BULLS FOR SALE f . Registered Hereford Bulls for sale at all times of the year. SUNNY SLOPE STOCK RANCH Simeon - Nebraska JOHN E. PORATE MJBtiH XEB Tubular -Wells and Windmills Call me up by phone Loup Valley- Hereford Ranch , C. H. FAULHABER A SONS , BROWNLEE , NEB Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289 822 ; also , Melvin , No. 82707.2 , reg Bulls for Sale at All Times , W. H. Stratton Dealer in- FLOUE & FEED General Merchandise THONB 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. F. M. Walcott Oliver M. Walcott Walcott . & Walcott Attorneys Practice before-U. S. Lund Office and nil Federal mid State courts. Valentine Nebraska c. A. Attorney-at-Law ; Office front roora , second story , over T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. : Valentine Nebraska E > r. M. F. Meer , DENTIST - ; : Rooms over Red Front store Valentine - Nebr , "IDr. Dr. D. W. Sumner DENTIST Hornby Building Phone No. 173. The Chicago House JIM FELCH , Propr. Gall on me for rooms and lodging. Valentine Nebraska A WINDBREAK on the SOUTH would be valuable now. U. S. Government tests show a windbreak of trees will , protect crops and conserve moisfc ure a rod" for each foot in height of the windbreak , a windbreak of trees 40 feet high will protect crops and conserve moisture 40 rods. Cultivate trees each week or of tener. We have all varieties of forest , shade and fruit trees , shrubbery and ornamentals , adapted- North Western Nebraska. IT/W. CRAMER , Local Agent , Valentine , Nebr. Boyd Nurseries and Fruit Farm. On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station ' Ainsworth , - Nebraska * THE YOUTH'S COMPANION CALENDAR - DAR FOR 1912. , The publishers of The Youth's Companion will , as always at this , season , present to every subscriber whose1 .subscription ( $1.75) ) is paid for 1912 , a beautiful calendar for the neyear. . The cover picture reproduces a water-color painting of a bit of New England coast , giving a glimpse of breeze-swept ocean , o f smiling sky , of warm , sunny rocks , which will come like a breath of salt air to those who have once lived near .the sea and to those whose whole life has been - passed inland. The picture being insight colors , the tones of the arQ faithfully reproduced. 4 * DER Pure Economizes Buffer , Flour , Eggs ; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome Use OBly Baking Powder made Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Cronln-Kime Mr. Frank E. Croftin and Miss Dora Ruth Kirae were united in marriage at Hot Springs in St. Anthony's church , on Wednesday , October 25. Rev. F. X. Haeusler performed the ceromony. Miss Ma.y Carroll acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Thomas P. Jordan at tended the groom. Besides the many near friends of the bride there were several close friends of the groom present. Mr. Cronin bas been a lifelong resident of Cherry county and is a well known and prominent rancher at Wood Lake. He counts , a host of friends. Miss Kime is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ghas. Kime , residents of Hot Springs , Of late years Miss Kime has been a very suc cessful teacher. The happy couple left the same evening for Lead and other , points of interest in the Hills. They will be at home on- their ranch near. Wood Luke , Nebr. , after November 1st. : ; U. S. Weather Bureau Report . WEEK ENDING NOV. 2 , 1911. Dally mean temperature 25 ° . " Normal temperature 41 ° . Highest temperature 50 ° . Lowest temperature 1 Is. Range of temperature 39 = . Precipitation for week 0.2G of an inch. Average for 23 years 0.20 of an inch. Precipitation March 1st to date 1MO inches. Average for 23'ears lt.D3 : of an inches. Jens J. MCLEAN. 'Observer. if ? is Style , fabric and coloring all combine to make this winter a season of good dressing. You should see the season's best ai Johnson's P1ilinery. ? ! REX DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Kelieves gas in stomach , distres. after eating , stomach nervousness dizziness , headache , heartburn , heart palpitation and other ail ments caused by faulty digestion. Price 25c. Prepared by United Drug Company , Boston , , Mass Sold in Valentine only by G. A. The ifcxftli Storm Simeon. J. C. Reoce and J. W. Daniels each went for freight , and pro visions last week. Mrs. C. S Reece andMi s Har ris returned from Purdum Satur day evening in timp for the social. Mr. and Mrs. Alvn , Grppn of are visiting1 Mrs. 's pistp.r and family , Mr. and Mrs. Young. . Rev , Beehe held sprvicps nt , Sirapon at 10 a. m. and'at thp Rppce sr.hool house at 3 n. m. Sun day. He is giving good satisfac tion. Robnrt Ellis is improving tViex appearance of his place bv the prpction of a new wind mill. , T. E. Thackrey is assisting with the work. Mrs..H. A. Lire's fat.hp.r from Oklahoma is here visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Lorp. met him in Valen tine and bro.usrht home a load of supplies for the winter.- * Milton Latta has sold his place on Hackberry lake and will move to , Valpntine to spend , the wintor. \Vp. rpsrrp.t to lo = e thesp. npighbors. Mr. Latta has donn more to pro mote thp. welfare of this rountry than can be estimated. He taught us what a good well is and how to make it. Miss Andrews' Ghost social was held at her school house Saturday evening. To say that it was a success would be a mild expres sion. A splendid program was tiiven followed by an oyster sup per. Col. Bennett again demon strated his ability as an auctioneer Ghosts , sold as high as 6i cents per pound. The total proceed amounted to § 102. 6S. A new or gan , desks , seats , lamps , etc. , will be purchased for the school. Mi.-s Andrews and her patrons are very grateful to the Gordon Valley and Simeon schools for their cooper ? - bion. There may bo communities where a more helpful , neighborly relation than ours exists but ye scribe has never had the pleasure of knowing them. Junod. Master Mel Piper is enjoying his first term of school. We are glad to know that Mrs. Tetherow is improving. A. Compt , his mother and sis ter , were the guests of Mrs. L. E. Piper Sunday. - The Evergreen school is doing fine under the instruction of Miss Margurete Lewis. William Jennings Tryon is stay ing with his sister in Rap'id City and attending school. * The Evergreen Valley extends sympathy to Mrs. Carter and family in their bereavement. Messrs. Hayter and Graham are taking advantage of the good weather and are putting in time baling hay. Messrs. Query and Martin are uniting their forces In making the potatoes fly. Every one is in haste to get themdugfit. ; reminds one of * * locking the barn after the horet is Old Crow , ' All Leading Hermitage 3 rands and Bottled Gruchen- . Under the heimer ; Supervision ? ; i j * Rye of the - t * i. ' : Whiskeys. U.S. Gov/ p PSO handle the Budweiser Beer. HENRY STETTER , Propr. % Merrirnan. John Sasenbery took the train for Gordon Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Davis spent last Sunday in Valentine. An Ion Eisnrich visited in tnis city Monday and Tuesday. Bplle McWillianw went to Sioux City Saturday evening to lake a short course in dressmaking. Alma Cregee entertained about fourtppn of her friends at her home Monday evening. * The Misses Jennie Bennett and Mary Steinhart spent Saturday and Sunday at the Bowing ranch. George Jessen , II. G. Q.nib'e ar.d Larson Bros. , were among those who shipped their stock Tuesday. About five teams are now kept bu y leveling and repairing our streets , this will greatly improve the appearance of oar village. SamJDlaybauch and family re turned to Sioux City Monday evening. A. S. Fleming and family came down from Gordon last week and went ; out , to the Claybbauch ranch over which Mr. Fleming is now superior. Minnie Jessen , Glady and Joy Fuirhead left for Lincoln Saturday evening where they will attend school this winter. . We wish these industrious young people success in their efforts to attain the knowledge they are in search of. writes Mrs. L. R. Barker , of Bud , Ky. , "and can do all my housework. For years I suffered with such pains , I could scarcely stand on my feet. After three different doctors had failed to 'help me , I gave Cardui a trial. Now , I feel like a new woman. " E58 Th © Woman's Tonic A woman's health de pends so much upon her delicate organs , that -the least trouble there affects her whole system. It is the little things that count , in a woman's life and health. If you suffer from any of the aches and pains , due to 'womanly weakness , take Cardui at once , and avoid more seri ous troubles. We urge you to try it Begin" today. Valentine Lodge No. . 70 ; A. ,0. U. W. : ' Meets. 1st and 3rd Monday in ejacli month -Fraternal Hall. All Brethern are cordially invited to be presentj ALBERT P. WEBJB , M.W. . TAMB8G ; QOIGLSY , Recorder' . YVVyWWW YVY V fVVW $ f e t t A "wr > > As we have recently purchased Geo. H. Hornby's coal sheds and now have almost unlimited stor age room , we are in a position to supply you with your wants in the coal line. Phone or leave your orders and same will have our prompt attention. Fischer's H ardware. iA , Y * * axS &vSES 25333tSLj 3iS S2S25ia TT K ! - * < t--j 9 With new prices , which are the lowest for good business. My stock consists of Dry Goods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent bargains. You are invited to call and make this your home store. Highest pric es paid for produce. Come and get ac quainted. 2nd Building South the Bank. Crookston , ISTeb. * $ i ay g Sf t GAUS6S MU3H DISEASE Advice About Stomach Troubles and How to Relieve Them Do not neglect indigestion which may lead to all sorts of ills and complications. An eminent . physician - sician once said that ninty-h've per cent of all the ills of the human body have their origin in a dis ordered stomach. Our experience with Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets leads us to be lieve them to be among the most dppendablp. remedies known for the relief of indigestion and chron ic dyspepsia. Their ingredients ire soothing and healing to th < * inflamed membranes of the stem ach. They -are rich in pepsin , one of the greatest digestive aids known to medicine. The relief they afford is very prompt Their use with persistency and regular ity for a short time tends to bring about a cessation of the pains caused by stomach disorders. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets .help to insure healthy appetite , to aid digestion and thus promote nutri tion. As evidence of our sincere faith in Ifoxall Dyspepsia Tablets , we ask you to try them at our risk. If they do not give you en tire satisfaction , we will return you the money you paid us for them , without question or formal ity. They come in three sizes , orices 25 cents , 50 cents , and § 1,00. Remember , you can ob tain them only at our store The -Rexall Storo. Gr. A. Chapman * Valentine A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Vrooman Sunday morning. vUG. H. Hornby came up fnm University Place Monday morn ing. Mr. and Mr ? . Z 'T. Dav's ; of ; Merriman were Valentine visitors Sunday. . Sheriff Rosseter , J udge Quigley , Fred Cumbow , J.V. . Kceley and Harrison Davenport , brought home the "limit" of ducks from th lakes near C.dy last Sunday. Earl Hill and Miss Cora Collins ofBirge were married 'Moaday evening by Justice of the Peace Spain at his home. They will mike their home with Mr. Hill's paems this winter. ( F. M.Va'cott returned from Lincoln Sunday evening. Mr. ' "Walcott attended the Nebraska- Missouri foot-ball game Saturday when Nebraska "showed" the Missouri Uni to the tune of 3-t-O. At a special meeting of the town board Monday evening , Geo. A. Corbin was officially appointed , night marshal. Since Mr. Carbin has been on duty he has collected license money from several people who regularly come to Valentine to compete with local business men , and who have heretofore been very negligent about taking ! out a license. In this way Mr' Corbin has.collected nearly enpugti . to pay his wages. . / '