There are two ways to tell if you
have weak kidneys. The first is
through pains In the back. The second
end by examining the kidney secre
tions. If you sus
pect your kidneys ,
begin using Doan's
Kidney Pills at
E. R. Wilson ,
Emmettsburg , Io
wa , says : "I was
completely laid up
with kidney complaint -
_ _ plaint and inflam-
3 \zf * * ' matory rheuma
tism. My limbs and feet were terri
bly swollen and so inflamed I could
not walk for days. After doctors had
failed to help me , I began using Doan's
Kidney Pills. Three boxes cured me
BO completely that I have not had the
slightest trouble since. "
"When Your Back Is Lame , Re
member the Name DOAN'S. " 50c a
box at all stores. Foster-Milburu Co. ,
Buffalo , N. Y.
When the World Was Made.
When Lottie returned from her first
visit to Sunday school she was asked
what she had learned.
"God made the world in six days ,
and was arrested on the seventh day , "
was her version of the lesson impart
ed. Lippincott's.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for
infants and' children , and see that it
Bears the
Signature of
In Use For Over 30Years7
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Glad to Get Rid of Her.
"Did she get her divorce ? "
"Oh , yes , but she was terribly dis
appointed in a way. You know he
didn't contest It. "
Whenever you have a pain think of
Hamlins Wizard Oil. For Headache ,
Toothache , Earache , Stomach ache , and
many other painful ailments there is noth
ing better.
The Best.
"What do you think would be a
good motto for the motorists ? "
"Wrecks to the reckless ! "
Dr. Pierce's Pellets , small , sugar-coated ,
easy to take as candy , regulate and invigor
ate stomach , liver and bowels. Do not gripe.
A man doesn't have to know much
to know how little he knows.
Made Safe by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Graniteville , Yt. "Ivas passing
through the Change of Life and suffered
from nervousness
and other annoying
symptoms , and I
can truly say that
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound has proved
worth mountains of
gold to me , as it
restored my health
and strength. I
never forget to tell
my friends Trhat
Lydia E. Pinkham's
vegetable Compound has done for mo
during this trying period. Complete
restoration to health means so much
to me that for the sake of other suffer
ing women I am vailing to make my
trouble public so you may publish
this letter. " Mus. CIIAS. BARCLAY ,
3LF.D. , Graniteville , Vt.
! N"o other medicine for -woman's ills
has received such wide-spread and unqualified -
qualified endorsement. ] Sro other med
icine wo know of has such a record
of cures as has Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
For more than 30 years it has been
curing woman's ills such as inflamma
tion , iilceratipn , fibroid tumors , irreg
ularities , periodic pains and nervous
prostration , and it is unequalled for
carrying women safely through the
period of change of life.
Mrs. Pinkliam , at Lynn , Mass. ,
. . '
f. " invites all sick women to write
her for advice. Her advice is free ,
and always nelpf uL
Sioux City Directory
! Firt and Nebraska Street * . SIOUX CITY. IOWA
* *
' size for S5.00. No dealer's profit
to pay. Maker to user. Secure
ly mi eked and shipped FRKE
Established 30 Years
Flora , emblems and cut flowers for all
occaaions. SIOUX CITY , ' IOWA
? resh Cut Flov/ers & Floral Emblems
NOTICE. Order by Mail , Telephone 01
( Copyright. A. C. McClur * & Co. .
Jack Keith , a Virginian , now a bor
der plainsman , is riding : along the Santa
Fe trail on the lookout for roaming : war
parties of savages. He notices a camp
lire at a distance and then sees a team
attached to a wagon and at full gallop
pursued by men on ponies. When Keith
reaches the wagon the raiders have mass
acred two men and departed. He searches
the victims finding papers and a locket
with a woman's portrait. He resolves to
hunt down the murderers. Keith Is ar
rested at Carson City , charged with the
murder , his accuser being a ruffian named
Black Bart. He goes to Jail fully realiz
ing the peril of swift border justice. A
companion in his cell is a negro , who
tells him he Is Neb and that he knew the
Keith family back in Virginia. Neb says
one of the murdered men was John
Sibley , the other Gen. Willis Waite , for
merly an officer in the Confederate army.
The plainsman and Neb escape from the
cell , and later the two fugitives become
lost in the sand desert.
The Wilderness Cabin.
The light was considerably farther
away than they had at first supposed ,
and as they advanced steadily toward
it , the nature of the ground rapidly
changed , becoming irregular , and lit
tered with low growing shrubs. In
the darkness they stumbled over outcroppings -
croppings of rock , and after a fall or
two , were compelled to move forward
with extreme caution. But the mys
terious yellow glow continually beck
oned , and with new hope animating
the hearts of both men , they staggered
on , nerving themselves to the effort ,
and following closely along the bank
of the stream.
At last they arrived where they
could perceive dimly something of the
nature of this unexpected desert oasis.
The light shone forth , piercing the
night , through the uncurtained window
of a log cabin , which * would otherwise
have been completely concealed from
view by a group of low growing cot-
tonwoods. This was all the black , en
shrouding night revealed , and even
this was merely made apparent by the
yellow illumination of the window.
The cabin stood upon an island , a
strip of sand , partially covered by wa
ter , separating it from the north shore
on which they stood. There was no
sign of life about the hut , other than
the burning lamp , but that alone was
sufficient evidence of occupancy. In
spite of hunger , and urgent need , Keith
lesitated , uncertain as to what they
night be called upon to face. Who
: ould be living in this out-of-the-way
jpot , in the heart of this inhospitable
iesert ? It would be no cattle out-
) est surely , for there was no surround-
ng grazing land , while surely no pro-
essional hunter would choose such a
jarren spot for headquarters. Either
L hermit , anxious to escape all inter-
lourse with humanity , or some outlaw
tiding from arrest , would be likely to
elect so isolated a place in which to
ive. To them it would be ideal. Away
rom all trails , where not even widely
oving cattlemen would penetrate , in
aidst of a desert avoided by Indians
Because of lack of game a man might
tide here year after year without
anger of discovery. Yet such a one
rould not be likely to welcome their
oming , and they were without arms ,
tut Keith was not a man to hesitate
Dng because of possible danger , and
e stepped down into the shallow wa-
"Come on , Neb , " he commanded ,
and we'll find out who lives here. "
The window faced the west , and he
ame up the low bank to where the
oor fronted the north in intense
arkness. Under the shadow of the
Dttonwoods he could see nothing ,
roping his way , with hands extended ,
[ is foot struck a flat stone , and he
lunged forward , striking the unlatch-
i door so heavily as to swing it open ,
nd fell partially forward into the
) om. As he struggled to his knees ,
eb's black face peering past him into
le lighted interior , he seemed to per-
jive in one swift , comprehensive
lance , every revealed detail. A lamp
urned on a rudely constructed set of
rawers near the window , and a wood
re blazed redly in a stone fireplace
pposite , the yellow and red lights
[ ending in a peculiar glow of color ,
nder this radiance were revealed the
mgh log walls plastered with yellow
ay , and hung about with the skins
! wild animals , a roughly made table ,
ire except for a book lying upon it ,
id a few ordinary appearing boxes ,
ridently utilized as seats , together
ith a barrel cut so as to make a com-
irtable chair. In the back wall was
door , partially open , apparently
ading into a second room. That was
1 , except the woman.
Keith must have perceived all these
; that first hurried glance , for they
ere ever after closely associated to-
ither in his mind , yet at the moment
3 possessed no clear thought of any-
ling except her. She stood directly
3hind the table , where she must have
jrung hastily at the first sound of
ieir approach , clutching at the rude
antel above the fireplace , and staring
ward him , her face white , her breath
> ming in sobs. At first he thought
le vision a dream , a delirium born
om his long struggle ; he could not
jncelve the possibility of such a pres-
ice in this lonely place , and stagger-
ij * to his feet , gazed widly , dumbly
"I I Accept Any Terms You Desire. "
at the slender , gray clad figure , the al
most girlish face under the shadowing
dark hair , expecting the marvellous
vision to vanish. Surely this could
not be real ! A woman , and such a
woman as this here , and alone , of all
places ! He staggered from weakness ,
almost terror , and grasped the table
to hold himself erect. The rising
wind came swirling in through the
open door , causing the fire to send
forth spirals of smoke , and he turned ,
dragging the dazed negro within , and
snapping the latch behind him. When
he glanced around again he fully be
lieved the vision confronting him
would have vanished. But no ! there
she yet remained , those wide-open ,
frightened brown eyes , with long lash
es half hiding their depths , looking di
rectly into his own ; only now she had
slightly changed her posture , leaning
toward him across the table. Like a
flash he comprehended that this was
reality flesh and blood and , with
the swift instinct of a gentleman , his
numbed , nerveless fingers jerked off
his hat , and he bowed bareheaded be
fore her.
"Pardon me , " he said , finding his
voice with difficulty. "I fell over the
step , but but I didn't expect to find
a woman here. "
He heard her quick breathing , mark
ed a slight change in the expression of
the dark eyes , and caught the glitter
of the firelight on a revolver in her
lowered hand.
dumbly"I to find ? "
' 'I hardly Knew , " he explained lame
ly ; "we stumbled on this hut by acci
dent. I didn't know there was a
: abin in all this valley. "
"Then you are not here for any
purpose ? to meet with any one ? "
"No ; we were lost , and had gone
into camp up above , when we discov-
2red your light. "
"Where do you come from ? "
Keith hesitated just an instant , yet
'alsehood was never easy for him , and
ae saw no occasion for any deceit
"Carson City. "
"What brought you here ? "
"We started for the 'Bar X' ranch
iown below , on the' Canadian ; got
: aught in a sand-storm , and then just
irifted. I do not know within twenty
niles of where we are. "
She drew a deep breath of uncon-
: ealed relief.
"Are you alone ? "
"The negro and I yes ; and you
laven't the slightest reason to be
ifraid of us we're square. "
She looked at him searchlngly , and
something in Keith's clean-cut face
seemed to bring reassurance , confi-
lence in the man.
"I am not afraid , " she answered ,
joming toward him around the short
; able. "Only it is so lonely here , and
fou startled me , bursting in without
warning. But you look all right , and
. am going to believe your story.
EVhat is your name ? "
"Keith Jack Keith , "
"A cowman ? "
"A little of everything , I reckon , " a
touch of returning bitterness in the
tone. "A plainsman , who has punched
cattle , but my last job was govern
ment scout"
"You look as though you might be
more than that , " she said slowly.
The man flushed , his lips pressing
tightly together.
"Well. I I may have been , " he con
fessed unwillingly. "I started out all
right , but somehow I reckon I just
went adrift. It's a habit in this coun
try. "
Apparently those first words of com
ment had left her lips unthinkingly , for
she made no attempt to reply ; merely
stood there directly facing him , her
clear eyes gazing frankly into his
own. He seemed to actually see her
now for the first time , fairly a sup
ple , slender figure , simply dressed ,
with wonderfully expressive brown
eyes , a perr'ect wealth of dark hair , a
clear complexion with slight olive
tinge to it , a strong , intelligent face ,
not strictly beautiful , yet strangely
attractive , the forehead low and broad ,
the nose straight , the lips full and in
clined to smile. Suddenly a vague re
membrance brought recognition.
"Why , I know you now. "
"Indeed ! " the single word a note of
undisguished surprise.
"Yes ; I thought you looked oddly
familiar all the time , but couldn't for
the lifo of me connect up. You're
Christie Maclaire. "
"Am I ? " her eyes filled with curi
"Of course you are. You needn't
be afraid of me if you want it kept
secret , but I know you just the same.
Saw you at the 'Gaiety' in Indepen
dence , maybe two months ago. I went
three times , mostly on your account
You've got a great act , and you can
sing too. "
She stood in silence , still looking
fixedly at him , her bosom rising and
falling , her lips parted as if to speak.
Apparently she did not know what to
do , how to act , and was thinking
"Mr. Keith , " she said , at last in de
cision , "I am going to ask you to blot
that all out to forget that you even
suspect me of being Christie Maclaire ,
of the Gaiety. "
"Why , certainly ; but would you ex
plain ? "
"There is little enough to explain. It
is sufficient that I am here alone with
you. Whether I wish to or not , I am
compelled to trust myself to your pjo-
tection. You may call me Christie
Maclaire , or anything else you please ;
you may even think me unworthy re
spect , but you possess the face of a
gentleman , and as such I am going to
trust you I must trust you. Will you
accept my confidence on these
terms ? "
Keith did not smile , nor move.
Weak from hunger and fatigue , he
leaned wearily against the wall.
Nevertheless that simple , womanly ap
peal awoke all that was strong and
sacrificing within him. although her |
words were so unexpected that , foi
the moment he failed to realize their
full purport Finally he straightened
"I I accept any terras you desire , "
he gasped weakly , "if if you will
only give one return. "
"One return ? what ? "
"Food ; we have eaten nothing for
sixty hours. "
Her face , which had been so white ,
flushed to the hair , her dark eyes soft
"Why , of course ; sit down. I ought
to have known from your face. There
is plenty here such as it is only you
must wait a moment. "
The Girl of the Cabin.
He saw Nfb drop down before the
blazing fireplace , and curl up like a
tired dog , and observed her take the
lamp , open the door into the other
room a trifle , and slip silently out of
sight He remembered staring vaguely
about the little room , still illumined
by the flames , only half comprehending ,
and then the reaction from his des
perate struggle with the elements
overcame all resolution , and he drop
ped his head forward on the table , and
lost consciousness. Her hand upon
his shoulder aroused him , startled in
to wakefulness , yet he scarcely real
ized the situation.
"I have placed food for the negro
beside him , " she said quietly , and for
the first time Keith detected the soft
blur in her speech.
"You are from the South ! " he ex
claimed , as though it was a discovery.
"Yes and you ? "
"My boyhood began in Virginia
the negro was an old-time slave in
our family. "
She glanced across at the black ,
now sitting up and eating voraciously.
"I thought he had once been a
slave ; one can easily tell that I did
not ask him to sit here because , if
you do not object , we will eat here
together. I have also been almost
as long without food. It was so lone
ly here , and and I hardly understood
my situation and I simply could not
force myself to eat"
He distlngulsned her words clearly
enough , although she spoke low , as if
she preferred what was said between
them should not reach the ears of the
negro , yet somehow , for the moment ,
they made no adequate impression on
Mm. Like a famished wolf he began
on the coarse fare , and for ten min
utes hardly lifted his head. Then his
eyes chanced to meet hers across the
narrow table , and instantly the gen
tleman reawoke to life.
Tuatara Originally Had Four Eyes ,
but Has Lost Two in
Course of Ages.
The tuatara lizard , found in Ne\v
Zealand , is one of the most ancient
forms of animal life now found on
earth. Originally this lizard possessed
four eyes , but in the course of ages
it has lost one pair. The tuatara
lay eggs which are remarkable in
that they require fourteen months
to hatch , the embryo passing the win
ter in a state of hibernation.
The small survivors of past ages
are found only in a few localities a : j
are becoming very scarce , collectors
from every part of the world being
continually on their trail. They are
about two feet in length and , ; n com
mon with other lizards , have the for
tunate characteristic of being able to
replace portions of thei limbs or
tails which have been destroyed. It
is asserted that one of the e lizards ,
owned by a naturalist , had the misfor
tune some time ago to lose an eye ,
and that a complete mw eye , perfect
in every way , has grown in the place
of the old one. Montreal Standard.
Establishing a Reputation.
"If I knew how to go about it , 1
would have every dog in my store-
tried before a judge and jury for as
sault and battery , " said the animal
dealer. "Unless he was convicted and
executed I could get about three
prices for him.
"Every time a dog is haled to court
on the charge of having bitten some
body I attend the trial and take part
In the reception the beast holds after
his acquittal. A dog that has enough
class about him to precipitate a law
suit couldn't be bought for love or
money , but if his master wished to
sell him he could do so a dozen times
aver before leaving the courtroom.
"Even If It has been proved that
the dog does show his teeth once in
a. while there are people willing to
take chances just for the sake of ownIng -
Ing a dog that has so much charac
ter. Selling dogs being in my line , I
have studied up a good many ways to
advertise , but trial by jury is the best
way so far discovered. "
Criminal Instinct.
Crimes lead into one another. They
who are capable of being forgers are
capable of being Incendiaries. Burke
Sloan's Liniment is a great
remedy for backache. It
penetrates and relieves
the pain instantly no rub
bing necessary just lay
it on lightly.
Here's Proof.
"I had my back hurt in the Boer War
and in San Francisco two years ago I
was hit by a street car in the same place.
I tried all kinds of dope without suc
cess. Two weeks ago 1 saw your lini
ment in a drug store and got a bottle to
try. The first application caused instant
relief , and now except for a little stiff
ness. I am almost well. "
Whittier , Calif.
is the best remedy for
rheumatism , neuralgia ,
sore throat and sprains.
Miss E. RIM of Brooklyn , N.Y. ,
writes : "Sloan's Liniment is the best
for rheumatism. I have used six bottles
tles of It and it is grand. "
Sold by aH Dealers.
Price , 25c. , 50c.and $1.OO.
Horses ,
Hogs and
sent free.
Drlarl S.Sloan
Boston ,
Cement Talk No. 9
If you want to
build something
of concrete and need
help and instruc
tions , write to us.
Our Information Bureau
is one of our departments
For the purpose of assist
ing our friends in using
-ement in concrete work so
is to produce the best results.
VVe wiD be glad to give you
idvice or assistance if you will
, vrite for it. There is no
rharge whatever the service is abso-
utely free. We make this offer purely
o encourage the use of concrete.
Northwestern Office , Minneapolis
\Vhyt7aItfor the old farm to become
yonrlnberitance ? Bcjdnnowto
prepare for your future
- .prosperityand icdepen-
jdence. A great oppor-
Itunity awaits you In
I Manl toba.Saskatchevian
lor Alberta , where you
I can secure a FreeHome-
Istead or bey land atrea-
Jsonable prices.
How's fiieT ! me
not a year f rom now ,
when land will bo high-
or. The profits secured
- - the abundant crops of
Wheat , Outs and Barley ,
as well as cattle raising , are
causing a steady advance In
price , Governmens returns show-
that the number or settlers
In Western Canada from
the D. S. was GO per cent
larjjer in 1910 thai the
previous year.
Many farmers have paid
for their land out of the
proceeds of one crop.
Free Homesteads of ICO
acres and -
pre-emptions of
1GO acres at 83.OO an acre ,
xlne climate , good schools.
. excellent railway facilities ,
> ] low freight rates ; wood , wa-
taf a ? luiaber | easUy ob-
For pamphlet "Last Best West. "
particulars as to suitable location
and low settlers' rate , apply to
fcupt of Immigration , Ottawa
Can. , or to Canadian Goyt Agent.
ET. . Botees 315 Jadooa SL , SL Pad. Sinn. I
J.M MadJcbUa , Drawer 197Waltrtowa. S. D. I
Pleaee write to the agent nearest yon I
of tLIs paper de
siring to buy
anything adver
tised in its columns should insift upon
having what they ask for , refusing all
substitutes or imitations.
the name
to remember
n you need a remedy