' . ( i Jackson & Fischer Undertakers- ; \ and Licensed Embalmers VALENTINE , NEBRASKA Calls answered at all hours , Night Phone 74 , f ALL PROPERTY OWNERS should realize the value of identifying themselves with a HOME bank , of joining interests with those who are working for the advancement of this town and vicinity. This matter is of real and actual importance to each and every one of us. If you are not a property owner and would like to become one ( ev ery man , every woman and every child has a right to and should have a home a home in which they can feel a personal interest and take pride in adding the little improvements which make for the beauty and comfort of life ) start an account with this bank , it will assist you to conserve and save a larger part of your income and is the first step toward a home of your own. Begin NOW. NOW.mE * & I * W T Ot E IP" ( . 3 * H T P B k 13 R I f mE ENTINE STATE BANK Deposits in this bank arc prolecrted by the Depositor's Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. & ' - J * * jJUlJ < jJ ! < J AJ < J ± A&JUJiJk * Oil Heaters The Perfection Smokeless Oil Heatpr * with its drums enameled in turquoise , is an ornament to any room , whether in the country or city home. No home is quite complete without a Perfection Oil Heater. It is a necessity in the fall and spring , when it is too warm to start the regular heating apparatus , and too cool to be without heat. In the midst of winter it is often convenient as an auxiliary heater , as there are always some cold corners in a house. % The enameled heater always presents a nice appearance , as the enamel will not tarnish or burn off. It is not an " enamel paint , " but it is the same as the enamel of your cooking utensils. The Perfection is the most reliable and convenient portable heating device you can find. An automatically-locking flame spreader prevents turning the wick high enough to smoke. Dealers everywhere. Ask yours lo show you the Perfection Heater enameled ; or write ( or descriptive circular to any agency of Standard Oil Company ( Incorporated * < it&J& Jg& & J 'ZJ XJUP ? ? VIT A / fcl T NIAbNb Livery , -Feed and , Sales Stable , Wood Lake , Nebraska J . . Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. Line D. A. WHIPPLE , Propr , Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House Rosebud " " " , Rosebud Hotel Leave Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning , Sundays excepted. Arrive at Kosebud at 2 o'clock p. m. Leave Eosebtid at 8 o'clock every morning , Sundays excepted. \ - . Arrive at Yalentine at 2 o'clock p. m. Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. rn. Special 'attention ' to passengers , baggage and express or packages. Leave orders at headquarters or at the Ked Front store. D. A. Whipple. Correspondents from all parts of Cherry County. First Services Held in New Church. Services werp held in Sfc. Nichol as Catholic church for the first time on Sunday Nov. 12th. Rev. Father Blaere preached a very ap propriate sermon on "Duties of Catholics to Their Church. " Mrs. M. V. Nicholson , Misses Mary and Kathleen McLaughlin assisted by Mrs. Stout and Mrs. Flynn of O'Neill sang Werner's Mass in 0 , also the O Salutaris and Tan turn Ergo Offeratory , Ave Marie , and Reassional "Rose of Cross" rendered the was beautifully ed by Mrs. Stout and Mrs. Elynn. Accompanists Mrs. Dallal and Mrs. Flynn. Everyone is cordially invited to attend the box social and dance Thanksgiving night at the Ball ranch for the benetf t of the school. Everybody come. TO VALENTINE Associated Doctors , Specialists , will be at The Dohoher Hotel MONDAY DEC. 4 AND 1TJBSDAY DECEMBER 5 FROM 10 A. M. TO 8 PM. . AND WILL REMAIN Remirkable Success of These Talen ted PLysicifins iu the Treatment ot Chronic Diseases. OFFER THtlBSfcRViCES FREt OF CHARGE The Associated Doctors , licensed by the state of Nebraska for the treatment of deformities and all neruous and chronic diseases ot men , women and children , offer to all who call on this trip , consulta tion , examination , advice free , making no charge whatever , ex cept the actual cost of medicine. All that is asked in return for these valuable services is that ev ery person treated will state the 4 * result obtained to their friends and thus prove to the sick and af flicted in every city- and locality , that at last treatments have been discovered that are reasonably sure and certain in their elfect. These doctors are considered b.\ many former patients among America's leading stomach and nerve specialists and are experts in the treatment of chronic dis eases , and so great and wonderful have been their results that in many cases it is hard indeed to n'Sd the dividing line between skill and miracle. Diseases of the stomach , intes tines , liver , blood , skin , nerves , heart , spleen , kidneys , or bladder , rheumatism , sciatica , diabetes , bed-wetting , leg ulcers , weak lungs and those afflicted with long standing , deep-seated , chronic dis- ases , that have baffled the skill of the family physician , should not fail to call. According to their system no more operations for appendicitis , gall stones , tumors , goiter , or cer tain forms of cancer. They were among the first in America to arn the name of the ' 'Bloodless Surgeons , " by doing away with knife , with blood and with all pain in the successful treatment of these dangerous diseases. If you have kidney or bladder roubles bring a two ounce bottle of your urine for chemical anal ysis and microscopic examination. Deafness has o/ten been cured n sixty days. No matter what your ailment nay be , no matter what others nay have told you. no matter what experience you may have had with other physicians , it will be to your advantage to see them at once. Havejt forever settled in your mind. If your case is in curable they will give you such advice as may relieve and stay the disease. Do not put off this duty ? you owe to yourself or friends or la relatives who are suffering because le of your sickness , as a visit this itsi time may help you. si 1 Remember , this free offer is for one day only. Married ladies must come with " their husbands and minors with J their parents. FREE IF ! T FAILS Your Money Back if You are not Sat isfied with the Medicine We Recommend. We are so positive that our rem edy will permanently relieve consti pation , no matter how chronic it may be , that we offer to furnish the medicine at our expense should it fail to produce satisfactory results. It is worse than useless to at tempt to cure constipation with ca thartic drugs. Laxatives or cathar tics do much harm. They cause a reaction , irritate and weaken the bowels and tend to make constipa tion more chronic. Besides their use becomes a habit that is dan gerous. Constipation is caused by a weak ness of the nerves and murcles oi the large intestine or descending colon. To expect permanent re lief you must therefore tone up and strengthen these organs and re store them to healthier activity. We want you to try Eexall Or derlies on our recommendation. They are exceedingly pleasant to take , being eaten like candy , and are ideal for children , delicate per sons , and old folks , as well as for the robust. They act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bow els. They apparently have a neu tral action on other associate or gans or glands. They do not purge , cause excessive looseness , nor create any inconvenience what ever. They may be taken at any tin , day or night. They will pos itively relieve chronic or habitual constipation , if not a surgical va riety , and the myriads of associate or dependent chronic ailments , if taken with regularity for a reason able length of time. 12 tablets , 10 cents ; 36 tablets , 25"cents ; SO tab lets , 50 cents Sold in Valentine only at our store The Eexull Store. G A. Chapman. Creamed Spinach. " Wash a half peck of nice spinach , picking out any damaged leaves and the roots , and lift it from the wash water , putting it into a double boiler. Add to the spinach a pinch of salt , but 110 waterv except such as clings to the leaves. Cover closely , cook until soft enough to rub through a colander. Scald a quart of milk , thicken with a tablespoouful each of butter and flour rubbed together and add this to the spinach as soon as it thickens. Season and serve. Citron Praserve. Pare and cut citron in small places To one pound of fruit allo\v one pound of sugar. Put the fruit in kettle \vitl. just water enough to cover and boil till tender. Take out fruit and add sugar and muslin br.g containing one teaspoonful of ground cloves and one teaspoonful of cinnamon. Let it boil n few minutes , then put back fruit and two lemons sliced very thin and can hot. Mock Cherry Pie. Wash said pick over your cranber ries. To one cupful of cranberries chopped fine add one cupful of chop ped raisins and one cupful of sugar mixed with one teaspoonful of flour. Mix all together and pour on a scan.1 : half cupful of boiling water and one teaspoouful of vanilla. Be sure to use Manilla. Bake with two crusts. Kitchen Hints. When hanging meat it is well not to pat the metal hook through the meat itself , but through a loop of string tied on to the joint. \ To preserve lemons for a length of time bury them in a box of sawdust. In this vray they will keep fresh for several months. e To remove a grease spot from wall paper hold a piece of blotting paper over the spot with a hot flatiron for a few moments. In order to beat the white of an egg to a stiff froth quickly add a pinch of powdered sugar and fine salt and beaten on a dinner plate with a broad pointed knife. Wood ashes are excellent for clean ing tin articles. Wring a cloth out of warm water , dip it in the ashes and with this scour the things ; , then rub off and polish. To remove unpleasant odors from the bands dash a spoonful of sugar on the hot stove and hold the hands over the fames. Ground coffee answers the same purpose. If you have young children you have lerhaps noticed that disorders of the tomach are their most common ailment. o correct this you will find Chamber- ain's Stomach and Liver Tablets excel- 3nt. They are easy and pleasant to ake , and mild and gentle in effect. For ale by Chapman , the druggist. v' ' BILLS < = s G""f a i i It ! i uLL Cigars and Soft Drinks JOHN G. STETTER - PROP. . INTERNATIONAL " 30" > 4 Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTERNATIONAL / NATIONAL " 30" No Hill too Steepj no Sand too Deep Soldby DMcLeod Guaranteed by International Harvester Company I GRANT BOYER , II I I i CARPENTER & BUILDER i All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska Inferences : My Many 3 * t4 sZZeS&XtXtix * if.i . \ With new prices , which are the lowest for good business. My stock consists of Dry Goods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent bargains. You are invited to call and I make this your home store. Highest pric es paid for produce. Come and get ac quainted. ® 2nd Building South the Bank. Crookston , ] STeb. E. M. Faddis & Co ? o3toftlce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded , Tf * Jon Ipfr Bfly-11-Jcit ( Zs&i fc & § § & * > = - - - - " - = = " % . - - Horst1 ! . branded Some branded < > n left or thuulder. shoulder or tliiiili P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. r-a't'e bninden as : ut ou lefi aid- CLYon ' on left j iw < V liorses. Ranse on Gontow Of-k rth of Simeon , N. .S. Rowley. Kenneay , Nebraska. Same as cut on Je ; side and hip , aud u. eft shoulder of hor- ies. AlsoffiSSea on eft side lip. * ' X on leit sidp iome oat- le brcntl- ( d K j- - -Bideupon eft side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder > f horses , uj ujQ on left hip of horses. * on left jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , 3D Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJBE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading1 to detection of rustlers of stock Bearing E. M. Terrill , Propr. Lrow nice , Xeo. Tattle branded as in c-.t on left side. Some branded K. T Y ' on left hij > . Kange on North Leap river , two mil-s west of Browulee Afraid t Francis Mis- ion. Rosebud. . D. Cuttle branded sin cut ; hnrses \r on Itans-e Spring 'k and Little iThite river. Albert Whipple & Sons. Rosebud y , > . Cattle branded SOS on left aide OHO on riphtslde Sow cattle also have a - - on aj jon neck Some with A oa Wr shoulder ana iome branded < vuh two bars uro3t hind qnar- . _ l * Some Texas cattle branded O on left side and some ; n left side. Horses branded SOS on left hip. Someeatte * branded AW bar connected on noth sides left hjp of horses D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. < 2 Cattle branded'X as on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on Irfft shoulder , Range Square ' , ake. Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. tartlett Richards Pres Will G Comstoclf V V Ghas C Jamison Sec&Treas " Cattle branded OB any part of animal ; also the followint brands : horses bram | - same Kange . tu- Gordon on the F.K. &M. V.E. R. and Hj'annis on B & f. R.R. in Xorthwp tpm BARTI.ETT KI ( ill A R PS. Ells won 1 Sa\vyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr G. K. Sawyer has chanre of these cattle. H rs § > onleftsboiil- der. Son left side. Horsesl same left thigh. Kauge on Snake river. Metzger Bros. hoife Cattle branded mywhere on left side. Earmark , square crop right ear. Horses have ame brand on ft thigh. Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks. VReward of $250 will be raid to any person for nK to the arrest and fiJ2 R ° n or , Persons stealing . ' - - J. A. Taryan. , Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JT on rigbtaide Horses branded JT on right shoulder ittiasoaable reward for any information leading to the re covery of atr yed from range.