Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 19, 1911, Image 4

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GEORGE M. GASKILL , Editor and Manager.
A Weekly Newspaper published every Tliurs
day at Valentine , Nebras.
Subscription - § 1.50 Per Year
Local Notices , ocper line per issue
Entered at the I'ostoince at Valentine , Neb. .
for transmission through the mails , as second
class matter.
Thursday , October 19. 1911.
( From The Columbus Telegram. )
So frequently the value of or
ganization has been demonstrated
to the democrats of Nebraska that
there is no longer any call for ar
gument in support of a proved
By reason of circumstances not
to be charged to anybody in par
ticular the'work of democratic or
ganization was very much delayed
this year , and only now has the
work been well started. But there
is a master workman in chargp ,
and the work will go forward ,
rapidly , even though begun so
late. However , the best of or
ganizers in politics cannot carry
upoa their individual shoulders
the burden of an effective political
working force. And so it is be
ing fully conversant with the sit
uation that The Telegram makes
earnest appeal to the democrats of
the state to come instantly to the
elbow of Chris Greunther , presi
dent of the Nebraska Democratic
club , and give him the assistance
to which he is entitled. He did
not seek the office of president of
the club. He appealed to the con
ferring power to give the office to
another. But the democracy of
the state with one accord persist
ently insisted that he was the one
man for the place , and at last he
yielded to entreaty and took up
the delayed work of organization.
He is doing more than any other
co aid do , but he needs help. He
needs the help of every democrat
in Nebraska who has been in the
habit of taking part in campaign
work. He needs that help right
now. The Telegram believes that
the working democrats of the
state will go instantly to the help
of President Gruenther just as
soon as they can be made to be
lieve that he needs them. The
Telegram knows that he needs
them , and needs them now. The
democratic press of the state can
, lj do great service7 to the cause by
! ljii ii urging the party workers in all
the counties to get instantly in
1 touch with President Gruenther
and the Nebraska Democratic club.
A perfect organization will ac
i I P complish much this year , and
much more for next .year.
The sole object of the Nebraska
Democratic club is to promote real
democratic principles and to aid
in the election of democratic can
didates , and should have the sup
port of every democrat in the
Col. John G. jVIaher , formerly
a well known resident of this coun
ty , now of Lincoln , was in the city
the first of the week on business.
Since leaving Valentine , Cjl. Maher -
her has become a national figure
in the political world. To him is
given the honor of launching the
political campaign of Governor
Harmon and he is at present the
Nebraska manager of the Harmon
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
Norman A. Mayhew ami Clara Mnyhe.v ,
his wile , O. ( r. lloxvitril , iirbtnml triu- name
unknown , Jiml Stoddanl .Lumber Oo npany
11 corporation , noii-rcaideni di'iomluuiia. will
take notice that on the Isilh day oi October
Isili , Jj. D. I'o well , plaintili' lu-ivin , llk-cl his
petition in the district court oiOherry Coun
ty , Nebraska , against tlu s > uid deJendants
the object and prayer or which are to fore
close a certain real estate mortgage execut
ed March : Mst , 1910 , by the defendants Nor
man P. Mayhew and Clara A. Alayhew upon
the Northwest quarter of Section S , Town-
Hhip : > ! , Ksinge"Jin ( Jlierry County , rJVnras-
ka , to secure the payment of one promis'-orv
note and live interest coupon nines theivtu
attached , principal note being for the s\im
. of $ tJlX.W ; ) , said coupon notes bearing even
date with said principal mm-and each being
for the sum ofU.ti ( ) ; there Is now due upon
said indebtedness the sum of SKWO.oonnd in
terest thereon irom March :5lst , I'.ill ) at the
rate of six per cent per annum.
Jhe plaintiff prays that an account be had
and taken of the amount due on said in-
debtedncj sthat ; said defendants , and eacii
of them , be decreed to pay the same , and in
default thereof , the suld premises may be
old to satisfy ihe amount so found to be
due , and the def Midants be foreclosed out oi
all equity ot reuemptlon , or other IntcaJnt
In and to bald mortgaged premises , or any
wart thereof , and out of the proceeds of said
bale the pluintlif be paid the amount so
Jound to be due , and for such other and fur
ther relief as juatlcuami equity may require.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before November L'lth , UUl.
Dutud October hith , l' H
ii-i L. 1 > . L'OWELL , Plaintiff
& * L ' * [
* * ' % "
; C *
* -
* -T- - „
Notice of'Election.
.Notice is hereby given that on
Tuesday , the 7th day of Novem
ber , . 1911 , next at the regularly
designated polling place in each
voting precinct in Cherry County ,
Nebraska , an election will be held
for voting on the proposed divis
ion and annexation of territory
now comprising the County of
Cherry , State of Nebraska as fol
lows :
That the territory bounded as
follows be formed into a new
county to be known as LAKE coun
ty : Beginning at the southeast
corner of township twenty-eight
(28) ( ) north , range thirty-one (31) ( )
west , thence north on said range
line to the north line of Cherry
county , thence west on said coun
ty line to the west line of range
thirty-five (35) ( ) west , thence south
on said range line to the south line
of township twenty-eight (23 ( ;
north , thence east on said township
line to the point of beginning.
That the territory bounded as
follows be formed into a new
county to be known as GREEN
county : Beginning at the south
east corner of township twenty-
eight (28) ( ) north , range thirty-six
(36) ( ) west , thence north on said
range line to the north line o1
Cherry county , thence west on
said county line to the west line of
Cherry county , thence south on
said county line to the south line
of township twenty-eight (28) ( )
north , thence east on said town
ship line to the point of beginning.
That the territory bounded as
follows be transferred to GRANT
county : Commencing at the south
east corner of township twenty-
five (25) ( ) north , range thirty-six
(3G ( ) west , thence north on said
range line to the north line of
township twenty-seven (27) ( ) , north ,
thence west on said township line
to the west line of Cherry county ,
thence south on said county line to
the south line of township twenty-
five (25) ( ) north , thence east on said
township line to the point of be
That the territory bounded as
follows be transferred to HOOKER
county : Commencing at the South
east corner of township twenty-
five (25) ( ) north , range thirty-one
(31) ( ) west , thence north on said
range line to the north line ot
township twenty-seven (27) ( ) north ,
thence west on said township line
to the west line of range thirty-
five (35) ( ) west , thence south on
said range line to the south line of
township twenty-five (25) ( ) north ,
thence east on said township line
to the point of beginning.
And for :
Three Judges of the Supreme
Two Eegents of the State Uni
One State Railway Commis
One Judge of the District Court
for the IGth Judicial District of
One County Clerk.
One Clerk of the District Court.
One County Treasurer.
One County Judge.
One Sheriff.
One Superintendent of Public
One County Surveyor.
One County Coroner.
One County Commissioner 2nd
Two Justices of the Peace for
each precinct.
Two Constables for each pre
* One Road Overseer for each
road district.
which election will. be open at 8
o'clock in the morning and will
continue open until 6 o'clock in
the afternoon of the same day.
Dated this 14th day of October ,
A. D. 1911.
( Seal ) F. A. Cumbow ,
County Clerk.
Estrayed or Stolen.
From three miles of Pass Ranch
one brown gelding , weight about
1100 , branded EL on left shoulder. ,
Liberal reward for information
leading to its recovery. Edw. A.
Lee , Brownlee , Nebr. 41-4 :
Rock Spring's Coal and all other
kinds at Fischer's Hardware. 38
Livery ? JFeed and
Sales Stable , . 4
> *
Wood Lake , Nebraska
g Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. !
\2ssn\ \ \
D. A. WHSPPLE , Propr
Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House
Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel
Leave Yalentine at 8 o'clock every morning ,
Sundays excepted.
Arrive at Eosebud at 2 o'clock p. m.
Leave Eosebud at 8 o'clock every morning , '
Sundays excepted. ,
Arrive at Yalentine at 2 o'clock p. in.
Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. m.
Special attention to passengers , baggage and
express or packages.
Leave orders at headquarters or at the Eed
Front store.
D. A.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
Norman P. j\lvhcw \ and Giara Mayhew , his
\ ife , and .Stodtiar 1 Lumoer Company , a or *
I trasto ! ! , iioii-Lvsuifur defeuilants , will ta e 110-
t ce that on tin19th cl.iy of October , 1 11 , L D.
1 owlt. plamtiit herein , liled his petitiou in the
cistr ct cimrc oi Cherry County , Nebraska , a-
t.amit the said ( u-i'emlants tne object , aod pray-
t r of which ai e ! o toteelose a certain ival estate
mort ? ige executed Mtrch illst , 1910 , by the de-
Jen'Jans Rorimiu 1 * . Ma.\he\v , and Clara A.
Majh'Wtipun the riouth-ast quarter of bection
7 , I ownship 33 , lwautu 34 in Cherry Couuty ,
Nebraska , to secure ilia payment of one promis
sory noie a d five interest coupon notes , thereto
att'ch-d. ; sa d principal uote being for the sum
ot" § 13o ) 00 , sins coupon notes bearing even aat
with said prwcipa note and each Lemir lor the
sum of S&l.O ) ; there is now due upon said m-
debledui' s ihe sum of .SiauO.CO and interest
thereon Irum Alarcii ttlat , 1'Jlu at the rate 'ot six
per cent per annum.
The plaintiff prays that an account be had and
taken of the amount uue on sala indebtedness ;
that said defendants , and each of them , be de
creed 10 pa\ the same , and in ddciult there oJ ,
the slid premises limy he sold to satisfy the
amount M > found to bo due , and the defendants
be Icrecloseii out of a.l equity of redemption , or
other interest in and tos.iid mortgaged premises
orany parttheieof. Midoutpf the proceeds of
said sal tae pldintilf be paid the d. mount so
touii'l to be due , and for such other and lunher
rditf as justice and equity may require.
"ion aie reqiure > i to answer said petition on or
belore November 27th , 1911.
Djted October I'jrn. 1'Jll
41-1 L. D. I'OWKLL. Plaintiff.
Notice to Non-Kcsident Defendants.
Norman P. Mayhc\v and Clara A. Mayhew ,
his wife , and Stud tard Lumber Company , a cor
poration , non-resident defendants , will take no
lice that on the lUth day ot October , 1911 , L. J ) .
Powers , plaintiff herein , liled his petition in the
U'SUictcourt of Cherry County , Nebraska , a-
giiust the said uftendant- object ami pray
er ot which are to loreclose a certain real eslme
mortgage exeiuted March 3lat , )9IO'by the oe-
tPiidains ftorman P. Majhow and Clara A.
Mayheuupon the southwest quarter of Stctioii
5 and the South halt of tue Southeast quarter of
Section 5 and th North -halt ot the Northeast
quarter ot Section 8 , all in Township 33. Uange
SliuCh , rry County. .Nebraska , to t > ecure the
pavment ot one piomissory note and live in-
t-fest , coupon notes tliereio'attached. s id prin
cipal note btint : lor the sum "of $ JJ72'J oo , said
coupon noUs bearing eveu date with oahl prin
cipal note and tach nemg for the sum of § 10320 ;
there is now due upon &aid indebtedness the
< um " -2720 CO and interest thereon irom March
31st , lyiO at the rate ot six per cent per Minum.
The plaintilf prajs that an accoun c oe had and
taken t > i fli amount 3ue on said indebtedness ;
tha said defendants and each of them , be Ue-
cieert to pay tlu-same , and in defame thereof ,
the said pi emisce * may be sold to satisfy tue a-
monnl so lull no 10 be due. and the uelemlams i > e
fort-closed out of all equity of redemption , or
oilier interest in and to said nuitgaged premis
es , or any part thtrcoJ , and out ot 4ue prooueUs
ol j-aui sale the plin < ill be paid the amount so
found to be due and lor such other a < id lurtlur
ichef * .s justice and equ.ty may require.
1'ou are i equired to am wcr said petition on or
beioreNovembei 27th , lull.
Dated October Iflth , 1911.
41.4 J , . IX Powell , Plaintiff
Mrs. J. F. Daniels , of
Sip , Ky. , writes : "I was
so sick for 3 or 4 years ,
I had to hire my work
done , most of the time.
I had given up hope. When
I began to take Cardui , I
knew , right away , it was
helping me. Now , I am
better than ever before in
my life , and Cardui did it"
The Woman's Tonic
Cardui has helped thous
ands of weak tired
, , worn- ;
out women , back to health ,
It has a gentle , tonic ac
tion on the womanly sys
tem. It goes to the cause
of the trouble. It helps , it
helps quickly , surely , safe
ly. It has helped others.
Why not you ? It will.
Try it. Get a bottle today !
Valentine , Nebr. , Oct. 12 , 1911 ,
Sealed bids will be received
for the construction of a steam
heating plant in the hotel building
upon Lots 19 and 20 , Block 10 , of
the original village of Valentine.
Cherry county , Nebraska , suffi
ciently large to heat all rooms
and halls in said building. Ad
dress all bids to Eugene Grace &
Son , Valentine , Nebraska. Plans
and specifications can be seen at
the Donoher hotel. Bids will be
opened October 21st , 1911 , at ten
o'clock a. m. Right to reject any
and alltbids is hereby reserved.
Eugene Grace & Son ,
By Eugene Grace ,
Fred Grace.
R R B fc D y = m f1 * * 0
t's Time You Were Thinking
About Your New Fall Suit.
New Styles New Fabrics
Johnson's isiiinery.
Notice to Crediors.
CIJKRIIY Cou > xv. f BS Court.
In the matter of the estate of George
Senzel. deceased :
To the Creditors of said Estate :
fou are hereby iiotjiied , That 1 will sit at the
Dovnty Court Iloom in Valentine in said counry
m the 18th day ot Octoher , 1911 ,
o receive and examine all claims against
said estate with a view to their adjustm * nt and
illowancc. The time limited for the presenta-
ion of claims a aiust said estate is six months
rom the ISrh < iay of April. A. D. 1911 , and the
ime limited for pavment of debts is one year
rqm said ISlh d.iy of Aunl. 1911 ,
Witness my hand and seal of saidcountv court
' this 20th dav nfSeprombpr. A. . D. 1911.
. 37 4 Couuty Judge.
iJy Walcott& Walcott , Attorneys.
Sprains require careful treatment.
eep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Lin-
inent freely. It will remove the sore-
tess and quickly restore the. parts to a
lealthy condition. For sale by Chap-
nan , the druggist. '
We desire to announce that we are not clos
ing out , but are still selling the very best goods
at reasonable prices.
Our line of John Deere Implements , Yelie
Buggies , Moline and Davenport Keller Bearing
Wagons and Samson Windmills is complete
and priced right.
We also have a large stock of lumber , lime ,
Wall Plaster , Cement , Brick , Sash , Doors , etc.
Is it not good policy to patronize a firm who
expects to continue in business and intends to
handle the same line of goods for years to come.
We never advertise so-called bargains
because we have always had our goods priced
A. E. Morris. W. W. Morrissey. Dr. C. W. Noyes
Go to the
k Exchange Saloon
Walt her F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
Sr * fe K
With new prices , which are the lowest for
good business. My stock consists of Dry
( roods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent
bargains. You are invited to call and
make this your home store. Highest pric
es paid for produce. Come and get ac-
2nd Building South the Bank. Crookston , ISTeb.
& 23
THEEEisa great
deal of difference in
fountain pens. A
cheap and nasty foun
tain pen wastes your
time and temper , be
sides wasting your
It does not pay us to sell a bad
fountain pen , for a pen is man's closest
companion , and he often judges our other goods by
the pen we've sold him. Therefore , we sell only
the best fountain pens the kind that will make a
good impression on you and bring you to this store
. ? a regular customer.
Come in today and see some of our bargains :
, Neb.
OLartered sis n State Bank Chartered as n. National Bank
Junel , August 12 ,
The .L . BANK
( Successor to Bank of Valentine. )
Yalentine , Nebraska.
CAPITAL - $25.000
SURPLUS - 25,000 Banking , Exchange
Uudividcd.Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : : :
P. II. COIINKL , ! , , President. X. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier.
. . .
I. T. May. Vice Prednt. ! - H. L.Kuirx. Ass't Cashier.
The Roach Wagner = Shank Opera Co.
Quigiey Opera House , October 23,1911
- *