WANTED TO BE AN AVIATOR Missouri Girl Evidently Very Much in Earnest in Her Desire to Nav igate the Air. Mr. Claude Graharae-White , the fa mous English aviator , is constantly besought by young women to teach them to become aviators. Many make application by letter. One of these letters reached him the other day from a point in Missouri. Cleared of its errors in grammar , spelling and capitalization , it read somefhing like this : "Oh , Mr. Grahame-White , teach mete to be a 'planer. ' I saw one of them at Kansas City and I think it is just heavenly. I would like to run a "Wright monoplane or a Bleriot bi plane , but if you have a better flyer I would try that. I think I would look cute running a baby flyer. Pa says he wouldn't mind my having a baby one. Couldn't you bring one out here for a week or so and show me how to run it ? I assure you a good time. " Mr. Grahame-White was compelled * to decline the young woman's kind in vitation. Just for the Summer. The old woman who lived in a shoe explained. "Roomier than summer hotel rooms , " she cried. Cured by Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound Pound , Wis. "I am glad to announce - nounce that I have been cured of dys pepsia and female troubles by your medicine. I had been troubled with both for fourteen years and consulted different doctors , but failed to get any relief. After using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and Blood Purifier I can say I am a well woman. I can't find words to express my thanks for the good your medicine has done me. You maypublish this if you wish. " Mrs. HERMAN SIETH , Pound , Wis. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , made from roots and herbs , is unparalleled. It may be used with perfect confidence by women \vho suffer from displacements , inflam mation , ulceratipn , fibroid tumors , ir regularities , periodic pains , backache , bearing-down feeling , flatulency , indi gestion , dizziness , or nervous prostra tion * For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills , and suffering women owe it to themselves to at least give this medicine a trial. Proof is abundant that it has cured thousands of others , and why should it not cure you ? If you want special advice -writo Mrs.Pinldiain , Lynn , Mass. , for it , It is free and always nelpf ul. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta ble act surely CARTER'S but gently on ITTLE the liver. Stop after IVER dinner dis PILLS. tress cure indigestion , improve the complexion , brighten the eyes. SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE , Genuine must bear Signature r > Will YOU TRAPTHIS SEASON ! IF50YOU WLWANT OUR COMPLETE PRICE "SEND US TAGS YOUR FREE NAME WE WE WE PAY WHAT GIVE YOU CHARGE WE A SQUARE1 NO QUOTE DEAL 'COMMlSSIOi DIRECT BUYERS" OF FURS liOTZBROS 115-H5ELM ST.SlLoUlSa If afflicted with ' } Thompson's Eye Water core eyes , use W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 41-1911. Sioux City Directory Established 30 Years Floral emblems and cut flowers for all occasions. SIOUX CETY , IOWA ROCKLIN & IEHU FLORISTS SIOUX CITY IOWA Fresh Cut Flowers & Floral Emblems OP ALL , DESCRIPTION ON SHORT NOTICE. Order by Mail , Telephone 01 Telegraph. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Treasure Trove in South Lincoln. During a series of explorations made while clearing out the debris in "Robbers' Cave , " near the peni tentiary , south of Lincoln , a number of articles are being brought to light that seem to bear out the theory that the cave was at some time the ren dezvous of a gang of desperadoes as well as a well known spot to the In dians of years ago. Among the finds are jewelry of every description , money , some of it counterfeit , fire arms of antebellum make among them a rifle barrel 4C inches long , rusted and decayed a' peck or so-of keys in singles , pairs and bunches , arrow heads and stone weapons of a remote time , and the rusted and rotted remains of purses , grips and old-time carpet bags. The present owner of the cave has equipped it with electric lights , and it is becom ing quite a popular resort for Lin- colnites as well as visitors to the capital city. Funds to Enforce Seed Law. The enforcement of the new pure seed and commercial stock food law passed by the last legislature will now be enforced as soon as the state food commissioner can buy apparatus and obtai nan assistant or two. Deputy" Attorney General Ayres has given State Auditor Barton an opin ion holding that the Gerdes act re quiring fees of all state departments to be deposited in the state treasury also appropriates fees of the several departments for the biennium and j the fees to be collected for inspection under the pure seed law may be used by the state food commissioner to pay | the necessary expenses of such in spection. Worth is Alive and Well. Announced by the University of Ne braska as having died , Daniel Worth , ! class of ' 92 , has returned from the ! wilds of the interior of Alaska after j wringing wealth from the bleak gold j fields. This was established by the I University of Nebraska alumni asso- j ciation which has , after some effort , gotten in communication with Mr. I Worth who is now living at the Beal I hotel in Kingman , Arizona. Banquet for Supt. Crabtree. Prof. J. W. Crabtree , state superin tendent of public instruction and formerly - ! merly principal of the Peru state normal - mal school , will be the guest of honor ' at a banquet of the Peru State Normal ! association t be held at Omaha No vember 8 in connection with the meet- j ing of the state teachers' association. Professor Crabtree "was also formerly president of the normal association. General Hartigan Retires. General John C. Hartigan , formerly adjutant general of the Nebraska na tional guard , has been placed on the guard retired list at his own request. The order of retirement has been is sued by Adjutant General Ernest H. Phelps. General Hartigan enlisted in the Nebraska national guard in 1897 and has served as captain , major , col onel and adjutant general. Governor Appoints Dr. Dishong. Governor Aldrich has announced that he would retain Dr. B. F. Williams at the head of the Lincoln asylum of the insane until January 1. He will then appoint Dr. G. W. Dishong , su perintendent. Dr. Williams was ap ( pointed by Governor Shallenberger. Inspection Begins October 30. The annual inspection of the Ne braska national guard will begin Oc tober 30 and will be completed two months later , Major Louis H. Gage , chief of ordinance , making the in spection. The report of the state treasurer for the month of September shows a balance of $483,865 at the close of business Saturday night. This is $64- 000 less than a month ago and nearly $150,000 less than two months ago. Nebraska's trust funds have crept over the nine-million mark , the funds invested in securities for the perma nent funds amounting to $9,044,147. Organied Agriculture. Twenty or more officers of the dif ferent associations comprising the association known as organized agri culture met at the office of Secretary Mellor of the state board of agricul ture and selected an executive com mittee which will prepare a program and make arrangements for the 'an nual meeting of the association in Lincoln , beginning January 15. The committee is as follows : W. R. Mel lor , president ; Val Keyser , secre tary ; W. S. Whitten , E. A. Burnett. C. W. Pugsley and C. G. Harshall. Attorney General Martin , in an swer to a question asked by County Attorney Taylor of Cass county , has given an opinion holding that the state inheritance tax is a perpetual lien except in cases where the real estate has passed to other hands. In such cases , if suit is not commenced within five years or more , the real estate is transferred and the tax ceases to be a lien. Treasurer George Dayton , of Lin coln threatens to levy on an auto be longing to a wealthy citizen of that place for taxes running back to 1889. ALL OVER NEBRASKA. Murder Is a Mystery. Otoe County. The coroner's jury held an inquest at Syracuse over the body of George Jarreis , the man who was found dead in his home with his head crushed with a hammer and throat cut. The jury held a secret session , but was unable to elicit any further information than was given out the first day. It could not find any motive for the crime' and render ed verdict that the deceased came to his death at the hando of party or parties unknown to the jury. The jury suggested that Charles Thomp son , a map peddler who had some misunderstanding with the deceased over a woman be hold for further in vestigation. Thompson claims to be able to prove that he was fourteen miles away from the scene of the murder the night it occurred. Killed for His Bronchos. Lincoln County. With the desire to possess a pair of bronchos as the motive' for the crime , the authorities are holding Louis Jensen , a farm hand , in custody charged with the murder of John Frazier , a farmer re siding at North Platte. The killing , to which Jensen has confessed , occur red at a point some distance south of Maxwell. The victim had been shot in the back of the head and his body concealed near the river fifteen miles away. * To Fight Sanborn Decision. Lancaster County. Governor Al drich will go to St. Louis where he will meet Governor Harmon of Ohio and Governor Hadley of Missouri to confer on the method to be employed in assaulting the Sanborn decision in the Minnesota rate cases before the United States supreme court. This trio comprises the committee select ed for defense of the Minnesota rate laws by the governors' convention at Spring Lake , N. J. Contract for Dams. Scottsbluff County. Contracts will soon be let for building two more earth dams of the government canal system. One of these contains about 500,000 yards of earth. The three lakes of the system are within ten miles , and will have a storage of 125- 000 acre feet of water. Farmer Falls Forty Feet. Boone County James Cummings , a successful farmer , living two miles northeast of St. Edwards , fell forty feet from a wind mill tower lighting on his feet , breaking both ankles , the bones in his left-hand and bones in right-hand and right fore-arm , leaving him unconscious for eight hours. Is 117 Years Old. Custer . County. In Ouster county lives a man who has lived in the ad ministration of every president the United States has had. His name is Thomas Morris , and he is said to be 117 years of age. Old Buildings Torn Down. Gage County. At a conference be tween property owners and C. A. Randall , chief state deputy fire com missioner , and Inspector Fred Buck , fifteen old buildings in the business section of Beatrice were condemned and ordered torn down. Post of Glandered Horses. Lancaster County. Since July 7 the state has paid $4,24814 in indem nities to owners of horses and mules suffiering from glanders and killed under direction of the state veterma- Seward's New Court House. Seward County. The new roof Is being put on the county court house. The shingles are a composition or oement and asbestos , and the work of reshingling will be pushed as rapidly as possible. Fined for Stealing Corn. York County Barney McEwen was fined ? 7.10 in county court for steal ing corn from E. J. Pitman. Mr. Pit man had been missing corn from iis field so kept watch and saw McEwen drive by his house and enter his field. The sheriff was notified and McEwen was arrested and fined. Jewelry Store Safe Looted. Cass County. Robbers entered the Jewelry store of Mike Tritsch at Louisville and blew open the safe getting away with $1,000 in watches and money. They had previously broken into an elevator and stolen tools which they used in wrecking the safe. Auto Accident 'at Seward. Seward County. Joseph Rouselle of Seward refuses to leave the bed side of the child of Frank Igou , the 5- year-old boy who was struck by Rou- selle's automobile when the exit to the fair grounds was jammed. The car passed over the boy's abdomen and he is probably fatally injured. New Bank Director. Cass County. At a meeting of the stockholders of the First National bank. Dr. E. W. Cook , was elected a director , to take the place made va cant by the recent death of D. Hawksworth. Farmer Charged with Cruelty. Custer County. A warrant was sworn out for LI. W. Workman , a farmer fifteen miles south of Broken Bow , charging him with beating a hcrse to death. Indignant neighbor.1 * tnsde the complaint. ADMIRAL SCHLEY DIES HERO OP SANTIAGO DROPS DEAD IN NEW YORK. Career of Man Who Smashed Spanish Fleet Is Closed in Tragic Manner. New York. Rear Admiral Schley , hero of the battle of Santiago , dropped dead from apoplexy on the street here. His death came just a week after the publication of advanced sheets of Admiral F. E. Chadwick's history of the Spanish-American war , in which Schley is completely exon erated for making the famous "loop , " that "loop" now being shown as the "brilliant maneuver" of the battle , and the maneuver that accomplished the defeat of the Spanish fleet. Schley was apparently In perfect health a short time before he fell upon the street on Fifth avenue and Forty-fourth street and died before a doctor could be summoned. Admiral Schley , the 'man who smashed the Spanish fleet at Santiago , was one of the leading figures in the American navy for a generation. He was born in Frederick county , Mary land , in 1839. After graduating at An napolis in I860 and serving during the Civil war in minor capacities , he was commissioned In 1866 as lieu tenant commander. In 1884 he volunteered for and was placed in command of the expedition sent to search the north polar region for Lieutenant ( now Rear Admiral ) Greely , and his companions , who had been lost from civilization for nearly two years , and the finding of them in a state of exhaustion and about to die constituted one of the dramatic Incidents in arctic exploration. WILEY FOES ARE RELIEVED Solicitor McCabe Is Retired From Pure Food Board Chemist Dunlap Given Leave. Washington. In a sudden succes sion of orders , an initial move in the expected reorganization of the de partment of agriculture , Solicitor George P. McCabe was retired from the pure food and drug board , Associ ate Chemist F. L. Dunlap , closely iden tified with McCabe , was allowed leave of absence until the president's return , and Chemist Harvey W. Wiley was left apparently in supreme command of the board. Dr. R. E. Doolittle of New York , friendly to Dr. Wiley , was temporarily appointed to the board to succeed Mr. McCabe. These changes were announced by Secretary Wilson following a confer ence with Dr. Wiley. They were deemed inevitable in view of the offi cial and personal antagonism aired be fore a congressional committee this summer and Dr. Wiley's exoneration by President Taft. TRUST OUSTER SUITS ON Chlcagoan First Witness as Missouri Lumber Cases Are Resumed Charges Filed by Hadley. St. Louis. Taking of testimony In Missouri ouster suit against 31 com panies alleged to be in a lumber trust was resumed here. The suit was filed by Gov. Hadley when he was attorney general In 1907 , at the request of the legislature. Hearings have been held In various cities aud the state expects to close Its case In the present hearing , which will ex tend until the last of the week. George W. Hotchklss of Chicago , secretary of the Illinois Retail Lum ber Dealers' association , was the first witness. His testimony related to the formation of his association , and As sistant Attorney General John N. At kinson , who Is conducting the case for the state , endeavored to show that the organization is a part of the alleged trust the state desires to oust. BUMPER CROP OF SUGAR But the Good Fortune of Domlnlclans Does Not Help Housewife Dominiclans Reap Harvest. Washington. The misfortune of the American housewife who faces famine prices on sugar in the height of the preserving season finds its counterbalance in the exultation of the Dominicians over the prospects of the biggest sugar crop and the high est prices in the history of the island. Altogether the Island appears to been on the top wave of prosperity , the customs collections for the eight months ended August 31 last being $2,320,204.79 , which was $221,406.69 more than for the corresponding pe riod last year. Leg Broken In Football Game. Philadelphia. The first" serious football Injury of the season In the east has put John Thompson of Ft Joseph's coll-ge in a hospital here for several weeks with a frac tured leg. He was playing on the scrub team against a regular team when one of the players he tackled fell upon him. Bathe Fish to Stop Their Ills. St. Louis. Delegates attending the American Fisheries society , in con vention here , were advised by their president , W. E. Meehan of Harris- burg. Pa. , to bathe a sick fish to cure It. More than that , a salt water bath was advocated for a fresh water tish. Car Hits Auto ; One Dead. Jamaica , N. Y. James Colton was killed and his two companions fatally injured in a head-on collision h.-ro , between his automobile and a troile ? car. The Proof. Mrs. J. G. Phelps-Stokes , In an ad dress In Pittsburgh , was urging her women hearers to learn to be good coo.ks\c "If , " she said quaintly , "you would convince your husband that you are a better actress than Dnse and a better dancer than Pavlowa , prove to him that you are a better cook than Escof- fier. " I should say sincerity , a deep , great genuine sincerity , Is the first charac teristic of all men in any way heroic. Carlyle. Hood's Sarsaparilla Will purify your blood , clear your complexion , restore your appetite , relieve your tired feel ing , build you up. It leads all other medicines in merit. Get it today in usual liquid form o ? chocolated tablets called Sarsntabs. A Reader Cures His tipation Try It Free . Simple Way for Any Family to Retain the Good Health of All Its Members. The editors of "Health Hints" and "Questions and Answers" have one ques tion that Is put to them more often than any other , and which , strangely enough , they find the most difficult to answer. That Is' "How can I cure my constipa tion ? " Dr. Caldwell. an eminent specialist In diseases of the stomach , liver and bowels has looked the whole field over , has prac tised the specialty for forty years and Is convinced that the ingredients contained In what Is called Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin , has the best claim to attention from constipated people. Its success In the cure of stubborn con stipation has done much to displace the use of salts , waters , strong cathartics and such things. Syrup Pepsin , by trainIng - Ing the stomach and bowel muscles to again do their work naturally , and with. Its tonic Ingredients strengthening the nerves , brings about a lasting cure. Among its strongest supporters are Mr. John Graveline of 98 Milwaukee Ave. . Detroit , Mich. , air. J. A. Vernon of Okla homa City and thousands of others. It can be obtained of any druggist at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle , or If you want to try It first a free sample bottle can be obtained by writing the doctor. For the free sample address Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 201 Caldwell building. Monti- cello , 111. For Eye. Epizootic - Shipping Fever & Catarrh a I Fever Bare cure and positive preventive , no matter bow boreeaat any gtapre arc Infected " . " the acta the Blood and Glands tba or"expOBed. Liquid , jrlvcn on tongue ; on : expels poisonous aerms from the body. Cures Distemper In DORS and Sheep nnii Cholera la Poultry. LartrestselllnpllTostockremedj- Ln Grippe amen human being * and IB a flne Kidney remedy. 60c and (1 a bottle ; fO and 110 a dozen. Cut this out. Keep It. Show to your drucndst. who will get It foryou. Free Booklet , "Distemper. . ' ' wanted. Causes and Cures. Special Agenta SPOHN MEDICAL CO , , 60SHEN , IND , , U , S , A. Overheard in Venice. "Isn't it romantic , John , dear , " said she as they sat in the little Venetian garden , "to sit here and listen to these Italian troubadours singing their bal lads bathed in the moonlight ? " "Yes , dear , " replied John with a deep-drawn sigh. "But I sometimes wish they'd bathe in something be sides moonlight , don't you. It might be less romantic , but it would be a darn sight more hygienic. " Harper's Weekly. Laughing Down a Whiner. "The bluff , cheery optimism of Sen ator Frye , " said a Lewiston divine , "could not brook a whiner. Once at a dinner here in Lewiston a whiner seated opposite Senator Frye said dolefully : " 'I have only one friend on earth my dog. ' " 'Why don't you get another dog ? ' said Senator Frye. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children , and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30'Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Hopeless. First Motorist I have driven a car for two years and I've never yet run down anybody. Second Motorist ( disgustedly ) Why don't you quit trying and hire a chauf feur ? Puck. Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething , softens the gums , reduces Inflamma tion , allays pain , cures wind colic , 25c a bottle. If the average man has occasion to generate a good , hearty laugh once a month , he is playing in great luck. Is a heavy yield , but that's what John Kennedy of Edmonton , Alberta , Western Canada , got from 40 acres of Spring Wheat In lull ) Itopurts f rum other districts In that prov ince showed other excel lent results such us 4- 1000 bushels of wheat from 120 acres , or 331-3 bu. per acre. 2.180 and 41) ) bushel yields were num erous. As high as 132 bushels of oats to the aero were threshed from Alberta fields In 1910. The Silver Gup at the recent Spokane Fair was awarded to the Alberta Government for Its cxhlbltof gralnsigrassos and vegetables. Reports of excellent yields tor 1'JIO como also from Saskatchewan and Manitoba In Western Canada. Free homesteads of ICO acres , aud adjoining pre emptions of 10O acres ( at 83 per aero ) are to be bud iu the choicest districts. Schools convenient , cll- xxmte excellent , eoll the very best , ra.llwH.ya close at band , bulltlliicr lumber cheap , fnel easy tojjet and reasonable In price , -water easily pro cured , mixed larmlnjc n success. Wrlto as to best place for set tlement , settlers' low railway rates , descriptive Ulubtrated "LastBestWest * ( sent free on application ) and other Informa tion , to Snp't of Immigration , Ottawa , Can.orto the Canadian Government Agent. (3G ) LT. Holmes. 315 Jackson SI. SL P I , Minn. J. M. Mttlachtjn , Drawer 197 , Waterloo. S. D. Please write to theagent nearest you the treatmnnt of Chronic Ulcers , liono Ulcers.ScrofuJous Ulcers.Varlcoso Ulcers.In- dolent Ulcers. Iercarlnl Ulcers"U'hlte Swell ing , Milk Leg- , Fever Sores , all old sores.Very successf al. liy mail 5O cents. J.I' . AIjIiKN MEDICINE CO. , Dept.A7 , St. Paul , Minn. NO MORE ASTHMA Stop It. Learn bow. Send at once for health chart , booklet and FREE TRIAL. Scientific constitutional treatment. Wonderful cures. HENKI MILLAR REMEDY CO. , 721 Bo. E. St.TacomaWash. Pettits Eve Salve RELIEVES SORE EYES Watson E.CoIemnn.Wajih. PATENTS ington.lXC. .Booksfree. High. es $ references. Beat result Fads for Weak Women Nine-tenths of all the sickness of women is due to some derangement or dis ease of the organs distinctly feminine. Such sickness can be cured is cured every day by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Women Strong , Sick Women Well. It acts directly on the organs affected and is at the same time a general restora tive tonic for the whole system. It cures female complaint right in the privacy of home. It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning , examinations and local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors , and so abhorrent to every modest woman. We shall not particularize here as to the symptoms of those peculiar affections incident to women , but those wanting full information as to their symptoms and means of positive cure are referred to the People's Com mon Sense Medical Adviser 1008 pages , newly revised and up-to-date Edition , sent free on receipt of 21 one- cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only ; or , in cloth binding for 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce , Buffalo , N.Y. $2,50 , * 3,00 , S3.5Q & M.OO SHOES Men and Women wear WX.DougIas shoes because they are tfta best-shoes produced in this country for the price. Insist upon hav ing them. Take no other make. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS The assurance that goes with an estab lished reputation is your assurance in buying W. L. Douglas shoes. If I could take you into my large factories at Brockton , Mass. , and show you how carefully W.L.Douglas shoes are made , you would then understand why they are war ranted to hold their shape , fit better and wear longer than any other make for the price CQIITIRN The genuine have W. ! L. Douglas wnunuu name and price stamped on bottom If you cannot obtain "W. L. Douglas slices in your town , write for catalog. Shoes sent direct ONE PATR of my BOYS' S3 , S2.50 or from factory to wearer , all charges prepaid. "W.I , . S3.OO SHOES will positively outwear DOUGLAS , 145 Spark St. , Brockton , Mass. TWO PA IKS of ordinary boys'ahoo SWEEPING CROP FAILURES THIS YEAR 70,000 additional acres now open for entry under the Cary Act , at Valier , Montana. Works are 90 per cent , completed and are constructed under the supervision of the Carey Land Board. 40,000 acres irrigated in 1911. Rich soil , no drouth , sure crops , abundant -water , delightful climate. 60 bushels wheat and 100 of oats per acre. Terms , ยง 40.50 per acre , S5.50 cash at time of filing , balance in 14 yearly payments. We ask no one to file on these lands without makinsr a careful , personal inspection. If voa are interested -write for further information to CLIXTOX , HURTT & CO. , VALIER , MONTANA.