i\ BULLS FOR SALE Registered Hereford Bulls for sale at all times of the .year. SUNNY SLOPE STGGK RANCH Simeon - Nebraska JOHN F. PO&ATH liJR E KJBB. Tubular Wells and Windmills Call mp up by phone / Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , C. H. FAULHABER & SONS , BROWLEE , NEB Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289 ,822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg Bulls for Sale at AH Times , W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUK & FEED General Merchandise ' PIIQXE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. F. M. Walcott Oliver M. Walcctt Walcott & Walcott -1' ' Attorneys Prnrtit e before IT. S. Land Ollice and nil Federnl : iml Stnte courts. Valentine - - Nebraska Q. A. RUBY Attorney - Office front room , second story , nvjtxr T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. - , Valentine Nebraska * * * , * Dr. M. F. Meer , : V ' DENTIST i 3 i * Rooms over Ked Front store , Valentine - Nebr , . D. W. Suniner . DENTIST Hornby Building Phone No. 173. The Chicago House K : ' JIM FELCH , Propr. ' * . Call on me for rooms and lodging. Valentine Nebraska -A WINDBREAK v on the SOUTH would be valuable now. U. S. Government tests show a windbreak of trees \vill protect crops and conserve moist ure a rod for each foot in height of the windbreak , a windbreak of trees 40 feet high will protect crop's and conserve moisture 40 rods. Cultivate trees each week or oflener. We .have all varieties of forest , sha.de and fruit trees , shrubbery and ornamentals , adapted to North Western Nebraska. T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent , Valentine , Nebr. Boyd Nurseries and Fruit Farm. ! . & N. W. , 3 blks. east station Ainsworth , - Nebraska THE-YOUTHS COMPANION CALEN DAR FOR 1912. The publishers of The Youth's Companion will , as always at this season , present to every subscriber whose subscription ( $1.75) ) is paid for 1912 , a beautiful calendar for the new year. The cover picture reproduces a water-color painting * * i of a "bit of New England coast , giving a glimpse of breeze-swept ocean , of smiling sky , of warm , sunny rocks , which will come like & breath of salt air to those who [ have once lived near the sea and to th'ose whose whole life has been passed inland. The picture being tf- in eight colors- the tones of the Original-are iaithfully reproduced. Royal has no substitute for making delicious home = baked ; ABSOLUTELY PURE The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream Crookston. S. B. Weston was seen in town Thursday. \ Oscar Elkington shipped a car * of potatoes Friday. I. M. Jones went to "Rosebud Thursday on business. M , E. Viertel spent Thursday in Valentine on business. The new government ware house was completed this week. Paul Viertel left Tuesday even ing for the coast and other points west. west.M. M. H. Overman leased the liv ery barn and took possession Tues day morning. Fred White of Chicago 'arrived Saturday night to spend a few days 'with his sister , Mrs. I. M. Reid. G. B. Fehmerling and crew are again working on the Wasmund Iwelling in the west part of town. Deaconess May Gibson is in Ainsworth this week aiding the pastor there in revival meetings. Indians- are scarce around .Crookston this week owing to the fact that they are drawing their payment money at Rosebud , Dr. W. H. Vanden took Wm. Brown to Omaha . Saturday night where he underwent a surgical operation. The latest report was that he had a fair chance of recov ery. At the election Thursday the Crookston precinct officers were elected as follows , viz. Consta ble , J. F. Campbell ; Justice of the peace , H. E. Schosser ; Road over- seeers , Dist. h'6. 6 , Antone Fisher ; Dist. No , 7 , Chas. Pavelik. The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. I. M/ Jones tin ? week. Those present were Mesdaraes Hippie , Sisler , Schosser , Grey , EM. . Van- den and M. A. Vanden. The visi tors were Mrs. Brown , Mrs. Tlew- ellen , Mrs Allard , Mrs. Edwards , and Mrs. Hiram Jones. A dinner was served at noon to which all did ample justice. The afternoon was spent in quilting and piecing. Valentine Lodge No. 70 , A. O. U. W. Meets let and 3rd Monday in each month at Fraternal Hall. Ail Brethern are cordially invited to be present ] ALBERT F. WEBB , M.W. . TAMES G. QUIGLEY , Recorder. REX DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Relieves gas in stomach , distres. after eating , stomach nervousness * dizziness , headache , heartburn , heart palpitation and other ail ments caused by faulty digestion. Price 25c. Prepared by United Drug Company , .Boston , Mass. Sold in Valentine only by G. A. Chapman. The Rexall Store. A. LOWE House Mover I am prepared to to do work at any time. Write for estimates. Gordon , - Nebraska Old papers for sale at this office 15 cents a hundred. White Clay Precinct. Mr. and Mrs. J. Masek drove to Rushville Friday. Douglas Points visited at Geo. Humphreys on Sunday. Mr. C. L. Hopper made a bus iness trip to Rushville Friday. Miss Blanche Ralston drov'e to Pine Ridge last week to do some trading. Geo. P. Humphreys assisted C. L. Hopper dehorn cattle last week and Mr. Masek on Wednesday of this week. M. C. Stewart of Valentine vis ited at George Humphreys Sun day afternoon returning to Rush ville the same evening. A heavy snow fell here last week and the ground is still partially - ; tially covered with snow. The weather has been unusually cold for this time of year. Coyotes are very numerous around here. They are ma ling short work of chickens at present- and will fall backto the' rabbits later in the winter. NEW STATION AGENT. P. D. Moore , a graduate of BOYLES BUSINESS COLLEGE , Omaha , Xebr. . the official UuionPacifio arid Illinois Cen tral II. R. Telegraph School , has beer appointed Station Agent at 61.100.00 per year on the Union Pacific Railroad. All graduates of this Official School arc guar anteed posit ions. Thirteen Boylcs College graduates are in one Omaha bank.- Super ior courts in Bookkeeping , Typewriting , Shorthand. Salesmanship ami Civil Set- vice Branches. Xew classes open Decem ber 4lh. Address "Dept. B" for frco catalog. Boyles Business College , 1701-13 Harney St. , Omaha , -X Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. Tn the County Court of Cherry County Neb raska. STATK OF NKHKASKH { .JL COUNTV OF OHRUKV faa To the heirs ante : al' ' persons interested lu the es'ate of Thomas Koche , deceased : On readinj : the petition of Henry Eoche pravinu : tint the aiininistration of said rslatt- l > e granted to John it. Uaclidor as adminis- trat- . It is hereby ordered thar. you and all persons Interested in said matter imiy , and do. appear at the County Court to ) < e held in .and for said county on the 9th davof X-wunher , A.I ) ,10iiat 10 o'clock a in. to > how cause , . if any thenhe , \vky the prayer of the petitioner should not lie granied a d that notice of the pendency of said petition and that tli hearing thereof he : given teaM aM persons Interested in said matter by publish ing a copy of ihis ord-r in ttie Valentine Demo crat a weekly newspaper printed in said county , for 3 successive weeks prior to said day oi hearing. - Witness mv hand and the seal of said SEAL court this 25h day of Oct. \ . D. 1911. JAJIES C. QcmsLKv , 42 3 County Judge. A Crippled Mind. Many strong minds , giant intel lects , are held down and starved out by crippled digestive power , dyspepsia and the poison absorbed as a result of chronic constipation. If your stomach lucks digestive power the natural and simplest thing to do is to put into it the agents it lacks. ' Above all things a.Void strong drugs that paralizs. and irritate the stomach and bow els. A sound , healthy stomach contains the same digestive agents Spruce Pepsin tablets contain. Spruce Pepsin tablets will di gest fermenting , decaying food that lays like a lump in your stomach. We have' proved this thousands of times or we would not dare spend thousands of dollars lars to prove it to every sufferer from stomach troubleWe will send you a trial box FREE , Spruce Tablet Co. , Heron Lake , Minn. oOc. sizes can be had at G. A. Chapman , Druggist , Valentinev ' M ' Nebraska. For Sale Shubert piano on easy terms. In good condition. Inquire at Johnson's Millinery , ' - ' . - > V Old Crow , All Leadiiifr * Hermitasre rand ' Bottled Gruclien- Under the t - , heimer supervision ; , . of the * * * -f\ * " < < > i * tv tedJ L l " Whiskeys. U. S. GOY. - : * - pi so handle the ftudweiser Beer. ! * l TT7 < TTT 'P HrMTr < ir * T ipx ENRY STETTER , Propr. Valentine Howard Layport made a drive to Carter Tuesday. Ed Satterlee of Nenzel was in town Wednesday , Rev. A. B. Clark returned from Yanktpn , S , D. , Tuesday. A daughter w.s born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Brosius Monday. Miss May Goodrich went to her home west of Cody Tuesday night. Peter Porath came up from Reige on business Wednesday. T , C. Hornby left Tuesday morning for Seattle , Wash. , on a business trip. George Weisilog and family were in from their home in Ger man precinct Wednesday. Joe Edwards the post master at Lake was seriously injured Snn- day by lifting on a wagon. Mrs. Mark Cyphers and Mrs. G. A Chapman will entertain this evening at the former's home in honor of Mr * . Flynn and Mrs. Stout of " Gordon O'Kief went home Wed nesday 'on the local. He will help brand and dehorn cattle on his father's ranch during his short va cation from school. Twenty-eight new n. embers were initiated into the Degree of Honor lodge- Monday evening. Miss Etta Brooks , an organizer , and Mrs. M. H. Cleaver of Lin coln , had been here for some lime in the interest of the order. After the initiation a luncheon was serv ed. Mrs. D. E. Sherman and Miss Sherman gave a Mother Goose party Saturday evening. About twenty-five young ptople were present , costumed to represent -the well known Mother Geese rhymes. In the guessing contest Miss Van Orsdoll won the pri/3. headache , biliousness , in digestion , rheumatism , pimples , blotches , yellow complexion , etc. , are all signs of poisons in your blood. These poisons should bedriven out , or serious illness may result To get rid o ! them , use EE9 the old , reliable , purely J vegetable , liver medicine. Mrs. J. H.-Easier , of Spartanburg , S. C. , says : " I had sick headache , for vyears. I felt bad most of the time , I tried Thed ford's Black-Draught , and now I feel better than when I was 16 years old. " Your druggist sells it , in 25 cent packages. Insist on Thedford's VWV \-i \ As we have recently purchased Geo. H. Hornby's"V "V coai sheds and now have almost unlimited stor = 5 age room , we are in a position to supply you with your wants in the coal line. Phone or leave your orders and same will have our prompt attention. Fischer's Hardware , BirfEnoudh forihe - Biggest Game Quick Enough forihe ! Most Dantferous Gamg ; Built to handle the heaviest ammunition with greatest accuracy and safety. BIG GAME , i Its parts are few and strong and simple. CARTRIDGES' The breech is locked by a turning bolt Sure-fire. Accurate as in the latest design of military rifles. Hard-hilling Five smashing , cne-lon blows delivered with lightning speed or deliberate fire as need may be. The only recoil-operated ride locking the cart ridge in the chamber until after the bullet has left the muzzle. , - % emingtonUMC the perfect shooting combination. Send for Descriptive Foldci Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. 299 Broadway , New York City AVOID HARSH DRUGS Many Cathartics Tend to Cause Injury to tha Bowsis. If you are subject ti const : na tion you should avoid strong drugs and cathartics. They only give temporary relief and their reaction Is harmful and sometimes more annoying than constipation. They in no way effect a cure and their tendency is to weaken the alnndy weak orgms with which they come in contact. We honestly believe tint we have the best constipation treat ment ever devised. Oar faith in it is so strong that we sell it on the positive guirantee that it shall not cost the user a cent if it does not give entire satisfaction anJ completely remedy constipation. This preparation is cilled R > xill t Orderlies. These are prompt ; , soothing , and most effective in action. They are made of a re cent chemical discovery. Their principal ingredient is odorle s. tasteless , and colorless. Com bined with other well-known in gredients , long established for their usefulness in tire treatment of constipation , it forms a tablet which is eaten just like candy. They rany be taken at any time , either day or night , without ; fear j their causing any inconvenience t whatever. They do not gripe , purge , nor cau32 nausea. Tney act without causing any p-iin or excessive looseness oc the bowels. They are id al for children , weak , ' delicate person ? , and aged people , j as well as f jr the most hearty per son. They co Tie in three size .pack ages , 12 tablets , 10 cents ; 38 tib- J lets , 25 cents ; SO tablets. 50 cent * { Remember , you can obtain them only at our store The R xall S-ore. GA. . Chapmin. i j hc.3 net affected our job printing prices. We're still doing commercial work of all kinds at prices sat isfactory to you.