GEORGE M. GASKfLL , Editor and Manager.
A Weekly Newspaper published every Thurs
day at Valentine , Nebras.
Subscription - § 1.50 Per Year
Local Notices , ocper line per issue
Entered at the Pobtotllce at Valentine , Neb. ,
for transmission through the mails , as second
class matter.
Thursday , November 16. 3911.
It must be discouragmg to the
followers of Taft to hear him ad
mit that the republican party
stands in danger of being defeated
in the election in 1912 , especially
just on the completion of a thir
teen thousand mile swing around
the country in an effort to reju
venate the g. o. p. . The only
hope for the party is for Democ
racy to make some grave mistake ,
either in legislation enacted at the
I i" coming session of congress erin
in the selection of a candidate to
oppose Taft at the polls. Taft will
be re-nominated and Taft must Le
opposed by the strongest democrat
in the country or Taft will be reelected -
elected president.
President Taft was angered be
cause Mr. Littleton , of New
York , spoke in condemnation of
the Sherman law at the same ban-
quetboard at which hespokein its
I < defencs. If the President had
' !
himself protected the dignity of
his office , by refraining from talk
ing politics on his trip through the
west , his displeasure at Mr. Little
ton's action might have been in
better taste. But he had just
travelled 15,270 miles ; been seen
by nearly five million people , and
"I made 306 speeches , to an aggre
gate audience of approximately
1,555,000 people. Apparently the
President desires that only his
side of public questions should be
heard. If the President chooses
to go on the stump , he must not
expect" that he can do all the talk
ing himself. The concensus of
opinion is that if the dignity of
$ he office of President was not in
jured by Mr. Taft in making a po
litical speech , while a guest at a
banquet , it was not injured by Mr.
Littleton on the same subject dis
I ' cussed by the President.
Counting Arizona and New I
Mexico there will be 531 votes in
the electoral college which will
elect the president of the United
States in 1912. According to the
usual method of figuring , it is safe
ii ; to count as surely democratic the
following states ; Alabama 12 ,
Arkansas 9 , Florida 6 , Georgia M.
Kentucky 13 , Louisiana 10 , Mary
land 8 , Mississippi 10 , Missouri 18 ,
North Carolina 12 , Oklahoma 10 ,
South Carolina 9 , Tennessee 12 ,
Texas 20 , Virginia 22. Total 175.
States that have strong democratic
cratic leaning and may be reason
ably depended on are : Colorado 6 ,
Arizona 3 , New Mexico 3. Total
12. This gives a total democratic
streng th of 187 , leaving 78 to be
obtained from the doubtful states.
Leaving out all other states that
went democratic in 1910 we find 3
states which will give the demo
cratic candidates the neccessary
votes. They are New York 45 ,
Ohio 2 , Indiana 15. Total SJv
Grand total 271.
Under the new apportionment
it will require 266 electoral votes
to elect , so these figures show a iin
safe majority. Suppose on the S
other hand , the democratic party
should decide to make its fight for
the west. It would be necessary li
to carry Wisconsin 13 , Iowa 13 , e
Kansas 10 , Nebraska 8 , California t <
13 , Montana 4 , North Dakota 5 ,
South Dakota 5 , Oregon 5 , Wy
oming 3. Total 79. With the ex Ics
ception of South Dakota all these
t <
have republican governors , and
the democrats do not control the
congressional delegation in a single
state. Centralia ( Illinois ) Demo
For Sale Shubert piano onxeasy
terms. In good condition. Inquire
At Jolmsojrs Milliners' . \ ;
. I
2 > -S3 * -
r. fY/it \ / " ' "V1
- - ' i- i f i : " ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' "
/ / \ f if , . > u'jf"v ' T' ( L' , . , ; . . , _ i , . . . . . . .jjiii.iT'ir..i /"j
ir'n-TT-J-ir ' c- i IIUII III1 ' _ " " 'hT I' irtrTTTtr 1- * - - ' " " " ' I HIMIIII ! -iu I IPtgSg-J ! Jtry fcMaB i I , g3 EBfc3gi rr ra-rm - " > tj- . . . . lu-i.j-j.
Governor ASdrich and Party on Their Recent Trip to Square Lake. ( As seen by a local artist )
Feeding season is at hand again.
Most of our stockmen have their
stock on full feed.
Mrs. J. F. Brown's condition is
very serious. There seems to be
a slight improvement at this time.
Mrs. King of Chesterfield , a
trained nurse , has been employed
to care for her.
A suivp icg parly in charge o
W. S. Wills , a government engin
eer , is resurveying township 30 ,
range 28. On account of the
ground being frozen they will only
run the boundry lines and finish
in the spring.
Miss Moore will give an enter
tainment at her school house , Sat
urday evening Nov. 25. There
will be no charge of any kind.
This will no doubt be equal to en
tertainments formerly given at
Gordon Valley. "All are cordially
J. E. Thackrey and TV. L. Co-
bee have secured the contract for
building the new school house at
the east end of Dewey lake. This
district when in running order will
id d another to the list of substan
tial schools of Cherry county.
Election passed off quietly in
.his part of the county. The div-
sion was not popular. While
most of our citizens feel that the
county is too large a satisfactory
plan for division is not clear just
Mrs. T. J. Henderson' went to
aordon Tuesday.
Pete Larson has sold his ranch
o Sam Claybauch.
G. H. Folsom and wife returned
0 Gordon Tuesday evening.
M P. Jordan of Arabia was a
Business visitor here a few days
ast week.
H. G. Quible was in town Tues-
ay as a witness on a final home-
tead proof.
Owing to an attack of lagrippe
'earl Arnot has not been able to
IPr.f01 m her duties at school this
Eev. B. Hunt is reported quite
1 at his home near Eli. He was
ot able to attend to church duties
Mrs. H. E. Root and children
eft for Valentine last Sunday
vening where Mrs. Hoot expects
3 visit her sister for some time.
Wm. Leeper was compelled to
jave his work atSasenbery &Les-
ert's store and give his attention
D his stock on his ranch. J. F.
Hark now has his position.
That every added sub
scriber helps to make this
paper better for everybody
! RIT !
Congressman Charles D.
Carter of Oklahoma.
Consressninii Charles Daugherly Car
ter of Oklahoma , who recently caused
some excitement in a Washington store
by thrashing several cleiks , has been
warmly commended for his act by the
citizens of his home tovn , Ardmorc.
The cause of the fracas was a store
employee , who , according to the con
gressman , insulted his daughter Italy.
The offender was promptly pinched ,
and three others who interfered were
soundly belabored.
Mr. Carteis forty-two years old.
boasts seven-sixteenths Cherokee and
Chickasaw blood in his veins and is
a descendant of Nathan Carter , who
was captured when a small boy by
Shawnee Indians at the Wyoming val
ley massacre , Pennsylvaniain 1778. lie
was educated in the Indian school at
Tishomingo and later served the tribal i
government of the Chickasaw Nation as j
auditor , member of the legislature and ;
superintendent of schools. lie was ;
secretary of the first Democratic com
mittee for the proposed state of Okla
homa and on the admission of the ter
ritory as a state was elected to con-
Two 4-room houses for rent.
L M. Rice , tf
U. S. Weather Bureau Report
Daily mean temperature 20 = .
" Normal temperature 33s.
lighest temperature CO3 ,
lowest temperature 5 ; ) = .
lange of temperature 3.
'recipitation for week 0. of an inch.
Average for 23 years 0.14 of an inch.
Precipitation March 1st to date 10.43 inches.
Average for 23years 20.28 of an inches.
JOHN J. MCX.EAN. Observer.
* / ; , -
has net affected our job
printing prices. We're still
doing commercial work
of all kinds at prices sat
isfactory to you. *
They have put-on a big
Prize Contest with prizes run
ning from $200 down 98
cash prizes in all hesides
they are giving hosiery for all
good answers that can be
used at
The Bed Front.
This startling attractive con
test has Ueen arranged through
the courtesy of the Chicago
Kenosha Hosiery Company ,
whose famous Black Cat Stock
ings we sell.
Come and get all the instruc
tions at our storo. Anyone
can compete. It requires on
ly the ability to find and paste
together an ad already written
and scattered , and give your
opinion why it is a good ad.
Come and get a Contest En
trance Ticket free. Blaok Cat
is made for Grandma , Grand
pa , Ma , Pa , Suiter , Brother ,
the kiddos and the baby.
Come and Get Started Now
The contest ends Dec. 1 , and
the prizes will be distributed
in time for Xmas.
When you have a bad cold yon want
the best medicine obtainable so as to cure
it with as little delay as possible. Here
is a druggist's opinion : "I have sold
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for fifteen
years , " says Enos Lollar of Saratoga ,
Ind. , "and consider it the best on the
market. " For sale by Chapman , the
F. D. Moore , a graduate of BOYLES
BUSINESS COLLEGE , Omaha , Xebr. ,
the official UnionPacific and Illinois Cen
tral R. R. Telegraph School , has been
appointed Station Agent at § 1500.00 per
year on the Union Pacific Railroad. All
graduates of this Official School arc guar
anteed positions. Thirteen Boyles College
graduates are in one Omaha bank. Super
ior courses in Bookkeeping , Typeivrilin r ,
Shorthand. Salesmanship and Civil Ser
vice Branches. New classes open Decem
ber 4th. Address "Dept. B" for free
catalog. Boyles Business College , 1701-15
Harney St. , Omaha , Nebr.
Everybody woo reads
magazines tnys news
papers , but everybody
who reads newspapers
doesn't bey magazines.
Catch the Drift ?
Here's the medium to
reach the people of
this community.
Not ell in Out
'b desire to announce that we are not clos
ing out , but are still selling the-very best goods
at reasonable prices.
Our line of John Deere Implements , Yelie
Buggies , Moline and Davenport Eoller Bearing
Wagons and Samson Windmills is complete
and priced right.
We also have a large stock of lumber , lime ,
Wall Plaster , Cement , Brick , Sash , Doors , etc.
Is it not good policy to patronize a firm who
expects to continue in business and intends to
handle the same line of goods for years to come.
We never advertise so-called bargains
because we have always had our goods priced
A. E. Morris. W. W. Morrissey. Dr. C. W. Noyes-
Go to the
Stock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
ainty Girl
wants dainty perfumery , and
knowing this we keep a full
line of the very daintiest. A
good extract , aside , from its sweet
odor , has a soothing and delightful
effect upon its user.
OUB PERFUMERY is the kind
you can be sure of , and its always
tlie one grade the best.
We suggest that you try CHIMES
Quartered ns a Stsite . Bank Chartered ns n National Bank
Junel , J8S1. Auyust 12,1002.
( Successor to Bank of Valentine. )
Yalenfcine , Nebraska.
IAPITAL - $25,000 A General
iURPLUS - 25.000 Banking , Exchange
ludivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business * : : :
i. . T. H. May COKNKI , Vice , President. President. M. H. V. XICHOLSON ' , Onshler
As we have recently purchased Qeo. H. Hornby's
coal sheds and now have almost unlimited storage -
age room , we are in a position to supply you
with your wants in the coal line. Phone or
leave your orders and same will have our
prompt attention.
Fischer's H ardware.
v J