. * * Jackson & Fischer ;
, " *
* -
, > ' . . and '
ill v Licensed Embalmers
Calls answered at all hours , Night Phone 74 ,
are the ones that curtail the power of most people to save
money and accumulate a competence. The spending of small
I suras usually less than a dollar at a time. While individually
these amounts are insignificant , collectively they make the difference -
' ference between just-get-along and financial independence.
> A check account at this bank will assist you. to cut out many
> of these little unnecessary expenses , assist you to accumulate
> > for old age comforts.
Come in and let us explain to you how easy it is to start a
check account.
Deposits in this bank are protected by the Depositor's
Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
i i
You often need , some heat
in early Fall , when you have
not yet started the furnace.
\vhateverpart of the house you want it , you can get it
best and quickest with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater.
The Perfection is the most reliable heater on the market , and you
can move it wherever you please.
Start it in bedroom bathroom , and you dress in comfort on the coldest
morning. Take it to the dining-room , and early breakfast becomes a pleasant ,
cotey meal. A touch of a match at dusk , and all is snug for the evening.
The Perfection Smokeless Oil Hester is beautifully finished an ornament
anywhere. Drums of plain tteel or enamelled in blue ; nickel trimmings.
A tpecial automatic device makes smoking impossible. Burner body cannot
become wedged. All parts easily cleaned. Damper top. Cool handle.
Dealer * everywhere ; or write for descriptive circular to nny agency of the
Standard Oil Company
( Incorporated )
& 10NTAGNE 1
Livery ? Feed and
Sales Stable , *
Wood Lake , Nebraska
I Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties.
D. A. WHIPPLE , Propr ,
; Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House
; Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel
- ; Leave Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning ,
' Sundays excepted.
w > Arrive at Eosebud at 2 o'clock p. m.
J Leave Eosebud at 8 o'clock every morning ; " ,
Sundays - -f
. < r' Arrive at Valentine at 2 o'clock p. m. ' *
? * . . ' Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. m. ,
r < Special attention to passengers , baggage and
" / - express or packages.
i -Leave orders at headquarters or at the Eed
? „ , .Front store.
r- D. A. Whipple.
Correspondents from all parts of Cherry County ;
The Three Fishers.
Three fishers Trent tramping away to the
west ,
Away to the west ns the sun went down.
Each thought of all fishermen he was tho-
Each thought of the fish he'd brins bach
to the town.
For men will fish , and women must wait ,
Though the bait be good and they stay
out late.
Then ho for the calm waters lying !
Three fishers came wandering back to the
town ,
Back home to the town in the morning
Each one , disappointed , In wearing a
frown ,
For they haven't caught any , though
one had a bite ,
And the few that they carry of boys hava
been bought.
But think of the big ones they all might
have caught
And hark to the three fishers lying !
Walter G. Doty in Puck.
No Room For Dcubt.
The afternoon was warm , holidays
were approaching , and the teacher was
almost worn out in trying to drum the
elements of grammar into the wooden
craniums of her pupils.
"Now , Johnny , " she said -wearily ,
"tell me , would it be proper for you
to say 'You can't leani me nothing ? ' "
Johnny looked thoughtful for a mo
ment and then replied in a tone of
conviction :
"Yes , mum. "
The teacher sighed.
"Vvrhy , Johnny7 she asked. "Tell
me why. "
"And now the answer came quick
and pat :
" 'Cause yer can't , " said Johnny tri
umphantly. London Answers.
Natural History.
" I don't suppose , " remarked Gregg
Halloivay , grinning ruefully , "that I'll
ever have the nerve to call my son
down again. "
"What vreut wrong ? " \ve asked him.
"It was this way. We were invited
out , and the kid exhibited his worst
table manners. I leaned over to him
and whispered in a stage whisper
'You're a little pig ! '
"The kid just grinned.
" 'Do you hear ? ' I hissed. 'You are
a little pig ! Do you have sense
enough to know -what a little pig is ? '
" 'Yes , papa , ' answered the child ,
trying to look innocent.
" 'Well , "then , what is it ? '
" 'A pig is a hog's little boy ! ' "
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Ladies Fair.
All blonds are not light headed.
Girls vrith liquid voices should be
careful not to strain them.
Some women are a delight to the
eye and a drug to the mind.
Never tell a grass widow that she is
in the heyday of life.
If woman's age counts against her
she knows enough to keep down the
The girl who marries for a lark
often flnds out that she was a jay.
The Idea of marrying will haunt a
woman if she has the ghost of a
Girls feel proud , of having many
new admirers , but one old one is real
ly more to her credit Boston Tran
Prepared For the Worst.
"Out in the cyclone district , " con
fides a man who is just back from an
automobile vacation trip , "I saw a
farmer building a stone wall around
his place. Believe me , that was some
wall. It was four feet high and six
feet wide. ! asked him about it , and
he said , 'I'm buildin' this here wall to
stick. ' 'It won't do you any good , '
says I. 'A cyclone will tumble it
over. ' 'Let it , ' says the farmer. 'The
wall will be two foot higher if it does
fall over ! ' " Cleveland Tlain Dealer.
Teaching by Example.
William Dean Howells is a stout op
ponent of those novelists who , under
the pretext of reforming their readers ,
write books about vice.
"Such writers , " said Mr. Howells at
a luncheon at Kittery Point , Me. , "re
mind me of a lad whose mother said
to him :
" 'Why , Johnny , I do believe you're
teaching that parrot to swear. '
" 'Xo , I'm not , mother , ' the boy re
plied. Tm just telling it what it
mustn't say. ' " Los Angeles Times.
Philip was a conceited youth. One
evening he called upon some friends
and picked up the new Webster's Un
abridged Dictionary which lay on the
"What do you think of it , Philip ? "
asked the host. "Well , " was the re
ply , "so far as I have looked , it seems
to be correct. " Success Magazine.
His Oversight.
"He asked her when he proposed if
she knew how to keep house. "
"That was a happy thought. "
"Yes , and still he overlooked a bet. "
"How was that ? "
"He forgot to ask her if "she knew
Low to keep still. " Houston Post.
Cutlery Family.
"I call 'em the cutlery family. "
"Why so ? "
"Well , the daughter spoons , the
father forks out the money , and the
mother knifes the other guests. "
Washington Herald.
Scott's Libel on Woman.
"O woman , in our hours of ease
Uncertain , roy and hard to please"
So wrote Sir Walter long ago.
But how-pray , could ho really know ?
II ? woman fair h.6 strove to please ,
tf fctrft flia hp-tn hfe "hours. of case ? "
- *
Notice of Election.
Notice is hereby given that on
Tuesday , the 7th day of Novem
ber , 1911 , next at the regularly
designated polling place in each
voting precinct in Cherry County ,
Nebraska , an election will be held
for voting on the proposed divis
ion and annexation of territory
now comprising the County of
Cherry , State of Nebraska as fol
lows :
That the territory bounded as
follows be formed into a new
county to be known as LAKE coun
ty : Beginning at the southeast
corner of township twenty-eight
(28) ( ) north , range thirty-one (31) ( )
west , thence north on said range
line to the north line of Cherry
county , thence west on said coun
ty line to the west line of range
thirty-five (35) ( ) west , thence south
on said range line to the south line
of t9wnship twenty-eight (28) ( )
north , thence east on said township
line to the point of beginning.
That the territory bounded as
follows be formed into a new
county to be known as GREEN
county : .Beginning at the south
east corner of township twenty-
eight (28) ( ) north , range thirty-six
(36) ( ) west , thence north on said
range line to the north line f of
Cherry county , thence west on
said county line to the west line of
Cherry county , thence south on
said county line to the south line
of township twenty-eight (28) ( )
north , thence east on said town
ship line to the point of beginning.
That the territory 'bounded as
follows be transferred to GRANT
county : Commencing at. the south
east corner of township .twenty-
five (25) ( ) north , range thirtv-six
(36) ( ) west , thence north on said
range line to the north line of
township twenty-seven (27) ( ) , north ,
thence west on said township line
to the west line of Cherry county ,
thence south on said county line to
the south line of township twenty-
five (25) ( ) north , thence east on said
township line to the point of be
That the territory bounded as
follows be transferred to HOOKER
county : Commencing at the South
east corner of township twenty-
five (25) ( ) north , range thirty-one
(31) ( ) west , thence north on said
range line to the north line of
township twenty-seven (27) ( ) north ,
thence west on said township line
to the west line of range thirty-
five (35) ( ) west , thence south on
said range line to the south line of
township twenty-five (25) ( ) north ,
thence east on said township line
to the point of beginning.
And for :
Three Judges of the Supreme
Two Eegeuts of the State Uni
One State Railway Commis
One Judge of the District Court
for the 16th Judicial District of
One County Clerk.
One Clerk of the District Court.
One County Treasurer.
One County Judge.
One Sheriff.
One Superintendent of Public
One County Surveyor.
One County Coroner.
One County Commissioner 2nd
Two Justices of the Peace for
each precinct.
Two Constables for each pre
One Eoad Overseer for each
road district.
which election will be open at 8
o'clock in the morning and will
continue open until 6 o'clock in
the afternoon , of the same day.
Dated this 14th day of October ,
A. D. 1911.
( Seal ) F. A. Cumbow ,
County Clerk.
Wanted to winter 100 head
of horses or less. The best of
range , good water and shelter.
Bert Anderson , Brownlee , Neb.
Old papers for sale at this office
15 cents a hundred.
Midland " 40"
The automobile that will travel all directions
out of Valentine without fear of being sand or
hill bound. We invite everyone to inspect this
up = to = date car.
Simple in Design and Construction
Dambly & Lay port
Auto Dealers
Valentine , Nebraska
Cigars and
Soft Drinks
Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTERNATIONAL /
No- Hill too Steepj no Sand too Deep
SoMby D , McLeod
Guaranteed by International Harvester Company
All lands of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizet
Kesidence and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska
References : My Many Cupfners. .
K. M. FaddisVCo
Postofllce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
qon left
Horses branded
: Tjou ; : left
' r thiph
Some Some branded
branded on ri < dit tliigli
on l : fr. or shoulder.
or thiiih
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left sid >
Bid ? .
V horses.
Ranee on Gordon Ore k o rth of Simeon ,
N" . S. Eovdey.
Kennedy , JNeoraska.
Same as cut on lef/
side and hip , and u.
left shoulder of her
ses. AlsoKjj&g on
left side
F X on ? eft side
Some rat- ;
He bnn
ed husk-i2gi3ajging , , . , . , ; side up ) on
left side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder
of hordes. nj
njQ on left hip of horses.
M"on left Jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Hosebud , 3D
Horses and cattle
same aa cut ; also
GJBE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal revrard
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
rearing any nfthase brand ? .
E. M. Terrill , Propr.
Brownlee , Xeo.
Cattle branded as t
In c-t : on left
side. Some
branded IL T . '
on left liii > . Kange
on North Loup
river , two milns
west of Brewnlee
jSTot Afraid
5t Francis Mis-
linn , Rosebud.
is nettle In cut ; branded horses J K P
lame or .IKP on
eft thigh. Jt nt'e
etween Spin <
J'k and Little
Vhile river.
Albert Whipple & Sons.
.Rosebud 8U. "
Cattle brand * !
SOS on left aide
O8O on rights ! * *
Some cattle all *
have a - 4on ne k
Some with A ox
left shoulder an4
some branded
with two b r
.across . hind qnar-
_ _ rs SorneTciaj
cattle branded O ou left .side and somej
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left bio. Some cattl *
branded AW bar connected on both side aatf
left hip of horses
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.Ieft side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
> Tebrask i Land and Feeding Co.
< artlett Richards Pres WIllGComstock.V. P.
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Oattle branded OB
any part of animtl ;
also the following
brands :
horse's bran
i Eange betWi
Gordon on
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Sawyer hat
charge of tuwe
caltle. H rse
> Won leftshoul.
der. So
left side.
same left thigh.
Uauge on Snake
Metzger Bros.
Kolfe Xebr
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand on
eft thigh.
i - sifv mmm
Ranpe on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A Reward of $250 will be paid to any person
iQlormatiou leading to the arrest and"
J. A. Taryan.
, Pullman ,
Cattle branded JT
on rightslde
Horses branded JT
on right shoulder
Reasonable rewari
for any Informatlom
leading to the r-
coTery of cattle
from my
Subscription $ .1.50 per year. - . ,