Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 26, 1911, Image 2

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    The. Valentine Democrat
'Colored' ' ' Slayer Filled with Bullets
r i While an Officer Attempts to Spirit
Him Away Blacks in Many Towns
Arming fir an Attack on Coweta.
Coweta , Okla. Ed. Suddeth , a negro
iiI ii mob of citizens
gro , was shot to death by a
izens who had armed themselves fol
lowing a battle between whites and
J. D.
"blacks in which Suddeth killed
| i Beavers , city attorney , and wounded
Carman Oliver and Steller Thompson ,
Avhite men.
Suddeth was wounded and then
strung up to a water tank , but was cut
down before he died and locked in a
vacant building. Deputy Sheriff Flow
ers later attempted to take the slayer
to Wagoner to jail. As the negro was
being lifted into an automobile the
mob opened fire on him. Probably
! l fifty shots entered his body.
i > Sioux City Commercial Club Makes
I ? ; Offer to Horticulturist.
Sioux City. The Commercial culb
lias offered a silver trophy , value $50 ,
for the best display of apples grown in
Horticultural society , to be held there
November 2-3 , 1911 , but the trophy
must be won three times by any ex-
liibitor before it becomes his personal
The society represents twenty coun
ties in northwestern Iowa , but large
exhibits are expected from Nebraska ;
South Dakota and Minnesota , where
the 1911 fruit crop is a record-break-
* er. Liberal prizes are offered in the
premium list , which is now on the
press. Sioux City is the permanent
meeting place of the organization.
Sulphur Mine Explodes.
Caltanissetta , Sicily. An explosion
of gas in a sulphur mine at Trabonella
set the mine afire and caused a num
ber of deaths. The "bodies of twenty
men have been recovered and some
other miners who were working in
galleries distant from the mouth of
the pit were missing long after the
Millers Get New Trial. "
Chicago , 111. J. Marion Miller , an
attorney , and his sistetr , Lodavine
Miller , convictted of a confidence
game in defrauding Thomas Foulkes of
Danbury , la. , were granted a new trial
here. Miss Miller was charged with
having obtained sums of money from
FoulKes on promising to marry him.
Accident on Torpedo Boat.
Charleston , S. C. Two of the boiler
tuoes on the torpedo boat Lingey blew
out while the vessel was fifteen miles
off Charleston lightship , painfully in
juring J. L. Myers , a fireman , and J.
H. Gibbes , a negro water tender. The
disabled boat was towed back to port.
Leaps From Fire Escape.
Portland , Ore. Ralph Dimmick , a
young lawyer of this city and well
known in the Pacific northwest and in
the middle west as an athlete , met
death while delirious by jumping from
the second story of a fire escape of a
local hospital.
Brewers' Congress Closes.
Chicago111. . The International
Brewers' congress and exposition
closed after more than 94,000 persons
paid 'admission to see "What beer is
and how it is made. "
Fjre Wipes Out Fair.
Charlotte , S. C. Fate struck the
Mecklenburg county fair when fire
wiped out every exhibit building on
the grounds and left the big area in
the suburbs a blackened waste , just
three days before the date set for the
Live Stock Market.
Sioux City. Cattle Good to choice
corn fed steers , $6.25@7.75 ; medium
to good , $5.75@6.25 ; good to choice
grass steers , $4.50@6.50 ; good to
choice fat cows , and heifers , $5.00 @
6.60 ; grass cows , $3.50@4.75 ; canners
and cutters , $2.50@3.50 ; bulls , $3.00@
4.50 ; veals , $4.00@7.00. Hogs Prices
ranged from $6.20@6.35 , with a bulk of
the sales at $6.276.30. Sheep
Lambs , $4.50@5.50 ; yearlings , $3.50@
4.25 ; wethers , $2.85@3.50 ; ewes , $2.25
@ 3.25.
Ends Life by Shooting.
Zanesville , O. Benjamin Dugn ,
postmastter of South Zanesville for
thirteen years , alleged to be short in
his accounts $14,000 , committed sui
cide by shooting himself. ' His body
was found in an abandoned barn.
Bank Vault Looted.
Clarksville , "Va. Burglars dynamit
ed the vault of the Planters bank here
and after a" pistol battle escaped with
what is believed to be a large amount
Of mpney.
M ' * .
Losses About Equally Divided Be
tween Revolutionists and Loyal
Troops Chinese Fleet Bombards
City Marines Protect Concessions.
Hankow. Four thousand men ,
equally divided between imperial
troops and the rebels , engaged in a
drawn battle on the north bank of the
Han river , just west of this city.
Seven hundred revolutionists were
killed or wounded and the imperial
troops suffered as great a loss.
The revolutionists temporarily drove
the imperial troops back from their
positions and damaged the gunboats ,
but in doing so exhausted their rifle
ammunition and were compelled to
retire to their base at Wu Chang.
A renewal of hostilities is expected
as it appears to be the plan of the
rebels to force the fighting before the
imperialists can secure reinforce
ments. The rebels asserted that they
would have routed the imperial troops
completely if their ammunition had
not given out.
Observers say that the engagement
was a fair fight About 2,000 were en
gaged on each side.
Early in the engagement Admiral
Sah , commanding the Chinese war
ships , ordered men landed to support
the troops. The rebels , on observing
this , directed a hot fire on the blue
jackets and on the warships them
selves from artillery and field guns
that had during the night been placed
on the Wu Chang bank of the river.
Admiral Sah retaliated with * a hot
fire upon the rebel field pieces and
for a time shells fell thick. Many of
the shots endangered the eastern
limits of the concessions and it was
plain that the Chinese gunners were
hampered by fear of hitting the con
cessions themselves and possibly kill
ing people who had taken refuge
The engagement continued for sev
eral hours , when the combined land
and sea forces of the imperials were
driven some distance back , and the
rebels retiring , crossed the river into
Wu Chang , their original base.
While the fighting was in progress
the thirteen foreign vessels strung
along the river landed a joint force
in Wu Chang in command of Vice-Ad-
miral Alfred L. Winsloe , commander
of the British eastern fleet These
men were destined for the various
concessions , it being deemed advisable
that an increase in the guard was
necessary. Sir Alfred , because of his
seniority , has been given the direc
tion of the men engaged in the protec
tion of the foreign concessions.
A German sailor was hit by a stray
bullet , but not seriously wounded. So
far as known , this was the only In
jury sustained among the foreigners.
Reports reaching Hankow say that
the rebellion is spreading to Huang
Chow , Hsiao Kan Hsien and other
places. Although the fighting did not
take place directly in the city of Han
kow , the city was endangered to a
certain extent and all the women and
children left in the place were ordered
to leave.
Secretary Delivers Speech of Wel
come at International Congress
Despite Hundreds of Protests.
Chicago. Secretary of Agriculture
James Wilson braved the accumulated
wrath of prohibition workers and the
prayers of church people throughout
the country , and delivered his speech
at the international brewers' congress
In spite of hundreds of protests that
had been sent to President Taft and
to the secretary himself , calling on
him to refuse to appear at the con
gress , Mr. Wilson welcomed the mem
bers of the organization and made his
speech. To the nonexpert auditor It
consisted merely In assuring the inter
national visitors the same courtesy
the United States has received from
the European countries from which
some of them come.
"The United States Government , "
he said , "sends tourists , pleasure seek
ers , scientists and students to your
country to learn what they may that
interests them. The department of
agriculture sends explorers to all na
tions of the eastern hemisphere to
find plants that may add to our crop
ping systems , that our agriculture may
be improved and that the prosperity
of our people may be enhanced. They
find courtesy everywhere.
"You come among us to discuss
your business interests , and the same
welcome is extended to you that the
people of your countries have ten
dered invariably to Americans who so
journ in your lands for business , edu
cational or scientific purposes. "
Indians Are Facing Famine.
Lander , Wyo. Sixteen hundred Sbo-
shone and Arapahoe braves , squaws
and papooses , it Is reported , are face
to face with the worst famine they
have experienced within the knowl
edge of the white man.
Edison Wins Nobel Prize.
Stockholm. A Nobel prize is to be
conferred upon Thomas Edison , the
famous American Inventor , for his
scientific achievements , according tea
a report originating in educational
Executive Wishes to Clear Slate Be
fore Opening of Campaign Chief's
Special in Peril as Tire Slips From
Engine Wheel.
Las Vegas , Nev. President Taft's
notable "swing around the cir
cle , " now ending its fifth week , will
not end in Washington Nov. 1 , as
first contemplated , but will be extend
ed until Nov. 15 or 18. The president
will travel 3,000 or 4,000 miles more
than at first intended , bringing the
total mileage of his tour up to be
tween 16,000 and 17,000 miles and
breaking all known records of presi
dential travel.
The regular itinerary of the orig
inal trip will be followed to Pitts
burgh , where President Taft will pass
the entire day of Tuesday , Oct. 31.
Then , instead of keeping on to Wash
ington , Mr. Taft will go direct to Mor-
ganstown , W. Va. , to pass Wednesday ,
Nov. 1. From Morgantown he will go
to Hot Springs , Va. , to rest for five
days , starting west again in time to
vote at Cincinnati at the local elec
tions to be held there Nov. 7. The
president will remain in his old home
town for a day or two and will be ten
dered a banquet.
Following the Cincinanti trip , Mr.
Taft probably will bo to Hodgenville ,
Ky. , to participate in the dedication of
the Lincoln farm memorial. There are
two or three tentative dates in Ten
nessee following this and then , it is
expected , Mr. Taft will return to
Washington in time to prepare his
message to congress , which meets
the first Monday In December. The
dates of the supplemental trip have
not been fixed beyond Cincinnati , but
probably will be announced within the
next few days. According to Presi
dent Taft's plans , he will discard his
special train either at Chicago or
Pittsburgh and will make the supple
mental tour in his private car at
tached to regular trains.
A serious mishap to President
Taft's train was narrowly averted as it
was crossing the desert twenty miles
west of Kelso. A slipping tire on one
of the trailer wheels of the locomo
tive was discovered by the engineer
while a stop was being made for wa
Progressive Republican Conference
Indorses Wisconsin Senator for
President in 1912.
Chicago. Senator Robert M. La
Follette of Wisconsin was Indorsed
for the Republican nomination for
president in 1912 by the 200 delegates
In attendance at the national Progres
sive Republican conference here.
Indorsement of the Wisconsin
progressive came after a long session
of speechmaking in the enunciation
of principles which were In part re
ported back to "the conference by the
committee on resolutions.
The platform of principles as em
bodied In the resolutions makes no
mention of the tariff , nor does It in
clude the progressive principles of
the Initiative and referendum.
George Gould Is Grandpa.
New York. A daughter was born
to Mrs. Anthony J. Drexel. Jrl. who
was Miss Marjorie Gould. The baby ,
he'ress to a fortune of at least $30.-
000,000 , Is the first grandchild of Mr.
und Mrs. George J. Gould , and will be
named Edith Kingdon Drexel. after Its
Plnchot in From Alaska.
Seattle , Wash. Gifford Plnchot and
Senator Miles "Poindexter of Washing
ton have arrived here from a six
weeks' trip in Alaska.
Surgeons at Army Post Render First
Aid to Victims Gov. Gilchrist of
Florida Assists.
Omaha , Neb. As a result of a head-
on collision between a north-bound
passenger train and a fast freight on
the Missouri Pacific railroad near Fort
Crook , seven persons are dead and
twenty-four are suffering from injuries
more or less serious.
The injured were rushed to the post
hospital and the surgeons from the
fort were the first on the scene to give
attention to those hurt.
The scene of the accident was with
in less than one mile of the post. The
passenger was belated and was en
deavoring to make up time. At this
point the Missouri Pacific and Burling
ton are parallel and within 100 feet of
each other. Each engineer thought the
other train was on the Burlington
track , a slight curve preventing a
realization of the impending collision
until the locomotives were within 100
yards of each other. The smoker
completely telescoped the chair car ,
most of the dead and injured being In
the latter car.
The dead :
F. W. Petring , Nebraska City. Neb
O. W. Keeler , Atchison , Kan.
Mrs. Fred Rottman and daughter
Marcla , Nebraska City.
A. W. Sprague , St Joseph.
Miss Frances Lillian Kanka , actress ,
Unknown negro woman , forty years
Connaught Is Sworn in as New Gov
ernor of British Dominion with
Imposing Ceremony.
Quebec. The duke of Connaught ,
the new governor general of
Canada , arrived in the harbor last
night aboard the steamer Empress of
Ireland. There was a crowd at the
dock , but his royal highness and the
duchess remained in their suite and
only a few officials.and friends gained
the privilege of welcoming them to
The official landing of the duke and
duchess took place this morning and
the ceremony of swearing in the duke
followed shortly afterwards in parlia
Presbyterians Propose $1,000,000 Struc *
ture to Be Erected in Washing
ton as Home of Church.
Washington. Harlon temple , to be
erected by Presbyterians from all over
the United States and to cost $1,000-
000 , is proposed as a memorial to the
late justice of the Supreme court of
the United States. The plan for a
meeting place at Washington for the
governing body of that church has
long been a pet project of Justice Har-
lan. It now comes forward with re
newed support , coupled with the sug
gestion that It be named for him and
be his' memorial.
Edison Wins Nobel Prize.
Stockholm. A Nobel prize Is to
be conferred upon Thomas Edi
son , the famous American inventor ,
for his scientific achievements , ac
cording to a report originating In edu
cational circles.
U. S. Steel Cancels Lease.
New York. It was officially an
nounced that the United States Steel
corporation has cancelled its contracts
for the lease of the Great Northern
ore beds , one of the biggest properties
of that kind controlled by the com
Orvllle Wright in Fall.
Norfolk , Va. The new aeroplane of
the Wright brothers was wrecked here
with Orville Wright in the air. during
a storm. The aviator had a remark
able escape from Injury.
J j * v *
- - -
Admits He Had Formed Opinion
Which Would Take Strong Evi
dence to Change.
Los Angeles. The four days' fight
igainst Z. T. Nelson , a venireman , as
a juror in the trial of James B. Mc-
Namara , who , with his brother , is ac
cused of having blown up the Los An
geles Times building , ended with a
victory for McNamara.
Nelson was dismissed after the
state had withdrawn its objection to a
challenge for cause , and after Nelson
had admitted that he had formed an
opinion of the guilt or innocence of
the prisoner and that it "would take
mighty strong evidence to shake
him. "
Judge Bordwell questioned Nelson
and he admitted he had obtained in
formation about the alleged dynamit
ing of the Times building from per
sons with whom he had talked and
from newspapers.
"If you were chosen as a juror in
this case could you and would you , not
withstanding the opinion you have
formed , act impartially on the evi
dence submitted to you ? " Judge Bord
well asked.
"It would take pretty strong evi
dence before I would , " was the reply.
A wrangle between lawyers as to
whether he should have answered yes
or no followed and Nelson said he
could not answer the question. The
state then withdrew its objection and
Judge Bordwell permitted Nelson to
step.out. Thus ended the first skir
mish in the trial.
McNamara was silent throughout
the sessions. He maintained a strong
interest in the examination of the
talesmen , but offered no suggestions.
TELLS OF $100,000 "FUND"
Lieut. Governor Morris on Stand in
Stephenson Inquiry Names Robert
J. Shields as Receiver.
Milwaukee , Wis. "I have been told
by Mr. Cook , partner of Edward
Hines , that approximately $100-
000 was paid by Hines and Senator
Stephenson to certain men , one of
whom was Robert J. Shields , to be
used in the election of Senator Steph
enson , " said Lieutenant Governor Mor
ris at the Stephenson query.
He said Mr. Shields went to Wash
ington and saw Senator Stephenson
and came back with a check.
" 1 was told that a man named San
derson , a former assistant sergeant-at-
arms of the senate , had told C. H.
Crownhart of Superior that he had
knowledge that part of this money
went to the Democratic members of
the assembly who walked out on the
day when Senator Stephenson was
elected. The money was used -to in
duce the Democrats to leave the joint
"Cook further said that Shields de
manded $15,000 for his services and
that Hines and Senator Stephenson
got into a dispute about it He said
that later the matter was settled by
the payment of ? 7,500 to Shields and
a certain line of insurance. "
Former Banker Leaves Leavenworth
Prison for Chicago Home After
Serving More Than Year.
Leavenworth , Kan. An order from
Washington paroling John R. Walsh ,
the former Chicago banker and rail
way president , was received at the
Federal prison here. The prisoner at
once began preparations for the start
Mr. Walsh up to the time of his pa
role had served one year eight months
and twenty-six days of his five-year
The order of parole arrived from
Washington. When told that he waste
to be released the aged prisoner plain
ly showed his pleasure.
The aged banker's son met his fath
er as he emerged from the prison
gates and accompanied him home.
President Takes Leading Part In Cele
bration Marking Opening of Pa
nama-Pacific Exposition.
San Francisco. Actual work on the
Panama-Pacific International exposi
tion , to be held In 1915 , was begun
when President Taft turned the- first
spadeful of earth at the fair site. The
ships of the Pacific fleet , riding at an
chor In the harbor , joined In the cele
bration and the line of march of the
spectacular military parade was
thronged by thousands.
The ground breaking took place at
the staudlum In Golden Gate park ,
which occupies a part of the site of
the fair.
Italy Launches Fourth Dreadnought.
Genoa. Italy launched an
other dreadnought , the fourth within ,
a short space of time. The new fight
ing machine is the Glulio Cesare.
Walks From Coast to Coast.
San Francisco. Henry Hona. a
pedestrian , has completed a coast-to-
coast walk , having journeyed from
Jersey City to San Francisco In sev
enty-one days. Hona did not steal ,
solicit nor work during his trip , using
his savings of several months' work
as a laborer to defray his expenses.
Sleeping Family Is Slain.
Ellsworth , Kan. William Showman ,
his wife and three children were
found dead In their beds , slalii with
an & 7
For Agricultural Education.
Secretary W. R. Mellor of the Xe-
Draska state board of agriculture , has.
jompiled a statement showing that
J74S.240 is necessary to pay the ex
penses of the biennium frr agricul-
.ural education in Nebraska. He was.
isked for such a compilation by the
agricultural department of Ontario , ,
md sent the following :
Salary roll for college of agricul
ture Including that paid for ex
perimental purposes at Lincoln
from the mill tax is about . $ iQ.UUU *
Maintenance p.u'd to farm demirt-
ments from the mill tax is about 20bU
Jash expended by departments at
the farm accumulated by their
farm sales is about . 7- , , ?
The Adams fund . * ? , , , ,
The J latch fund . V- -
Extension fund per year . . nn ,
Agricultural botany .
Entomology .
Hog cholera investigations . 1
North Platte substation . '
Valentine substation .
Scotts BlufC substation .
Culbertson substation . l. .uuu
Southwestern agricultural school ,
Curtis . 100,000
Conservation commission , for the
biennium .
State geologist , for the biennium. I
State veterinarian .
Pure food commission .
Bureau oT statistics .
Receipts of biennium from state
fair $177.000
Expenditures at state fair . l. .S.OOO
State appropriation for building on
fair grounds . !
Board of Horticulture . . -
State poultry association .
Corn improvers' association .
State dairymen's association - " , OOQ
Improved live stock breeders' as
sociation . 2,000-
Agricultural building at the farm S5.000
Farmers' institutes . : :5.iMu : )
Nebraska rural life commission..500
Surplus Shipments for 19.10.
Deputy commissioner of labor and
industrial statistics , Louis V. Guye ,
has given out the following summary
of the bulletin of surplus shipments
just completed for the year 1910. This-
report shows the commodities ,
shipped by the railroads and express
companies , which , in a measure repre \
sents the surplus above the home con
sumption of the Nebraska farm and
shows as follows :
Total of all commodities for the year
I 1910 were 2,805,525,436. Total for 1909
were 1,056,520.241. making a net in
crease over 1909 of 1,806,589,294.
The commodities showing increase
over 1909 are as follows : Apples per
bushel gain of 1,319,469. Brick 21.-
225,277. Butter , pounds 18,117,265.
Corn , bushels 24,594,741. Cream gallons
lens 17,370,953. Dressed meats-
pounds 114,221,949. Flour , pounds
323,604,528. Dressed poultry pounds
3,126,846. Eggs dozens 243.749,301.
Hides and pelts pounds 21,746,274.
Live poultry pounds 12,229,732. Mill
feeds pounds 103,629,398. Oats bush
els 13,437,430. Potatoes bushels 2,726-
174. Sheep head 1,028,283. Wheat
bushels 8,417,443. The above repre
senting the increase and not the total _
Agricultural Exhibit at State Fair.
The board of managers of the state-
fair met at the office of Secretary Mel
lor to transact business and try to
close up the business of the recent
state fair. Informally the members
discussed articles in newspapers which
urge the university regents to make
an educational agricultural exhibit at
the state fair for the benefit of farm
ers who attend the fair. It is said
that five times as many farmers
would see such an exhibit of the
work of the university agricultural
department than will visit the state
farm in one year. The question of
building a permanent building and
making an annual exhibit at the fair
will be presented to the regents.
Stewart's Preliminary Hearing.
Deputy Attorney George W. Ayres.
and State Accountant John Tullys are
in Beatrice to be present at the pre
liminary hearing of Thomas E. Stew
art , formerly bookkeeper at the state
institute for feebleminded youth , who
is charged by the state with the em
bezzlement of 51,300 , while employed
by the state.
Governor Aldrich has addressed a
letter to the United States treasury
department , on request of the Lincoln ,
city council , asking that a health ex
pert be sent to Lincoln to inquire-
into the causes of the recent typhoid ,
Mr. Crabtree Resigns.
State Superintendent Crabtree wiir
ask Governor Aldrich to accept his.
resignation at once that he may com
plete some outside work and begin his.
duties at the head of the state normal
school at River Palls , Wis.
Armour & Co. was fined ? 50 ana
costs for selling lard packages not
branded with the net weight. The
complaint under which the conviction ,
was obtained was filed by E. C. Kem-
ble , inspector for the pure food com
The balance in the general fund of *
the state has dropped to $22,000 zmd :
county treasurers are being urged to
send in money. The older , more pop
ulous counties are chiefly the
quents , counties in the short grass
region havingpaid their taxes to the
state treasurer.
A 350-page abstract of the evidence-
in the ouster suit against Chief of
Police Donahue of Omaha , has been
filed in supreme court by A. F. Mullen , ,
special counsel for the state in thia
case. '