Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 02, 1911, Image 4
VALENTINE DEMOCRAT GEORGE M. GASKILL , Editor and Manager. A Weekly Newspaper published every Thurs day at Valentine , Nebras. Subscription - § 1.50 Per Year Local Notices , ocper line per issue Entered at thu Tostolflce at Valentine , Neb. , lor transmission through the mails , as second class matter. Thursday , November 2. 1911. Dan Barnes writes Again on County . Division. Lake , proposed Lake County , .Nebraska , Oct. 31 , 1911. The county divisionists tell us that the reason the county i.s paying the limit in taxes , is that the coun ty is so large. Well , let us see if that is the only reason. From the time the county was organized up until 1895 the assessed valuation being taxed to its limit would pay only 75 cents on the dollar on the warrants , and in 1895 we built a court house that cost several thou sand dollars which put us farther down into the gutter ; then for a few years we could only pay 05 cents on the dollar on our war rants. We then began to gain a little ; why did we gain ? Because we were getting more assessable property , in the county. In 1902 we were ready to pay our obliga tions as they came due one hun dred cents on the dollar. Another thing which kept Cherry county behind in the early days was the lack of funds to pay adequate sal aries to our officers so we could obtain competent officials ; the re sult was , we had defaulters , and that will be our doom if Cherry county is divided as proposed. Ir is an evident fact if we are unable to pay adequate salaries we cannot expect to secure competent offi cials. cials.The The divisionists toll us we are not getting any funds to put into public improvements. Now don't strike a bHnd horsq in the face be cause he is unable .to see ; come out and tell us why we don't get any funds for public improvement. Is it because the business men of Valentine object to it ; if so we will all know who they are ; or is it our commissioners ; or simply % because you have not interest enough - nough in the welfare of your towns and communities ? When I come to those sand pitches south of Cody just outside the incorpora tion , it looks to me like the latter. They tell us if we had the county divided in smaller counties , with the county seat at the extreme north side of the county , that the people would be more law abiding. That may be all right in Cherry county but I have noticed there are crimes committed in small counties , towns and cities where the officials are close at hand las well as in Cherry county. They also say if we could save the extra milage in one or two trials that it * would run the counties. Don't that sound good ? It's too much like buying one dollar horses too cheap to be good. It was estima ted that it would cost § 50,000 to run Cherry county for the year of 1911. The proposed Lake county has about one sixth of the assessed val uation of Cherry county which in round numbers Lake county would be entitled to about § 8,000. Now how are we going to spend sucli a large sum of money ? In the first place we will have to pay interest on a court house bonds of about $500 a year. There are twelve offi cers to be paid out of tii3 re/ruin / ing § 7,500 and if equally prorated ted it would be about § 625 each , that leaves nothing for other ex penses. If this great murder case ! and the Goforth case which have all occured in the proposed Lake county , that has cost Cherry coun- $20,000 and would have cost more if they bad had a trial as the pub lic wanted them to have , what could we have done with these murderers ? There is just one thing we could have done , that would have been , tell them we didn't have county funds enough to prosecute them , so , "Go back fellows , and when you get another ftfr -maa tuko him outto , & & jfe' .jv } JSP ; * > - / * . ! ! * -"lii" * 'v * < * [ f .4r I telephone pole and hang him. " Here it is in a nut shell ; if Cody and Merriman can get twenty-four townships annexed to Hooker , and Grant counties before a railroad comes through the center'of Cher ry county they will be all right. They know if they don't get twen ty-four townships off. on Hooker and Grant before a railroad 'does come through , and the county is divided"the county seatwill , goon the new road because it would be nearer the center of the county. They are also aware if they had went across Cherry county , with their proposed Lake and Green counties there would be enough votes cast in the southern part to put the county seat in the center whore it should be placed. Now voters let us all turn out to election November the 7th. This is the most important election that has ever bren called in Cherry county on account of this county division issue. If we all turn out and vote our sentiments we will not have any fault'to find in the future. I am now , as I was in last week's issue , for Big Cherry as it is. DAN BARNES. ILi UL LB It OF HOLDREGE , NEB. DEMOCRATIC AND PEOI-LE S INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR STATE RAILWAY GOKMISSIONEO Favors A strenuous dcfeiisc of the two cent passenger raic law. A complete physical ruination cf Railway and Public Service Corporation P operty. No discrimination. Special privileges to none. JAMES R. DEAN Democrat and People's Independent Candidate for Judge Supreme Court. County Superintendents Notes. The state uniform examination questions , for all grades under the high school , for the first quarter , are now in the office Any teacher desiring same will please write here for them. All teachers who can possibly do so should plan to attend the state teachers association at Oma ha , November 8-9-10. You can not ; afford to miss the inspiration of these meetings. All school boards are requested to give their teachers .the time off should they desire to attend. The next regular examination for teachers will be held at this office November 17th and 18th. Regular examinations are now hold only four times a year. Should any teacher desire to write on the examinations at. any other time they should let me know in plenty of timetd write to Lincoln for the guestions , : - . . Notice to NonResident Defendants. i i' . Mayliew and Clam lilnyliew , his wne , and .Stoddurd Lutn er Company , a cor poration , non-resident defendants , will ta'-'e no tice that on the 1'Jth day of < ctobrr , 1911. L I ) . Powell plaintiff henm , lild his petition in the district court of Cherry County. Nebraska , a uainst the said defendants the object- and pi av er of which are to foreclose a certain rral estate inortpage executed MirchUse , 1910. by the de fendants Nor/nan P. Majhevv and Clara A. Mayhew upon the South , ; ist quarter of Section 7 , Township 33 , liaiigu 34 in Oherry Couuty , Nebraska. tosemv Ihe payment of one promis sory hole and five interest coupon notes thereto attach' d. said principal note being for the sum of $1300 00. ssld coupon notes bearing even date \vt h said principa' note and each Lemc for the sum of § 8100 : there is now due upon said in debtedness the .sum of S13M > .00 and interest thereon from March lilst , 1'Jlo at the rate of six per cent per annum. The plaintiff prays that an account be had and taken of the amount due on salu indebtedness ; that said defendants , and each of them , be ae- creed to 'pay ' the same , and in d fnitlt thereof , the slid premises may be sold to satisfy the amount so found to be due , and the doiendants ne foreclosed out of ail equity of redemption or other interest in and to said mortgageil premises or any part the eof. uiid out of the proceeds of said sale the plaintiff be paid the amount s > found to be tine , and for such other and Inr.her rtlief as justice and equity may require. You are required to aiiMver said petition on or before November 27th , 1911. Doted October 19th. 1911 41-4 ' J. . D. LOWELL. Plaintiff. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. xorfnan A. Mnyhew and Clara Mayliew , his wlie , O. < J. Howard , llrst and true name unknown , nnd Htoddnrd JAimber Company a corporation , non-resident deiendnnts. will lake notict- that on the r.ith day of October iill , Ij. J ) . Powell , plnintilV herein , filed his petition in the district court of Cherry Coun ty , Nebraska , against the said delendnnls tne object nnd prajer ot which tire to fore close a certain rcai estate mortgage execut ed March yist , J9K ) , by the delendants Nor- maii I' . Mayhewand Clara A. Alayhew upon the Northwest quarter of Section 8 , Town ship # 5 , unnge ; $ } , in Cherry County , Nebras ka , to secure the payment ol one promissory note and live interest coupon notes thereto attached , principal note being lor the sum of $1&XU ) ( > , said coupon notes bearing even date with said principal note and cacn being lor the'sum ot $81.00 ; there is now duo upon said indebtedness the sum of $ iyt/0.00 and in terest thereon Irom March I5lst , 1'JIO at tiie rate of six per cent per annum. The plaintiff prays that an account be had and tnuon of the amount due on said in debtedness ; that said deiendants , nnd each of them , be decreed to pay the same , and in default thereof , the said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount so found to be due , and the defendantsjie foreclosed out ot nil equity or redemptioif , or other interest in and to said mortgaged premises , or any part thereol , and out of the proceeds of said sale the plaintiff be paid the amount so found to be due , nnd for such other and fur ther rellet as justice and equity may require. You are required to answer said petition on or before November 27th , 1911. Dated October loth , 1U11 41-1 L. D. POWELL. Plaintiff Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the county court of Cherry count } * , Ne braska. State of Nebraska , I _ Cherry Cpuntv ( To the" heirs and all persons interested in the estate of ' 1 homas J. Henderson , deceased On reading the petition ol" Louise Hender sonexecutrix , praying a linal settlement and ' allowance of her a'cconnt liled in this Court on the 19th da } ' of October , 1911 , and for a de cree of linal account. It is hereby ordered that you and all per sons interested in said matter may , and do , appear at the county court to be held in and for said county , on the 4th day of Nov. . A. D , 1911 , at 10 o'clock a. m. . to snow cause , if any there be , why the prayer of the pe titioner should not be granted" , and that not ice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The' Valentine Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said county for three successive weeks prior to said liav of hearing. JAMES C. QUIGLEY. fSEAi.J 41-3 County Judge , waicott & Wa'.colt , Attorneys tor petitioner. In The District Couri of Cherry County Nebraska. In the matter of. the application of W. IIHad- i.'V. guardian ot Frank W. Hartley , minor ueir of Irene E. Haoley , formerly Irene E. Miller , deceased , lor t > ie sile ol re < tl esuite. r\DW on this 2t3th day of Ot-be.r : , 1911 this cause cam'for hearing upon the petition under oath f W H. Had ey. guardian of the estate of Frank "W , Huliey , minor heir , for iceine to sell the lollowimi described rea ostatH belonging to said minor , to-wit : Sj N $ ij , Section 10 , .s SKJ. Section 9. WJ NWi , Section 15 , Township 33 , Norm , ttauge 26 West. Cherry oiuiT.y Nebraska , lor the support , maintenance and education of sain minor heir nd tor tiie pu i-o-.e of inve.-ttng the residue othe proceeds of said s-le in security for tiie jeu. lit of sa d minor heir. It is therore : ordered that all prsons inter-1 estfd in said eRUUe appear neloie me a Cha.iibers in th * Cty of Uuslivnle , Sheridac Cour'tv. Nti raeka on the 25th day of Novem- ot-r. 1911 at the hour of ten o'clock a. m "to show cati o , if any there be , why license should not be granted to the said W H 'oy ' to sell the interest * of said minor heir in i he above described ical est-ite for the sup- poit innint * nance and e-'Hicatiou of said minor and that : ui > residue rem-tining in the hands i > i thsaia guaidian may be invested in . ; .roper .security for thy usj and beueQt ot sai-i minor. It is nirthor onlered that acopv of this order oe served upon ail persons interested in sal i estate by causing the same r. be pn tiished once each week for lour successive weekIn the Democrat a new p pr prititod aad publlahsd in said County ol Cn-rrv. W. H WESTOVEU. Judge District Court. Walcot : & Walcoit , Attorneys. Notice to Creditors. THE STATK OF NKUKASKA i In the Countj CIIEKKY COUNT r. j" ° s Court. In the matter of the estate of Frank Ca hell , deceased : To the Oetliiors of said Estate : You are hereby notified. That 1 will sit at the Coi nty Court Room in Valentine in said county oh the 25lh day o ! November , 1911 , to receive and examine ail claims against said estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance. Tue time limited for the presenta il on of claims against said estate is six mouths : rom the 35th nay uf May A. D. 1911 , and Uu- ime limited foi payment of dtbts is one year : rom saiu aollj day ol May. 19U , Witness my hand and seal of said county court ' this 1st day oiN-'V < j < niitT A , . I ) . 1911. SEAL Ja-MES C. QUIGLEY. . -13 4 Couuty Judge. P. H O'llomke. , Attorney. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. Norman P. Mayh--w and Clara A. Mayhew , lis wife , and Sndard Lumber Company , a cor poral i > n. non-resident defendants , wil take n tie that n the lUth day of October. 1911 , L. D Powers , plaintiff herein , filed his petition in the ustrii't court of Cherry County. Nebraska , a- g-tinsi , the said utfendantt tne object and pray er of which are toioreclose a certain real estate mortgage exei uted March 31at , 1910. by the oe- teniiams Norman P. .Mayhew and Olara A. Mayhewupon the southwest quarter of Section B .iiiii the South hall of the Suuthetst quarter < > f Section Sand tiie North halt of the Northeast quarter ot Sections , all in Township 3J. liange JlinChtrry County. Nebraska , to secure the myment of one piomissory notn and tivo lu- > rest coupon notes thereto attached , said prin cipal note btiimlyr the sum of S-72000 , said cou on not * s bearing even date with aaid prin cipal note and each being for/the sum of S1G3 20 ; here is now due upon said indebtedness the sum -2720.00 and interest , thereon from March Jlst , 1910 at the rate of six per eentrper annum. The plaiiitiif pra\H that an account ne had and taken of the amount due on said indebtedness ; tint said defendants , and each of them , be de creed to pay the same , and in default thereof , lie said premises may bo sold to satisfy the a- mouiitsofoUMU 10 be due. and the defendants ne foreclosed tint of all equity of redemption , or other interest in and to said m jrtgaged premis es , or any part thtreof , and out ot jUfl proceeds of tald sale the plimin be paid the amount EO found to be due and for such other and further relief -s justice and equity may require. Yon are required to aticAver said iiellUou < ra or L'bforo November 27thIfJll. . Dated October 19th. 1911. ' V- i S Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. In the County Court , of Cherry County Neb raska. . STATKOF NEKRASKa I COUNTY OK GiiKitiiv To the heirs untitoul1 persons' Interested in the esraie ol Thomas Jioelie , oeccnsfd : On reading the petition of Henry Roche pravinix tlut tht * administration of said estate he Crowed to John H. liudielor as adminis trator. < It is hereby ordered that you and all persons i interested in said matter may , and do. appear 'at the Comity Couri , to H * hHd m and for said county on the 9th davof November , A.I ) . . 1911.-it j i 10 o'clock a m. to > lio\v eaiihe , if stny ther - be , j why the prayer of the petitioner should not.bu granted ana that notice of the pendency of said petition and that. th hearing thereof br'iven to I all persons interested in said matter by publish ing a copy of tills ordT in the Valentine Demo crat a weekly newspaper printed in.aid county , for 3 successive weeks prior to said day 'of hearing. - Witness my hand anl the seal of said SEAL com I f his 23.h day of Oct. . D. 1911. . JAMKS ( J. QUIGI.KY , 42 3 , Comity .Jiuine. In the County Coarl of Cherry County , Ne braska. State of Nebraska , i Oounty of Cherry , i " To ttie heirs and all persons interested in the estate of John II. Miller , deceji'-etl : On rinding the petition of M. 0. Car.oil praying Unit administration du bums non of said estate he granted to M. O. Carroll as administrator de bonls non : It Is hereby ordered that you , nnd all per sons Interested in said matter may , and do , appear nt the county court , to bu held In. and for said county , on tlio 18th day of Nov. , I'.tll , at 10 o'clock a. m. , to show cause , if any there be , why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted , and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof ho given to nil persons in terested in said inauer by publishing a copy of tills order in Tim Valentine .Democrat , a weekly .newspaper printed In said county , for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of said court this 1st day of November , 1'Jll. [ SEAT , . ] JAMES O. QUIGI/EY , Jb'-tt County Judge. FREE IF IT FAILS Your Money Back if You are not Satisfied with the Medicine We Recommend We are so positive that our rem edy will permanently relieve con stipation , no matter how chronic it may be , that we offer to furnish the medicine at our expense should it fail to produce satisfactory re sults. It is worse than useless to at tempt to cure constipation with cathartic drugs. Laxatives or cathartics do much harm. They cause a reaction , irritate , and weaken the bowels and tend to make constipation more chronic. Besides , their use becomes a habit that is dangerous. Constipation is caused by a weakness of the nerves and mus cles of the large intestine or de scending colon. To expect per manent relief you must therefore tone up and strengthen these or gans and restore them to healthier activity. We want you to try'Rexall Or derlies on our recommendation. They are exceedingly pleasant to take , being eaten like candy , and are ideal for children , delicate persons , arid old folks , as well as for the robust. They act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They apparently have a neutral action on other associate organs or glands. They do not purge , cause excessive looseness , nor create any inconvenience whatever. They may be taken at any time , day or night. They will positively relieve chronic or habitual constipation , if not a sur gical variety , and the myriads of associate or dependent chronic ail ments , if taken with regularity for a reasonale length of time. 12 tablets , 10 cents ; 3G tablets , 25 cents ; SO tablets , 50 cents. Sold in Valentine only at our store The Rexall Store. G. A. Chap man. Now style wire type Edison's G. E. lamps can be used in an.y position. 25 watt lamp 60c. 40 watt , 70c. Special prices for a short time only at H1.Veinzim - mer's. Plumbing and Electrical shop. 40 e a r I t that just because you are in business , everybody is aware s of the fadt. Your goods may v be the finest in the market but they will remain on your e : shelves unless the people are d I told about them. n s a a if you want to move your g , merchandise. Reach the S ' buyers in their homes through the columns of THIS PAPER on < ? on every dollar expended \ ? you'll reap a handsome | ] dividend. a h r That every added saB- scr&er islps to mske this papsr better for everybody We desire to announce that we are not clos ing out , but are still selling the very best goods at reasonable prices. 1 Our line of John Deere Implements , Yelie Buggies , Moline and Davenport Boiler Bearing Wagons and Samson Windmills is complete and priced right. We also have a large stock of lumber , lime , Wall Plaster , Cement , Brick , Sash , Doors , etc. Is it not good policy to patronize a firm who , expects to continue in business and intends to handle the same line of goods for years to come. We never advertise so-called bargains because we have always had our goods priced right. A. E. Morris. W. W. Morrissey. Dr. C. W. .Noyes 4n Go to the tock Exchange Saloon VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER \ [ Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. AN SAY ; 'I've got some dandy razors-straps9 One of the locafbarbers in looking over the stock picked out several that were better than he had heretofore seen. Throw the okTone away and come and get one that will put a barber-edge on the home razor and make shaving easy. Corne in and take a look at the ones the barber recommended. We carry several grades of razor = straps and each one is a dandy for the money. Chartered ns n. Stnte . Bank Chartered ns a National Bank , June 1,18S1. August ! : > , The L BANK ( Successor to Bank of Valentine. ) Yalenfcine , - Nebraska. CAPITAL - $25.000 A Greneral SURPLUS - 25.000 Banking , Exchange Undivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : : : 3. H. CORNELL , President. M. V. NICHOLSONOashlar Oashlar . . . , . I. T. May Vice President. If. L.Kriix , Ass't Cashier. Twenty-eight of the Valentine 3oy Scouts , Troop No. 1 , report- id for services Hallowe'en night ind were placed on duty in two mtrols of 14 : each , putting from liree to four on each residence treet till nfne o'clock. They pre- rented lots of mischief and in sev- ral instances replaced covers to itches on dark corners , that night have been the cause of omebody getting hurt. The boys II done their duty in good shape nd it is easy to see that there ras less damage done this year han any previous year. The boys rere given a feed at the restau- ant at nine o'clock by of be business men _ and the Scouts 11 went hone feeling that they had ad the best time ever. i Sscbseriba for THIS 5 i' ' t ? ( about tbe &scelcnt qcallty of pur printing : \V don't cire witAt tin * job may W wo are equipped to t ra it out to your satislaodon. If we can't , well teU you o frankly. LetUsGoniriaceYoa