Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 16, 1911, Image 1
. , i ) , ft' Volume 26 , No. 45 VALENTINE , NEBK. , THTJKSDAY , NOVEMBER 16 , 1911. § 1.50 per year. n has put the stamp of approval upon men's collars and labeled it AKBOW. FRONT 2 IN.BACK It always points to the right direction in style , quality and comfort. Insist upon the AKROW brand. All Styles , quarter sizes , a pair for a quarter. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Big shipments of Holiday Goods arriving daily and soon to be on full display. Largest stock of Xrnas gifts ever shown in the city. JEWELRY , CUT GLASS , NOVELTIES , TOYS Don't forget the place. . Morey Bakery Goods Confectionery Cigars and Tobacco Lunches and Meals TELEPHONE NO. 7 \x2&2x2&J2x'J \ 1v K'-3S'2K'3S Z K $1,000.00 111. By always keeping our eyes open for the latest advertising plans to benefit our custom ers , we landedon this ten strike. It's a dandy , and is put on through the enterprise of the Chicago Kenosha Ho siery Co , , to popularize their Black Cat Stockings for the whole fanily. There are 98 cash prizes in all , from § 200 down. Besides , Black Cat "Comfit" silk lisle hosiery will be given for good answers--that can be used. Best of alb'unyone can enter. All you have to do is to put together an ad from the Black Cat Booklet which is given you free. You May Earn $200 as well as anybody. Come and get your instructions and Contest Entrance Ticket now so you cap get started. The Contest ends December 1. The prizes will make fine Xmas presents. It pays to do your trading at a store which secures attractive advertising plans like this for its custom ers. R 0 FFOUT MERC. GO , ANNOUNCEMENT For a nural e ; of .years past , C irislian llansen , the famou- Danish \riolin Virtuoso , has been appearing before crowded houses , pleasing the people with his "one man , one instrument concerts. " This season be is being assisteo by Ethel Belle Haynes , one of the i very best lady entertainers in the 'Lyceum ' field. Miss Haynes is not only an exceptionally talented pianist and accompanist , but as a ' reader and impersonator she has displayed more than ordinary ability. Christian Hansen began playing the "king of all instru ments" at the early age of seven y > ars. He was placed under the i istruction of several of the most famous Scandinavian instructors. After he grew to man-hood he spent four years of hard study in Germany. Mr. llansen and Miss Haynes will present a program rich in originality and talent. Enough of the classical to be edifying , sutfi cient of the old melodies to appeal to the heart , and plenty of whole some fun. These two talented people will appear at Quigley's Hall in Valentine , Monday even ing , Nov. 27. Prices are within range of all. Admission for adults 50 cents Advance sale of tickets will be reserved on Satur day proceeding the entertainment , at Chapmans. List your tickets in advance with Miss Nellie Nar- ber to make sure of good seats. Regular-tickets will be on sale at Chapman's on date of entertain ment. New style wire type Edison's G. E. lamps can be used in any position. 25 watt lamp 60c. 40 watt , TOc. Special prices for a short time only at H. I. Weinzim- mer's. Plumbing and Electrical 1shpp. 40 WILL PROBE SELLERS' MURDER' Judge Westover has made ar rangements to call a grand jury at the next regular term of court , to more fully probe the hanging of Charles P. Sellers , the young ranchraiti who was hanged to a telephone pole on the ranch of his friend , G. H. Jack , one night last June by George and Alma Weed , Harry Heath and Kenneth Mur phy. The four murderers were sentenced to life imprisonment on September 17 , by Judge West- over. The acceptance by the court of a plea of murder in the second degree did not please the residents of Cody and the country south of there , where the crime was committed. Following is a letter written by Judge Westov rte to the editor of the Cody Cmv Boy , which paper has been advo cating an investigation. This action on the part of Judge Westover will give the residents of CoJy and the territory south of there an opportunity to tell all they know of the crime and the circu rstances leading up to it , and if there are others connected with the murder it will surely come out. Copy of Letter Sent Cody Cow Boy. Rushville , Nebraska , Nov. 11 , 1911. To the Editor of the Cody Cow BTT , Cody , Nebraska. Dear Sir : Will you kindly state in y > ur next issue of your paper that arrangements have" already been made for the calling of a grand jury in your county at the next regular term of court in the year \ 1912 , which will be within the next ninety daya. This grand jury will be instructed to make a thorough and complete investigation of all matters pertaining to the Sellers murder case , as well as the con duct of some people in your county since that case was disposed of. At this investigation Mr. Editor , you , and all others in Cherry coun ty will have an opportunity to ap pear before the grand jury and furnish any and all evidence which may DM in your posession , and 1 do not doubt but what you have an abundance of evidence , which will len-1 to show that other par ties besides those convicted are guilty of participation in that mur der. You will also have an oppor tunity to present evidence , and all of the evidence , which in any way will tend to show any irregularity or wrong doing on the part of any person in connection with the triu.1 and disposition of that case. I crust that with this early notice of chis opportunity that you will proceed to gather your evidence and get ready to present the same so that the ordering of this inves tigation will not be a useless and unnecessary expense. Very truly yours , \V. H. WESTOVER. St. Nicholas' Church. Services will be held in the 9 Catholic church as follows : In Valentine ( in the new church ) on Sunday Nov. 26. First Mass at S a. m. , second Mass at 10 a. m. Benediction with the Blessed Sac rament after Mass. In Nenzel on Sunday Nov. 19. LEO M. BLAERE , Rector. TWO GREAT ANNUAL EVENTS IN CHICAGO. The International Live Stock Ex position , December 2 to 9 , and U. S. Land and Irrigation Exposition , November 18 to December 9. Don't fail to attend. For full particular apply to Ticket Agents , Chicago & North Western By. Here is -woman who speaks from per sonal knowledge and long experience , viz. , Mrs. P. H. Brogan , of Wilson , Pa. , who says , "I know from experience that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is far su perior to any other. For croup there is nothing that excels it. " For sale by tke druggist. _ . Valentine Dan Sears and Wm. Packenhara were in from Kennedy last week. Amzi Veach is at home again after several months spent at car penter work on the reservation. Rev. Vincent Beebe of Chadron is assisting with the special ser vices at the M. E. church this we ek. Ben Ganow and his father were up from their places near Oasis Wednesday. Gr. J. Gaskill was in from Ken nedy last week after ranch sup plies. The storm delayed his re turn until Monday. A. L. Rheimenschneider living 15 miles south of Cody was ar- re'ted Tuesday by Sheriff Rosseter upon a charge of cattle stealing. Services will be held in St. John's church on Sunday , Novem ber : 10 , at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. respectively. Choir rehear sal at 7:30 : on Saturday evening November , IS. Chris. DItmer was irvtown Tues day \Vednesday. . Mr. Ditmer brought his daughter Mary and brother William to town and they have gone to Omaha where Miss Mary will take treatment at a san- itoriura. R. W. Dotson living near Waver ly came to Valentine last Friday to deliver a trail hound to the local coon hunters. The dog was tried out and found to be sat isfactory. Mr. Dotson left for his home Tuesday night. Daniel Hubbard aged 80 years , died at the home of his daughter , frs. Lottie Cramer , in- this city. Mr. Hubbard was a veteran otf the Civil war having served from 1862 until the close of the war. He came to Cherry county in 1883 and has since made his home here. The funeral was held from the M. E church Sunday afternoon , burial was in Mt. Hope cpme'.ery. CATTLE MEN FEAR INFECTION Withdrawal of Texas Inspection May Work Hardship. Nebraska cattle feeders , in com mon with those of Missouri and Kansas , may be seriously affected by the withdrawal of the national bureau of animal industry from active service work in Texas , whence many cattle are annually shipped north for feeding. Such action by the bureau is said to be likely as a result of the failure of the state authorities to co operate with the national inspectors. Ticks and scabies , two great curses of the beef cattle industry , are the special objects of attack by the national animal industry in spectors. Despite the inspectors' attempts to do efficient work in Texas , the hot-bed of those infec tions , that state is said to have fewer laws for stampeding out the diseases than any other state in the union. Considering the mil lions of head of cattle in Texas , many of which are sent north for feeding before going to market , this condition is recognized by feeders as a serious problem. If the national bureau withdraws Texas , it means the abolition of the "quarantine line , " according to cattle men. This line , drawn through Texas separated the in fected territory from the uninfect- eil. Cattle on one side of tfie line were shipped to any part of the country without inspection. In the infected territory , however , an inspection was required before a single shipment could be made. This formality protected the north ern cattlemen but it did not work particularly to the advantage of ' some of the Texans , and consequently quently they have not been en- - thusiasticin support of the system. You'll like our splendid line of fine Alma atsr Student Styles * " * * * Young Men's Styles for Young Men. Not merely men's styles with an extra box of buttons on the coat and with a lot of fancy frills. They are full of style-Young Men's Style-and not a trace o foolishness in them. i i Anybody can sev ? on buttons , but there's only one firm who can make the Alma Mater Styles. We are the one store that can supply them in this town. i When in need of shoes give us a trial. Clothes of Quality For AH Mankind Phone 145. I McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars \ Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 29/year/old and Jas , E , Pepper , O , F , C , Taylor , These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported * Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness 's Extra Stout. . . . Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Vaientine * j &X2 S2X2z2 2x2& & PMRHSPi R 4asaunas ! ) * # f M VICM \ VI i ay vm Stetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IN All Kinds of Fresh and Fait Meats. . . . Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , PoultryrHorses , Mules and anything you have to sp.ll. HORSES Wanted to winter 100 head of horses or less. The best of range , good water and shelter. Bert Anderson , Brownlee , Neb. Kock Spring's Coal and alljother kinds at Fischer's Hardware. 38 Special Fur Sale Friday and Saturday Nov. 24 and 25 , at The Red Front. Early Xmas buyers should re member the place. Bigger and better than before. 0. W. Mor- ey. 4i J. W. Copeland , of Dayton , Ohio , pur chased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for his boy who had a cold , and before the bottle was all used the boy's i cold was gone. Is that not better than to pay a five dollar doctor's bill ? Fo Phone your coal orders to Fisch er's Ilirdware. AVe have added Mr. Hornby s sheds to ours , there fore have plenty of storage room , and can fill your bins on short notice. 38 If in need of wind mills or wa ter tanks call on E. Breuklander. better made. 42-tf Dr. M. F. Meer has decided to visit Wood Lake the first Monday and Tuesday of each month to do dental work. 19lf- A special Fur Salesman will give a sale at the R l Front Fri day and Saturday , Nov. 2-1 and 25. "Moray's for my Xraas goods this year. " Bjst , cueapebt.