Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 26, 1911, Image 4
VALENTINE DEMOCRAT GEORGE M. GASKILL Editor and Manager. A Weekly Newspaper published every Thurs day &t Valentine , Nebras. Subscription - SI.50 Per Year Local Notices , ocper line per issue Entered at the PostolHce at Valentine , Neb. , ( or transmission through the mails , as second class matter. Thursday , October 26. 1911. Washington News By O. H. TAVKNKKB special Washington correspondent. ; Washington , Oct. 21 , Tariff isn't the only thing- the republi cans are afraid of in the coming campaign. There is another item that is giving them worry. They are wondering how they are to give an answer to the charges of corruption incompetency and maladministration that have been brought out and proven by the various democratic investigating committees. Republican leaders realize that this problem is going to present exceptional difficulties by the fact tiat } when the Demo crats * started investigating they , the Republicans , shouted in de rision of such tactics , declaring there was nothing to investigate ; that under the Republican rule the affairs of government had been conducted in the only per fect manner , and that the whole purpose of the Democrats was to make political thunder. That there was really need of some investigating in and around Washington was amply proven before the probes of Republican rule had well begun , and despite all of the revelations of extrava gance and maladministration that have come to light , many of thp investigating committees are just getting ready to go to work. So far they have but scratched the surface. The Moss committee brought to light the shameful manner in which the plotters in the pure food bureau had stripped Dr. Wi ley of all power , and made a farce of the law designed to protect the public from the greed of unscru pulous food dogers. The Stanley committee learned that the steel trust for years paid tremendous profits on a capitali zation represented largely by wa ter and blue air , and that the trust gobbled up the Tennessee Coal and Iron company , its principal rival , with the aid and connivance of a republican administration , osten sibly to prevent a panic , but ac tually to stifle its main competitor. It was further brought out that men were acting as counsel for the steel trust while receiving money from the government as special "trust busters. " The probe of the state department re vealed that money was expended for one thing , and charged to an other , while the committee on ex penditures in the navy depart ment discovered that more than § 3,000,000 worth of supplies had I been taken from the Washington navy yard without an accounting , and that the bookkeeping system in use there is absolutely ridicu lous. These are but a few of. the many illustrations that could be given to show the value of honest investigations. More than a doz en other committees have turned up equally important evidence. Valentine. A. O. Coleman was in Valentine Wednesday. Vernon Latin and wife are visi ting in Valentine. A. M- Morrissey returned to Lincoln Monday morning. Howard Lay port returned from Gregory Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hudson of Sparks were in town Saturday. Commissioner Nay lor returned to his home in Merriman Monday evening. Miss Florence O'Bannon re turned from a visit with her broth er in Fremont Tuesday night. Ralph JJrpsius is spending , a week's vacation with two compan ions bunting on Hackberry lake. Rev. Freeburn of Lexington , .Nebr. , will hold services next Sun day , morning and evening , in St. John's church. * GLARE E , OF HOLDREGE , NEB. DEMOCRATIC AND PEOPLE'S INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR STATE RAILWAY COMMISSIONER Favors A strenuous defense of the two cent passenger rate law. A complete physical valuation cf Railway and Public Service Corporation Property. No discrimination. Special privileges to none. JAMES R. DEAN Democrat and People's Independent Candidate for Judge Supreme Court. Henry Brown brought his two sons , Tom and Arthur , in from his place near Sparks Tuesday. The boys have gone to Tom's claim to spend the winter. Mrs. T. C. Hxrnby gave a lunch eon Wednesday afternoon to twelve of her friends in honor of her guest , Mrs. Ben Hornby of Dover , Idaho. The date has been changed on the Garner JBros. Z. T. Davis cattle sale , from Oct. 30 , to Thurs day , Nov. 2. Do not forget the date , November 2nd. Miss Liurentia Haley has gone lo Sargent , Nebr. , for a short vis it. From there shs will go to Belle Fourche , S. D. Miss Haley will be gone for about three weeks. Mrs. Allen Sparks of St , Joseph. Mo. , will arrive this evening for a a. short visit. Mrs. Sparks is on her way to see her son , Lieut. Leonard Sparks , who is now sta tioned at Ft. Russell , Wyo. Miss Hazel Noyes is again con fined to her bed with typhoid. She was able to sit'up last week , but was reinfected and will now have to go through another run of the fever. The three patients in the Shaul home are getting along good. The hunting party composed of Governor Aid rich and son Ches ter , J. H. Bachelor. Judge Quigley - ley , Game \Varden Miller , War den Clarkson , M. V. Nicholson , and Don McLeod , returned to Val entine Tuesday. They had been the guests of Mr. Bachelor for several days at his ranch and hunted over on Square and Bull lakes. They got about 200 ducks and 100 chickens. Rapid City Woman Drav/s Number 1 . Mary J. Kendall drew No. 1 in the Ixosebud land lottery. Her prize is said to be worth § 10,000. Among the first fifty names to be drawn there was not one who reg istered from Cherry county. The winner of claim No. 1 is Mary J. Kendall of 626 St. Jo seph street , Eapid City , S. D. No. 2 Frank E. Boyles , Greg ory , S. D. No. 3 William Rothsmyer , Ma- kane , Mo. No. 4 Solome D. Johnson , Kel- lerville , III. . No. 5 Charles C. Ordez , Eapid City , S. D. No. -Richard 'O'Malley , ' O' Neill , Nebr. The total registration reached 53,388. Eock Spring's Coal and allother | .kinds at Fischer's Hardware. 38 HOWE & 1GNIAGNEX < Livery ? -Feed and Sales Stable , , Wood Lake , Nebraska Special Attention -Hunting and Fishing Parties. " 5 a D. A. WHIPPLE , Propr. Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel Leave Yalentine at 8 o'clock every morning , Sundays excepted. * Arrive at Bosebud at 2 o'clock p. m. Leave Bosebud at 8 o'clock every morning , Sundays excepted. Arrive at Yalentine at 2 o'clock p. in. Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. m. Special attention to passengers , baggage and express or packages. Leave orders at headquarters or at the Bed Front store. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. i fc Norman P. Mivie\v ! and Ciara M > yhe\v , his wife , and Stoddard Lumber Uonip.vny , a cor pcra ion , nou-iesnifin ueiemlants , will taVu no tice that un tlu-13tli drf.v f neu-brr , 15)11 ) , L D. rowell. plamtill lian-in , Hied hh > petition in the oistnct cmirc ol Glieny Comity. Nebnuskn , a t.amst tlie said iifiviidauis tlie object and p-av- r of which at e lo ioieeli sc a cei tain real eat < Ue mortgige executed M iroli iJtei ; . l'lo by the < le- lendants Normau P. Ma > he\v and Clara A. Max hew upon the Sonth-a'-t quarter of beution 7 , Township 33 , ll.ui e 34 in Cherry Comity , Nebraska , to s < nr ihu payment of one prunus- > orv note and live interest coupon notes thereto attached , haul orlncijul note bfing tor the Mini ot § 13(50 ( 00 , svuit coupon notes bearing even date with said principa note and each Leiuii lor the HUH of SSI ( X ) : theie is now dn upon said in debtedness i he sum of sKJoO.OO and interest thereon from .Maien :31 : t , 191u at the rate ot six per rent per annum : The plaintill pra > s that an account be had an i taken ot the amount due on saln , indebtedness ; said dcfendanr- > . and e.ich of them , be de creed to pav the s.ime , and in dflaiilt thereof , tlie slid premises maj tie sold lo s.UIslv ihe amotint so found to be due , and the daiendants Dd foreclose ! ! equity ot icdemption. or other interest in and to said mortgaged premises orany part theieoi. i > nd ontof the proceed of said bale the plamtilt be paid the amount sjj lOimd lo be due , and for sm-h other and lunher relief as justice and equity may require. You ate requneu to answer said petition on or before November 27th , 1'JU. Dated October 19th. 1911 41-4 L. D. 1'ow.KM. , . Plaintiff. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. xorinaii A. Mayliew and Clara Mayhew , his wile , O. ( J. Howard , first and true name unknown , and Utoddard Lumber Company a corporation , non-resident defendants , will take notice that on the IHth day of October 1.U1 , L. 1) . Powell , plaintiff herein , llled his petition in the district court ot Cherry Coun ty , Nebraska , against the said defendants the object and prayer ol which are to lore- -c ese a certain real estate mortgage e.xecut- e 1 March : Hbtl'JH ) , by the defendants Nor man P. Mnyhcw and Clara A. JYJayhew upon tne Northwest quarter of Section 8 , Town ship : > { , Range 3J , In Cherry County , Nebras ka , to secure the payment ofone promissory note and live interest coupon not.iv ; thcr io attached , principal note being lor tin- sam of JiaCid.lK ) , said coupon notes bearing even date with said principal note and each being for the sum or fSl.oO ; there is now due upon aald indebtedness the sum of $ l WUHaml ) in- H'rest thereon from March : > lbt , 11)10 ) at the rate of six per cent per annum. The plaintiff prays that an account be had ami taken of the amount due on said in debtedness ; that said deiendants , and each of them , be decreed to pay the same , and in default thereof , the said premises may be .sold to satisfy the amount so found to be ! due , and the defendants be foreclosed out ot all equity ot redemption , or other interest in and to said mortgaged premises , or any part thereof , and out or the proceeds of said bale the plaintiff be paid ibe amount sp found to be due , and lor such other and fur-1 ther relief as justice and equity may require , j You are required to answer said petition on or before Kovembor 27th , 11)11. ) Dated October loth , 11)11 ) -11-1 L. D. POWKLL. Plaintiff HORSES Wanted to winter 100 head of horses or less. The best of range , good water and shelter. Bert Anderson . , Brownlee , Neb. Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the county court of Cherry countNe braska. State of Nebraska , / bb Cherry County i To the heir * and all person ? interested in the estate of Thomas J. Henderson , deceased On reading the petition of Louise Hender son.executrix. praying a linal settlement and alloAvance ol her account liled in this Court on the lth ) day or October , 1'Jii , and for a de cree of hnal account. It is hereby ordered that you and all per sons interested in said matter may , and do , appear at the county court to be held in ana for said count } * , on the 4th day of Nov. , A. D . 1011 , at 10 o'clock a. m. . to show cause , if any there be. why the prayer of the pe titioner should not be granted , and that not ice ot the pendency ot said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The Valentine Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said county for three successive weeks prior to said da } ' ot hearing. JAJIES C. QUIGLBY. [ SEAT , ] 41-3 County Judge. Waleott & Walcotc , Attorneys for petitioner. Contest Notice. United States Land Office. Valentine. Neb. September 28,1911. To "William C. Harman of Valentine. Nebras ka. Contestee : You are herebv notified that Joseph Wil liams Griffiths who gives Valentine. Neb. , as his postonice address , did on bept25.1911. lile in this office his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your homestead. Serial No. 04731 made Sep tember 1C. 1909 , for all of Section 17 Town ship ; a , range 28. west ot the 6th Principal ! Meridian , and as grounds for his contest he ] alleges-that the said William C. Harmon has nee settled upon the s-aid land : that he has not cultivtect the said land : that he has wholly abandoned the said land for more than eighteen months prior to August 1 , 1911 , and that he has failed to cure his laches to this date. You are. therefore , further notified that the said allegations will be taken by this ot- lice as having- been confessed by you. and your said entry will be canceled thereunder without your further right to be heard there in , either before this office or on appeal , if vou fail to lile in thii office within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notice , as shown below. answer , under oath , specifically meeting ancl responding to these allegations of contest , or if you fail within that time to lile in this office due proof that you have served a copy or your answer on the said contestant in per.son. or by reg istered mail. If this service is made by the delivery of a copy of your answer to the con testant in person , proof of such service must be either the said contestant's written ac knowledgment of his receipt of the copy , showing the date of its receipt , or the affiida- vit of the person by whom the delivery was made stating when and where the copy was ' delivered : if made by registered mail.'proof , of such service must consist of the affidavit of the person by whom the copy was mailed I stating when and the post office to which it j was mailed , and this allldav.t must be accom panied by the postmaster's receipt for the letter. You should state in vour answer the name of the post office to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. you.K. OI.SKV. TCKCKTVER. Date of flrst publication October . " > . 1911. Date of second publication October 12,1911. Date of third publication October 19,1911 Date of fourth publication October 2G , 1911. Old papers for sale at this office 15 cents a hundred. Out We desire to announce that we are not clos ing out , but are still selling the very best goods at reasonable prices. Our line of John Deere Implements , Yelie Buggies , Moline and Davenport Boiler Bearing Wagons and Santson Windmills is complete and priced right. We also have a large stock of lumber , lime , Wall Plaster , Cement , Brick , Sash , Doors , etc. Is it not good policy to patronize a firm who expects to continue in business and intends to handle the same line of goods , for years to come. We never advertise so-called bargains because we have always had our goods priced > * right. L r A. E. Morris. W. W. Morrissey. Dr. C. W. Noyes VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. THERE is a great deal of difference in fountain pens. A i cheap and nasty foun tain pen wastes your time and temper , be sides wasting your * money. It does not pay us to sell a bad fountain pen , for a pen is man's closest companion , and he often judges our other goods by the pen we've sold him. Therefore , we sell only the best fountain pens the land that will make a good impression on you and bring you to this store a. a regular customer. Come in today and see some of our bargains : MOORE'S NON = LEAKABLE CONKLIN'S SELF = FILLINQ OLartercd as n Stntc Bank Chartered National . as a Bank , June 1,1881. Auijubt 12 , l tt. The ATIONAL BANK ( Successor to Bank of Valentine. ) Valentine , - Nebraska. CAPITAL - $25.000 SURPLUS - 25,000 A General Banking , Exchange Uudivided Profits 4.000 and Collection Business * : : : 0. H. GOKNKLL , , President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cnahier. . . J. T. , . x . . May Vice President. 11. L.Kuiiy , Ass't Cashier. # * 9 Scene from Act 3 UNDER THE HARVEST MOON Quigley Opera House , October 30 l Fi