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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1911)
Terrible Suffering Eczema All Over Baby's Body. ' "When my baby was four months old fris face broke out with eczema and at sixteen months of age his face , hands and arms "were in a dreadful state. The eczema spread all over his body. We had to put a mask or cloth over his face and tie up his hands. Finally we gave him Hood's Sarsaparilla and in a few months lie was entirely cured. Today he is a healthy boy. " Mrs. Inez Lewis , Baring , Maine. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures blood diseases and builds up the system. pet it today in usual liquid form or cKbcolatcd tablets called Sarsatabs. 'Your Liver Is Clogged Up That's Why You're Tiredut of Sorts Have No Appetite. CARTER'S LITTLE , LIVER PILLS will put you right in a few days They do their duty. CureCon- stipation , Biliousness , Indigestion and Sick Headache SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE Genuine must bear Signature W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 42-1911. DESERVEDLY EJECTED. Parrot Willie Owl was put out of the theater last night. Second Parrot What for ? First Parrot Why , he commenced tooting at the villain. Maine Blueberries. Washington county's blueberry crop has netted this year a revenue of more than $1,000,000 , according teState State Horticulturist Albert K. Gardner of Rockland. This industry was start ed but a few years ago in that county and the yield this year is the largest yet obtained there. One grower real ized $75 from a few bushes which he set out in his orchard as a "side is sue. " A man near Cherryfleld is said to have raked blueberries from the Tines just as cranberries are gathered. It is stated that fabulous prices are paid for rental of blueberry lands and "blueberry factories and the canning factories are still running. Kennebec Journal. To Mend an Umbrella. To mend an umbrella that tears lose from the rib at the point , when you are on the street and needle and thread are not available , close the um brella and bringing the cloth in po sition , insert a small hairpin in the hole of the rib , and -vind securely round cloth. This "first aid to the in jured" is so efficient you will be tempted to leave it permanently. Na tional Magazine. In London 900,000 persons are living more than two in a room and 26,001 persons are living six or more in j single room. About the only proof a woman needs that she is in love with a man is to feel perfectly sure that she isn't. The fact that wealth doesn't always Taring happiness influences mighty fev of us to be poor. FROM TEXAS Some Coffee Facts From the Lone Star State. From a beautiful farm down in Tex as , where gushing springs unite to form babbling brooks that wind their sparkling way through flowery meads , comes a note of gratitude for delivery from the coffee habit. "When my baby boy came to me five years ago , I began to drink Postum , having a feeling that it would be better for him and me than the old kind of drug-laden coffee. I was not disappointed in it , for it enabled me , a small , delicate woman , to nurse a bouncing , healthy baby 14 months. "I have since continued the use of Postum for I have grown fond of it , and have discovered to my joy that it has entirely relieved me of a bilious habit which used to prostrate me two or three times a year , causing much discomfort to my family and suffering to myself. "My brother-in-law was cured of chronic constipation by leaving off coffee and using Postum. He has be come even more fond of it than he was of the old coffee. "In fact , the entire family , from the latest arrival ( a 2-year-old who always calls for his 'potie' first thing in the morning ) , up to the head of the house , think there is no drink so good or so wholesome as Postum. " Xanie given by Postum Co. , Battle Creek , Mich. Read the little book , "The Road to Wellvillc , " in pkgs. "There's a reason" Ever read llic afiov letter ? A UCMT one > i ; i > cnr from lime to flne. TIi ° y nr prcnuiuc , true , nutl itsll of human Vouchers for New State School. The state board of public lands and buildings will be considered a depart ment of the state university for the next several months , insofar as the university authorities are concerned in the approval of vouchers required by the board of expenditures in erect ing the plant of the new state agricul tural school at Curtis. Chancellor Avery signed the first voucher pre sented by the board and it now awaits the approval of President Allen of the board of regents. The university takes the position that the legislature has practically made the board of public lands and buildings a division of the university for the purposes of this particular act. Price on Cadet Uniforms Reduced. While the general cost of living for a number of years past has been mounting with great rapidity , the price of one big item for the univer sity cadet has been just as rapidly tumbling downward. The price of ca det uniforms for this year has been cut again , and the amateur soldier can now fully equip himself for $11.20. Five years ago his cadetship had to dole out seventeen dollars for his uni form. This was cut to $14.50 , then $13.50 , next $11.50 , and this year it comes down to $11.20. Is the Governor a Philatelist ? A bunch of envelopes bearing can celed stamps from several different countries , and with them a collection of souvenir postcards from different cities of the United States , was re ceived at the office of Governor Aldrich - drich from some unknown person , who sent them with the compliments but did not sign his name. Stamps from Manila , Yucatan , Peru and Cuba were included in the collection , along with pictures of the Indiana and Iowa state capitals and the battleship Wisconsin Worms Injure Fail Wheat. During the past week the state en tomologist's office has been hooded with reports of injury to fall wheat by cutworm-like caterpillars. Practi cally all of these reports came in dur ing the period between the twenty- ninth day of September and the third day of October. The trouble seems to be confined almost entirely to the ex treme eastern part of Lancaster and : o various localities in Cass county. Increased Requests for Serum. Requests for hog cholera serum have shown an increase of 50 per cent over the record of last year , ac cording to Dr. Gain of the state uni versity college of agriculture. Wheth er this is indicative of a correspond ing increase of cholera or merely tea a more general understanding of the work of the agricultural college is a question. Dr. Gain believes that both influences figure in the advance. Is Not Amenable. A merchant who takes orders in a neighboring town and who fills his orders through an agent making de liveries in a wagon is not amenable to the huckster ordinances of the town his agent visits , according to the de cision of the supreme court in the case of City of Scribner vs. Moyune Tea Company. Birth Rate Three Times Death Rate. Vital statistics compiled during the month of August by State Health Inspector specter Wilson , show 793 deaths and 2,271 births. Infantile diseases were responsible for nearly one-fourth of the deaths , heart disease , cancer and tuberculosis following in order. The University of Nebraska is to be well represented at the annual meet ing of the state teachers' association in Omaha November 8-10. Aside from the university faculty members and students in the teachers' college who will be present , the university will have an exhibit showing the work done by various departments. The postal savings bank opened Saturday in Lincoln and $689.20 was taken in. "Fainting Bertha" Has Subsided. "Fainting Bertha" who has put to route the officials of several state penitentiaries and asylums is now as meek as a lamb in her present retreat at the asylum at Hastings. Since her transfer to the asylum she has be come docile and now spends her time doing fancy needlework. She sits quietly in her room and leaves it only occasionally to take exercise. Prior to her transfer she made life a bur den to the matron and women con victs at the state penitentiary. While Governor Aldrich was con ferring at St. Louis with Governors Hadley of Missouri and Harmon of Ohio on the preparation of a brief to present to the supreme court of the United States , protesting against the interference of federal courts with state officials , restarining orders were brought to this city to be served on him and other state officials. The or der enjoins them from discharging Charles G. Van Ness , an inmate of the Old Soldiers' Home at Grand Island , place/I by law in the hands of the SOY-nor and other state official ? ALL OVER NEBRASKA. Rampant Bull in School House. Richardson County. Miss Sailors and her pupils of Fairview , a country school about turee miles south of Verdon , had an experience that will be remembered a life time when a 2- year-old steer rushed madly into the school room. The animal was with a herd of cat tle which Carey Higgins had bought from Graham Jones , and when placed oa the scales for weighing had be come greatly frightened. Mr. Higgins and" three men were driving the cattle to his home about nine miles north of Verdon , and had only proceeded a short distance until they reached the school , where teacher and pupils were requested to leave the yard and enter the building. Miss Sailors left the door open and the angry and. excited steer rushed into the school room. Miss Sailors and her pupils made their escape through the other door. The animal worked havoc with the furnishings. To Check Deadly Anthrax. Douglas County. Precautions to check the spread of the deadly an thrax among cattle and humans along the Big Pappio were taken by Dr. C. C. Hall , assistant state veterinarian , under direction of State Veterinarian A. Bostrom , following a breaking out of the disease among cattle of Charles Klonoger , a farmer living near Bennin'gton. Persons failing to lielp check the spread of the disease will be prosecuted. The Klonoger farm is the third on which the disease has shown itself. Joseph Mackland , who was attacked by anthrax about two weeks ago as a result of his skinning a cow which had died of the disease , has almost completely recovered. Joy Turned to Sorrow. Hall County. Delighted over the return of his mother , who had been in the hospital in Grand Island for some weeks , Carl Lucas , son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Lucas , hurriedly placed a shotgun in a spring wagon , to run up the road and meet his parents , and in doing so met his death. Either the gun was cocked and the jar caused the explosion of both barrels , or a lit tle wire hanging like a key to the seat struck the triggers. The loads enter ed the abdomen and the lad fell over dead. Large Acreage In Winter Wheat. Dougas County. Favorable weather and soil conditions on the Nebraska division of the Burlington have result ed in a large acreage of winter grain , and the work of plowing and seeding is well advanced. Many fields of win ter wheat are up and both stand and color are good , according to the road's report. It is estimated that close to 75 per cent of a full crop of corn will be had on the Omaha , Lincoln and Wymore divisions , and 50 per cent , on the McCook division. Comet at Cambridge. Furnas County. Many persons in the vicinity of Cambridge , Report that a comet has been visible each night during the last two weeks and they are wondering why the scientists have' had nothing to say about it The oomet is said to be in the northwest , to the left and some distance below the last star in the handle of the big dipper. The tail showed very dis tinctly vhile the moon was young , and pointed nearly straight up. Buried With Military Honors- Cuming County. The funeral of Earl Hahlbeck , the national guards man of Company B , First regiment Nebraska National guard , who met death at Camp Mickey , held in Wis- ner , from the Methodist Episcopal church. The young man was buried with military honors. Company B. at tended with forty-one members in full uniform. Wants Marriage Annulled. Gage County. Charging that wife No. 2 married him two months ago for his land and other property valued at about $25,000 , Frank Gerwick , a prom inent German farmer living near Odell , who cannot speak or write Eng lish , brought suit in the district courJ to have the marriage annulled. The Governor to Hunt. Lincaster County. Governor Al drich will go to Cherry county Octo ber 19 for a week's hunting trip and will be a guest of honor at the ranch home of John Bachelor. The gover nor has given out that provided he has forgotten no previous dates he will make the stay an entire week. Long Litigation Ended. Lancaster County. Seven years of litigation in Nebraska courts ended when the Moyune Tea company of jiTemont secured a supreme court de cision holding that it had not violated the license tax ordinance of the town of Scribner when it sent William Mohr there with a wagon of tea. Public Night School. Adams County. At the meeting of the school board of Hastings it was decided to establish a night school providing twenty or more pupils would attend. Hustling for the County Seat. Thurston County. Walthill is getting - ting ready to become the county seat of Thurston county and its business men are pushing toward the end. Five years ago what is now Walthill was an unbroken but beautiful prairie. To- fc.y 11e population is nearly 1,300. EVER TAKE A MUSIC BATH ? They Are as Good fop the Soul , Holmes Says , as Water for the Body. One must be educated , no doubt , to understand the more complex and dif ficult kinds of musical composition. Go to the concerts where you know that the music is good , and that you ought to like it whether you do or not. Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons , and you will find that It Is to the soul what the water bath is to the body. I wouldn't trouble myself about the affectations of people who go to this or that series of concerts chiefly because it is fashionable. Some of these people whom we think so silly will perhaps find , sooner or later , that they have a dormant faculty which is at last waking up , and that they who came because others came , and began by staring at the audience , are listening to a newly found de light. Everyone of us has a harp un der the bodice or waistcoat , and if it can only once get properly strung and tuned it will respond to all outside harmonies. Oliver Wendell Holmes. PIMPLES ON FACE 3 YEARS "I was troubled with acne for three long years. My face was the only part affected , but it caused great disfigure ment , also suffering and loss of sleep. At first there appeared red , hard pimples which later contained white matter. I suffered a great deal caused by the itching. I was in a state of perplexity when walking the streets or anywhere before the public. "I used pills and other remedies but they failed completely. I thought of giving up when nothing would help , but something told me to try the Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment. I sent for a Cuticura Booklet which I read care fully. Then I bought some Cuticura Soap and Ointment and by following the directions I was relieved in a few days. I used Cuticura Soap for wash ing my face , and applied the Cuticura Ointment morning and evening. This treatment brought marvelous results so I continued with it for a few weeks and was cured completely. I can truthfully say that the Cuticura Rem edies are not only all , but more than they claim to be. " ( Signed ) G. Bau- mel , 1015 W. 20th Place , Chicago , 111. , May 28 , 1911. Although Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold by drug gists and dealers everywhere , a sam ple of each , with 32-page book , will be mailed free on application to "Cuticura , " Dept. 28 K , Boston. Hillocks of Vegetation. At this time of the year farmers are busy making miniature mountains on their holdings , mountains that will be scattered over the countryside before the winter is over. The mountains in question are those Termed of vegetable produce that must be kept for several months , and sold as occasion requires. Potatoes , beet root , carrots and turnips are raised from the ground -September and stored. The farmer calls his hillock of vege tables a "clamp. " He makes it on a piece of high ground near the home stead , so that it may not be flooded , and many a big grower has clamps a quarter of a mile long. First , a shallow ditch is dug on the piece of land selected. The base of this is lined with straw , and upon the straw the roots are heaped up firmly and carefully , till they resemble an elon gated cone. Over the sides of the cone more straw is laid , and on that again earth or , better still , tufts , with their grassy sides inwards. Bricks will not keep out frost , but straw will , and a well- made clamp is frost proof , and also damp proof. The Universal Franchise. A small number of men sympathiz ers took part in the suffragist parade in New York city , among them several members of the faculty of Teachers' college. One of these professors had the honor of leading the male contin gent and of carrying a banenr. "Did you notice , " he asked a friend afterward , "what the inscription was on that banner they gave me to carry ? " 'No , " replied his friend , "you car ried it as if you were afraid some one would decipher it" "It read , " chuckled the professor , 'The men vote why not we ? ' " Suc cess Magazine. Where It Belonged. "Where are you going ? " "To fetch some water , sorr. " "What , in those disreputable trous ers ? " "No , sorr , in this 'ere pail. " Lon don Opinion. . Entitled to It. "That young Mr. Highfly seems to have a very lofty air. " "Why not ? He has broken all the altitude records. " BEAUTIFUL POST CARDS FREE Send 2c stamp for five samples or my very choic est Gold Kmbossed Birthday , Flower and Motto Post Cards ; beautiful colors and loveliest designs. Art Post Card Clue , 731 Jackson St. , Topeka , Kansas It takes an optimist to rejoice in the fact that after a woman Urea of his kisses , he can eat all the onions he wants. There are now three thousand people ple in the new Swastika gold mining camp , thirty-one miles north of the Cobalt silver area. MILLIONS of FAMILIES arc ? BLIXIR SENNA FOR COLDS AND HEADACHES , INDIGESTON AND OUR STOMACH. GAS AND FERMENTATION , CONSTIPATION AND- BILIOUSNESS.WITH MOST SATISFACTORY RESULTS. IN THE CIRCLE ON EVERY PACKAGE OFTHE GENUINE THE WONDERFUL POPULARITY OF THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA HAS LED UNSCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS TO OFFER IMITATIONS , IN ORDER TO MAKE A LARGER PROFIT AT THE EXPENSE OF THEIR CUSTOMERS. IF A DEALER ASKS WHICH SIZE YOU WISH , OR WHAT MAKE YOU WISH. WHEN YOU ASK FOR SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA , HE IS PREPAR. CONTAINS six ING TO DECEIVE YOU TELL HIM THAT YOU WISH THE CENT. OF ALCOHOLk GENUINE. MANUFACTURED DY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO ALL RELIABLE DRUGGISTS KNOW THAT THERE IS BUT ONE GENUINE AND THAT IT IS MANUFACTURED - FACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO ONLY NOTE THE NAME PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS , NEAR THE BOTTOM. AND IN THE CIRCLE.NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAGE.OFTHE GENUINE ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MINIATURE PICTURE DRUGGISTS REGULAR PRICE 50c PER BOTTLE. OF PACKAGE. . A , SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA IS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE NEEDS OP LADIES AND CHILDREN. AS IT IS MILD AND PLEASANT GENTLE AND EFFECTIVE , AND ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM OBJECTIONABLE INGREDIENTS IT IS EQUALLY BENEFICIAL TOR WOMEN AND FOR MEN- YOUNG AND OLD FOR SALE BY ALL LEADLNG DRUGGISTS. ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE. iTEMPER .Can be handled very easily. The elck are cured , and oil others la matter how "exposed. " kept from having tbodls- Jeoio. by using Sl'OUN'S LIQUID DISTEMFEK CUKE. Giro on 'the ' tongue , or In feed. Acts on the blood and expels perms oC all forms or distemper. Best remedy ever known for marcs In foal. One bottle guaranteed to euro one case. 60c and 11 a. bottle ; $5 and tsio dozen of drugglntsand harness dealers , or sent erpresspftld by ftmanufacturers. . Cut shows how to poultice throats. Our free Booklet gives every thlnp. Local amenta wanted. Largest celling horse remedy In existence twelve years. SPOHH MEDICAL years.Coshon , Ind. , U.S. A Leading a Dog's Life. "Your husband says he leads a dog's life , " said one woman. "Yes , it's very similar , " answered the other. "He comes in with muddy feet , makes himself comfortable by the fire and waits to be fed. " Every body's Magazine. A Strong One. "I think Dr. Pullem , the dentist , must be a wonder. " "Why so ? " "He's the only man I ever heard who could kill Tom Roarer's nerve. " Color of Butterflies. The colors of butterflies are In fluenced by the temperature of the air in which they live. Mrs. Wrnslow's Soothing : Syrup for Children teething , softens the putns , reduces Inflamma tion , allays pain , cures wind colic , 25c a bottle. Don't cry unless there's some one around with a tear mop. TRAPPING TIME Is SOON HERE _ _ SoGETPOSTED V/E FURNISH FREE CORRECT ] QUOTATIONS ON FU RS A POSTAL CARD - S TAGS FREE/ / NO COMMISSION CHARGED AS WE ARE DIRECT BUYERS , ' THEHOUSETHAT RARELY LOSES A SHIPPER. LOTZ BROS.II3-II5 ELM ST.ST.LOUIS NEW BIG W.INXERS easily sold , astonishing profits , solicitors , general axenUi send2oc for bamplo outtlt , perfect mender for granite , tinware , rubber goods , etc. No heat , jnim or solder. Needed In every home. Great seller. Catalogue other blcKcllors free. PKGLKY & SMITH , 121 Lincoln St. , SpokaneWash. ALL FOR salve EYE PAINS ! ( Cnn AfDCC fertile land near county site town , EDUU Hun ICO 94 mile river , well Improved shal low wells , good crops cotton , maize , best fanning section Texas. M. n. FKANCiS , Anscn , Texas. Than His Stomach A strong man is strong all over. No man can be strong who is suffering from weak stomach with its consequent indigestion , or from some other disease of the stomach and its associated organs , which im pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach is weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition contained in food , which is the source of all physical strength. When a man "doesn't feel just right , " when he doesn't sleep well , has an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach after eating , is languid , nervous , irritable and despond * ent , he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength. Such a man should use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It cares diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It enriches the blood , invigorates the liver , strengthens the kidneys , nourishes the nerves , and so GIVES HEALTH 3XD STRENGTH TO THE WHOLE BODY. You can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non alcoholic medicine OP KNOWN COMPOSITION , not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. $2,50 , $3.00 , $3.50 & S4.00 SHOES Men and Women wear WX.DougIas shoes because they are the best shoes produced in this country for the price. Insist upon hav ing them. Take no other make. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR QVER 30 YEARS The assurance that goes with an estab lished reputation is your assurance in buying W. L. Douglas shoes. If I could take you into my large factories at Brockton , Mass. , and show you how carefully W.L.Douglas shoes are made , you would then understand why they are war ranted to hold their shape , fit better and wear longer than any other make for the price CAUTiflN The genuine have W. I , . DonRlas wnmiuii naine amj price stamped on bottom _ . - * * * + tr f au M w Vf c * mf j jf i-vjfyi * o t f + tf M If yon cannot obtain "W. L. Douglas shoes In ONE PAIR of my BOYS' b. S S'i.SO or your town , -write for catalog. Shoes sent direct S3.0O SHOES will positively outwear from factory to wearer , all charges prepaid. "W.I , . TWO PAIRS of ordinary boys'shoes DOUGLAS. 145 Spark St. , Brockton , Mass. Fast Color Euelets Used Exclusively A Scientifically constructed to give most light for the oil they burn. Easy to light , clean and rewick. In numerous finishes and styles , each the best of its kind. Ask your dealer to shov you his line of Rayo Lamps and Lanterns , or write for illustrated booklets direct to any agency of the Standard Oil Company ( Incorporated ) Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One lOc package colors all fibers. They dye in cold water better than anjr c vher dye. You can dye any garment without ripping apart. Write for free booklet How to Dye , Bleach and Mix Colors. MONROE DRUG COMPANY Qaincy , ML