Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 26, 1911, Image 5
BULLS FOR SALE Registered Hereford Bulls for sale at all times of the year. SUNNY SLOPE STOCK RANCH Simeon - Nebraska JOHN T. POKATH If URGE NEB. Tubular Wells and Windmills Call mo up by phone Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , C. H. FAULUABER & SONS , BROWNLEE , NEB Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 No. 1G0050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289 822 ; also , Melvin , No..327072 , reg Bulls for Sale at All Times , W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUK & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. Ef H. Walcott Oliver H. VValcott .Walcott & Walcott Attorneys Praelh-e before U. S. Land Olfice and all Fell era ! and State courts. Valentine Nebraska . . - Attorney-at-Law Office front room , second story , T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. * Valentine Nebraska Dr > M. F. Meer , , . ' DENTIST -Rooms over Red Front store " * r Valentine - Nebr , i Dr. D. W. Surnner DENTIST \ Hornby Building I Phone No. 173. -s Tie.rChicago | House i' JIM FELCH , Propr. X Call on me for rooms and * ; lodging. Valentine Nebraska A WINDBREAK onjthe SOUTH would be valuable now. U. S. Government tests shq.w a windbreak of trees will protect crops and conserve moist ure a rod fqr each foot in height of the windbreak , \vindbreak of trees 40 feet high will protect crops and conserve moisture 40 rods. Cultivate trees each week or.oftener. We have all varieties of forest , shade and fruit trees , shrubbery and ornamentals , adapted to North Western Nebraska. T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent , Valentine , Nebr. Boyd Nurseries and Fruit Farm. On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station AInsworth , - Nebraska A Copied Mind , Manf strong minds , giant intel lects , afe helcj-down and starved out by jcrippjed' digestive power , 'dyspepsia anjtjfct e. poison .absorbed as a reffilt of chronic constipation. If vour4 stoff&dh lacks' .digestive * " * * " * rf i -3 * i power Tihe fnalural ; thing to do jis to' , putT into it the agents it lacks. Apo$6 all things avoid strong drug | . that paralize and irritate the stomach and bow els. A > s und , healthy stomach contain ! tne same digestive agents SprucefPepsinv tablets contain. SprupePepsin tablets will di gest fermenting , decaying food that lays like a lump in your stomach. We have proved this thousands of times or we would not dare spend thousands of dollars lars to prove it to every sufferer from stomach troubleWe will send you a trial box FREE. Spruce Tablet Co. , Heron Lake , Minn. 50c. sizes can be had at G. - A' . .Chapman , Druggist , Valentine , Nebraska. ! ' Home BaM&g Easy With minimum trouble and cost bis cuit , cake and pastry are made fresh , clean and greatly superior to the readymade - made , dry , found-in-the-shop variety , and danger of alum food is avoided. White Clay Precinct. October 21. . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clark drove to Kcshville Thursday. Geo. A. Humphreys assisted John Clark dehorn cattle on Mon day of this week. John Lehman is still working on the roads. They are all in good condition now. If in need of wind mills or wa ter tanks call on EBreuklander. . None better made. 42-tf J. 0 , Apian came out from Rushville Monday with a load of * supplies for the ranch. Roscoe Hopper went to Rush ville on Friday to do some trading and was absent from school. Sylvia and Wilma Hawkins were absent from school Tuesday of this week on account of the wet weather. Douglas Points drove a bunch of horses through here on Monday enroute to Rushville. He was as sisted by Charlie Brown. Lillian Auberfc has decided tote to review the eighth grade in her home school instead of taking up high school at Rushville , and en rolled in Dist. tJ4 on. Tuesday. I Style , fabric and coloring all combine to make this winter a season of good dressing. You should see the season's "best"at Johnson's iiliinery. Valentine Frank Mumford was transacting business in town Tuesday. Martin Becker was in town Tuesday with a load of millet. Luke Bates went oat to Ker- nedy Monday morning for a visit with friends. The postal savings bank was opened at the Valentine post-office Monday morning. Very few per sons so far have entrusted their savings to Uncle Sam's care , as there is a great deal of red tape connected with making a deposit. Charles J. Hagerty , the ma chinist killed in the San Francisco Times disaster , and for whose murder James B. McNamara is now being tried , was a boyhood friend and schoolmate of the editor. Jobn Fenner , aged 84 years , died afc the home of his daughter Mrs. M. E. Moon on Friday Oct. 20. Mr. Fenner had been failing for some time and death was due tu old age. Short services were conducted at the home by Dr. Barakat and Rev. Haislup , and the body was taken to Marshall- town , Iowa for burial. If weak , you need Cardui , the woman's tonic. Cardui is made from gentle herbs , acts in a natural manner , and has no bad results , as some of the strong drugs sometimes used. As a med icine a tonic for weak , tired , worn-out women , Cardui has been a popular success for over 50 years. E57 The Woman's Tonic Mrs. Lula Walden , of Gramlin , S. C , followed this advice. Read her let ter : "I was so weak , when I first began to take Cardui , that it tired me to walk just a little. Now , I can do all the general housework , for a family of 9. " Try Cardui for your troubles. It may be the very remedy you need. THE LITTLE EXTRAVAGANCES are the ones that curtail the power of most people to save money and accumulate a competence. The spending of small sums usually less than a dollar at a time. While individually these amounts are insignificant , collectively they make the dif ference between just-get-along and financial independence. A check account at this bank will assist you to cut out many of these little unnecessary expenses , assist you to accumulate for old age comforts. * Come in and let us explain to you how easy it is to start a check account. VALENTINE STATE BANK Deposits. ! ! ! this bunk arc protected by the Depositor's < ? Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. s. & Mii&A&fe\t * Old Crow , All Leading ! . rV.5 'MLf/ * Hermitage rands and Bottled i Gruchen- Under the heimer Supervision ' * V r * J --w - * 4h v'to n Rye of the Whiskeys. U. S. G-OY. ! p pi so handle the Budweiser Beer. HENRY STETTER , Proor. HAIR HEALTH Take Advantage Of This Generous Offer Your money back upon request afc our store if Rexall " 93" Hair Tonic doesn't do as we claim. That's our guarantee. . You obli gate .yourself to nothing whatever. Could you ask or could we give you stronger proof of our confi dence in the hair restoring qual ities of this preperation ? We could not afford to so strongly endorse Kexall " 93" Hair Tonic and continue to sell it as we do , if it did not do all we claim it will. Should our en thusiasm have carried us away , and" Rexall " 93 Hair Tonic not give entire satisfaction x to the users , they would lose fakh in us and our statements , and in consequence quence our business prestige won Id sufl'er. We assure you that if your hair is beginning to unnaturally fall out or if you have any scalp trouble , Rexall " 93" Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate- dandruff , Stimulate hair growth , and pre vent premature baldness , or the above guarantee becomes oper ative. Two sizes , 50c. and § 1.00. Sold only at our store The Rex- all Store. Gr. A. Chapman. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. Normm P. . .Mayhv anil C ari A. Maylie\v , UN wife. n < l Suiil-iard Lumber Coaip-uij , a cor- pojati ii. non-resident uelendaut ? > , win lit\e ; n > MI-/ ' thai < > n the ISitn day ot October , mil , L. 1) . ' Powers , plaints ! ! herein , tiled his petition in tlie I nhtrii't court of Cherry County. Nebraska , a- guns' ' : the said utleiidanti Uie objecc and praj- < T 01 winch : ue lo Joreclose a uuri.iin leal estate ' nitrtRjige executed March 3lsc. 191U. oy ilie oe- ren < itii s iNuriirin 1' . MaMiaw and Har.i A. .Majheuupou the southwest qaaiter of Section 5 .mil the S nith halt of rhe rfoathe st quarter < -f Section 5 and tin- North half ot the X ! . - ; : quarter ot Section 8 , all in Tow nslnp : Injure | : > linClnrry County. Nebraska , 10 M.cuie tue jmjmeat ot one p'onnssoiy not and Ir.e iti- t-i"e. > i coiij)1 * ! ! notes tliere o aiuu'iun sn.l piin- note bi-inu lur ( tie sum ot z-2720 ( ; 0 , said con , on not. s bearing eveii date wuli a.ti l p in- cipal note ami racli uemg for the MUII ot 103 20 ; there iis now due upon &HHI nideKtediifbs thu sum "f r20 UO and inteivsi tliTcon iroiu Alaieh 31st , 1910 at the r.tte 01 six per cent per -inuim. The plaintiff pra > s tli < tt an ; iccoiiu c tie had and taken of Ih-i aniouat Jue on said indelufduebs ; tha said defenuanti , and each of tlif m. he dt- oieed to | > ay the sanic ; . and in detail i thereof , die said ] einist:8 : may uui > oKl to featisfi tie a- iiioiu t.sof HMO io he due andtht Ueiemiaii sue fort-closed out of all equity of ledeiiiptimi , or o'her interest in and to uaid in ji iga ed pixnnn- e > , or any part llu r of , and out olju * * pro veds ol tani sale the pliii'ill be paid iliu amouiiT so lound robe due and lor sjcli othera-d initJur telief os justice and equity may require. You are leq'iired tn aiuwtr said petition on or beiot e November 2Tth , 1011. D < itea October null. 1911. 41.4 L. D. J'owell , Plaintiff. Notice to Non-Resident Defendant. Tn the District Court of Cherry County , "Nebraska- John Peterson , Plaintiff vs. fJorolIna Lavihla Peterson , Defendant. The defendant , Oorolina La vista ivterion , will take notice that on the llthday ot .Turn1 , Hill , the Plaintitr tiled his petition in the District Court in and for Uherry Couifty , Nebraska , against his v.'iteCoroiina Lavista Peterson , the object and prayer ofhieh are to obtain a decree of divorce from the said Oorolina Lavista Peterson. The said defendant will take notice that the grounds alleged by the plaintiff , extreme cruel ty , and 2nd , adultery on the part of said de- londant. The defendant will also take notice that .she is required to answer on or before the 18th day of November , lull. Dated October 5 , Hill. .loan Peterson , Plaintiff , By 0. A. Ruby , his attorney. : , < J4 Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. In the County Court of Cherry County Neb raska. STATK. OF NBBttAsrea COUNTV OF CHKUItV To the heirs aim to al' ' pirsans interested in the etfiate ot Thomas Itoche , oeceas-d : On reading th petition of lleury Hoche praying tlut the a'imiuistration ot said \sfu - be Rraiited to John H. iiacl-ieior as adminis trator. It is hereby ordered that yon and all persons interested in said matter limy , and do. appear at the County Court to K * liuld m and for said county on the Dili day of November , A. U ,191 1 at to o'clock a m. to show cause , it any tuer be , why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted ana that notice of the pendency of snid petition and that th * hearing thereof beyiven to all persous interested in said matter by publish ing a copy of this order in the Valentine Demo crat a weekly newspaper printed m slid county , fora successive \yueks prior to said day 01 hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of siid SEAL court this 23:11 day of Oct. A. . 1) . 1911. . JAMES C. QUKIKKV , 43 3 . County Judge. Valentine Lodge No. 70 , A. 0. U. W. Meets 1st and 3rd Monday in each month at Fraternal Hall. All Brethern'are cordially invited to be presentj ALBERT F. WEBB , M. W. JAMES C. QUIGLEY , Recorder. 'HE ' uniform ignition , due to perfection of famous ngtonrUMC primer , makes for sure-fire , accuracy and penetration. They minimize personal hazard. Individually made , tested and guaranteed for all stand ard pistols and revolvers. Recommended by leading manufacturers. -the perfect shooting combination. REMINGTON ARMS-UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO. 299 Broadway , New York Cily. " * * - * * M * j Xy yg aa iiafc niMi * ! i T j nfc , , f' f'"l "l < j As we have recently purchased Geo. H. Hornby's J coal sheds and now have almost utlimited stor = age room , we are in a position to supply you with your wants in the coai line. Phone or leave your orders and same v/ill have our prompt attention. Fischer's Hardware. VY/UA- * A/wWi ! ! xAA * AJ > Before buying an auto it will pay you to see .the INTERNATIONAL / NATIONAL " 30" No Hill too Steep ? no Sand too Deep . _ . . * L mmtmi ! n HIM Sodby ! D , McLeod - Guaranteed by International Harvester Company . P5 With new prices , winch are the lowest for good business. My stock consists of Dry Groods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent bargains. You are invited to call and make this your home store. Highest pric es paid for produce. Come and get ac quainted. 2nd Building South the Bank. Crookston ,