry county
in 1887. " Besides a wife he leaves
nine children , seven ofv whom
were at the funeral , which was
held from the M. E. church on
Monday. Rev. Haislup preached
the funeral sermon and the re
mains were laid to rest in Mt.
Ijope cemetery. Four sons acted
For a number of years past ,
Christian Hansen , the famous
Danish Violin Virtuoso , has been
appearing before crowded houses ,
pleasing the people with his "one
man , one instrument concerts. "
This season he is being assisted
by Ethel Belle Haynes , one of the
very best lady entertainers in the
Lyceum field. Miss Haynes is
not only an exceptionally talented
pianist and accompanist , but as a
reader and impersonator she has
displayed more than ordinary
ability. Christian Hansen began
playing the ' "king of all instru
ments" at the early age of seven
years. He was placed under the
instruction of several of the most
famous Scandinavian instructors.
After he grew to man-hood he
spent four years of hard study in
Mr. Hansen and Miss Haynes
will present a program rich in
originality and talent. Enough of
the classical to be edifying , suffi
cient of the old melodies to appeal
to the heart , and plenty of whole
some fun. These two talented
people will appear at Quigley's
Hall in Valentine , Monday even
ing , Nov. 27. Prices are within
range of all. Admission for
adults 50 cents. Advance sale of
tickets will be reserved on Satur
day preceding the entertainment ,
at Chapmans. List your tickets
in advance with Miss Nellie Nar-
ber to make sure of good seats.
Regular tickets will be OD sale
at Chapman's on date of entertain
In preparing the Thanksgiving
dinner , the work of the housewife
will be much lessened by patron
izing the food sale , given by the
Ladies' Guild at T. C. Hornby's
store , Wednesday Nov. 29 , at ten
A. M. Morrissey came up from
Lincoln Friday.
Mrs. A. Bunn of Arabia visited
in Valentine Tuesday. -
P. C. Shockley was up from
Brownlee the first of the week.-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson of
Cody were in Valentine Monday.
Robt. J. Hines of Lake was at
tending to business in town Tues
There will be services in St.
John's church on Thanksgiving
day at 10 o'clock.
Mrs. Henry Ehrsam of Butka ,
Nebr. , is visiting her sister Mrs.
E. Olson , and family.
C. H. Austin went down to
Ainsworth Tuesday night. Me is
a witness on the Roach damage
J. W , Simons and Henry Tay
lor went up to John Cordier's on
the reservation Friday to do car
penter work. '
Mrs. D. E. Sherman went to
Fullerton , Nebr. , Sunday night
for a visit with her daughter , Mrs.
C. J. McClelland.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Dunham
were down from Rosebud the first
of the week. Mr. Dunham hauled
out lumber Tuesday.
Ralph Keplinger left Saturday
morning for Utica , Kansas , after
a short visit with his mother and
many friends in Valentine.
Mrs. Mary Shields and daugh
ter Norine of Gillette , Wyo. , are
visiting with the former's parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Jordan.
Mrs. Mary Parker of Gordon
and Albert Ganow of Dunning ,
who came to attend the funeral of
their father , have returned to
their homes.
F. E. Cochran representing the
Carpenter Paper Co. , of Omaha
was here Saturday and Monday
calling on customers and every
customer is a friend of this wide
awake salesman.
F. M. Walcott and A. M. Mor
rissey went to Springview the
first of the week where they had
some cases coming up at the terra
of district court held there Mon
day and Tuesday.
Thirty-two Boy Scouts under
the. direction of Scout Master
Jennings enjoyed a man hunt
along the Minnechaduza Saturday.
The boys entered into the sport
with a vim and look forward to
other expeditions of a similar na
J. M. Pawnee was down from
Antelope Creek on the reservation
Tuesday after a load of coal. Mr.
Pawnee was driving a broncho
and when he went in front of the
team the animal reared and struck
him on the head and shoulder.
He was unconscious for some
time. A local doctor put his
shoulder back in place and he
went to his home Wednesday.
Samples of paper bag cookery
will be on sale at T , C. Hornby's
by the ladies of St. John's Guild ,
Wednesday , Nov. 29 , at ten
Everyone is cordially invited to
attend the box social and dance
Thanksgiving night at the Ball
ranch for the benefit of the school.
Everybody come.
Fischer's Orchestra will hold a
social dance on Thanksgiving
night , Nov. 30 , 1911 , in Quigley's
Hall. Yourself and friends are
cordially invited. Dancing at 8:30. :
Come and enjoy a good social
Remember the food sale at T. C.
Hornby's store Wednesday , Nov.
at ten
Teachers' Pfieeting.
November 25 , 1:30 : p. m.
Music . . .
The Teacher and the School ,
Chapters 8-10 ,
Prof. Eaton.
Report on State Association ,
Miss Van Orsdoll.
Great American Educatorss
Miss Brown.
Clay Modeling and Sand Table ,
Blanch Shepard.
Music-Vocal - Alice Me Lean.
Ethics for Children.
Miss Gordon.
Stockmen Attention.
Stockmen and breeders of pure
bred stock in Cherry county are re"-
qnested to attend this meeting.
Having been elected president of
our organization in Cherry county
I have called a meeting for Nov. 28 ,
to be held in the district court
room at Valentine , Nebr. It is to
the interest of every stockman who
is interested in pure bred stock , as
well as our ranchmen who are in
terested in raising high class cattle
to attend this meeting and become
members of the association. This
is an organization which is in a
class by itself , and needs the co
operation of all stockmen in this
county to make it a success. The
organization will be perfected for
the purpose of projecting the' buy
ers as well as sellers of pure bred
stock. Dr. W. E. Taylor will also
speak on soil culture on this date.
You will have a good time so be
sure and come to this meeting , the
first of its kind in Cherry county.
Pres. of Association.
Card of Thanks.
- * *
We wish to thank the kind
neighbors and friends who so will
ingly assisted us in the time of
our need , and for their sympathy
at the time of the death of our
loving husband and father. Mrsr
J. M. Ganow , Mrs. Mary Parker ,
Mrs. Elmer Richards , Mai-nan
Ganow , Lou. Ganow , Albert Gan
ow , Ben Ganow.
Useo for Reproducing Photographs by
Selenium is a rare and little
known element described by the
United States Geological Survey as
having its greatest use in the man
ufacture of certain glasses to which
it gives a red color and in coloring
enameled ware red. It is used to
overcome the natural green color
o : ordinary glass and also in mak
ing glass of a distinct red color
such as that used on railroads for
signal lights. Selenium has the
peculiar property of being a very
poor conductor of electricity in the
dark and a fairly good conductor
in the light , and a number of elec
trical inventions depend on "this
peculiarity. It has been used in
experiments in telephoning along
a ray of light , and for transmitting
sounds and photographs from one
place to another by means of a
telephone or telegraph wire.
St. Nicholas' Church.
Services will be held in the
Catholic church as follows :
In Valentine ( in the new church )
on Sunday Nov. 26. First Mass
at 8 a. m. , second Mass at 10 a. m.
Benediction with the Blessed Sac
rament after Mass.
In Arabia on Sunday Dec.3.
In Nenzel on Friday. Dec. S ,
Feast of the Immaculate Concep
tion of the B. V. M.
LEO M. BLAERE , Rector.
Rock Spring's Coal and all other
kinds at Fischer's Hardware. 38
A Thanksgiving Dance will be
given by Fischer's Orchestra , in
Quigley's Hall Thursday night ,
ov. 30.- Everybody invited.
Ddn't ntf& tfafe date'
Eats iraG T EBlCHT
New to look at the new fall
styles and get an idea
as to what are going
to be the style leaders
and begin to make up
your mind in regard
" "
to the new "Togs" you
Caps will want to buy soon.
You'll find us , at all
times , glad to show
- the new goods ! New
and distinctive styles ,
in everything a manor
or boy wears are now
being shown.
sers 'H. W. HOEIMIG , Prof.
, xJi ! s
McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
s * . - . - i . . , - - "
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , . Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
Cedar Brook' , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 29/year/old
and Jas , E , Pepper , O , F , C , Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Henuessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. |
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska
Stetter & Tobien , Props. , ,
All Kinds of Fresh
and Fait Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything you have to sell.
Special Fur Sale Friday and
Saturday Nov. 24 and 25 , at The i
Red Front.
Early Xmas buyers should re
member the place. Bigger and
better than before. O. W. Mor-
ey. * 44
New style wire type Edison's j
Gr. E. lamps can be used in any
position. 25 watt lamp 60c. 40
watt , TOc. Special prices for a
short time only at H. I. Weinzim-
raer's. Plumbing and Electrical
shop. 40
The International Live Stock Ex
position , December 2 to 9 , and U.
S. Land and Irrigation Exposition.
November 18 to December 9. Don't
fail to attend. For full particulars
j apply to Ticket Agents , Chicago &
( North Western fiy ;
Phone your coal orders to Fisch
er's Hardware. We have added
Mr. Hornby's sheds to ours , there
fore have plenty of storage room ,
and can fill your bins on short
notice. 38
If im need of wind mills or wa
ter tanks call on E. Breuklander.
None better made. 42-tf
1 Dr. M. F. Meer has decided to
; visit Wood Lake the first Monday
I and Tuesday of each month to do
I dental work. 19tf
A special Fur Salesman will
give a sale at the Red Front Fri
day and Saturday , Nov. 24 and 25.
' "Morey's for my Xraas goods
this year. " Best , cheapest.
Piano tuning. Leave orders "at
The Fair. Geo. Markets , Rose
bud , S. D. 46-tf