I If' ' \ \ ! i ri * l""TPTj TT it ' food Utensils ii ! h in is a pure , hygienic , .cleanser entirely free from acids , caustics and alkali. Avoid dangerous cliemical cleansers Old Dutch is a mechanical cleanser. Its fine particles quickly loosen and remove all "grease and burn" without leaving a scratch li : on the surface. Use it on the floors , wood work and metal work all over the house. mtes and JM1'Directions en LargeSifier-cazi. Mortmain ; Mrs. Frank Baylor went to Valentine Monday night. Estell Henderson was a Gordon visitor Saturday and Sunday. Mable and Myrtle Boesl re turned from Crawford Thursday morning. Joy Fairhead and Edgar Allen were Gordon visitors Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Saxton from Crawford are spending the week with friends and relatives. Mrs. H. 0. Gunderson came in from Kyle , S. D. , to take the train for Vermillion , S. D. Miss Alice Dixon and Pearl Sears spent a couple of days last week with friends and relatives. Mrs. E. Prescott arrived from Washington Thursday and is at present visiting her sister Mrs. A. Lamb. Mrs. L. B. Lessert and Mrs. Dave Lessert were in from the reservation the first of the \ \ eek , Mrs. Ben Roberts left for Rap id City , S. D. , Saturday morning to visit her sister Mrs. F. Hewlitt. Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the county court of Cherry county , Ne braska. State of Nebraska , I Cherry County fbh To the heirs and all persons interested in the estate of Thomas J. Henderson , deceased On reading the petition of Louise HendPr sonexecutrix , praying a tinal settlement and allowance of her account tiled in this Court on the 19th day of October , 1911 , and for a de cree of linal account. It is hereby ordered that you and all per sons interested in said matter may , and do , appear at the county court to be held in and for said county , on the 4th dav of Nov. , A. D , 1911 , at 10 o'clock a. m. , to show cause , if any there be , why the prayer of the pe titioner should not be granted , and that not ice of the pendenc3 * of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The Valentine Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said county for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. jA3ii:3 C. QUIGL.EY. [ SEAL , ] -11-3 County Judge. Wulcott & Walcott , Attorneys for petitioner. A LIBERAL OFFER We Guarantee to Relieve Dyspepsia. If We Fail the Medicine Costs Nothing. To unquestionably prove to the peoble that indigestion and dys pepsia can be permanently re lieved and that Rexali Dyspepsia Tablets will bring about this re sult , we will furnish the medicine absolutely free if it fails to give satisfaction to any one using it. The remarkable success of Kcx- all Dyspepsia Tablets is due to the high degree of scientific skill used in devising their formula as well as to the eare exercised in their manufacture , whereby the well- known properties of Bisrnuth- Subnitrate and Pepsin have been combined with Carminatives and other agents. Bismuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin are constantly employed and rec ognized by the entire medical pro fession , as invaluable in the treat ment of indigestion and dyspep sia. The pepsin used in Rexali Dys pepsia Tablets is carefully pre pared so as to develope its greatest efficiency. Pepsin supplies to the digestive apparatus one of the most important elements of the digestive fluid. Without it the digestion and assimilation of food are impossible. The Carminatives posses prop erties which aid in relieving the disturbances and pain caused by undigested food. This combina tion of these ingredients makes a remedy invaluable for the com plete relief of indigestion and dys pepsia. We are so certain of this that we urge you to try Rexali Dys pepsia Tablets on our own person al guarantee. Three sizes , 25 Tf cents , 50 cents , and ยง 1.00. Re member , you can obtain Rexali Remedies only at our store The Rexali Store. G , A. Chapman. St. Nicholas' Church. Services will be held in the Catholic church as follows : In Nenzel on Sunday Oct. 22. In Valentine on Sunday Oct. 29. 1st Mass at 8 a. m. 2nd Mass at 10 a. m. Benediction of the Blessed Sac rament after Mass. Instructions for the children at 2 p. m. LEO M. BLAERR , Rector. ' Old papers for sale at this office 15 cents a hundred. Barnes the eye specialist of Omaha will be at the Donoher ho ; tel Wednesday the 25th. Visits made here for more than ten years. No charges for examination. Wood Lake the 26th. 40-2 Phone your coal orders to Fisch er's Hardware. We have added Mr. Hornby's sheds to ours , there fore have plenty of storage room , and can fill your bins on short notice. 38 HORSES Wanted to winter 100 head of horses or less. The best of range , good water and shelter. Bert Anderson , Brownlee , Neb. New style wire type Edison's G. E. lamps can be used in any position. 25 watt lamp 60c. 40 watt , 70c. Special prices for a short time only at H. I. Weinzim- mer's. Plumbing and Electrical shop. 40 Dr. M. F. Meer has decided to visit Wood Lake the first Monday and Tuesday of each month to do dental work. 19tf To be held at Garner Bros' , ranch one mile east of on the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad. Take Northwestern Railroad , Black Hill Division to * r f Cody or Merriman , Nebraska , then conveyance ten miles from either point. We will sell at ( I1 public auction to the highest bidder on at 12' o'clock , noon , i 5 consisting of 250 cows with calves at foot , 375 head of yearling- heifers , 275 head of yearling steers , 75 head of two-year-old spayed heifers , and 56 head of two-year-old steers. This stock is in prime condition and will positively be sold without reserve to the highest 11 li bidder for cash. it tons 01 the very stacked with stackers. for with best grazing privileges. poi Your local banks everywhere will take care of cattle paper as cattle will be much higher another year. r ores. * - - - Z. T Col. G. E. TRACEWELL , Auctioneer. A. C. BLANCHARD , Clerk. REX DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Relieves gas in stomach , Everybody who reads after eating , stomach ner _ . , . _ _ _ uuys nc\vs j papers , but everybody dizziness , headache , heartburn , b v/ho reads doesn't bay newspapers magazines. heart palpitation and other ail Catch the Draft ? ments caused by faulty digestion. Here's the raediura to Price 25c. Prepared by United reach the people of this community. Drug Company , Boston , Mass. Sold in Valentine only by G. A. Chapman. The Rexali Store. The automobile that will travel all directions out of Valentine without fear of being sand or hill bound. We invite everyone to inspect this up = to = date car. Simple in Design and Construction DambSy & Lay port Auto Dealers Valentine , Nebraska Cigars and Soft Drinks PROP , E. M. Faddis & Co Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded Fy % * on Mt f ? - " thigh Horses branded ilf-ft & ! f or thiph Some Some branded branded on ritht n left or bhoulden shoulder or thigh P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on left side Some Qvon left side. - en left jaw o V horses. Ranee on Gordon Creek north of Simeon. 1ST. S. Kowley. Kennedy , - .Neuraska. Same as cut on left , side and hip , and on" % < l 6 > rwcM3rBKa9 ! left shoulder of norfitS * re ctt ses. A\so&Z5 * & on SSSffM left Bide hip. * ' X on left side ed ; pepc ( either side up ) on left side or hip. K on left jaw and left shoulder of horses , LU LUQ on left hip ol horses. KT on left jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Bosebud , 3D Horses end cattle same aa cut ; also CJJBE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock oearingaiiy of theabrand ? . E. M. Terrill , Propr. Brownlee , IS'eo. s = Cattle branded as ? in c.-t on left side. Some branded K. T "V on left hip. Range on North Loup river , two miles west of Brownlee Not Afraid 3t Francis Mis sion , Rosebud , 5.D. Cattle branded is in cut ; horses jame or jj j * on eft thigh. Range letwcen Spring D'k and Little CVhite river. Albert Whipple & Sons. \ Rosebud B , D. Cattle branded SOS on left side O3O on rlghtside 8 OS Some cattle alao have af fen neck Some with A on left shonlder and some branded with two tarj across hind onar- _ _ ters. Some Texas cattle branded s O 011 left side and on left side. Horses branded SOS on left hlo. Some cattle branded AW bar connected on both sides and left hip of horses D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some 0:1 left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. 3Tebrasfca Land and Feeding Uo 3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock V.P Chas C Jamion Sec&Treas - ' Cattle branded 01 any part of animal ; also the following brands : S38S aa rS iaae Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr G. K , Sawyer has chanre of these cattle. H rse > ft onle tshoul- der. Some | left aide. Horses ! same left thigh. _ Kange on Snake river. Metzger Bros. KOU'B Nebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. . Earmark , square crop right ear. Horses have same brand on eft thigh. . -'ft on Gordon and Snake Creeks. A Ketvard of $250 nil : be j.aid to any person for lufdrnint.ou leading to the arrest and final or persons stealing J. A. Taryan. Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JY on rightside Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to th.e re covery of cattla strayed from my range. -TV' ' , < fl iwl LEADING BEER McGreer & Carr I MIDDLE WEST Dealers- Valentine * / > - * - f M