Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 09, 1911, Image 4

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GEORGE M. GASKILL , Editor and Manager.
A Weekly Newspaper published every Thun >
day at Valentine , Nebras
Subscription - $1.50 Per Year
Local Notices , 5cper line per issue
Entered at Ih'i I'ostofflce at Vulemiic , Neb. ,
for transmission through the' mails , as second
class matter.
Thursday , November 9. 1911.
i i Dan V- Stephens , democratic
candidate for congress in the
third district , is elected by an es
timated majority of 2,500.
County division -was handed a
lemon the election Tues
day. The returns show that out
side of Merriman and Cody , even
in territory adjacent to these
towns , sentiment was strongly
against it" . One prominent demo
crat residing on his ranch fifty
i i miles south of Valentine stated
that if the county was divided as
proposed he would sell out and
move away , and if such was the
case his land could be bought for
50 cents per acre.
The county Ticket was electee
as follows :
F. A. Cumbow Clerk , '
J. T. Keeley , Clerk of District
Court ,
Gertrude Jordan , Treasurer ,
James C. Quigley , County
Judge ,
' C. A. Rosseter , Sheriff ,
Cora Thackrey , Co. Supt.
A. B. Green. Surveyor ,
Alfred Lewis , Coroner ,
A. B. Me Alevy , Com. 2nd Dis-
* trict.
The proposition to divide Cher
ry county met defeat at Tuesday's
election by an overwhelming ma
jority. Cody , Merriman and Ke
wanee were the only precincts to
give a majority vote for the divi
sion. Unofficial returns from the
different precincts are as follows :
( The first figure is the number
of. votes for the 'division and the
last figure the number against. )
Barley 7-M Bu ffalo Lake
Calf Greet Cleveland 2-25
Cody 77-20 Crookston 2-59
Dewey Lake 0-58 Eli 21-24
Elsmere 0-38 Evergreen 0-27
Fern 1-25 Georgia 4r-62
German 0-30 Gillaspie 6-26
Goose Creek 0-53 Irwin 4-26
Kennedy 2-51 Kewanee 18-7
King 6-27 Kinneville
Lavaca 7-35 3-116
- Loup -
Merriman 108-20 Middle
Prong 30-2
Mother L. 43-0 Nenzel 3-25
Pleasant Hill 0-30 Reeves
Eiver 0-3i 'Russell 9-15
Schlagel 0-33 Sharp's
Ranch 3-33
Sparks 54 : Steen ,
Table 2-36 , Valentine 9-249
Wells 3-17 Wood
Enlow 6-8 Lake 4-156
Read This.
I do solemnly swear that the
article in the Cow Boy issued Nov.
8r3 claiming that some one in Val
entine wrote the article on county
division signed by ray father Dan
Barnes , is false. The article was
composed and written by my fath
er in my presence.
M. E. Barne ? .
Signed this day Nov. 3 , 1911 ,
before me ; a Notary Public.
Fernando T. Barnes.
Several thousand dollars are ex
pended yearly by Cherry county
in the support of paupers. Much
of this expense could be done
away with if the county had a
properly equipped poor farm.
The county ownes a quarter sec
tion of land in Kewanee precinct
and the old jail property in Val
entine. The land in Kewanee is
said to be too sandy for use as a
farm , but it could be sold as well
as the property here in town and
the proceeds used as a. part pay-
inenfcon land thatco.uld be farmed.
It .would not be very long until a
poor farm could bemade , self-sup
porting and at the same time give
homes to the worthy poor. I
W. H. Sellers brought down the
returns from Barley precinct
Wednesday night.
John Y. Pierson died at Rosebud
on lov. 3 , at 1 a. m. The body
was taken to Yankton , S. D. , by
Rev. Clark for burial.
Dan Barnes of Lake was in
town Thursday. Dan feels very
elated over the election but does
not claim all the credit for the big
lemon handed to Cody and Mer
riman in Tuesday's election.
Three petitions are being cir
culated through Cherry county ,
calling on the governor to investi
gate the murder of C. P. Sellers.
Following is the petition in full :
' "To the Hon. Governor of the
state of Nebraska , Chester H.
Aldrich. We , the citizens of
Cherry county , state of Nebraska ,
do hereby petition you to cause an
investigation of the murder of
Charles P. Sellers , that we claim
we had an unjust hearing and our
officials failed to bring out or tried
to bring out any evidence which
lead up to the murder and we be
lieve that there are other parties
implicated which should be
brought to justice. " As we go to
press one of the petitions had fifty-
three signers.
U. S. Weather Bureau Report
WEEK ENDING NOV. 9 , 1911.
Daily mean temperature 35 = .
" Normal temperature S33.
Highest temperature 55 ° .
Lowest temperature 7 = .
Range of temperature 48s.
Precipitation for week 0.00 of an inch.
Average for 23 j-ears 0.18 of an inch.
Precipitation March 1st to date 10.43 inches.
Average for 23 years 20.14 of an inches.
JOHN J. MCLEAN. Observer.
Machine Stuffs Sausage and
Presses Fruit.
A machine lUat will bo vrelcoraed on
tlic Trell appointed farm is the combi
nation srmcsgc stufTer ana fruit presser -
er invented by an Illinois num. A
metal cask has rise attachments by
which it can be clamped to the side of
a bench. A perforated cylinder fits
inside the cask , and a press operates
inside the cylinder. To make sausage
a long spout is fastened to the bottom
tom 65 the cask , and over this spout
the sausage casing is dra\vn tightly
so that no air can enter the skin and
the meat can be kept fresh , much long
er for that reason. The meat is placed
in the cylinder and the press turned ,
forcing it out through the perforations
in globules and in that form through
the spout into thecasing. . To press
fruits and jellies ( he spout is not re
quired unless it is desired to run off
the juice. The material is simply
placed under the press and squeezed to
the proper consistency.
Codfish EaHs.
Make a pint bowl of codfish' picked
into flakes and not froshcnp : ! and put
two pints of small peeled potatoes into
a saucepan. Add fish and turn boiling
water over It. Let boil until pota
toes are well done , turn ot ! nil the wa
ter , then mash potatoes and fish until
they are smooth and fine. Add piece
of butter size of egg , n little cayenne
pepper and two well beaten eggs. Beat
the mixture vigorously until very light
and drop it by spoonfuls into boiling
fat and fry to a rich golden brown.
Drain on' brown paper in oven where
they will remain hot till time to serve.
Round Steak Rolls.
Get a round steak uol. QVJf pije-half
inch thick and cut it into portion :
about the size of one's hand. Sprinkle
each piece on one side with salt nnd
popper , fold into it a small piece of
suet , skewering it into a roll with
toothpicks. Koll in flour , brown on
both sidrs in hot fat in the frying
paji , then add a sliced' or.iqn and
enough water to cover. Biinmer gen
tly for an hour , transfer to a hot dish. '
add browned flour to the liquor in the
nnn and make a brown gravy of it.
t <
Are You in Arrears V.o < .
pn your subscription ? You know
Notice to NoiuRo ident Defendants.
Norman P. IVIavlieu- and Clara Maylicw , his
wiie. and Stoddiird Lumber Company , a cor
poration , non-resinnnt defendants , will take no
tice tliat on the 19th day of < > ctabt < r , 1911 , L D.
Powell , plaintiir herein. Hied his petition in the
district court of Cherry County. Nebraskii , a-
uainst the said defendants the object , and pray
er of which are to foreclose a certain real estate
mortgage p.xeciUeUJtUrc. ! ) 31st. 1010. by the de
fendants Norman P. Sfcvyhew and Clara A.
Mayhew upon the South > * ; ist quarter of Section
7. Township 33 , Kange 34 in Cherry County ,
Nebraska , to secure the payment of one promis
sory note and five coupon notes thsreto
attached , said principal note being for the sum
of $1300.00 , s'Aid coupon notes bearing even dat
wfih said princlpa note and each Leine for the
sum of 81.CO : there is now dun upon said in
debtedness the sum of SI360.CO and interest
thereon from March : jist , 1910 at the rate of "six
per < * ent per annum.
The plaintill prays that an account be had and
taken of the amount due on sal-i indebtedness ;
that said defendants , and each of them , be de
creed jo pay the same , and in dr fault thereof ,
the s lid premises may be sold to satisfv the
amount so found to be due , and the defendants
be foreclosed out of all equity of redemption , or
other interest in and to said mortgaged premises
or any part theieof. and out of Hie proceeds of
said sale the plaintiff be paid the amount so
found to be due , and for such other and lur.her
relief as justice and"equUy may require.
You are icquireti to answer said petition on or
before November 27th , 1011.
Dated October 19th. 1911
41- L. D. I'OWELL. Plaintiff.
Notice to Non-Rosiclent Defendants.
xonnan A. Mayhew and Clara. Mayhew ,
his wile , O. ( i. Howard , Urst and true name
unknown , mul Stod < lml Lumber Company
R corporation , non-resident delendants. will
take notice that on the liitli day of October
Hill , Li. IX Powell , plaintiff herein , Hied his
petition in the district court of Cherry Coun
ty , Nebraska , against the said delendants
the object anil prayer ot which are to fore
close u certain real estate mortgage execut
ed March : > lst , 1910 , by the defendants Nor
man L * . Mayhew and Clara A. Mayhew upon
the Northwest quarter of Section 8 , Town
ship & ! , Kunge : Jl , in Cherry County , Nebras
ka , lo secure the payment of one promissory
note and live interest coupon notes thereto
attached , principal note being lor the sum
of $ iyu.00 ) , said coupon notes bearing oven
date with said principal note and oacli being
for the sum ot $ S1.U > ; there is now due 'upon
said indebtedness the sum of $ i : > CO.X ( ) and in
terest thereon Irom March ; > lst , 1910 at the
rate of six per cent per annum.
The plaintiff prays that nu account be had
and tsticen of the amount due on said In
debtedness ; that said defendants , and each
of them , be decreed to pny the same , and in
detault thereof , the said premises may be
sold to satisfy the amount so found to be
due , and the defendants be foreclosed out of
all equity of redemption , or other interest
in and to said mortgaged premises , or any
part thereof , and out of the proceeds of said
sale the plaintiff be piid : the amount so
found to be due , and for such other and fur
ther relief ns justice and equity may require.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before November 27th , 1911.
Dated October 19th , 1911
41-4 L. D. POWELL. Plaintiff
In The District Court of Cherry County
In the matter of the application of W. HHad-
Idy. guardian ol Frank W. Hadley , minor ueir
of Irene E. Hauley , formerly Irene E. Mijler ,
deceased , lor the sile of rcrvl estate ,
J ow on this 26th day of O-jfciUer , 1911 thi-i
cause .caii | oil tor hearing upon the petition
under oath < f W. H. Had ey. guardian of the
estate of l-'nuiK "VV" , Hidiey. minor heir , for
license to sell the loJIowuiii de. cribed real
estate belonging to said minor , to-\vit : SJ NJ
. ! , Section 10 , at ] .Shi. Section 9. Wl NW ] ,
Section 15 , 'iu\viiMjip&i , Nortn , Kange ss.Wesi.
Cherry i ounr.y. NeluvisKa , lor the support ,
maintenance and education of said minor Loir
and lor tlie piupoae of in vesting the resiuut
oi the proceeds of said sile in secirity for the
uenefit of sa d minor heir.
It is theriore ordered that all prsms inter
ested in said entate appear bstoie me a' .
Chambers hi th > C-ty of. Hushvule , ShendaN
Cojttntv , Noi rasa ! ou tlm 23th uuy of Novem
ber , 1911 at the hour of 'ten o'clock' ti. m to
show cause , if any there be , why license
should not be granted to the. said W H H id
ley to sell the interest of said minor ueir in
the above described leal estate for the sup-
poit , maintenance and education of said minor
and tlmt any residue remaining in the hands
o lhn saia giuu-dian may be invested in
proper security lor tlu use and beuelit of
saiu minor.
It is lurther ordered that a copy ofthisorJer
be served ujjon all persons interested in said
estate by causing the same to be published
once each week for tour successive weeks in-the
Democrat a ne\vsp i > T printoa and published
in said County of Cn < rry.
Judge District Court.
Walcott & Waicoit , Att-jnieys.
Notice to Creditors.
THB STATIC OF NKUUASKA i " aa In the County
In the mat " of tlie estate of Frank
f a Uell , deceased :
'JL'o the uieuuurb of said Estate : <
You are hereby notified , That 1-will sit at the
Coi oty Court Koom in Valentine in said county
on the 20th day oi November , 1911 ,
to receive ana examine all claims against
said estate with n view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the pres nta-
tion of claims against said estate is six months
from the 5th day of Miy. A. I ) . 1911 , and th -
time limited for payment of debts is one year
from said 25lh day of May. 1911 ,
Witness my baud and seal of said county court
this 1st day of November. A. I ) . 1911.
v 43 4 Couuty Judge.
P. H O'llourke. Attorney.
Notice to Won-Resident Defendants.
Norman P. Mayhew and Clara A. Mayfcew ,
Ills wife , and Stud > ard Li.iuberComp.iny , a cor
poration , non-resident defendants , wil' take u
rice that on the 19th day of October , 1911 , L D
Powers , plaintill' herein , lilod his petition in the
listrk't court of Cherry County , Nebraska , a-
jHitisr the said defendants the object and pray-
ir of which aio to foreclose a certain real estate
mortgage executed March 31st. 1910. by the fle-
teiidiiius Norman P. Mayhew and Clara A.
\layhewupon tbtlotithwest quarter of Section
i and the South haU of the Southeast quarter of
Section 5 and th North half of the Northeast
HWrter of Section 8 , all in Township 33. itaage
il in Clurry County , Nebraska , to secure the
jayment of one promissory note and live infest -
; -fest coupon notes there'o attached , s lid prin-
jipal note biiun for the sum of S272900 , said
: ouj-on not. s bearing eveu date with aail priu-
: ijal | note and each neii'g for the sum of S1G3 29 ;
here is no > y due upon saia indebtedness the
mm nf * 2f30 OQ"and jnteivst ih ° reon from March
ilxr , 19)0 ) at the rate of si $ per cent'per annum.
The plaintiff pravs. that aij account be had and
alsen of tjnamoimt due on said indebtedness ;
| ia said defenflttiits , and eac | ) of thein. be de-
ireed to pay tlje saiiya , aii ( | in rtefau t thereof ,
he sajd premises may be sold tq satisfy the a'-
noiuit , so fuiiiid to be due. and tlie defendants be
oreclogpd out of al ) equity of redemption , or
illier interest in uwl to said m Jit gaged nremi-
s , or any part thereof , and out ot : jun proceeds
if * a d sale the plimill be paid the amount so
ound to be due. and for such other and lurther
chef as justice and equity may require.
You are required to answer said petition on or
teiore November 2rth , 1911.
Dated October 19th. 1911.
J1.4 L. D. PowellPlaintiff. .
n the County Court of Cherry County , Ne-
Itate of Nebraska , ( „ „
lounty ot Cherry , |
To the heirs mul nil persons interested in
he estate of John II. Miller , deceased :
Oa ruullng the petition of M. O. Carroll
raying mat. administration de bonis non t
f said estate be granted toM. C. Carroll
[ > iis Interested In said matter may , and do ,
npjjar. at tlje county court , to be-held In
hrfr ; { ) saUrcquiUy , Qii the 18th day of No\ % ,
JlT , at 1(1 ( p-plp.'ci ] a. ni. , tp shjnv iaisc.if { any
j0riii b , M'Jl.v t'iu ' } ! Hygr"of tht jiotltlqnqi'
liould not by granted , and that notice of
io pundenuy of said untition and that the
earlnj ; thureof Ut ? { iiven to all noraons In-
ircstcd in said inattet' by publishing a copy
f t his order In TUtblV leiitliie Democrat-a ,
eokly iie\vspaiicfprhrted in said county ,
> r three Hucceissive weeks prior to said day
f hearing. % \ T -
Wltness.iny nund and the- seal of sold
Dtirt this 1st dny.of November , 1911. ,
They have put on a big
Prize Contest with prizes run
ning from § 200 down 98
cash prizes in all besides
they are giving hosiery for all
good ans.vers that can be
used at
The Red front.
This startling attractive con
test has been arranged through
the courtesy of the Chicago
Kenosha Hosiery Company ,
whose famous Black Cat Stock
ings we sell.
Come and get all the instruc
tions at our store. Anjone
can compete. Ifc requires on
ly the ability to find and paste
together an ad already written
and"scattered , and give your
opinion why it is a good ad. "
Come and get a Contest En
trance Ticket free. Blajk Cat
is made for Grandma , Grand
pa , Ma , Pa , Sister , Brother ,
the kiddos and the baby.
Come and Get Started Now
The contest ends Dec. 1 , and
the prizes will be distributed
in time forXmas.
Certain Ingredients That Really Promofo Hair
Growth when P/operly Combined
Eesorcin is one of the most ef-
rective germ destroyers ever dis
covered by science , and in connec
tion with B3ta Napthol , which is
both and antiseptic , a
combination is formed which destroys
treys the germs which rob the hair
of its natural nourishment , and
also creates a clean , healthy con
dition of the scalp , which prevent
the development of new germs.
Pilocarpin , although not a color
ing matter or dye , is alwell-known
ingredient for restoring the hair
to its natural color , when the. loss
of hair has been caused by a dis- of the seal p.
These ingreJieits in proper
combination , with alcohol added
as a stimulant and for its well-de
fined nourishing propsrties , per
fect perhaps the most effective
remedy that is known for scalp
and hair troubles.
We have , a remedy which is
chiefly comp'osed of these ingre
dients , in combination with other
extremely invaluable medicinal ,
agents. We guarantee" it to posi
tively cure dandrutt' and to grow
hair , even though the ssalp in
spots is bare of hair. If there is
my vitality left in the roots , it
will positively cure baldness , or
sve will refund your money. If
the scalp has a glazed , shiny ap
pearance , it's an indication that
aaldness is parmxnent , bab in ofch-
jr instances wp believe baldness is
We want every one troubled
with scalp diseaso. or loss of hair
; otry Rexall " 93" Hair Tonic.
[ f it does not cure dandruff and
'row hair to the satisfaction of the
iser , we will without question or
luibble return every cent paid user
: or it. We p rint this guarantee
) n every bottle. It has effected a
positive cure in 93 pe ? cent of
jases where put to a practical tesc.
Kexall " 93 * ' Hair Tonic is en-
; irely unlike , and we think , in
svery particular , better than any-
ihing else we know of for the pur
pose for which it is prescribed.
We urge you to try this prepara-
ion at our entire risk. Certainly
tfe know of no better guarantee to
five you. Remember , you can
) btajn Eexall Remedies in Yalen-
irie only at ouc stone The Eexall
G. A-Chapman.
it Out
We desire to announce that we are not clos
ing out , but are still selling the very best goods
at reasonable prices.
Our line of John Deere Implements , Yelie
/Buggies , Moline and Davenport Boiler Bearing
Wagons and Samson Windmills is complete
and priced right.
We also have a large stock of lumber , lime ,
Wall Plaster , Cement , Brick , Sash , Doors , etc.
' Is it not good policy to patronize a firm who
expects to continue in business and intends to
handle the same line of goods for years to come. ,
We never advertise so-called bargains
because we have always had , , our goods priced
right.V ;
A. E. .Morris. W. W. Morrissey. Dr. C. W. Noyes'
Go to the
Stock Exchane Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
Tve got some dandy razor = straps'
One of the local barbers in looking over
the stock picked out several that were
better than he had heretofore seen.
Throw the old one away and come and
get one that will put a barber = edge on
the home razor and make shaving easy.
Come in and take a look at the ones ,
the barber recommended.
We carry several grades of razor = straps
and each one is a dandy for the money.
Chartered as a State Bank
Chartered National
as n Bank
June 1,18S4. August 12,1902.
The n II VW
( Successor to Bank of Valentine. )
Yalentine , - Nebraska.
CAPITAL - $25.000
SURPLUS - 25T000 Banking , Exchange
Uudivided Profits 4.000 and Collection Business
O. II. OORXEI.X , , President. M. V.XiciroLSOx ,
( Jnshier
J. T. May , Vice President. H. IJ.KUUX , Ass't Cashier.
The Rayo Lamp is the best and most serviceable lamp you can find
for any part of your home.
It is in use in millions of families. Its strong white light has made
it fcuKous. And it never flickers.
In the dining-room or ths parlor the Rayo gives just the light that is most effec
tive. . It is a becoming lamp in itself and to you. Just the lamp , too , for bedroom
or library , where a clear , steady light is needed.
The Rayo is made of : solid brass , nickel-plated ; also in numerous other styles and \
finishes. Easily lighted without removing shade or chimney ; easy to dean andrewick.
Atk your dealer lo show you his Ibe of Rayo ! a = ps ; or-writefordercriptive circular to any agency of tie
L Standard Oil Company
( Incorporated )