Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 05, 1911, Image 5

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Registered Hereford Bulls for
Biilp at ail times of the year.
Si'moon - Nebraska
Tubular Wells and Windmills
Call mo np by phone
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17
No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg
Bulls for Sale at Ail Times ,
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
PHOfrE 1 25
cor. Ball & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
F. M. Walcott Oliver M. V/alcott
Walcott < & , Walcott
Practice before U. S. Lund Oillce and nil
Federal and State courts.
Valentine - -
CA . irtUO i
Office front room , second story ,
over T. C. Hornby's store , Main
street entrance.
Valentine Nebraska
Dr. M. F. Meer ,
Booms over Red Front store
Valentine - Nebr ,
Dr. D. W. Surnner
Hornby Building
Phone No. 173.
The Chicago House
JIM FELCH , Tropr.
Call on me for rooms and
Valentine Nebraska
on the SOUTH would be valuable
now. U. S. Government tests
show a windbreak of trees will
protect crops and conserve moist
ure a rod for each foot in height
of the windbreak , \vindbreak of
trees 40 feet high will protect
crops and conserve moisture 40
rods. Cultivate trees each week
or oftener.
We have all varieties of forest ,
shade and fruit trees , shrubbery
and ornamentals , adapted to North
Western Nebraska. " *
T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent ,
Valentine. Nebr.
Boyd Nurseries and Fruit
On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station
Ainsworth , - Nebraska
Happiest Girl in Lincoln.
A Lincoln , Neb. , girl writes , "I had
been ailing for some time with chronic
constipation and stomach trouble. I be
gan taMng Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liverj/Tablets / anS"in three days I was
able to be npand got better right along.
I am ihe prondest girl in Lincoln-to find
such "a good medicine. " For sale by
Chapman , thexlruggist. * . '
That every , adaea subscriber - p
scriber helps to make tnis $
paper better for everybody &
r r - . &
St. Nicholas' Church.
Services will - be held in the
Catholic church as follows :
In Arabia on Sunday , Oct. S.
In Valentine on Sunday Oct. 15.
1st Mass at 8 a. m. 2nd M ss
at 10 a. m.
LEO M. BLAERE , Hector.
a H
Royal has no substitute for
making delicious horns-baked foods
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
0. M. Walcott went down to
Omaha on a business trip Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ganow of
Oasis are visiting in town this
Miss Agnes Schrader went up to
Alliance Frida y evening for a short
Mr. and Mrs. Slonecker spent a
few days in Ainsworth this week
visiting relatives.
The Carr brothers were in from
Simeon Tuesday after a load of
plaster and cement for their new
Mrs. Robert Koontz and Mrf ,
George Hunter were Omaha passen
gers Tuesday , the former seeking
medical treatment.
Charles Shepard was kicked above
the right ankle by a horse last
Thursday which made traveling
on crutches a necessity for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Headington have
returned to their home south of
Johnstown after a few days' visit
with Mrs. Headington's parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hoenig.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Walcott re
turned from an auto trip to Gregory -
ory Tuesday afternoon. They went
up Sunday accompanied by Miss
Gertrude Jordan and Toin Van
BureD , the latter registered in the
land drawing.
Notice To Stallion Owners.
The 1911 Stallion Registration
Law requires all males , pure bred ,
cross-bred , grade or jack to be ex
amined by a State Inspector.
An Inspector will be at the Don-
her Hotel in Valentine , 2:15 to 6
p. m. on Oct. 13 and at the best
hotel in Arabia , 9 a. in. to 12:30 :
p. m. on Oct. 13 and at the best
hotel in Crookston , 9 a. m. to 3:14
p. m. on Oct. 14 for the purpose
of inspecting all stallions and jacks
in the vicinity of respective towns
named. Horses in the vicinity of
Prentice and Thacher should' be
brought to Valentine for inspection.
Those near Burge , Britt , Riege , Mc-
Cann and Kilgore should be taken
to Orookston for inspection. Those
near Simeon to Arabia. The in
spection will cost § 5.00 for each
animal. Copies of the law may be
had from \V. R. Mellor , Secretary
Nebraska Stallion Registration
Board , Lincoln , Neb.
Found Between the " 'CHristen-
sen place and Isiobrara , two sacks
buggy-repairs. Owne.r can have
sam'e by calling at the De'mcfcrat
office and paying for this .notice.
I You Slave a
Printing Want
Putting out good printing
is our business , and when
we say good printing we
don't mean fair , but the
best obtainable. If you
are "from Missouri" give
us a trial and we will
Show You
White Clay Precinct.
September 28,1911. '
Roscoe Hopper went to town
Thursday to do some trading. ,
Mrs. John Lehman was in the
city on Saturday doing some shop
Miss Mary Humphreys is at
tending school at Rushvilie , in the
ninth grade.
Bessie Hopper was absent from
school on Monday on account of
The leaves are falling fast and
from appearances and heavy frosts
winter is near at liand.
Mrs. Levi Clark and son John
went to the city on Monday to do
some trading.
J. O. Apian came out to the
ranch Tuesday after spending sev
eral days in llushville.
Geo. P. Humphreys and John
Clark assisted J. 0. Apian vacci
nate and dehorn cattle on Thurs
Eva Aubert and Barbara Macek
have enrolled in District 44. The
enrollment at present is twelve.
Mr , and Mrs. Clarence Clark ,
Mr. Humphreys and daughter
Miss Mary , and Phoebe Jacobs
were among those who attended
the Gordon fair.
Most of the farmers have cut
their corn and are now busy dig
ging potatoes. The yield in this
vicinity will not be over abundant.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
Adolph Abraham and Mrs. Abraham , his
wife , lirst and real name unknown , T. O.
Cannon Winnlfred Cannon , Minnie Palmer
and Mr. Palmer , her husband , first and leal
name unknown , Emma Mead and Mr. Mead ,
her husband , lir&L anil real name unknown ,
will take notice that on the2(5th ( day ol Sep
tember , 1911 Christopher O. Thompon filed
his petition in the District Court of Cherry
County , Nebraska , the object and prayer of
whic-irare to foreclose a tax lien , upon the
NEJ UAVi , Section :52 : , Township S3 , North ,
Range tiS , West Cth p. in. Cherry County , Ne
braska , based upon a certificate of tax sale
issued by the treasurer of Cherry County Ne
braska on the 20th day of November , HKG ) for
the payment of delinquent taxes upon said
real estate for the years 18' ) $ to l0o ! inclusive
for the sum of $ 215.73 and for the payment of
subsequent taxes upon said real estate for
the years 1X ! ) < } to ll/lli inclusive , upon which
there is now due plaintiff , together with in
terest , penalties and coats , the sum of $ ( V > .ir >
for which plaintiff prays judgement and de
cree of foreclosure. You are required to
answer this petition on or before November
( jth , imi.
Christopher 0. Thompson , Plaintiff
"By Walcott & "Wnleott his attorneys.
Contest Notice.
United States Land Offlce , Valentine , Neb.
September 28,1911.
To William C. Harman of Valentine , Nebras
ka. Contejtee :
You are hereby notified that Joseph Wil
liams Griffiths who gives Valentine , Neb. , as
his postofflce address , did on Sept2o. 1911. tile in
this offlce his duly corroborated application
to contest and secure the cancellation of
your homestead , Serial No. 04731 made Sen-
tember 1C , 1909 , for all of Section 17 Town
ship 32. range 28 , west of the Gth Principal
Meridian , and as grounds for his contest he
alleges that the said William C. Harmon has
jioe settled upon the said land ; that he has
, jiot cultivted the said land : that he has
wholly abandoned the said lana for more
"Jhan eighteen months prior to August 1,1911 ,
and that he has failed to cure Ms laches to
this date.
* You are. therefore , further notified that
the said allegations will be taken by this of
fice as having been confessed by you , and
your said entry will be canceled "thereunder
without your further right to beheard there
in , either before this office or on appeal , if
you fail to tile in this office within twenty
days after the FOURTH publication of this
notice , as shown below , your answer , under
oath , speciiically meeting and responding to
these allegations of contest , or if you fail
within that time to tile in this olflce due proof
that you have served a copor your answer
on the said contestant in person , or by reg
istered mail. If this service is made b"y the
delivery of a copj * of 3'onr answer to the con
testant in person , proof of such service must
be either the said contestant's written ac
knowledgment of Ins receipt of the copy ,
showing the date of its receipt , or the affiida-
vit of the person by whom the delivery was
made stating when and where th.e copy was
delivered ; if made by registered mail , proof
of such service must consist of the affidavit
of the person by whom the copy was mailed
stating when and the post office to
was mailed , and this affldav.t must be accom
panied by the postmaster's receipt for the
, You should state in your answer the name
of the pust office to which you desire future
notices to be sent to you.
Date of first publication October 5,1911.
Date of second publication October 12,1911.
Date of third publication October 19,1911
Date of fourth publication October 20,1911 ,
Old Crow , All Leadin
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
Gruchen- Under the
lieimer Supervision
Rye of the
Whiskeys. U. S. OY.
p pi so handle the Budweiser Beer.
One at Night Makes the Next Day
Bright ; No Charge if it Doesn't
Because of its extremely gentle
and effective action , Kexall Order
lies have become the most popular
Remedy for Constipation.
We are so positive that Eexall Or
derlies will do all that is claimed
for them that we positively guar
antee to hand back the money you
paid us for them upon mere re
quest , if you are not entirely sat
Rexall Orderlies are eaten like
candy , are very pleasant to the
taste , do not gripe , cause nausea ,
or any other''annoyance usually
experienced when ordinary cathar
tics are used.
Eexall orderlies have a positive
regulative effect upon [ the bowels
and tend to provide permanent
relief from Constipation and the
myriad of associate ailments. Be
sides , they help to overcome the
necessity of the constant use of
laxatives to keep the bowels in
normal condition.
We honestly believe there is no
similar medicine so good as Kex
all Orderlies , especially for child
ren , aged , or delicate people.
They are prepared in convenient
tablet form in three sizes of pack
ages. Prices , 10c. , 23c. , and 50c. .
Why not try them at our risk on
our guarantee ?
Remember , Rexall Remedies
can be obtained in this community
only at our store Toe Rexall
Store , Gr. A. Chapman.
Notice to Won-Resident Defendant.
In the District Court of Cherry County ,
Nebraska :
John Peterson , Plaintiff
Oorolina LavJ&tn Peterson , Be'end.'int.
The defendant , Oorolina Liivi&m Peterson ,
will tnke"noticethat on the IJth day ot June ,
1011 , the Plaintiif llletl his petition in the
District Court in and , for Cherry County.
Nebraska , against his wife Corolina Lavista
Peterson , the object and prayer of which
are to obtain a decree of divorce from the
&aid Corolina Lavibta Peterson. The said
defendant will take notice that the grounds
alleged by the plaintiff arelst , extreme t-ruel-
ty , and 2nd , adultery on the part ot said de-
icndtint. The defendant will also take notice
that she is required to answer oil or before
the IJSth day of November , Hill.
Dated October f , 1JH1.
John Peterson , Plaintiff ,
Ev 0. A. Kuby , his attorney. IU)4 )
causes heartburn , sour
stomach , nervousness ,
nausea , impure blood , and
more trouble than many
different kinds of diseases.
The food you eat ferments
in your stomach , and the
poisons it forms are ab
sorbed into your whole
system , causing many dis
tressing symptoms. At the
first sign of indigestion , try
the old , reliable , vegetable
liver powder , to quickly
cleanse your system from
these undesirable poisons.
Mrs. Riley Laramore , of
Good water , Mo : , says : "I
suffered for years from dyspep
sia and heartburn. Thedford's
Black-Draught , in small doses ,
cured my heartburn in a few
days , and now 1 can eat without
distress. " Try it.
insist on Thedford's
As we have recently purchased Qeo. fi. Hornby's
coal sheds and now have almost utlirnited stor = *
j. age room , we are in a position to supply you
with your wants in the coal line. Phone or
leave your orders and same will have our
t prompt attention.
Fischer's Hardware.
? *
Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTERNATIONAL /
No Kill too Steep ? no Sand too Deep
Guaranteed by International Harvester Company
< * * IA * * ? ( J""k f" ft $ T r * r i o P i f ! s y \ r r
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
Residence aud shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , PHOXE 72 Nebraska
References : My ? i.ny Customers.
Jackson cL Fischer
, * and ' * ' .
Licensed Emfealmers
Calls answered at all hours , Night Phone 74 ,
foBijf Enoudh'for ihe
Mosl Dangerous Gamei
suilt to handle the
heaviest ammunition
with greatest accuracy
and safety.
Its parts are few and strong and simple. CARTRIDGES ;
The breech is locked bolt
by a turning Strre-fire. Accurate
as in the latest design of military rifles. Hard-hitiintf
Five smashing , cne-ton blows delivered with
lighlning speed or deliberate fire as need may be.
The only recoil-operated rifle locking the cart
ridge in the chamber until after the bullet has
left the muzzle. , - * - ?
% emBtQfl-UMG the perfect shooting
Send for Descriptive Foldet
Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co.
293 Broadway , Ne\r York City