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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1911)
I / . . . \ - * Volume 26 , No. 44 VALENTINE , NEBR. , THURSDAY , NOYEMBER 9 , 1911. per year. buys a suit of clothes that is worth § 10.00. They are odd sizes .and patterns and we are making this big reduction to clean them up. Come in and look them over. - I1 > 'JOU ' U r SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Big shipments of Holiday Goods arriving daily and soon to be on full display. Largest' stock of Xmas gifts ever shown in the city. JEWELRY.CUT GLASS , NOVELTIES , TOYS Don't forgefthe place. p ] Bakery Goods Confectionery Ice Cream and Soda.Water , Cigars and Tobacco J " * " * * " " * " * Lunches arid Meals TELEPKOWE NO. 7 i Cird ? By always keeping our eyes open for the latest advertising plans to benefit our customers " ers , we landed on this ten strike. It's a dandy , and is put on through the enterprise of the Chicago Kenosha Ho siery Co , , to popularize their Black Gat Stockings for the whole" family. There are ,3.8 cash prizes in all , from § 200 down. Besides , Black Cat "Comfit" silk lisle hosiery will be given for good answers that can be used. Best of all anyone can enter. All you have to do is to put together an ad from the Black Cat Booklet which is given you free. You May Earn $200 as well as anybody. Come and get your instructions and Contest Entrance Ticket now so you can get started. The Contest ends December 1. The prizes will" make finfe Xmas presents. It pays to do your trading at a store which secures attractive advertising plans like this for its custom ers. Brit FRONT Hnrnfi . 00 , V. , , . . Simeon. E , R. Sfcilwell was hauling corn from D. Q. Steeds last week. There has been splendid duck shooting this fall. Carr brothers have added to the comfort of their home by putting in a base burner. C. L. Latta is just finishing' cement cellar. It is dug in a hill side and will be rat proof. W. L. Cobee and Warner Stratton have been assisting with the work. School district No. 109 has or dered an organ , teacher's desk , chair and a large dictionary. These with the new desks recent ly purchased make this one of the best equipped districts. One of the saddest accidents that ever happened in this locality cccured Saturday morning. Mrs. J. E. Brown , who in company with ber husband and parents re cently came here from Draper , "S. D. , in order to hurry a slow fire , ' took a gallon can of kerosene and poured some oil on the fire. A terrific explosion followed setting fire to her clothing. He'r aged mother ran into the -room and helped her into the open air where the fire was extinguished. She is badly burned and has suffered in tense agony. Dr. Compton came immediately 'and did what he could to relieve her suffering. The mother was also burned but not seriously. Kind neighbors have done and are doing all in their power to give relief. She was taken to the Bucyhome and lies in a critical condition. The force of the explosion -was so great that a window including the casing was blown several feet out ward. The oil can was completely demolished. "Morey's for my Xmas goods this year. " Best , cheapest Valentine J. A. Anderson was down from Rosebud Friday. C. II. Bsnnett of Gordon was in Valentine Friday. Steve Amiotte was down from Cody the first of the week. , Mrs. Frank Bray ton went to Omaha Tuesday night for a few days visit. Douglas Garrett and Lee S il- well started for Pierre , S. D. , last Thursday. Mrs. Anizi Veach and children spent Sunday at tbe J. G. Ga kill home east of town. Mrs. Louise Henderson and daughter Estell of Merriman were here last Saturday on business. A. Lowe was down from Gor don Tuesday. Mr. Lowe is a house mover and has an ad in this paper. s Miss Stuckey was called to her home in Alliance last week on ac count of the serious illness of her little sister. Don McLeod left Tuesday night for a ten days trip. He will go to Brunswick , Ashland , Lincoln , and Omaha. Mrs. George Cyphers and son Clarence went to Norfolk this morning for a short visit with Mrs. Cypher's neice , Mrs. Rusk. James Mone was down from Cody Wednesday with the election returns from that precinctMr. . Mone was a welcome caller at this olfice. The large box of candy that has ! been on-display in the"Hofne"Ba'i- ery show window was won by G. A. Corbin , Wednesday ev en- Ding. / Mrs. P. J. Flynn and Mrs. Charles Stout of O'Neill came Wednesday night for a week's vis it with Mrs. M. V. Nicholson and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bonser who have been visiting in St. Louis for the past five weeks refurned Mon day night and have gone to their home , near Rosebud , Rev. Snyder of Oikdale is assis ting Rev. Haislup with special services at the M. E. church : Mrs. Hillebrand of Crawford is leading tbe choir in special songs. Miss Alma Nelson went down to O'Neill Friday night for a short visit with Miss Wise. Siturday night she spent visiting friends in Atkinson , returning to Valentine on the late train , Sunday. Charles Anderson ' came down from Rosebud in his new car Tues day andyon Wednesday started out to make the rounds-of his different carpenter camps. He expects to travel 150 miles to see all of them. Mr. Anderson was accompanied by G. H. Hornby , H. W. Hoenig aid Ed Morey. L. K. Travis was down from St. Mary's Mission the first of the week on business. Mr. Travis says the new building at the Mis sion will be ready for use in a short time. The cold weather has retarded outside work considerable but it is practically completed now. Mr. Travis returned to t Rosebud with Agent Woods on Tuesday. Mrs. D E. Sherman and Miss Sherman entertained about thirty of their friends Friday afternoon of last week in a very enjoyable manner. In the contest of mak ing the best buttonhole with the left hand , Mrs. Chapman won the prize , a pair of embroidery scis sors , and Mrs. James Qulgley a" ' silver thimble , for the besfe hem , made without looking at it. Miss Ardis Sherman assisted in serving refreshments. Land Office Notes. During the month of October the local office allowed eighty-one homestead entries , thirty-six * final proofs , and two public sales. In the contest of Carl Johnson vs. Neal S. Coleman , the general land office has sustained the de cision of the local office , and dis misses the .contest. In the case of the United States vs. Lillian E. Nelson the general land office sustains the opinion of the register of the local office , and holds the entry for cancellation , although on sqraewhat different grounds. r All correspondence relating to matters within the scope of the du ties of the local land officers should be addressed to "U. S. Land Office Valentine , Nebr. " , and neb to the officers personally. This will vaoid delay when either of the officers is absent from the office or otherwise engaged. In the case of Henry Auguston of Brownlee , who sold a part of his entry after making final proof , but before final certificate had been issued , supposing that his receipt for fees gave him the right to dose so , the general land office has held that a final certificate may be is sued for the entire track , an ! Auguston's partial relinquishment will be rejected. * School Notes. The Senior class has ordered their class rings. Prof. Eaton is making out the Seniorrecords this week. C.-l. i. : ' " - . ' , ' * ' . Oil yes , the Brown p.urse was mysteriously Carrolled away Tuesday. The teachers all leave for Omaha this evening , where they will at tend the teachers' meeting. Those of the eigth grade who ranked highest in class this 'term are Cherry L anea h , Kithylen Yeast , and Myrtle Henricks. The Physics class visited the Weather Bureau office Monday. Mr. McLean gave them a very instructive talk on the barometers. Miss Stucky was called home on account of the serious illness of her sister. Miss Minnie A'lara- sea is acting substitute during her absence. The V. H. S. Athletic Associa tion is making splendid progress under the management of Claude Lamoureaux , with the assistance of the other bo.ys , especially of Floyd McKcne. They have al- rea'dy received a challenge from the Chadron. "Normal. The boys however have not accepted it since learning of the overwhelming de feat Gordon received at the hands of the Chadron team. St. Nicholas' Church. Services will be held in the Catholic church as follows : In Valentine ( in the new church ) on Sunday Nov. 12. First Mass at 8 a. m. , second Mass at 10 a. m. Benediction with the Blessed Sac rament after Mass. In Nenzel on Sunday Nov. 19. LEO M. BLAERE , Rector. New style wire type Edison's G. E. lamps can be used in any position. 25 watt lamp 60c. 40 watt , 70c. Special prices for a short time only at H. I. Weinzim- mer's. Plumbing and Electrical shop. - 40 Early Xmas buyers should re member the place. Bigger and better than before' . O. , W. Mor- * 'jy- ' - 44 t tt t A special Fur Salesman will give a sale aVthe Red Front Friday - day and Saturday < NOVJ 24and55i You'll like our splendid line of fine * .Alma later Student Styles Young Men's Styles for Young Men. Not merely men's styles with an extra box of buttons on the coat and with a lot of fancy frills. They are full of style-Young Men's Style-and not a tracs of foolishness in them. Anybody can se on buttons , but there's only one firm who. can 'make the Alma Mater Styles. We are the one store that can supply them in this town. " \ . When in need of shoe s give us a trial , Clothes of Quality For AH Mankind - Phone 145. \ ! rj jgn g s j > f < rxgr 'g E McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. < < Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars * 8 Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , * Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 29'year/old andjas , E , Pepper , O , F , C. Taylor , These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Valentine Nebraska ' . . * > 4 v ) < & .i > l vi. vivXvZc : Stetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IN t All Kinds of Fresh and Fait Meats. . . . Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell. HORSES Wanted to winter 100 head ) f horses or less. The best of range , good water and shelter. Bert Anderson , Brownlee , Neb. Rock Spring's Goal andalljother iinds at Fischer's Hardware. 3S Special Fur Sale Friday and Saturday Nov. 2i and 25 , at The " Red Front. ' Are We Keeping the Right Sabbath Day ? At the Presbyterian Church next Sunday evening at 7:30 : , the sermon will be of an unusual in- * terest. The above question will be answered from the different stand points. Every one interest ed in this subject is cordially in- ' tfted ; Estrayed or Stolen. From three miles of PassEanch one brown gelding , weight about 1100 , branded EL on left shoulder. Liberal reward for information leading to its recovery. EJw. A. Lee , Brownlee , Nebr. til-i Phone your coal orders to Fisch i er's Hardware. We have added j Mr. Hornby's sheds to ours , there fore have plenty of storage room , and can fill your bins on short notice. 33 If ia need of wind mills or wa ter tanks call on EBreuklander. . None batter made. 42-t - Dr. M. P. Meer has decided to visit Wood Lake the first Monday d Tuesday of each month to do dental work.