Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 26, 1911, Image 3

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"Hope Abandoned After Physicians'
1 Consultation.
Mrs. Enos Shearer , Yew and Wash
ington Sts. , Centralia , Wash. , says :
-For years I - wasweak and run down ,
xould not sleep , my limbs swelled and
It i d n e y secretions
were troublesome. I
was fast in bed four
months. Three doc
tors said there was
no cure for me and I
was given up to die.
Being urged , I used
Doan's Kidney Pills.
Soon I was better
and In a few weeks was about the
Louse , well and strong again. "
"When Your Back Is Lame , Re
member the Name DOAN'S. " 50c a
"box at all stores. Foster-3Iilburn Co. ,
Buffalo , N. Y.
Judge You should have known bet
ter than drive fast while crossing that
bridge ; didn't you see the sign "Walk
.your horses ? "
Prisoner Dat's right , Jedge ; but
dem was mules what I were driving.
"I , the -undersigned , cannot give
enough praise to the Cuticura Rem-
edies. Ivhad been doctoring for at
least a year for eczema on my foot. I
had tried doctor after doctor all tone
no avail. When a young girl I sprained
my ankle three different times , paying
little or no attention to it , when five
-years ago a small spot showed upon
my left ankle. I was worried and sent
for a doctor. 3Je said it was eczema.
He drew a small bone from the ankle
about the size of a match and about
an inch long. The small hole grew
to about tb'e size of an apple , and the
-eczema spread to the knee. The doctors -
-tors never could heal the hole in the
ankle. The whole foot ran water all
the time.
"My husband and my sons were up
night and day wheeling me from one
room td another in the hope of giving
me some relief. I would sit for hours
at a time in front of the fireplace
hoping for daybreak. The pain was
so intense I was almost crazy , in fact ,
I would lose my reason for hours at
a time. One day a friend of mine
dropped in to see me. No more had
she glanced at my foot than she ex-
ciaimed : 'Mrs. Finnegan , why in the
world don't you try the Cuticura Rem
edies ! ' Being disgusted with the doc
tors and their medicines , and not be
ing able to sleep at all , I decided to
give the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura
Ointment a trial. After using them
three days that night I slept as sound
.as a silver dollar for eight long hours.
I awoke in the morning with but very
little pain , in fact , I thought I was
-in heaven. After using the Cuticura
Remedies for three months I was per
fectly restored to health , thanks to
the Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I
"will be sixtyfouryears of age my
next birthday , hale and hearty at pres
ent. " ( Signed ) Mrs. Julia Finnegan ,
2234 Hebert St , S/ . Louis , Mo. , Mar.
1 , 1911. Although Cuticura Soap and
Ointment are sold by druggists and
dealers everywhere , a sample of each ,
-with 32-page book , will be mailed
-free on application to "Cuticura , "
.Dept. 12 K , Boston.
Grapefruit Greenery.
Effective greenery for the dining
: room table may be made by planting
the seeds of grapefruit. Sow them
-thickly , and in two weeks , if the earth
is good and has been kept moist in a
warm place , the little shoots appear.
Two weeks more and the leaves un
fold , and very soon there is a mass or
rich , glossy green , which is not af
fected by gas or furnace heat. Subur
ban Life.
Not in Vain.
Noah sighted Mount Ararat.
"At last , " he cried , "the mountain
aresort with an ocean view ! "
Herewith he felt the voyage was not
-in vain. Puck.
Accidents , Burns , Scalds. Sprains ,
Bruises. Bumps , Cuts , Wounds , all are
npainful. Hamlins Wizard Oil draws out
1hc inflammation and gives instant relie'f.
Don't wait for the accident. Buy it now.
Sometimes a girl gets confidential
-and tells a man that a lot of other
men have tried to kiss her , but he is
4the only one who succeeded.
Constipation causes and aggravates many
iferious diseases. It is thoroughly cured by
"Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. The favor
ite'family laxative.
There are few beggars in Switzer
land , arid two-fifths of the adult popu
lation have deposits in banks.
. -Mrs. Wlnsiow's Soothing Syrup for Childrei
teething , softens the gums , reduces Inflamma-
i tion , allays pain , cures wind colic , 25c a bottle.
If a mother says her boy Is "sensl
* live"it's a safe bet that he Is spoiled
Pure water is essential.
Mules are easily raised.
Weeds and strawberries are Incom
Starter for butter may be propa
gated from day to day.
Do not be stingy In the use ol
clean straw for bedding.
The sheep Is more at home on the
open prairie than among the fences ,
Remove the seeds from the pump
kins before feeding them to the cat
Where butter has not the natural
yellow color , it is well to use coloring
The best time to cut the tails as
well as castrate is when the lamb is
a -week old.
Cull out the hens carefully , and do
not keep more than you have room
and feed for.
Sheep return to the soil 80 per cent ,
of fertility of food eaten. Sheep ma
nure Is valuable.
A great deal more money is usually
spent in wintering farm work horses
than is necessary.
Whole grain makes best feed for
sheep. Cleanliness , pure water and
salt are a necessity.
If the pig Is stinted in its food at
any stage of its life , it can never be
come a perfect pork-producer.
As new oats come in , gfve the cows
some of them each morning and even
ing cut green as a soiling crop.
It pays to maintain a heavy flow of
milk , even If expensive feeds must be
given the cows at certain seasons.
_ _ „
Stock beets planted on rich soil in
drills and well cultivated often yield
from twenty to forty tons per acre.
Use clover and alfalfa hay , supple
mented with roots or ensilage for
succulence , if you want an excellent
Corn that yields well in one locality
will often make an entire failure in
another locality where conditions are
Probably the poultry plant on the
average farm is usually the poorest
equipped and poorest planned depart
ment on it.
Remember when you plow In the
orchard that the roots are very near
the surface. Three inches is plenty
deep enough.
Many an animal sold for a high price
because of its pedigree , should go to
the butcher's pen instead of at the
head of a herd.
If ewe's udder is hard or show ten
dency to garget , use unsalted lard ,
give it vigorous rubbing and give ani
mal good dose of salts.
The nature and conditions of the
soil in which tomatoes are grown has
much to do with the size of the crop
and health of the plants.
A patch of rye sown now will be
found of great help to the ewes in
the spring , and especially so if rais
ing lambs for the market.
In feeding oat straw and corn sto
ver in the morning your sheep will
take more exercise looking for more
food to satisfy its appetite.
Everything about the poultry quar
ters should be got-at-able , with no fil
agree , cracks or crannies , and with as
little furniture as may be in the poul
try bouses.
Young colts that are'put in the stall
and given all the hay they will eat
soon become pot-bellied , their hair
grows longer and harsher and some
of it stands the wrong way.
Usually it is not advisable to pas
ture new seeding , but often weeds can
be destroyed by giving sheep the run
of the fields for a few days without
material injury to the seeding.
Where there is an abundance of
good well-cured alfalfa hay , it is al
most impossible to select a concen
trate to go with it that would not
make an acceptable ration to the cow.
The fall , after all of the garden
plants have been killed , is the best
time to clean up the trash in the
garden and burn It to prevent insects
from spending the winter In it and
be ready to lay egss next year.
out for draughts.
Plant legumes In rotation.
Roots should be cut or sliced befon
When marketing lambs leave th
culls on the farm.
Sheep .more than any other stoch
relish a change of pasture.
There Is no danger of the produc
tion of hogs being overdone.
As the sheep bites close , they wllj
eat down weeds to the roots.
In order to have good sized sheep
grow them rapidly while young.
Clover or alfalfa seem to contain
just what the dainty cow needs.
The total value of farm property In
the United States is $40,000,000,000.
Alsike clover seed cannot be sepa
rated from timothy because of its
Cool the new cream to the same
temperature as the old cream before
Always if possible remove the sow
from the pigs and not the pigs from
the sow.
For draft work the mule is valued
higher than the average horse , in
nearly every instance.
Farmers who are going to feed live
stock through the winter should try
to have the best possible.
Rutabagas are very satisfactory
root crop for winter , yielding as high
as 15 tons to the acre at times.
If necessary to assist the ewe in
delivering , use vaseline on your hands
before commencing the operation.
Woven wire is used a great deal for
re-enforcing concrete and in some
cases old barbed wire Is also used.
Watch out for ticks on the ewes , it
does not pay to raise them and you
better watch out for them. It pays.
Farmers will soon be feeding new
hay and new grain. Change from the
old to the new should b made grad
Many farmers make a practice ol
turning lambs into the corn field in
the early fall to gather up all the
The proper treatment of barb wire
cuts on horses will mean fewer blem
ishes and less serious consequences
In feeding fattened stock and dairy
cows , gain and profit come In proportion
tion to the amount of food the animals
put to use.
A small quantity of linseed meal fed
in the milk will balance up the ra
tion and make It practically as good
as the whole milk.
Sheep-farming has been practiced
since the earliest times , and is one of
the most profitable branches of the
live stock industry.
Colts and young horses" should have
bone and muscle producing feeds in
their rations , such as clover or alfalfa ,
hay , bran and oats.
It is very necessary that an animal
used for breeding purposes should have
a good pedigree , yet It is not always
an indication of its value.
A dairyman who has a good herd of
cows will do well to carefully exam
ine the newcomers in the barn and
thus avoid introducing some dis
Alfalfa is a very good feed foi
horses provided it is fed properly , al
though it is not considered as valuable
for road horses as for working
Experiments have shown that stub
ble burning not only decreases th
amount of humus returned to ttie soil
but also accelerates the exhaustion ol
that already present in it
In hogging down corn , fence ofi
only a limited area at a time , as the
hogs will eat more of the stalks and
other herbage on .the ground , and
they will not waste as much of the
Many farmers In the corn' belt so\v
rape with the grain to furnish addi
tional feed since this affords an
abundance of succulent forage late In
the season up to the time of severe
If a big bunch of young pigs Is al
lowed to sleep together in cramped
quarters , in cold weather , they will
pile up , and the under pigs will suf
fer. Easy to separate them Into lots
of eight or ten each.
Tuberculosis in live stock is the
same thing as consumption in human
beings. There are many ways of
spreading it , but the easiest way and
the most common is through the drop
pings of diseased animals.
A sow pig , farrowing at one year
old , will , if she and her offspring pro
duce the average number of animals ,
round up a herd of 500 at the end of
the fourth year provided there are
no slips , no death , no rmnt *
Farmer Kills His Brother.
Sarpy County. William Oleson , a
farmer living six miles south of Pa-
pillion , was fatally shot by his brother
John. Three shots were fired , one
taking effect in the stomach , one in
the groin and the other in the shoul
William Oleson has been missing
corn from his grain bin for some
time , but was unable to ascertain the
identity of the thief. Wednesday night
he decided to stay up and keep a
watch over his corn.
Nothing happened during the night
and he left his vigil about 4 o'clock
in the morning. About an hour later
he heard a noise near the corn bin.
He went out to see what was the
trouble and found his brother John
standing near the corn bin. He said ,
"Why , John , what are you doing
here ? " and John drew a revolver with
out any warning and fired three shots.
It is said bad feeling between the
brothers had existed for some time.
Central Protective Association.
Richardson County. The annual
meeting of the Central Protective as
sociation , embracing .the states of
Missouri , Kansas and Nebraska , was
held at Falls City. The object of the
association is to aid the officers of the
law in apprehending thieves and bad
people in general. There are 299 lo
cal organizations of the association ,
of which 210 sent representatives to
the meeting at Falls City , represent
ing between 16,000 and 17,000 mem
bers. In the report of the losses of
the members during 1911 , this was
given : By fire , two barns , value , $10-
000 ; stolen and destroyed , $17,000 ;
property recovered , fbetween $6,000
and $7,000. Two thousand dollars
worth of chickens were included ir
* he report.
Fairbury Girl Elopes.
Jefferson County. Miss Christie ,
the pretty 18-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James Corbin , eloped to
Great Falls , Mont/ and was married
to her lover , D. R. Seggerman , for
merly of Fairbury , now of Great
Falls. Miss Corbin told her parents
and friends that she was going to
Great Falls on a visit. However , a
telegram to her parents brought the
news that she was married.
Apple May Destroy Sight.
Cass County. L. C. W. Murray , a
prominent farmer residing a few miles
southwest of Plattsmouth , while
picking apples had a large apple
fall and strike him in the eye , render
ing him almost totally blind. A few
years ago Mr. Murray sustained an
injury to his left eye by being stung
in the eye by a poisonous bug , which
destrojred the sight. ,
Nebraskan Injured in Kansas.
Adams County. A message was re
ceived in Hastings saying that Frank
Potter , president of the First State
bank at Kenesaw , had lost his left
leg and seriously sprained his back
in an auto accident near Anthony ,
Kan. He was on a trip inspecting
Kansas land.
Roundhouse Burned.
Cheyenne County. The Union Pa
cific round house at Sidney caught
fire and was completely ruined. Eight
passenger and freight engines were
damaged to the extent of about
2,500. It is thought that a lighted
torch caused the conflagration.
School Bonds Carried.
Nemaha County. The special elec
tion on the question of voting $40,000
bonds for a new High schoool build
ing was held and the majority for the
bonds was 276 , more than two to one.
Sutton Man Is President.
Fort Wayne ( Ind. ) dispatch : At the
annual meeting of the northwest syn
od of the Reformed church in the
United States the Rev. L. H. Kunst
of Sutton , Neb. , was elected president.
Nebraska Woman Couldn't Register.
Dallas ( S. D. ) dispatch : After com
ing to Dallas from Omaha to register
in the land opening , Mrs. Ellen Peter
son and her daughter of Omaha , were
forced to return home without either
of them being able to register. The
girl was only 19 years old and Mrs.
Peterson's husband is still living.
Accused or Stealing Alfalfa.
Gage County. Sheriff Schiek ot
Beatrice and deputy from Minneap
olis , Kan. , arrested three men at De-
witt , and lodged them in jail on the
charge of stealing alfalfa , hay and
grain near Minneapolis. Another sup
posed member of the gang is under
arrest at Lincoln.
Hinshaw Returns Home.
Ex-Congressman Edmund H. Hin
shaw and wife have returned to Fair-
bury after spending a number of
months sojourning in Washington and
Atlantic City. It is said that Mr. Hin
shaw will resume the practice of law
in Fairbury. being associated with
his son , H. R. Hinshaw.
Poultrymen to Meeet.
York County. The Nebraska state
poultry association has selected York
as the place for holding its next an
nual meeting , the date being from
January 15 to 19 , 1912.
Good Crop of Tubers.
Gumming County. The local pota
to crop for which grave fears were
entertained earlier in the season has
made good to the extent of about GO
per cent of a normal yield. The tub
ers are of medium size , sound and
smooth , and retail at $1 per bushel
$ 9 oo DROPS
For Infanta and Children.
Jtf The Kind You Have
Always Bought
W AYegeteble Preparation for As -
l similating ihe Food and Regula Bears the
vl ting the Stomachs and Bon-els of
& Signature
Promotes Digestion Cheerfulness - '
fi ness and Rest.Contains neither of'
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
? r--
fl fay * cfOldDrSAMUZLPfTCffEX
l fianftftin Sttel -
? ' /fothtlltSall jilxStHna -
? ti > JV rf -
5Ila fkppermint Worn Stul - -
Clarifitd Suyar .
Wfnttryrttn flavor.
A perfect Remedy forConstipa-
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea ,
Worms .Convulsions
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. For Over
Facsimile Signature of
a " 0 * * ; THE CENTAUR COMPANY. Thirty Years
A to months old
"Guaranteed jinder the Foodanfl
This Time for a Friend.
' "Tis a wise man , " said Robert Ede-
son , "who knows when to ask ques
tions. The other night I was standing
Inside the railroad station when an
Irish cab driver came up to me and
asked me how soon the next train
came in. I told him and he said thank
you and went away. In about five
minutes he came back with the same
question. 'I told you not more than
five minutes agoI said. 'I know it , '
he answered cheerfully , 'but it's not
me th't wants to know this time. It's
a friend of mine outside th't has to
watch his horses and can't come in
an' ask yez himself ! ' " Young's Mag
cure any possible case of DISTEMPER ,
PINK EYE , and the like among horses
of all ages , and prevents all others in the
same stable from having the disease. Also
cures chicken cholera , and dog distemper.
Any good druggist can supply you , or send
to mfrs. 50 cents and $1.00 a bottle. Agents
wanted. Free book. Spohn Medical Co. ,
Spec. Contagious Diseases , Goslien , Ind.
Not If He Knew It.
"That's a nice little game" you
played on that girl in not showing up
at the church when you were to be
married to her. "
"Well , it wasn't a tie game. "
Serious Business.
Madge Was George fooling while
you were playing golf ?
Marjorie Gracious , I hope not !
Why , I accepted him. Lippincott's.
Send 2c stamp for five samples of my very choic
est Gold Bmbossed Birthday , Flower and Motto
Post Cards ; beautiful colors and loveliest designs.
Art Post Card Club. 731 Jackson St. , Top eta , Kansas
The sppke of the wheel which creak-
cth most , doth not bear the greatest
burden in the cart. Thomas Fuller.
Experience may be the best teacher ,
but some people prefer a more fash
ionable school.
Why Rent a Farm
and be compelled to pay to your landlord most
of your hard-earned profits ? Own your own
farm. Secure a Free Homestead in
Manitoba. Saskatchewan or
Alberta , or purchase
land in one of these
districts and bank a
profit oE $1O.OO or
S12.0O an acre
every year.
Land purchased 3
years ago at $10.00 an
acre has recently
chanted hands at
$25.00 an acre. The
crops crown on these
lands warrant the
advance. You can
Become Rich
by cattle raising'darying'tmixed
farming and grain growing in
the provinces of Manitoba.
Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Free homestead and pre
emption areas * as well as land
held by railway and land com
panies , will provide homes
for millions. 38
Adaptable soil , healthful
climate , splendid schools
and churches.dood railways.
For settlers' rates , descriptive
llterature"Last Best West'rbow
to reach the country and other par
ticulars , write to Bup't of Immi
gration , Ottawa , Canada , or to tbe
Canadian Gorernment Agent.
E T. Holmes. 315 J tow St. SL Pwt , Nino.
J. M. Midadba. Driver U7.WJtertma , S. D.
Please write to ! ue agent nearest you
For the treatment of Chronic Ulcers , J3on
UlcersScrofulous Ulcers.Varlcose UlcersIn *
dolent Ulcerfl,9Iercurlal Ulcers , White Swell
ing , Milk Lee. Fever So res , all old sores. Very
Hnccegsfnl. JBy mall OO cents. J.P. AI/LEST
MEDICINE CO. , Dept. A7. St. Paul , Minn.
In great variety for sale at the lowest prices by
Beautifully Illustrated : Intensely Interesting ; da-
voted to greater Lower Bio Grande Valley of Texas ,
a truly wonderful Irrigated agricultural and fruit
raising section. Dime three months trial subscrip
tion. Rio Grande Tllej Xagazlae , Box 20 ,
i MB " " " " ' " " "
Honored by Women
When e woman speaks of her
silent secret suffering she
trusts you. Millions have be
stowed this mark of confi
dence on Dr. R. V. Pierce ,
of Buffalo , N. Y. Every
where there are women who
bear witness to the wonder
working , curing-power of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription
which saves the suffering sex
from pain , and successfully
grapples with woman's weak
nesses and stubborn ills.
No woman's appeal was ever misdirected or her con *
fidence misplaced when she wrote for advice , to
R. V. Pierce , President , Buffalo , N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Induce mild natural bowel movement once a day. *
' 2,50 , * 3.00 , * 3.50 & * 4.00 SHOES
Men and Women wear WXJDouglas shoes
because they are the best shoes produced in
this country for the price. Insist upon hav
ing them. Take no other make.
The assurance that goes with an estab
lished reputation is your assurance in buying
W. L. Douglas shoes.
If I could take you into my large factories
at Brockton , Mass. , and show you how
carefully W.L.Douglas shoes are made , you
would then understand
why they are war
ranted to hold their shape , fit better and
wear longer than any other make for the price
CAUTION The genuine have W. I * Douglas
ynunun name jmd prlce 8tamped on bottom
? - Shoes sent direct H3.OO SHOES will positively otwear
? " * 'IT ld TWO FAIRS of orSn.
St. . Brockton , Feat Color ueltt Uu *