Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 19, 1911, Image 1
; > . / - * . Volume 26 , No. VALENTINE , NEBE. , THURSDAY , OCTOBER 19 , 1911. § 1.50 per year. WHO CARES for style , quality and comfort in shoes is always well pleased f/ss&8xb > * gQm : when lie sees and tries Sr&\ ? - the Florslieiin Shoe. In its construction the best material is used. Out wardly it pleases the eye. Inwardly it gives ease and comfort. The pleas- use of wearing such a shoe will appeal to "The Man who Cares. " .ALL STYLES AND LEATHERS $5 and $6. V If you are not a customer of the Bed Front Mercan tile Co. , they would appre ciate your becoming one. In their Grocery Depart ment you will find the best grades of canned fruits , vegetables , smoked meats , lards , syrups , and break fast foods. Phones 5 and 75 SHEET Yes , we've got it , if not we'll get it Orders taken for all music. Big Reductions on Summer MiHinery -J ! ' ; > & Bakery Goods Confectionery Ice Cream and Soda Water Cigars and Tobacco Lunches and Meals TELEPHONE NO. 7 + e There's a treat in reserve for Democrat writers. * " Send for stationery. Do it now ! " Address , The Democrat , Valentine , Nebraska. RECEIVE LIFE SENTENCE The four murderers of Charles P. Sellers , Harry Heath , Kenneth Murphy , George B. Weed and Alma Weed , were arraigned before Judge Westover in District , court Monday and plead guilty to mur der in the second degree. The plea was accepted by the judge over the protest of lawyers for the prosecution. Harry Heath was the first to be called. When the information was read by County Attorney Tucker , Judge Westover asked the prisoner how he wanted- plead and it was some surprise when he answered "I plead guilty to murder in the second degree. " This plea was objected to by the prosecution and the court allowed the attorneys an hour for consul tation. Court reconvened at 3:40 : o'clock , when Judge Westover an nounced that the plea of second degree murder would be accepted. Each of the four prisoners plead guilty to the same charge. Harry Heath was the first to be sentenced and when the judge asked him if there was any reason why sen tence should not be passed , ans wered , "No Sir" in a calm voice. Alma Weed , Kenneth Murphy and George * Weed each in turn heard the words that has shut them from society forever. When the sentences were being given tha deep silence was broken by a woman crying among the specta tors. The order of the court is that each of the four men shall be confined in the state penitentiary at Lincoln at hard labor , ( Sundays excepted ) for the rest of their nat ural lives and pay the costs of prosecution. The Weed boys' gray haired father and two sisters were in the room throughout the afternoon and wer.3 weeping bit terly. After the men were sen tenced the court ordered Eunice Murphy released from custody. While confined in the Eushville j jail Harry Heath wrote a story or \ "confession" of the crime and , sent it under seal to Banker Skeen of Cody and instructed him not to use it until requested to do so by him. The prosecution found out about the confession and subpoe naed Mr. Skeen and ordered him to bring the sealed packet to Val entine. Information has leaked out that the contents of this con fession is practically the same story as was first printed about the hanging. It is alleged the confession states that the four men gathered at the Heath home on the night of the murder and went from there to the home of G. H. Jack. Heath stood in the door and was the one who placed the rope over Sellers' head. After taking him to the telephone pole , it is explained in the confession that George Weed lifted Sailers while the other three pulled on the rope. Sellers hands were tied be hind his back. The prosecution claimed to have a witness who would swear that about a year ago Eunice Murphy said that she would have married Sellers but for objection from the Heath fam ily. ily.In In accepting the plea of murder in the second degree in the case of the four men it barred the state from trying the Murphy girl as she was charged with being an ac cessory to murder in the first degree - gree and she was immediately re leased from custody. Miss Mur phy will go to Missouri where she bas relatives. To a woman repor ter for an outside paper , Miss. Murphy said : "So much that is untrub'has been published that I do 'not like to say anything. I will say that I had no connection in any way with the hanging of Mr. Sellers , [ did not know the boys were going to do it , and I did neb be lieve it when I heard it from them until I was convinced by others that what they said was true. . ' do not care to deny all the false reports but they said it was charged that I left the country , when the fact is , everyone knew where I was and the moment ] > learned they wanted me , I re turned. " Another thing , it is also saic that I made the remark , 'We wil get the money , ' or something to that effect. I did make the re mark meaning that I would mort gage my property to assist my brother , which I did. "This was taken up and mis interpreted as referring to Mr. Sellers' money. There were other things said , just as untrue as these but I don't feel like discussing them. No one will ever know what I have suffered since this awful thing has happened , I can not understand it all. What wor ries me most is my little brother. I hope that he will be treated kindly. " Miss Murphy's "little brother" is IS years old and about 6 feet tall. Andrew M. Morrissey as attor ney for Eoaa Tiff , guardian of John M. Sailer ? , the 13 old son of Char les P. Sellerswho was murdered on June 18 , has filed a petition fco set aside the will and give the boy the estate as the sole and only heir. About fourteen years ago G. P. Sellers , then about 20 years old con tested a claim near Cody not bsing of age his contest would have been thrown out. Shortly aftsr this it is said in order to take the homestead he was married to a Miss Bell re siding in that part of the county. Some little time after their marriage they were divorced and Mrs. Sellers went to Wheeler county , where she has since male her home. To this union it is claim3d there was horn a son , John M Sellers. ! & ia doubfc- e 1 by Sellers' friends that he knew of the Lo/ . Since going to Wheelei- county , Mrs. Sellers has married again. . Simeon. t Messrs. Hudson. Hobbs Bros. , Henry Clapp and Robert Thomp son shipped cattle this week. Mrs. Wm. Thompson is vi.-iting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. C .rr , while Mr. Thompson is away with his annual shipment of cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis spent Sat urday ia Wood Lake , shopping. The rain held them over Sunday. We missed them at the shadow social. J. W. Daniels is improving his home surroundings by making a cellar which is lined and covered with cement. He , finds much more work connected with it than fie anticipated. MrsA. . E. Spall ha ? b.en in Omaha for some time with hrr mother , Mrs. Spain , who is taking medical treatment. We are glad to know there is hope of her recovery. George Christopher has started twenty-five Hereford calves on a course of care to fit them for the International Live Stock show when they are 3\vears old. They will go as feeders and compete with the car load classes. We be lieve Mr. Christopher will bring horn ? a ribbon of some color as he has some splendid cattle. The Shadow social given by Miss Moore at Jier. school house Saturday 'evening was a grand success. "The object being to pur chase' an organ for the school dis trict. The result was a surprise to the most optimistic. Col. C. W. Bennett sold shadows from $ ? . ? 5 to § 10. The proceeds a- mourited to 'SL'OO.'Oo. At the close a vote of thanks was extend ed - to Col.- Bennett and Miss Moore for their efforts to make the evening a success. If you wish to spend a fine social evening attend one of the Gordon valley entertainments. V I You'll like our splendid line of fine | Alma later Student Styles vp Young Men's Styles for Young Men. Not merely men's styles with an extra box of V/ / buttons on the coat and with a lot of fancy V. ; * v frills. They are full of. style-Young Men's j \ Style--and not a trace of foolishness in them. 4 : $ Anybody can se y on buttons , but there's f only one firm who can make the Alina 1fe | * &f. Mater Styles. We are the one store that J | $ can supply them in this town. When in need of shoes give us a trial. Clothes of Quality For All Mankind I Phone 145. McQEER & CARROLL , Proprs. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars I Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : \ Old Grow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , " > > Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , . and 29 year/oid andjas , E Pepper , OF , C , Taylor , These whiskies were purchased in bond and came- direct from the U. 8. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. I Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budv/eiser Beer , ' Valentine fi Stetter & Tobien DEALERS All Kinds of Fresh jjj& and Fait Meats. . . . " ? JS22j-E Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , -.ff-/ / * = = § Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell. Mrs. D. W. Parmalee and Miss Eunice Warner of Cut Meat spent Tuesday here and went up to Rosebud with Mr. Anderson Wed nesday morning. A petition to divide Cherry county was filed in the office of the county clerk on Oct. 1-i , by F. lemp Heath of Cody , and ap proved by the board of county commissioners. % The petition has 560 signers. Order Your Suit Now ! ' Fall and winter samples from reliable establishments such as Detmer Woolen Co. , A. E. And erson Co. , and the Metropolitan Ladies' Tailors. Come and see them and let us take your order. C H. Austin. 41-2 The Metropolitan Muoica.1 Agen cy presents The Eoach , Wagner- | Shank Opera Co. , in complete scenes of the operas Faust and II- Trovitore , with every attention * " - J " 7 paid to costumes and scenic effects. & JThe Roach , Wagner-Shank Opera ' & < Co. , is essembly of artists of -Sd - . national reputation , offering to the public the opportunity of hearing the best in grand and light opera , that only the most , finished singers are able to render satisfactorily. If This company carries with them 4 A their own director , Miss Virginia Burleigh , a pianist who rises ad mirably to the occasions that are demanded of her by this excellent organization. At Quigley Opera House , one nighfc only , Monday i October 23 ,