Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 16, 1911, Image 3

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    Special Talent.
"Can your boy read 'The IllJad' In
the original ? "
"JSot very Well. But he can make
ten yards around the left end almost
every time. "
Gerald What do you think .of this
recall idea ?
Geraldlne One call will be enough ,
thank you.
Sirs. Wlnslow's SoothInp Syrup for Chlldrea
teething , softens the puma , reduces Inflamma
tion , allays pain , cures Tind colic. 25c a bottle.
People wh * take tbe will for the
deed never break into the millionaire
How to get a
Mother's Oats
Fireless Cooker
This advertisement is
good for 10 coupons
cut it out and you have
a big start. Then in
every package of
Mother's Oafs you will
find a coupon. Save
the coupons and get
the cooker free in a
hurry. Only one adver
tisement will be accepted
from each customer as
10 coupons.
Cooks meat , vegetables ,
etc. , perfectly and with
a delicious flavor. Re
quires no attention what
ever while meal is
cooking. If you are go
ing out , place the entire
dinner in the cooker and
it will be ready to serve
when you get home.
Buy a package of
Mother's Oats today and
send a postal for com
plete premium book.
"Mother's Oats"
The Farmer's Son's
Great Opportunity
"Why wait f r-the oM farm to become
yourlntiwltanco ? Begin now to
propaco lor your future
prosperity and Indepen
dence. A great oppor
tunity awn its you in
Man itobatSaskatcnoiran
or Alberta , where you
can secure a FreeHome-
s lead o r buy land at rea-
Isonablo prices.
not a year from now ,
when laud will bo high
er. The profits secured
from tbe abundant crops % of i
"Wheat , Oats and Barley ,
as troll as cattle raising , are
causing a steady advance In
price. Government returns show
that the number or settlers
In "Western Canada from
the U. S. tvas GO per cent
larger In 191O than the
previous year.
aiany farmers have paid
for their land out of the
proceeds of one crop.
Jfreo Homesteads of 1GO
acres and pre-emptions of
160 acres at S3 OO an aero.
1'ino climate , good schools , !
excellent railway facilities ,
low freight rates ; rrood , wa
ter and lumber easily ob-
For pamphlet "Last Best West , "
particulars as to suitable location
and low settlers' rate , apply to
Supt of Immigration , Ottawa ,
Can. , or to Canadian Gov't Agent.
E. T. Holmes. 315 Jwboa SL , SL Paul. Hton. I
J.H Hidadilaa. Drawer 197.Watertmra. S. 0. '
ricaso wrlto to thoagentncarcst you ]
Dent Persecute
'Yoor Bowels
Cut out cathartics and purgatives. They are
brutal , harsh , unnecessary.
Purely vegetable. Act '
gently oa the liver ,
eliminate bile , and ITTLE
soothe the delicate.
membrane of the , IVER
bovreL Cure PILLS.
Constipation ,
Biliousness ,
Sick Head- . _
zchc and Indigestion , as millions knot/ .
Genuine must bear Signature
Sioux City Directory
site for E5.00. No dealer's profit
to pay. Maker to user. Securo-
pacfccd and shipped FREE.
Fresh Gut Flowers & Floral Emblems
UOTICE. Order by Mail , Telephone or
Massachusetts Choses Foss , Demo
crat , for Governor. Results in
Nebraska and Other States.
Omaha. With only a small frac
tion of the precincts heard from the
result of the congressional election in
the Third Nebraska district is in
doubt , with the probabilities in favor
of the election of Dan V. Stephens ,
democrat , by a plurality greatly re
duced from that given to the late
James P. Latta two years ago-
Out of the thirty-nine precincts out
side of Burt county the democratic
loss Is sixteen votes to the precinct.
In Burt county , which has been redistricted -
districted , thus making accurate com
parisons impossible on partial re
turns , the ratio of democratic loss is
much greater than this.
In Douglas county , with the excep
tion of Fred H. Hoye , who was de
feated for the office of sheriff by Felix
McShane , jr. , the whole republican
county ticket is elected. The vote
was not as heavy as had been antici
pated from the registration , falling
far short of the possible total-
The Omaha Bee says :
"A clean sweep of the state by
the republican ticket is indicat
ed by the returns last night in
the election of supreme judges ,
regents of the university and rail
way commissioner. Not only has
Douglas county made a wonderful re
versal and turned back the democrat
ic majorities of 1909 and 1910 , but
the remainder of the- state has follow
ed suit. "
The Herald says :
Dan V. Stephens has been elected
to congress in the Third congression
al district to succeed the late James
P. Latta by a majority which will
probably range between 4,000 and 5-
000. Returns are meager from the
district , but they are sufficient to
show that Shephens has defeated his
republican opponent , James Elliott of
West Point , by a handsome margin.
Stephens is shown by these re
turns to have fallen behind the ma
jorities which Latta piled up last
New York.
New York. From a democratic
majority of twenty-four , the New York
state assembly today turned over
whelmingly republican. At midnight
all indications pointed to the repub
licans in the lower chamb'er having a
majority of fifty. Thus the democrat
ic majorities in both houses which ex
isted during the first half of Gover
nor John A. Dix's administration will
be lacking next year. The present
senate holds over.
In the unexpected landslide the
democrats were able to capture only
three seats held by the republicans ,
whereas all over the commonwealth
the democratic assemblymen fell by
the wayside.
Chicago. Six republicans and four
democrats were elected to the su
perior court of Cook county in the
elections. John P. McGoorty , demo
crat , was elected to fill the one cir
cuit court vacancy. A "higher pay for
judges" proposition was defeated. The
state local option headquarters an
nounced that its returns indicated
that eleven of eighteen Illinois cities
voting on local option had gone dry.
Most of the towns were already
without saloons.
New Jersey.
Trenton , N. J. Returns at midnight
indicate that the republicans will con
trol both branches of the legislature
next winter. The election is signi
ficant in the defeat of a number or
men whose election was specifically
advocated by Governor Woodrow Wil
son in the tour he made of the state
during the last few weeks.
Philadelphia. Assistant Director
of Public Safety T. J. O'Leary said at
2:30 o'clock in the morning that Ru
dolph Blankenburg , the democratic
keystone candidate for mayor , had
carried the city by about 2,500 majori
ty. He based his estimate on the to
tal vote , with only four divisions
Favor Annexation.
Fremont , Neb. In a speech in this
city a few days ago Speaker Clark
said that nine-tenths of the people
of the United States favored the an
nexation of Canada.
Mistrial in the McRee Case.
Opelousas , La. Mistrial was record
ed in the case of Mrs. Zee Bung Mc
Ree , accused of the murder of Allan
Garland , the young Tulane student ,
some time ago.
Kindly Letter Tells Tale.
Denver , Colo. "Nellie Marks has
married a New York chap. " The fore
going telegam from his mother at No.
7 Canon street New York , was found
on the body of T. Jefferson Ivans who
committed suicide here on Monday by
Boston , Mass. Complete returns
from the 1,070 election districts in the
state indicated the democrats won the
state election today and kept Massa
chusetts in the party column by con
tinuing Governor Eugene X. Foss in
office for a second term.
The returns gave Foss , democrat ,
210,622 ; Frothingham , republican , 202-
888. Foss plurality , 7,734.
The margin of victory today was
the narrowest in years and for hours
after the close of ihe polls the result
nung in the balance. Republicans re
fused to concede the defeat of Lieu
tenant Governor Louis A. Frothing
ham late tonight and it was intimat
ed that a state wide recount might be
Rhode Island.
Providence. Returns at midnight
from more than half of the states in
dicated a general republican victory
in the election , Governor Pothler be
ing returned to office , apparently by
a greatly increased plurality.
Kansas City. Returns from the
congressional election in the Second
Kansas district for the seat made
vacant by the death of A. C. Mitchell ,
progressive republican , indicate the
election of Joseph A. Taggart , demo
crat , by a small majority. A light
vote was cast.
Richmond , Va. With almost no op
position to the regular democratic
ticket the election was merely a rati
fication of the primary. Returns at
night indicate that the democrats will
have 120 votes in join assembly of
the legislature.
Louisville , Ky. Kentucky went
back into the democratic ranks in a
landslide. Incomplete returns indi
cated that James McCreary , demo
cratic candidate for governor , was
elected by fern 20,000 to 40,000 plural
ity over Judge Edward C. O'Rear , re
publican. The Herald and the Post ,
both of which supported the republic
an ticket , conceded McCreary's elec
tion by 40,000 , but later figures may
reduce this estimate.
Sheridan , Wyo. The first election
in the state of Wyoming under the
commission form of government took ,
resulted in the election of Charles A.
Kutcher for mayor and Sherman D.
Canfield and George G. Carroll for
commissioners. Political lines were
Jackson , Miss Except for the un : ,
expected strength shown by James T.
Lester , socialist candidate for lieuten
ant governor , the election was a per
functory affair , all democrats being
elected. A small vote was polled.
Canal in 1913.
New York. All but two members
of the congressional committee that
went to the Isthmus of Panama last
month returned Tuesday satisfied that
President Taft's prediction would be
fulfilled and that the canal would oe
finished and open for business by
Schenectady Goes Socialist.
Schenectady , N. Y. For the first
time in the history of this county , the
socialists have polled a counting vote ,
electing a mayor , all but one of the
other city officers and majority of
the county officers. The common
council and probably the county board
of supervisors will be socialist.
In Douglas County.
Omaha. This is the vote in Doug
las county for supreme judges : Re
publican Hamer , 11,526 ; Letton , 11-
934 ; Rose , 11,087. Democrats Dean ,
9,875 ; Oldham , 9 , 607 ; Stark , 9,272.
i he Chicago Vote.
Chicago , 111. Six republicans and
four democrats were elected to the
superior cout of Cook county in the ,
elections. John P. McGoorty , democrat - <
crat , was elected to fill the one circuit i
court vacancy. A "higher pay for ;
judges" proposition was defeated. '
Stephens Carries Fremont. [
Fremont , Neb. Dan V. Stephens j
carried Fremont city complete by a [
majority of 337 over Jim Elliott , his I
republican opponent. |
All Quiet in Shanghai.
Shanghai. The first night after the
capitulation of the city to the revolu
tionists passed uneventfully. Perfect I
order was maintained in Shanghai
and the outlying districts , which con
stitutes a remarkable feature of the
Baltimore , Md. Nothing like a definite - j
finite announcement of the result of
Maryland's election was possible at
midnight. The republicans claim the
election of Phillips Lee Goldsborougn
President at the Polls. i
Cincinnati. President Taft's second
day in Cincinnati led him to the polls
like thousands of his fellow citizens ,
made him the guest at luncheon of
the Manufacturers' club , where he
said he expected to come back to Cin
cinnati some day to practice law.
Nebraska Priest Killed.
Seward , Neb. Father William Mur
phy , Catholic priest at the town of
Beaver Crossing , this county , is dead
at Beaver Crossing-as the result of
an auto'mobile accident. *
Silent Innuendo.
"That woman always speaks kindly
of others. "
"Yes , " replied Miss Cayenne ; "but
she always does it in such a way as-
to imply that she Is making some ter
rible mental reservations. "
"A wife , " says the sage brush sage ,
"has to have a lot more patience to
let the cat in and out than she has
for her husband , because if she didn't
the cat would leave. "
Sioux City's Leading Jewellers , 511 Fourth Street
* / * f * Without a Rival for DRUNKENNESS and
l\eelev DRUG USING. Address or Call on
The Only Keeley Institute In Nebraska Omaha ,
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One lOc package colors all fibers. They dye in cold water better than any other dye. You can
dye any garment without ripping apart. Write for free booklet How to Dye , Bleach and Mix Colors. MONROE DRUG COMPANY , Qulscy , III.
How Could the Listener Know What
His Friend Was Trying
to Say ?
If any man ever admired his wife ,
that man was Howler. And when the
Fitznoodles asked Mrs. Howler to get
up and sing , "There is a Garden in
My Face , " the husband glowed with
No matter that she had a face like
a hippopotamus and a voice like an
elephant , he sat beaming as she sang ,
and conid not refrain from bending
over to his neighbor and whispering :
"Don't you think my wife's got a fine
voice ? "
"What ? " said his neighbor , who
was a little deaf.
"Don't you think my wife has got a
fine voice ? " repeated Howler.
"What ? "
"Don't you think my wife's got a
fine voice ? " roared Howler.
"Sorry ! " returned the neighbor ,
shaking his head. "Can't catch a word
you say. That awful woman over
there is making such a frightful row
singing. "
Youth and Age.
"The difference between youth and
age was never so well put , " said Rev.
C. W. Penlow , in an address at an
Ocean Grove beach meeting , "as by
a playwright who wrote :
" 'Youth , which is forgiven every
thing , forgives itself nothing. Age ,
which forgives itself everything , is
forgiven nothing. ' "
A man isn't necessarily an artist
because he draws comparisons.
Came Easy.
Representative James T. Lloyd of
Missouri was discussing the presi
dent's belief that the extra session of
congress would not try to revise the
whole tariff law.
"He had about as much to go on. "
said Lloyd , "as the man who approached
preached a banker with a request to
lend him money on a note. He want
ed five hundred dollars.
" 'Can you get an indorsed asked
the banker.
" 'Sure , ' replied the prospective bor
rower , mentioning the indorsees
" 'But has he got any money ? '
" 'Lots of it , ' answered the other.
'He wins it at poker. ' " The Sunday
A Word of Wisdom.
"No , me dear , " said Mrs. Maloney
to the charity worker when the topic
had turned upon the question of mar
ried women taking upon themselves
the support of the family when the
husband is out of work. "Don't yeez
ever begin annyt'Ing of thot koind if
so hap yeez should one day have a
husband av your own. In the evlnt
av thot happening an' he should come
home an' fall to cryin' because he
was out av a job , do yeez sit down an'
cry until he foinds it ag'in. Moind
thot , now. " Woman's World.
Senator Lotsmaun Who Is this
McCrunkerson that wants a consul
ship , and what claim has he on mo
for a political job ?
Private Secretary He says he's the
only man who hasn't been mentioned
as a candidate for governor of Illi
We Get a Slap
The big coffee trust , made up of Brazilian
.growers and American importers , has been trying
various tactics to boost the price of e&ree and get
more money from the people.
Always the man who is trying to dig extra
money out of the public pocket , on a combination ,
hates the man who blocks the game.
jSTow comes a plaintive bleat from the ' 'exas
perated" ones.
The Journal of Commerce lately said : "A. stir
ring circular has just been issued to the coffee
trade. " The article further says :
"The coffee world is discussing what is to be
the future of coffee as a result of the campaign
of miseducation carried on by the cereal coffee
people. "We have before us a letter from one of
the largest roasters in the South asking what can
be done to counteract the work of the enemies
of coffee.
"The matter should have been taken up by
the Brazilian Gov't when they were completing
their beautiful valorization scheme. "
Then the article proceeds to de
nounce Postum and works into a
fine frenzy , because we have pub
lished facts regarding the effect of
coffee on some people.
The harrowing tale goes on.
"Where a few years ago every
body drank coffee , several cups a
day , now we find in every walk in
life people who imagine they can
not drink it. ( The underscoring is
ours. ) Burly blacksmiths , carpen
ters , laborers and athletes have dis
continued or cut down the use of
coffee ; as there is not a person
who reads this and will not be able
to find the same conditions existing
among his own circle of acquaint
ances , is it not well for the Brazil
ians to sit up and take notice ? "
Isn't it CUrioUS these "bur
ly" strong men should pick out cof
fee to "imagine" about ? Why not
"imagine" that regular doses of
whiskey are harmful , or daily slugs
of morphine ?
If "imagination" makes the caf
feine in coffee clog the liver , de
press the heart , and steadily tear
down the nervous system , bringing
on one or more of the dozens of
types of diseases which follow
broken-down nervous systems ,
many people don't know it.
But it remained for the man. who
has coffee , morphine or whiskey
to sell , to have the supreme nerve
to say : "You only imagine your
disorders. Keep on buying from
me. "
Mr. SunfiSjh I hear that Mr. Black
Bass couldn't get on the police force.
Mr. Eel No , they drew the color
line on him.
Since Teacher Did Not Know.
It was in the primary class of a
graded school in a westera city and
the day was the 22d of February.
"Now , who can tell me whose birth
day this is ? " asked the teacher.
A little girl arose timidly.
"Well , Margaret , you may tell us , "
said the teacher.
"Mine , " was the unexpected reply.
Everybody's Magazine.
Mad About It.
"Binks Is just crazy about being up-
to-date. "
"How does he show it ? "
"He is trying to get his parrot a
wireless cage. "
Let us continue to quote from his
"Notwithstanding the enormous
increase in population during the
past three years , coffee shows an
appalling decrease in consumption. "
Then follows a tiresome lot of
statistics which wind up by show
ing a decrease of consumption in
two years of , in round figures , two
hundred million pounds.
Here we see the cause for the at
tacks on us .and the Brazilian
sneers at Americans who prefer to
use a healthful , home-made break
fast drink and incidentally keep the
money in America , rather than
send the millions to Brazil and pay
for an article that chemists class
among the drugs and not among
the foods.
Will the reader please remem
ber , we never announce that coffee
"hurts all people. "
Some persons seem to have ex
cess vitality enough to use coffee ,
tobacco and whiskey for years and
apparently be none the worse , but
the number is small , and when a
sensible man or woman finds an ar
ticle acts harmfully they exercise
some degree of intelligence by
dropping it.
We quote again from the article :
"These figures are paralyzing
but correct , being taken from.
Leech's statistics , recognized as
the most reliable. * '
This is one of the highest com
pliments ever paid to the levelheaded
ed , common sense of Americans
who cut off about two hundred mil
lion pounds of coffee when they
found by actual experiment ( in the
majority of cases ) that the subtle
drug caffeine , in coffee , worked dis
comfort and varying forms of dis
Some people haven't the charac
ter to stop a habit when they know-
it is' killing them , but it is easy
to shift from coffee to Postum , for ,
when made according to directions ,
it comes to table a cup of beverage ,
seal brown color , which turns to
rich golden brown when cream is
added , and the taste is very like
the milder grades of Old Gov't Java.
Postum is a veritable food-drink
and highly nourishing , containing
all the parts of wheat carefully pre
pared to which is added about ten
per cent of New Orleans molasses ,
and that is absolutely all that
Postum is maae of.
Thousands of visitors to the pure
food factories see the ingredients
and how prepared. Every nook
and corner is open for every visit
or to carefully inspect Crowds
come daily and seem to enjoy it.
"There's a Reason"
Postum Cereal Company , Limited
Battle Creek , Michigan