Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 12, 1911, Image 1

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1 * ' * " * * * * *
Volume 26 , No. 40 VALENTINE , NEBK.-THURSDAY , OCTOBER 12 , 1911. § l.r,0 per year.
for women , girls and boys. These union suits
fit the figure perfectly and allow free movement
of the body withoufcbinding. If you would know-
union suit comfort know Munsing Wear. The
prices are no higher than for the other kind.
Girl's Ribbed Fleece , per suit $ .60
Misses' Ribbed Heece , per suit 1.00
Ladies' Weary "per suit 1.25 and 1.50
Ladies' Wool Wear , per suit 2.50
Boy's Fleeced Suits , per suit .75
If you are not a customer
of the Bed Front Mercan
tile Co. , they would appre
ciate your becoming one.
In their Grocery Depart
inent you will find the best
grades of canned fruits ,
vegetables , smoked meats ,
lards , syrups , and break
fast foods.
Phones 5 and 75
Yes , we've got it , if not we'll get it
Orders taken for all music ,
Big Reductions on
Summer Millinery O.W. , Morey
\ Bakery Goods Confectionery
Ice Cream and Soda Water
Cigars and Tobacco
* Lunches and Meals
SicIK : * t S
\ i * / Wa
/ Correspondents from all parts' Cherry County.
There's a treat in reserve for Democrat writers.
Send for stationery. Do it now !
Address * The Democrat ; Valentine * Nebraska.
G. W. Gaskill of Kennedy was
in town last Friday and Saturday.
T. J. Christopher and family
were transacting business in town
Miss Hazel Noyes , who has
been very sick with typhoid fever ,
is improving.
J. T. Kief and Dennis Garvey
were up from their ranches near
Arabia on Tuesday.
Amzi Teach , who is working up
near Kilgore spent Sunday at
home with his family.
Mrs. Harry Tripp of Water-
town , Wis. , is visiting with Mrs.
J. H. Quigley and family.
Miss Zeruah Hershey of Bloomfield -
field , Nebr. , is visiting her uncle ,
George Hershey , and family.
Will Leonard went to Draper ,
S. D. , his former home Saturday
to bring his household goods to
Carl R. Freraan , a former Val
entine boy and at one time on the
Democrat force , is here visiting.
Oliver Walcott , Judge and Mrs.
J. C. Quigley and Miss Gertrude
Quigley motored to Gregory to
day ,
W. B. Kelly , one of the attor
neys for the Sellers' murderers ,
came from Independence , Mo. ,
Monday night.
Bessie , Aurthur and Ealph
Shaul are sick with typhoid fever.
They are getting along as well as
can be expected.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wilkinson
returned from their eastern trip
Friday night and went to their
home near Kennedy Sunday ,
There will be services in St.
John's church next Sunday both
morning and evening at 11 and
7:30 : o'clock respectively. Choir
rehearsal on Saturday evening.
Joseph Rose was arraigned be
fore J udge Quigley last Saturday
morning charged with assaulting
his step mother , Mrs. Julia Rose.
He was bound over to the district
court and was released on bond.
The county commissioners have
allowed Supt. Cora Thackrey an
office assistant. Miss Thackrey
will now devote the greater part
of her time to visiting the schools
of the county.
Some may think that the ad
dresses given are by those who
have book learning and who have
had no experience. Such is not
the case. Mr. Hull of Alma ,
Nebraska is a farmer of many
years. He has also devoted con
siderable time during the. , winters
for the past ten years to Farmer's
Institute work in Nebraska and :
other states. He is primarily ,
however , a Nebraska farmer and
interested in Nebraska people.
He will be present at the Farmer's
Institute in Valentine Saturday ,
October 21st , and should receive a
large hearing Saturday morning
at 11 o'clock when he will lead in
the discussion on alfalfa. Mr.
Cowan of the Experiment Station
at Valentine will also be present.
Both of these men are capable of
telling our people many things
about this wonderful plant , but it
is earnestly hoped that the far
mers in this immediate vicinity
will tell of their experience.
New style wire-type Edison's
G. E. lamps can be used in any
position. 25 "watt lamp 60c. 40
watt , 70c. Special prices for a
short time only at H. I. Weinzim-
mer's. Plumbing and Electrical
shop. : ' ' 40
.Wantecl to winter 100 head
of horses or less. The best of
range , good water and shelter.
Bert Anderson , Brownlee , Neb.
Capacity of Rocks as Reservoirs.
The capacity of rocks to imbibe
moisture varies with their physi
cal structure. Most of the water
in rocks occurs in pores and inter
stices , the larger part of the
world's well-water supply being
derived from saturated porous
beds , only a small part of it being
obtained from caverns or large
cavities. Practically all rocks ,
however compact they may appear
to the eye , have interstices and
small cavities in which water may
be stored. The degree of porosity
of rocks , however , differs greatly
in different rocks , being highest
in open-textured loose sands , sand
stones , gravels , and chalks , all of
which have great capacity for im
bibing water , and lowest in close
textured clays , slates , marbles ,
and granites , which hava very
small capacity for absorbing
and transmitting water. Some
rocks , however , such as granite ,
which in their original condition
are almost impervious , become
water bearing through the develop
ment of fractures and crevices.
The capacity of rocks for trans
mitting water is different from
their capacity for imbibition. In
certain fine-grained rocks the pore
spaces are so small that they will
not readily transmit water. Hence
rocks like chalk or brick , which
absorb water freely , transmit it
slowly , whereas others with no
greater total pore space transmit
it readily. Sandstones , for in
stance , vary greatly in texture and
consequently in their capacity for
carrying water. ( From report of
United jptate's .Geological Survey. )
We are on the force again after
an absence of several weeks.
C. C. Bannett , J. H. Baker and
Robert Ellis shipped cattle Mon
C. S. Reece , L. L. LUfca , War
ner Stratton and others shipped
six loads last week.
The quartette is preparing to
furnish music for the coming win
ter entertainments.
Miss Andrews and Miss Moore
visited Valentine Saturday. They
are enjoying their school work
and giving splendid satisfaction.
Mrs. Crowe has an interesting
school at Simeon. She has pre
pared a paper on the Panama ca
nal for the teachers' meeting at
Valentine October , 14 , which con
tains much information concern
ing this great work.
Mrs. J. C. Recce returned
Tuesday from a visit with her sis
ter , Mrs. Horton , at Cassady , Kan
sas. She reports a good time.
Mr. Reece met her in Omaha ,
having spent a week visiting rel
atives in Iowa. They feel more
satisfied than ever with Cherry
Most of the cattle have been
sent to market from this locality
for this year. Prices have been
good and our people are en
couraged. The herds have been
decreased on account of a short
hay crop. Gardens and potatoes
recovered remarkably well from
the efiects of the dry summer.
The season is closing up in a man
ner that finds our people in com
fortable circumstances.
Barnes the eye specialist of
Omaha will be at the Donoher ho
tel Wednesday the 25th. Visits
made here for more than ten years.
No charges for examination.
Wood Lake the 26th7 40-2
Phone your coal orders to Fisch-
er's.JIardjware. We have added
Mr."Hornby's sheds to ours , there
fore have plenty of storage room ,
and can fill your bins on short
notice. 38
Old papers for sale at this office
15 cents a hundred.
You'll like our splendid line of fine
Alma Mater Student Styles
Young Men's Styles for Young Men. * Not
merely men's styles with an extra box of
buttons on the coat and with a lot of fancy
frills. They are full of style-Young Men's
Style-and not a trace of foolishness in them.
Anybody can sew on buttons , but there's
only one firm who can make the Alma
'Mater [ Styles. We are the one store that
can supply them In this town.
When in need of shoes
give us a trial.
Clothes of Quality For AS1 Mankind
Phone 145.
TZZttX3Ztt' Z Artt XK
McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars \
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenhcimer ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brock ,
Spring Hill , and 29xyearvold
and Jas , E , Pepper , O , F , C , Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the IT. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandiss , Imported I
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout \
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , \
Valentine Nebraska 1
All Kinds of Fresh
and Fait Meats
-j l ggi . g § . ffi5Sa Hi
i g g'TT VwJi' .1-3 i.3tjf ' r r rrc-75J
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
w ;
anything you have to sell. aJ gSSSSS38j&SIW !
Critics in the musical centers of
the music-loving world , join in
heir approval of the clear soprano
voice of Mine. Dorothea Xorlh
and she is ranked among the fore
most of the young sopranos.
Mme. North toured the old
world in concert with her talented
instructor , Alexander Heineraan ,
of whom she was a favorite pupil.
Her voice is one of rare sweetness
and her easy and unaffected man
ner gain for her at once the appre
ciation of her hearers.
Mme. North will be heard here
with Theobald i , the Norwegian
violinist on Tuesday night , Octo
ber 17. in Quigley's Hall.
Cleaning , pressing and repair
ing. Ladies work a specialty.
City Tailors. C. H. Austin , Prop.
From thres miles of Pass. Ranch ,
one brown gelding , weight about
1,100 , branded E L on left shoulder.
Bdw. A. Lee , Brownlee. Nebr. 39 2
Rock Spring's Coal and all other
kinds at Fischer's Hardware. S
Dr. M. F. Meer has decided to
visit Wood Lake the first Monday
and Tuesday of each month to do
dental work. 19tf
Found On carnival grounds ,
' 'missing link" engraved gold cuff
button. Owner can have same by
calling at this office and paying
for notice.
For sanitary plumbing or hea'-
ing call H. I. Weiuzimmer. 20
Two i-roorn houses for rent.
I. M. Rice , tc