Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 02, 1911, Image 6

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Many a case of Tddney disease has
proven fatal because the symptoms
were not recognized. If you suffer
with backache or bladder irregulari
ties , follow the ad
vice of Mrs. H. S.
Woods , 619 llth
St. , Aurora , Nebr.
Says Mrs. Woods :
"I was in a criti
cal condition. My
feet and ankles
were so swollen
with dropsy , I
could not wear
my shoes. Four
teen weeks prior to taking Doan's
Kidney Pills , I was confined to bed
practically helpless. They made me
feel like a new woman and soon I was
doing my work the same as ever. "
"When Your Back Is Lame , Remember
member the Name DOAN'S. " 50c a
box at all stores. Foster-Milburn Co. ,
Buffalo , N. Y.
First Hobo There's one thing to
my credit.
Second Hobo What's that ?
First Hobo Nobody can say that I
ever threw cold water on anything.
* * -
" "When my baby was six months old ,
his body was completely covered with
large sores that seemed to itch and
burn , and cause terrible suffering.
The eruption began in pimples which
would open and run , making large
sores. His hair came out and finger
nails fell off , and the sores were over
the entire body , causing little or no
sleep for baby or myself. Great scabs
would come , off when I removed his
"We tried a great many remedies ,
( but nothing would help him , till a
friend induced me to try the Cuticura
Soap and Ointment. I used , the Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment but a short
time before 1 could see that he was
improving , and in six weeks' time he
was entirely cured. He had suffered
about six weeks before we tried the
Cuticura Soap and Ointment , although
we had tried several other things , and
doctors , too. I think the Cuticura Rem
edies will do all that is claimed for
them , and a great deal more. "
( Signed ) Mrs. Noble Tubman , Dodson ,
Mont. , Jan. 28 , 1911. Although Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment are sold by
druggists and dealers everywhere , a
sample of each" , with 32-page book ,
will be mailed free on application to
" 'CuticuraDept. . 18 K. Boston.
Musician Wanted.
In a parish in Wales where very lit
tle English was spoken a general
meeting was held to consider the de
sirability of putting a chandelier into
the schoolroom. Every one seemed in
favor of the idea.
"Do you think we ought to have one ,
Mr. Davis ? " said the schoolmaster lo
a venerable parishoner.
"I agree to it , " was the reply ; "bu\
there is one thing I wish to know. If
we have a a "
"Chandelier , " said the schoolmas
ter , helping him out. *
"If we have a chandelier , " the old
man continued , "who is going to play
It ? "
A Change of Opinion.
"Talk is cheap , " chuckled the poli
tician with the telephone frank in his
After talking $20 worth , he pulled
out his frank and found it had ex
pired. "By heck ! " he muttered rue
fully , "that guy was right when he
said that 'Silence is golden. ' " Judge.
A Bad Sign.
She If I were you , dear , I would
not send for that plumber again who
came today. He's too inexperienced.
. He Didn't he do the work right ?
She Yes , he did the work all right ,
buT he brought all the tools he needed
with him.
Important to Mothers
. Examine car.efully every bottle of
CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children , and see that it
Bears the
Signature of
In Use For Over 30"Years.
Children Grv for Fletcher's Castoria
He that is taught to live upon little
f. owes more to his father's wisdom than
, ' " he that has a great deal left him does
- to his father's care. Penn.
Send 2cstamp for fire.samples of my very choic
est-Gold Embossed Christmasand , New Tear
Post Cards' ; beautiful colors and loveliest designs.
Art Post Card Club. 7 S1 Jackson St. , Topeka , Kansai
It sometimes happens that a man
who never even saw an airship flies
' IJhlgh and falls just as hard.
the opinions of a
them to himself. . . .
* aC ' .fWtT * '
( Copyright , A. C. McClurg A Co. . 1510. )
Jack Keith , a Virginian , now a bor
der plainsman , is riding along the Santa
Fe trail on the lookout for roaming war
parties of savages. He notices a camp
fire at a distance and then sees a team
attached to a wagon and at full gallop
pursued by men on ponies. When Keith
reaches the wagon the raiders have mass
acred two men and departed. He searches
the victims finding papers and a locket
with a woman's portrait. He resolves to
hunt down the murderers. Keith is ar
rested at Carson City , charged with the
murder , his accuser being a ruffian .named
Black Bart. He goes to jail fully realiz
ing the peril of swift border justice. A
companion in his cell Is a negro , who
tells him he is Neb and that he knew the'
Keith family back in Virginia. Neb says
one of the murdered men was John
Sibley , the other Gen. Willis Waite , for
merly an officer in the Confederate army.
The plainsman and Neb escape from the
cell , 'and later the two fugitives become
lost in the sand desert. They come upon
a cabin arjd find Its lone occupant to be a.
young girl , whom Keith recognizes as a
singer he saw at Carson City. The girl
explains tbat she came there in search of
a brother who -had deserted from the
army. A 'Mr. Hawley Induced her to
come to the cabin while he sought to lo
cate her brother. Hawley appears.
CHAPTER X. ( Continued. )
"A murder ! Did you imagine he
came thia way ? "
"Not very likely ; fact of it is , "the
sand storm yesterday destroyed all
traces , and , as a result , we've lost
him. So I headed a few of the boys
over in this direction , as I wanted to'
relieve you of anxiety. "
She was silent an instant , and the
man crossed to the fireplace , where
Keith could gain a glimpse of him.
Already suspicious from the familiar
sound of his voice , he was not sur
prised to recognize "Black Bart. " The
plainsman's fingers gripped the negro's
arm , his eyes burning. So this gambler
and blackleg was the gentlemanly Mr.
Hawley , was he ; well , what could be
his little game ? Why had he inveigled
the girl into this lonely spot ? And-
what did he now propose doing with
her ? As he crouched there , peering
through that convenient crack in the
door , Keith completely forgot his own
peril , intent only upon this new dis
covery. She came slowly around the
end of the. table , and stood leaning
against it , her facet clearly revealed
in the light of the lamp. For the first
time Keith really perceived its beauty ,
its fresh charm. Could such as she
be singer and dancer in a frontier con
cert hall ? And if so ; what strange
conditions ever drove her into that
sort of life ?
"Is is Fred with you ? " she ques
tioned , doubtfully.
"No ; he's with another party riding
farther west , " the man's eyes survey
ing her -with manifest approval. "You
are certainly looking fine to-night , my
girl. It's difficult to understand how
I ever managed to keep away from
you so long. "
She flushed to the hair , her lips
trembling at the open boldness of his
"I I prefer you would not speak
like that , " she protested.
"And why not ? " with a light laugh.
"Come , Christie , such fine airs are a
trifle out of place. If I didn't know
you were a concert hall artist , I might
be more deeply impressed' As it is ,
I reckon you've heard love words be
fore now. "
"Mr. Hawley , I have trusted you as
a gentleman. I never came here ex
cept on your promise- Coring me .to
my brother , " and she stood erect be
fore him. "You have no right to even
assume that I am Christie Maclaire. "
"Sure not ; I don't assume. I have
seen that lady too often to be mis
taken. Don't try on that sort of thing
with me I don't take 'to it kindly.
Perhaps a kiss might put you in bet
ter humor. "
He took a step forward , as though
proposing to carry out his threat , but
the girl stopped him * her eyes burn
ing with Indignation.
"How dare you ! " she exclaimed pas
sionately , all fear leaving her In sud
den resentment. "You think me alone
here and helpless ; that youcan * insult
me at your pleasure. Don't go too
far , Mr. , Hawley. I know what you
are now , and it makes no difference
what you may think of me , or call me ;
you'll find me perfectly able to defend
myself. "
"Oh , Indeed ! " sneeringly , "you are
melodramatic ; you should have been
an actress instead of a singer. But
you waste your talent out here on me.
Do you Imagine I fear either you , or
your precious brother ? Why , I could
have him hung to-morrow. "
She was staring at him with wide
open eyes , her face white.
"What what do you mean ? What
has Fred done ? "
He was cold and sarcastic.
. "That makes no difference ; it Is
what I. could induce men to swear
he had done. It's easy enough to
convict in this country , if you only
know how. I simply tell you this , so
you won't press me too hard. Puritanism -
, tanism is out of place west of the Mis
souri , especially among ladies of your
profession. Oh , come , now. Christie ,
don't- try to put such airs on with me.
I know who you are , all right , and
can guess why you are hunting after
Fred Willoughby. I pumperf the boy.
and got most of the truth out of him. "
"You you have seen him , then.
lince you teft me , " she faltered , be-
They .Were Fighting for Life Silently , Desperately. ,
Tvildered , "and didn't .bring him here
with you ? "
"Why should I ? " and the man stepped
forward , his eyes on her , his
hands twitching with a desire to clasp
her to him , yet restrained by some un-
definabie power. "While I believed
your brother story , I could have play
ed the good Samaritan most beautiful
ly , but after I talked with Willoughby
I prefer him at a distance. "
"My brother story ! Do you mean
to insinuate you doubt his being my
brother ? He told you that ? "
"He gave up the whole trick- You
can't trust a kid like that , Christie. A
couple of drinks will loosen his ton
gue , and put you in wrong. Come , now ,
I know it all ; be reasonable. "
Apparently the girl had lost her
power of speech , staring blindly at the
face of the man before her , as a bird
meets the slow approach of a snake ,
keith could see her lips move , but
making no sound. Hawley evidently
interpreted her silence as hesitation ,
doubt as to his real meaning.
"You see where you are at now ,
Christie , " he went on swiftly. "But
you don't need to be afraid. I'm going
to be a friend to you , and you can be
mighty glad you got rid of Willoughy
so easily. Why , I can buy you diamonds
mends where he couldn't give you a
calico dress. Come on , let's stop this
foolishness. I took a liking to you
back there in the stage , and the more
I've thought about you since the
crazier I've got. WhenT succeeded in
pumping Willoughby dry , and discov
ered you wasn't his sister at all , why
that settled the matter. I came down
here after you. I love you , do you un
derstand that ? And , what's more , 1
intend to have you ! "
He reached out , and actually grasp
ed her , but , in some manner , she tore
loose , and sprang back around the
end of the table , her cheeks flushed ,
her eyes burning.
"Don't touch me ! don't dare touch
me ! " she panted. "You He ; Fred Wil
loughby never told you that. If you
come one step nearer , I'll scream ; I'll
call your men here ; I'll tell them the
kind of a our you are. "
He laughed , leaning over toward
her , yet hesitating , his eyes full of ad
miration Her very fierceness appealed/
to him , urged him on.
"Oh , I wouldn't ! In the first place
they probably wouldn't- hear , for they
are camped down in the corral. I sus
pected you might be something of a
tigress , and preferred to fight it out
with you alone. Then , even if they
did hear , there would be no inter
ference I'v/j got those fellows trained
too well for that. Come on , Christie ;
you're helpless here. "
"Am I ? "
"Yes , you are.'r
He took a step toward her , his hands
flung out. With one quick movement
she sprang aside and extinguished the
lamp , plunging the room into instant
darkness. , A few red coals glowed
dully in the fireplace , but all else was
dense blackness. Keith heard the
movements of Hawley , as he felt his
way uncertainly along the table ,
swearing as he failed to find the girl.
Then , like a shadow , he glided through
the partly open door into the room.
The Fignt in the Dark.
Had the room been filled with men
Keith could have restrained himself
no longer. Whatever her past might
be , this woman appealed to him
strangely ; he could not believe evil
of her ; he would have died if need
be in her defense. But as it was , the
ugly boast of Hawley gave confidence
in the final outcome of this struggle In
the dark , even a possibility of escape
for them all. The gambler , assured of
being confronted merely by a frail
and not overscrupulous woman , had
ventured there alone ; had stationed
his men beyond sound ; had doubtless
instructed them to ignore any noise
of struggle which they might overhear
within. It was these very arrange
ments for evil which now afforded op
portunity , and Keith crept -forward ,
alert and ready , his teeth clenched ,
his hands bare for contest. Even al
though he surprised his antagonist , it
was going-to be a fight for life ; he
knew "Black Bart , " broad-shouldered ,
quick as a cat , accustomed to every
form of physical exercise , desperate
and tricky , using either knife or gun
recklessly. Yet it was now or never
for all of them , and the plainsman felt
no mercy , experienced no reluctance.
He reached the table , and straight
ened up , silent , expectant. For an in
stant there was no further sound ; no
evidence of movement in the room.
Hawley , puzzled by the silence , was
listening intently in an endeayor to
thus locate the girl through some
rustling , some .slight motion. A knife ,
knocked from the table , perhaps , as
she slipped softly past , fell clattering
to the floor , and the gambler leaped
instantly forward. Keith's grip closed
like iron on his groping arm , while he
shot one fist out toward where the
man's head should be. The blow
glanced , yet drove the fellow back
ward , stumbling against the table , and
Keith closed in , grappling for the
throat. The other , startled by the
unexpected attack , and scarcely real
izing even yet the nature of his an
tagonist , struggled blindly , to escape
the fingers clawing at him , and flung
one hand down to the knife in his
belt. Warned by the movement , the
assailant drove his head into the gam
bler's chest , sending him crashing to
the floor , falling himself heavily upon
the prostrate body. Hawley gave ut
terance to one cry , half throttled in
his throat , and then the two grappled
fiercely , so interlocked together as to
make weapons useless. Whoever the
assailant might be , the gambler was
fully aware by now that he was being
crushed in the grasp of a fighting man ,
and exerted every wrestler's trick ,
every ounce of strength , to break free.
Twice he struggled to his knees , only
to be crowded backward by relentless ,
power ; once he hurled Keith side
ways , but the plainsman's muscles
stiffened into steel , and he gradually
regained his position. Neither dared
release a grip in order to strike a
blow ; neither had sufficient breath
left with which to utter a sound. They
were fighting for life , silently , des
perately , like wild beasts , with no
thought but to injure the other. The
gambler's teeth sank into Keith's arm ,
and the' latter in return jammed the
man's head back onto the puncheon
floor viciously. Perspiration streamed
from their bodies , their fingers clutch
ing , their limbs wrapped together ,
their muscles strained to the utmost.
Keith had forgotten the girl , the ne
gro , everything , dominated by the one
passion to conquer. He was swept by
a storm of hatred , a desire to kill. In
their fierce struggle the two had roll
ed close to the fire place , and in the
dull glow of the dying embers , he
could perceive a faint outline of the
man's face. The sight added flame
to his mad passion , yet he could do
nothing except to cling to him , jab
bing his fingers into the straining
The negro ended the affair in his
own way , clawing blindly at the com
batants in the darkness , and finally ,
determining which was the enemy , he
struck the gambler with the stock of
his gun , laying him out uncopsclous.
Keith , grasping the table , hauled him
self to his feet , gasping for breath ,
certain only that Hawley was no
longer struggling. For an instant all
was blank , a mist of black vapor ; then
a realization of their situation came
back in sudden flood of remembrance.
Even yet he could see nothing , but
felt the motionless figure at his feet.
"Quick , " he urged , the instant he
could make himself speak. "The fel
low is only stunned ; we must tie and
gag him. Is that you , Neb ? Where is
the girl ? "
" 1 tim here , Captain Keith , " and he
heard the soft rustle of her dress
across the room. "What is it I may
do ? "
'A coil of rope , or some straps , with
a piece of cloth ; anything you can
lay hands on. "
She was some moments at it , con
fused by the darkness , and Hawley
moved slightly , his labored breathing
growing plainly perceptible. Keith
heard her groping toward him , and
held out his hands. She started as he
thus unexpectedly touched her , yet
made no effort to break away.
"You you frightened me a little , "
she confessed. "This has all happen
ed so quickly I hardly realize yet just
what has occurred. "
When Aunt Cally Gave Up
Worm Turned at Last on Ironing
"Mis' Portly's" Voluminous
- * i
Aunt Cally belongs distinctly to the
type of "born not made" laundresses.
She loves her ironing board exactly
so wide and just so long. She wants
plenty of blanket and sheet on It so
the embroidery stands out clear and
she carries her own piece of beeswax
around In her apron pocket. Maybe
the magic is In that piece of wax , for
she has carried it always , it seems.
The irons work well for her because
she selects them at just the right
heat and then she administers a little
pat which she calls "tasein' 'em , "
applies a little Tax and off they go ,
making the linens look as if they were
But Aunt Cally , like other artists ,
has not escaped trials. She likes to
see her work grow and -has pride in
counting the number of pieces she can
do in a day.
The trouble Is , she has washed a
long time for a woman of tremendous
proportions and she has become dis
"I done stop washin' fun Mis'
Portly ! " she announced the other day.
"Why , how can she get along with
out you ? About ten years you have
done her washing'isn't It ? "
"Yas'm. I don't know'm what she
goin * do. But , I jes cain stan' it no
longer. Tell de truth , I Jes' lief un-
take a trip 'round de world es to iron
one o * her skirts. "
He who knows that secrets and vir
tues are in the ground , the waters , the
heavens , and how to come at these
enchantments is the rich and royal
man. Emerson.
Synonyms. .
The French Canadian always '
trouble with the aspirate "th. " At a
debating club in the Province of Que
bec members were required to draw
a slip from a hat and debate upon
the subject they received. A young
countryman arose.
"I have drew the word 'bat. ' I must
told yon dere is two , tree different
kind of bat. Dere is de bat wet you
play de baseball wit , de bat wet fly in
de air at night and also de bat where
you take de swim. " Success Maga
Clerk Where shall I file the love
letters in this suit ?
Lawyer Under the head of promis
sory notes.
Thousands of country people know the
value of Hamlins Wizard Oil. , the best
family medicine in case of accident or
sudden illness. For the safety of your
family buy a bottle notr.
A Cross-Reference.
Mistress Have you a reference ?
Bridget Foine ; Ol held the poker
over her till I got it. Harper's Bazar.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets first put
up 40 years ago. They regulate and invig
orate stomach , liver and bowels. Sugarcoated -
coated tiny granules.
He that doth a base thing in zeal
for his friends burns the golden thread
that ties their hearts together. Jere
my Taylor.
Chest Pains . * <
and Sprains
Sloan's Liniment is an exr
cellent remedy for chest and
throat affections. It quickly 1
relieves congestion and in
flammation. A few drops
in water used as a gargle is
antiseptic and healing.
Here's Proof
" I have used Sloan's Liniment for
years and can testify to its wonderful \
efficiency. I have used it for sore throat ,
croup , lame back and rheumatism and
in every case it gave instant relief. "
Lucy , Kentucky.
is excellent for sprains and
bruises. It stops the pain
at once and reduces swell
ing very quickly.
Sold by all dealers.
Price , 25Cmy 5Qc. , $1OO \
on the
sent free.
Earl S. Sloan
Boston ,
Splendid Crops
in Saskatchewan ( Western Canada )
80O Bushels from 2O acres
of wheat was the thresher's
i60 ACRE return from a Lloyd-
minster farm in the
season of 1910. Many-
fields in that as well as
other districts yield
ed from 25 to 35 bu
shels of wheat 'to the
acre. Other grains in
| proportion.
are thus derived
from the FREE
of Western Canada.
This excellent showing causes
prices to advance. Land values
should doublein two Tears' time.
Grain ero\vlnimlxed farm
ing : , cattle raising and dairy
ing are all profitable , free
Homesteads of 16O acres are
to be bad In the very best
districts : 16O acre preemptions
tions at S3.OO per acre-with
in certain areas. Schools and
churches In every settle
ment , climate unexcelled ,
soil the richest ; "woodwater
and building material
plentiful. 39
For particulars as to location ,
low settlers' railway rates and
descriptive illustrated pamphlet.
"UstBest West , " and other In
formation , write to Sup'tof Immi-
eration , Ottawa , Canada , or to
Canadian Gorernment Agent.
E.T. Botae. 315 Jxksw St. SL Pa ! , WM.
J. II. Mxlidtlu , Drner lS7.Hfitoto a , S. 0.
I Please-wrlt
to theagentnearestyon j
The Army c
Is Growing Smaller Every Day.
responsible they
not only give relief CARTER'S
they perma
nentlycureC ITTLE
stipatioa. Mil IVER
lions use PILLS.
Ihem for
BilioHSsess ,
i , Sick Heaiacle , Sallow Stb.
Genuine must bear Signature
_ .E.E ? " 'CINE ' _ VJP