Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 12, 1911, Image 8

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You can make your kitchen fairly
shine with cleanliness , with Jess labor
and in less time than it takes io clean
it with soap , soap powder or other
cleansers if you use
Every speck of dirt is quickly and
easily removed from floors , wood
work , taps , metal work , windows ,
painted walls , cooking and dairy
utensils even the kitchen stove is
cleaned and brightened by this won
derful little boon to housewives.
Absolutely free from all harmful
jffany other uses and
full Directions on
J&r&e Sifter-can
, I. '
i Sight in your busiest season when you
have the least time to spare you are most
likely to take diarrhoea and lose several
days' time , unless you have Chamber
lain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy at hand and take a dose on the first
appearance of the disease. For sale b }
Chapman , the druggist.
. . 3ggtUacJ
: S-.mTajgj.T-jg J
U AS I/ Subscribe 2
ISI-f for TKIS
i/ff PAPER
xassa * D
. *
- >
* . " ,
Lawrence Hutchison and his
cousin Clarence have gone to
Portland , Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hutchison are
in Omaha. Mrs. Hutchison is re
ceiving treatment for her eyes.
Quite a bunch of cattle have
been taken out of eastern Cherry
and western Keya Paha 'counties
School commenced in district 14
Oct. 2 with an attendance of eight
pupils. Miss Maisie Smith is the
Alfred Dennon , Frank Cibler
and Lee Hutchison have each
bought new buggies. There's a
good time ahead for somebody's
W. H. .Ryder is going to south
ern Missouri to spend the winter.
He owns land there but has never
lived on it. His neighbors are
sorry to have him go and hope he
may come back next spring to
care for his land here.
A few years ago the Farmer's
Institute was for farmers only.
This is not the case now. It is
for farmers but it is also for town
people. A special session has
been arranged for 2 o'clock Satur
day , October , 21st for women.
This session will be addressed by
Miss Louise Sabin of Beatrice ,
Nebraska. She will talk about
useful information for the
household operator and will follow
her talk by a demonstration.
These demonstrations and this
talk has aroused a great deal of
interest during the past three
years in various parts of the state.
They should be attended by every
woman in the community.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendant.
In the District Court of Cherry County
Nebraska :
.John Peterson , Plaintiff
Coroliim Lavista Peterson , Defendant.
The defendant , Gorolina Lavlstti Peterson
will take notice that on the 14th day of June
l''llthe Plaintiff Hied his petition in the
District Court in and for Cherry County
Nebraska , against his wife Corolina Lavista
Peterson , the object and prayer of which
are to obtain a decree of divorce from tin
! said Corolina Lavista Peterson. The said
defendant will take notice that the grounds
alleged by the plaintiff arelst , extreme cruel
ty , and 2nd , adultery on the part of said de
fendant. The defendant will also take notice
that she is required to answer on or before
the 13th day of November , Hill.
Dated October 5,1 11.
John Peterson , Plaintiff ,
By C. A. Ruby , his attorney. 394
Livery , Feed and
Sales Stable ,
Wood Lake , Nebraska g
Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties , c
Chartered ns n Stnte Bank Chartered ns n National Bank
June 1,1884. August 1-2,1W2.
( Successor to Bank of Valentine. )
Valentine , Nebraska.
SURPLUS CAPITAL - - $25.000 25.000 A Greneral Banking , Exchange
Uudivided Profits 4.000 and Collection Business * : : :
O. H. OOKNKJ/L , President. M. V. NICHOLSON , ( Jnshier.
J. T. May , Vice President. H. L.KuuX Ass't Gushier.
I <
' ( i
D. A. WHIPPLE , Propr ,
Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House
Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel
Leave Valentine at 8.o'clock every morning ,
Sundays excepted.
Arrive at Eosebud at 2 o'clock p. m.
' > . Leave Eosebud at 8 o'clock every morning , "
Sundays excepted.
: & - - * Arrive at 2 o'clock p. m.
Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. m.
> . . Special attention to passengers , baggage and
express.or packages. - . " :
t ; V - Leave orders at headquarters or at the : Eed ;
Front store.
D. A. Whipple.
Bobby Byrne , the National
League's Best Third Sacker.
Phcto by American Press Association.
Bobby Byrne is no-w considered the
best IMrd baseman in the National
league. The Pittsburg Pirates' third
baseman has played a brilliant game
all this season and leads all his rivals
in fielding. As bunt grabber Bobby
Is in a class by himself. His speedy
bace running and his timely hitting
have v.'on many games for the Pirates
tJiis yoar.
Kiaus Anxious to Meet Papke.
Frank Klaus is now on the warpath.
The Pittsburg middleweight has post-
ad a forfeit to meet any man of his
-.veisht in the world , Papke preferred.
Papky cun no longer afford to ignore
. -halleiigeo from the bear cat who has
been taking on all the tough boys and
whose measure none has been able to
: ake.
Klaus recently trimmed Cyclone
Tolmny Thompson , who not long ago
Darned a de'ision over Pnpke. The lat-
cer has run out of several proposed
houts with Klaus , and if he fails to
JOIDG to time now Engle will be per
fectly -justified in claiming the title
for Pittsburgh faA'orite son , and Klaus
will be recognized as the premier of
the class over which such celebrities
as Jack Dempoy , Bob Fitzsimmons
and Stanley Ketchel formerly ruled.
Trotter Uhlan Quite Particular.
Uhlan , the world's champion trotter ,
is a mighty particular piece of horse
flesh when it comes to drinking water.
Not so very long ago Tom Logan , who
5s proud of being Uhlan's valet , hit
Upon the plan of furnishing Uhlan
vrith spring water to drink. Tom fig
ured he would give the gelding a treat
for a few days , but he had no inten
tion of continuing the practice. When
Logan tried to change from spring wa
ter to the old variety for Uhlaii there
was nothing doing. The star per
former positively refused to drink.
That's why Logan makes a five mile
trip on a motorcycle every morning to
provide Uhlan with spring water to
Frankie Burns to Re-onter Ring.
Fivmkic Burns , the California light
weight , who was defeated by Cham
pion Ad "Wolgast in a furious battle at
San Francisco a few months ago , has
decided to resume operations in the
ring during the coming season , and he
is now ready to match up with any of
the boys of his weight. Being only
twenty years old , Burns figures that
he can with constant practice and ex
perience climb high up the ladder in
the next year and eventually stand a
pretty good chance of winning the
lightweight championship. He can at
least make a good living at the game ,
for his services will surely be in de
mand owing to the splendid battle he
gave Woljrast
3,000 Homesteads Open to Settlement.
466,562 acres open to settlement
in the Pine Kidge and Rosebud
reservations , locatsd in Bennett
and Mellette counties , S. D. The
Chicago & North Western Ry. is
the direct route to registration
points-r-Gregory , Dallas and Ri-
pid City , S. D. and the only line
to the reservation border. Dates
of registration , October 2 to , 21 ,
inclusive- . Tae lands to be opened
.o settlement are some of the
ihoicest in South Dakota. For
.irinted matter and full particu-
ars , apply to Ticket Agents , Chicago
cage and ISTorth Western Ry. , or
ddress A. C. Jolinson , P. T. M. ,
226 W. Jackson Blvd. , Chicago.
Don 9t Overlook
arrears remember
: can always find
Ed Pike was in Omaha with a
car of cattle this week.
Tom Berry was seen in our vil
lage one day this week.
Dr. Vanden made his regular
visit to Kilgore Tuesday.
Hiram Jones received a new
"Carter Car" Wednesday.
II. H. VVakefield shipped a car
of apples to this place Tuesday.
H. E. Shosser expects to leave
for Chicago with a car of horses
S. B. Western of St. Francis
Mission spent several da.ys here
the past week on business.
* n *
A. B. Overman "spent Monday
and Tuesday of this week in" the
vicinity of Black Pipe.
H. F. Wasmund's residence is
nearing"completion , under the su
pervision of G. B. Femerling.
D. J. Richardson is moving his
blacksmith tools into the building
recently vacated by John Camp
Mrs. Haven living on the Carey
place north of town is seriously
ill at this writing. Owing to her
advanced age her recovery is
Several people from Valentine
attended the dance here Saturday
night , among them were Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. Clarkson and daugh
May Gibson , the Deaconess , ar
rived here Friday night and held
services morning and evening.
Next Sunday there will be ser
vices in Kilgore.
. The hotel is receiving a very
much needed renovating. We
trust Mr. Banks , the new propri
etor "makes good * ' as it means a
great deal to a town to have a first-
class hotel.
Scalp and Hair Troubles Generally Caused by
Dandruff is a contageous disease
caused by a microbe which also
produces baldness. Never use a
comb or brush belonging to some
one else. No matter how cleanly
the owner may be , these articles
may be infected with microbes
which will infect your scalp. It
is far easier to catch hair microbes
than it is to get rid of them , and a
single stroke of an infected comber
or brush may well lead to bald
ness. Never try on anybody elses
hat. Many a hat-band is a resting
place for microbes.
If you happen to be troubled
with dandruff , itching scalp , fall
ing hair or baldness , we have a
remedy which we believe will com
pletely relieve these troubles.
We are so sure of this that we
offer it to you with the under
standing that it will cost you noth
ing for the trial if it does not pro
duce the results we claim. This
remedy is called Eexall " 93"
Hair Tonic. We honestly believe
it to be the most scientific remedy
for scalp and hair troubles , and
we know of nothing else that equals -
quals it for effectiveness , because
of the results it has produced in
thousands of cases.
Eexall " 93" Hair Tonic is de
vised to banish dandruff , restore
natural color when its loss has
been brought about by disease ,
and make the hair naturally silky ,
soft and glossy. It does this be
cause it stimulates the hair folli
cles , destroys the germ matter ,
and brings about a free , healthy
circulation of blood , which nour
ishes the hair roots , causing them
to tighten and grow new hair.
We want everybody who has any
trouble with hair or scalp to know
that we think that Rexall " 93"
Hair Tonic is the best hair tonic
and restorative in existence , and
no one should scoff at or doubi
this statement until they have put
our claims to a fair test , with thf'
understanding that they pay us
nothing for the remedy if it does
not give full and complete satisfac
tion in every particular. Two
sizes , 50 cents and § 1.00. Re
member , you can obtain Hexall
Remedies in Valentine only at our
store The Rexall Store. GA. .
Chapman. I
Relieves gas in stomach ,
Everybody who reads \ after eating , stomach nervouMiess ,
magazines keys news
papers , bnt everybody dizziness , headache , heartburn ,
who reads acv/spapcrs and ailments
doesn't buy rangaames. heart palpitation other -
Catch the Drift ? , ments caused by faulty digestion.
Here's the medium to Price 25c. Prepared by United
reach the people of i
this community. Drug Company , Boston , Mass.
Sold in Valentine only by G. A.
, Chapman. The Rexall Store.
The automobile that will travel all directions
out of Valentine without fear of being sand or
hill bound. We invite everyone to inspect this
up = to = date car.
iimple i Design and Construction
anifoly & Lay port
Auto Dealers
Valentine , Nebraska
Cigars and
Soft Drinks
E. M. Faddis & Co
Postofllce'ad dress Valentino or Kennedy.
Some branded
* V on left
- , ' Uligl )
Horses branded
Some Some branded2
branded on ' '
on left or iliotilcierr
or thigh
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
i left
on left Jaw o
Kange on Gordon Creek north of Simeon ,
] NT. S. Rowley.
Kennedy , - .Neuraska.
Same as cut on left ,
side and hip , and oii'J
left shoulder of her
ses. Also > gg3 on
left side
V X en left
Some eat-fe&s' p
ed lnisk-'S S2liig : pt'K ( either side np ) on
loft side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder
of horses , u
uQ on left hip of horses.
[ \J on left jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
sam as cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on right
itango on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
. _ . . . . , _ of rustlers of stock
Hearing any of these bntuds.
E. M. Terrill , Propr.
Brownlee , Neo.
Cattle branded as
in c-st on left
side. Some
branded It T Y
on left hip. Kange
on North Loup
river , two miles
west of Brewnlee
Not Afraid
St Francis Mis
sion , Rosebud ,
S. D.
Cattle branded
as in cut ; horses
aame or .IKV' on
left thigh , Itange
between Spring
C'k and Little
White river.
Albert Whipple & Sons.
Rosebud S , D. '
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on rightsidft
Some cattle also
have af on neck
Some with A on
left ; shoulder and
some branded
with two bar
across hind qnar-
„ _ _ _ _ Jters. Some Texas
cattle bmnded ss O ou left .side and some J
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattla
bmnded A.W bar connected on both sidfi and
left hip of horses
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cnt.left side
Some 011 left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co
3artlett liichards Pres Will G Comstook" V P
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded oi
, any part of animal
Tiz , ;
f S P KSJ&SJSa al30 tn * following
& ? OT brands :
* * PH * * * *
® ® fo- ' & ( &
- * * -r * ca - tMssvyni
horses branded th
i" ' same
" Range betwee
* / ? *
Gordon on the F JC.
&M V..R H ; , prf
Hyannis on B & M. R.H. in Northwestern Nebr
BAKTI.ETT KICflAKDS. Ellsworth , Nebr
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis. Nebr
G. Iv. Sawyer has
charge of these
cattle. II rse *
! > ! on left shoul
der. Somej
left aide.
same left thigh.
Kange on Snake
Metzger Bros.
Kolfe Nebr
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop rjght ear.
Horses have
same brand on
eft thigh. ,
Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A Reward of $250 will be paid to any person for
information leading to the arrest and final
conviction of any person or persons stealing
" " ' " xvith ahov-f brand. .
J. A. Taryan.
Pullman , Nebr
"Cattle branded .J"V
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the r > -
coyery of cattle
strayed from my
THE LEADING BEER McG-eer & Carroll
Dealers- Valentine