Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 05, 1911, Image 8

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    Pots 5
Because tlie fine particles of tlie
Cleanser immediately loosens and
removes the hardest " burnt in "
food-crusts , which soap-powders
and scouring - bricks may only
wear off after long , hard scrubbing.
Many oilier uses
dFullfiirectioiis enLarge
hi Large Sifter-canlOf
Bight in your busiest season when yon
have the least time to spare you are most
likely to take diarrhoea and lose several
days' time , unless you have Chamber
lain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy at hand and take a dose on the iirst
appearance of the disease. For sale bj
Chapman , the druggist.
tor THIS
' \ jO * " " - '
A Truly RemaVk leCduniy.
Cherry county , Nebraska is 90
miles long by 60 miles wide , con
taining 5,400 square miles. From
Cherry county could he carved two
states the size of Delaware , with
enough , territory leffc over from
which might be carved seventeen
Districts of Columbia. Or two states
the size of Delaware and Rhode Is
land might be carved from Cherry
county , with enough territory left
over to make another state as large
as Delaware and three Districts of
Columbia. A state as large as Con
necticut could be carved out of
Cherry counly with enough terri
tory left over to make seven Dis
tricts of Columbia. The popula
tion of the globe is estimated by
statisticans to be a billion and a
half. Every last one of then could
find room in Cherry county , Ne
braska , in which to swing comfort
ably in a recking chair. Omaha
Trade Exhibit.
A Dramatic Treat
The season has one great novel
ty in store for the public , a novel
ty that has been awaited with im
patience , a novelty of which great
things are expected , a novelty
which cannot fail to fulfill all
hopes and expectations that are
heard regarding it. This novelty
is "Under the Harvest Moon"
which is to be seen here for the
first time at popular prices on Oct.
31st , at Quigly Opera House.
The sale of seats for this beau
tiful play promises to be large.
Since the announcement was made
of the production of the play here
at popular prices , there has been
numerous inquiries regarding it ,
They all tend to show the enorm
ous amount of interest that is be
ing taken in the play : "Under
the Harvest Moon" has had im
mense success and in all likelihood
will live and be popular for many
years. The cast is excellent , the
seme equipment complete and
the play , the one dramatic treat of
the season.
Lost Black and white female
track hound , last seen near St.
Frances Mission. Liberal reward
for her return. Will Shinn , Val
entine , Nebraska.
Livery , Eeed and
Sales Stable. .
Wood Lake , Nebraska g
Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties , s
Oliartered ns a Stnte Bank Chartered as a. National Bank
June 1 , 1SS4. August 12 ,
( Successor to Bank of Valentine. )
Yalentine , - * Nebraska.
SURPLUS CAPITAL - - $25,000 25,000 A General Banking , Exchange
Undivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : : :
O. H. CORNEI/L , President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier.
J. T. May , Vice President. H. L.KuiiN , Ass't Cashier.
D. A. WHJPPLE , Propr ,
Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House
Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel
Leave Yalentine at 8 o'clock every morning ,
Sundays excepted.
Arrive at Bosebud at 2 o'clock p. m.
Leave Bosebud at 8 o'clock every morning , * :
Sundays excepted. . ; , . - . st : "
r " , /Arrive at Yalentine at 2 o'clock p. m. ; --f ;
'Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. m. - * ' ,
Special attention to passengers , baggage and
express or packages. .
' \ Leave orders at headquarters or at the Bed
' Front store. . ; .
. A , Whipple.
WANTED A Husband.
The following letter from a coy
young lady in Indiana was receiv
ed Sunday by Mayor Compton
and as the voters of this common
wealth have not as yet established
a matrimonial bureau in conjunc
tion with the office of mayor he
has , at the young woman's request ,
turned the letter , photo , and des
cription over to The Democrat and
it is here printed just as written.
Evansville , Ind. , Sept. 2S-11.
To the Mairrer of Valentine
Neb Dear Sir will rite you a line
and aske you to publish my letter
and discription and will all. so
mail you a small photo of my self
and aske you to publish it all so
with my discription and see if you
can find me a husban amongyoure
merTas I would like youre style
and tipe of man you have in your
town I would like verry much to
corspand with a ranchman and
will aske you to please be good
and kind a nugh to publish it in
youre papers and then pleas re
turn my photo to me and I will
answer any and all questions that
any of you may chous to aske me
so please return my photo if you
dent and wont publish it but hope
you will be kind a nugh to hand
this to yure leediug news paper
man and he I am sure will Will
rite my full discription on a sep-
rate sheet and will be truthfull and
honest in ever way and hope I
can become a quainted with some
nice western m n in adressing me
send all mail to 117 Sec ave Ev
ansville Ind
M iss Effia Hutchison
5 foot 2 inches waigh 148 have
dark orbun hair and brown eyes
was borned and raised in ky am
22 years old fair complected and
was raised on a farm good cook a
good houskeeper good kind loving
dispisition kind hearted am a lover
of out of door life will answer any
and all questions pleas publish this
and photo together and oblige to
you Miss Effia Hutchison.
The Democrat is sorry that it
cannot here reproduce Miss Hutch
ison's picture.- The photo is at
this office and anyone who wishes
to see the writer of the above ap
peal to western chivalry can dose
so at any time.
This Offer Should Be a Warning to
Every IVIan and Woman
The newspapers and medical
journals recently have had much
to say relative to a famous million
aire's offer of a million dollars for
a new stomach.
This great multi-millionare was
too busy to worry about the con
dition of his stomach. He allowed
his dyspepsia to run from bad * to
worse until in the end it became
His misfortuneserves as a warn
ing to others.
Every one who suffers with dys
pepsia for a few years will give
everything he owns for a new
Dyspepsia is commonly caused
by an abnormal state of the gastric
juices , or lack of tone in the walls
of the stomach.
The result is that the stomach
loses its power to digest food.
We are now able to supply cer
tain missing elements to help to
restore to the gastric juices their
digestive power , and to. aid in
making the stomach strong and
We know that Eexall Dyspep
sia Tablets are a most dependable
remedy for disordered stomachs ,
indigestion , and dyspepsia.
We want you to try them and
will return your mon.ey if you are
not more than satisfied with the
Three sizes , 25 cents , 50 cents ,
and 81.00. Kemember , you can :
obtain Eexall Bemedies * in this
community only at our store The
Eexall Store , G. A. Chapman. t
Sprains require careful treatment.
Keep"quiet and apply Chamberlain's Lin-
iinent freely. It will remove the sorec :
ness and quickly restore the parts to a
healthy condition. For sale by Chap- >
QJ tlie druggist.
. .MM.
Different Siafc-s Will Have Fsal-
at Western Agricul
tural EsiiiiJi
The special state days at the Omaha
Land .Show will be of interest to vis
itors from this country , as they will
be "home-coming days. " Those who
have -gone into the west will time
their visits to the east so as to be In
Omaba on their state day , and their
friends'.from here can arrange to meet
them at the land show and have re
unions , there , where they can see the
results of the work done by those who
have , done the pioneering work.
Feature programs -have been ar
ranged for each of the state days.
The governors of the different western
ftatos have appointed advisory boards
who have this matter in hand and each
will vie with ihe other to make their
state program the best of all. In most
oases the governor Is now arranging
to be present to take part in the pro
gram , which will in each case be one
of a most interesting character. The
following is a list of these special
state days :
Monday , Oct. 16th Omaha , Council
Bluffs and South Omaha Tri-City day ,
with formal opening at 7 p. m.
Tuesday , Oct. 17th Iowa and South
Dakota state day.
Wednesday , Oct. 18th Nebraska
State day.
Thursday , Oct. 19th Idaho State
Friday , Oct. 20th Washington State
Saturday , Oct. 21st Omaha and
South Omaha Public School day.
Sunday. Oct. 22nd Labor Union day
and United Church Choir day.
Monday , Oct. 23rd Montana State
Tuesday , Oct. 24th Oregon State
day. .
Wednesday , Oct. 25th California
State day.
Thursday. Oct. 26th Colorado State
Friday , Oct. 27th Utah State day.
Saturday , Oct. 28th Wyoming and . ]
Nevada State day. .
Programs for other special events
have also been arranged so that there
will be something of interest going on '
all of the time. Each day will be a
big day and every night will be a bis (
night at Omaha's Big Land Show.
Thousands of. Land Hungry After tn.
dtan Acres.
Chief Yellow-Horse , the Sioux lead
er , and his fellow tribesmen have
yielded up their reservation and are
now counted as farmers , instead of as
wards of the government. On June
25 they voted for the first time , when
the selection of county seats came up
at special elections at several points
in South Dakota. Now another reser
vation is to be opened up and 3,000
more farms will be opened to the
homesteader. The registration dates
have been set by the president as Oct.
2 to 21 and drawings are to begin on
Oct. 24. Thscs dates come at a time
when those , who go to the places oi
registration can also attend , the Oma
ha Land Show , being held at the same
time , and by stopping at the expo
sition can gain much information
which will be of value to them. This
show will be of interest to those who
are successful and also to those who
miss out in the drawing , as it will
show how persons who plan the devel
opment of a farm can do so to the
best advantage and also where those
who are looking for a new location
will find just what will suit them best.
Western Development Association.
The fall meeting of the Western
Development association will be held
in Omaha in October.This associa
tion vas organized for the purpose of
interesting those who plan to move
from their homes in the middle west
into our undeveloped portions of the
new west. The object of the organiza
tion is to divert the tide of immigra.
tion which has been going into Can
do and turn it into sections where it
will be of some value to the United
The first meeting WHS held in Oma-
aa in January and this one will come
luring the Omaha Land Show , which
svill lie held from Oct. 16 to 28. The
.wo are held in connection with each
sther , so that those who attend the
onvention may also see exhibits
which will show the whole west under
ne roof. /
Eelieves gas in stomach , disf.res-
Everybody wao reads after eating , stomach nervousness ,
nia a-iiccs buys news
papers , bat everybody dizziness , headache , heartburn ,
v/ho reads
doesn't h-zy heart palpitation and other ail
Catch tJis ments caused by faulty digestion.
Here's the rnsciiaas to Price 25c. Prepared by United
reach the people of
this community , . Drug Company , Boston , Mass.
Sold in Valentine only by G. A.
Chapman. The llexall Store.
The automobile that will travel all directions-
out of Valentine without fear of being sand or
hill bound. We invite everyone to inspect this
up = to = date car.
Simple in Design and Construction
DaoibSy & Lay port
Auto Dealers
Valentine , ' - - = Nebraska
" * * * " " * " *
Cigars and
Soft Drinks
PROP , ,
? I
E. M. Faddis & Co
Postofllce addresa Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
j rKfe on left
i T-T thigh
Horses branded
Some Some branded i " /
on bninded Veft SSS&SS8 * *
or tfyigli
B. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
| Some Qv ° n left
fl dri.
on left Jaw of
. V horses.
n vi - i-u.-i rvir
Range on Gordoa Creek north ef Simeon ,
N : S. Eowley.
Kennedy , - Weoraska.
Same as cut on left ,
side and hip , and oa
left shoulder of her
ses. AlsoJ M on
left side Kgsj'iiud
F X on left side
Sing-peg ( either side up ) on
left side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder
of horses , jjj
jjjQ oa left hp of horses.
j\j on left Jaw o horses
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , 3D
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJBE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
liutte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
. of'rustlers of
- - - - stock
Jeariugany of those brands.
E. M. Terrill , Propr.
Brownlee , Neo.
Cattle branded as
in cat on left
side. Some
branded Ji. T Y
on left hip. Range
on I\rorth Lonp
river , two miles
west of Brewnlee
Not Afraid
it Francis Mis-
lion , Rosebud ,
5. D.
flattie branded
isincut ; horses
lame or JKJ * on
eft thigh. Range
jetween Spring
3'k and Little
iVhite river. i
Albert Whipple & Sons.
Rosebud , D.
Cattle branded
SOS ou left side
OSO on rijrhtsldg
Some cattle also
have aJ Jon neck
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind qnar-
, _ Jters. Some Texas
cattle branded o Oou left .side and someffiSW ! *
on left side. b23u3i
Horses branded SOS on left hlo. Some cattle
branded AT7 bar counseled on both sides acd
left hip of horses
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.lef t side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
3artlett Richards Pres Will G Gorustoek V P ,
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
horses brandedtht
Kange betweea
Gordon on the F.E.
&M. V..B. R ar < i
Hyannls on P. & M. R.R. in Northwestern Nebr.
bARTLETT JHOHA.KDS. Ellsworth. Nebr
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Sawyer has
charee of these
cattle. H rses
I > Son left shoul
der. Some I
left side.
same left thigh.
Hange on Snake
Metzger Bros.
Rolfe Nebr
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand on
ere thigh.
Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A Reward of $250 will be paid to any person for
iuforinatiou leading to the arrest and flnal
conviction of any person or persons stealing
ca-ttlp with ahovp brand.
J. A. Taryan.
Pullman , Nebi
Cattle branded J" $
on rightside
Horses branded JT
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any informatloa
leading to the re
covery of "cattle
strayed from my
THE LEADING BEER | McGreer & Carroll
IN THE MIDDLE WEST I T - , - , , .
Dealers- alentine