Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 05, 1911, Image 4

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GEORGE M. GASKILL , Editor and Manager.
A Weekly Newspaper published every Thurs
day at Vale.'itlne , Nebras.
Subscription - § 1.50 Per Year
Local Notices , 5c per line per issue
Entered at the rostolllcc at Valentine , Neb. ,
for transmission through the mails , as second
class matter.
Thursday , October 5. 1911.
D ) es your boy use tobacco ,
drink or swear ? If you know , or
suspicion he does some of these
things help him get away from
the habit by letting him join the
ranks of the boy scouts. There
he is put upon his honor not to do
the things that are detrimental to
his physical and moral welfare ,
and you will see him grow up to
be a big healthy man.
. When a boy becomes a scout he
must promise :
On my. honor I will do mybest :
1. To do my duty to God and ray
country , and to obey the scout
law ;
2. To help other people at all
times ;
3. To keep myself physically
strong , mentally awake , and mor-
rally straight.
The following laws which relate
to the Boy Scouts of America , are
the latest and most up to date.
These laws a boy promises to obey
when he takes his scout oath.
1. A scout's honor is to be trust
ed. If he were to violate his hon
or by telling a lie , or by cheating ,
or by not doing exactly a given
task , when trusted to his honor , he
may be directed to hand over his
scout badge.
2. He is loyal to all to whom loy
alty is due ; his scout leader , his
home , and parents and country.
3. He must be prepared at any
time to save life , help injured per
sons , and share the home duties.
He must do at least one good turn
to somebody every day.
4. He is a friend to all and a
brother to every other scout.
5. He is polite to all , especially
to women , children , old people ,
and the weak and helpless. He
must not take pay for being help
ful or courteous.
6. He is a friend to animals. He
! will not kill or hurt any living
! 1 It ) creature needlessly , but will strive
to save and protect all harmless
7. He obeys his parents , scout
master , patrol leader , and all other
duly constituted authorities.
8. He smiles whenever he can.
His obedience to orders is prompt
and cheery. He never shirks or
grumbles at hardships.
9. He does not wantonly destroy
property. He works faithfully ,
wastes nothing , and makes the
best use of his opportunities. He
saves his money so that he may
pay his own way , be generous to
those in need , and helpful to
worthy objects. He may work
for pay but must not receive tips
for courtesies or good turns.
10. He has the courage to face
danger in spite of fear and has to
stand up for the right against the
coaxings of friends or the jeers or
threats of enemies , and defeat
does not down him.
11. He keeps clean in body and
thought , stands for clean speech ,
clean sport , clean habits , and
travels with a clean crowd.
12. He is reverent towards God.
He is faithful in his religious
duties and respects the convictions
of others in matters of custom and
religion. *
We do not believe that member
ship ia the boy scouts is a panacea
for all a boy's faults , or.that he
will be an angel as soon as he becomes - ,
comes a member. But we do be
lieve it will have a great deal to do
ia shaping a boy's career , and
make it easier for him to resist
temptation and to keep on the
straight and narrow path of
Special coat , skirt and fur sale ,
Saturday and Monday , , October 7
and 9 , at Cole & Cutcombs , Cody ,
* + " * ' ? fevy , .
* * * < - * „ i- f'i r &
UV.4r 315 * < 2iV
By 0. IT. TAVKXNKK special Washington
Washington , Oct. 3 : One of the
New York financial papers which
has the interest of Wall street very
much at heart printed a statement
following the recent disturbance
in the steel market to the effect
that the flurry caused a decline in
steel shares of approximately one
hundred million dollars.
In the three days of the flurry
nearly one-third of the trust's
§ 500,000,000 of common stock was
sold on the stock exchange in such
volume that the price was carried
to new low levels , thus showing
that the one hundred millions in
decline represent the amount of
money it is worth to the trust to
be considered immune from * the
operation of the Sherman law.
Nothing has happened to indi
cate that anything is wrong with
the intrinsic value of the steel
properties. The mills are work
ing as usual , and are in exactly
the same state of efficiency they
were in two years ago when the
stock was selling at its high water
mark. The shrinkage came because
of rumors that the trust was to be
prosecuted , and as the business
the real business of the trust
was not injured in any way , the
hundred millions simply repre
sents the excess profits the trust
stood to loose in the event of dis
solution under the application of
the Sherman law. In other words
the shrinkage serves as a measure
of the value of the trust of a lice -
ce nse to violate the law. When that
license was threatened the trust's
shares fell immediately , and this
fall in prices , simply as the result
of a scare , is pretty sure to be
used by the democrats as an argu
ment for making securities keep
down to their real value through
an enforcement of the anti-trust
Commenting on the fall of steel
prices , Chairman Stanley , of the
House committee which just now
is investigating the steel trust ,
said that nothing could better
demonstrate the necessity of en
forcing the anti-trust law.
"It is obvious , " Mr. Stanley
said , "that the reason steel stocks
fell a hundred million dollars is
because the trust was operating
under an assumption of immunity
from prosecution under the anti
trust act. The instant that im
munity was threatened , the stocks
sell. The very insecurity of the
basis on which the trust rests , as
thus shown , is sufficient reason for
an application of the law that will
compel the steel millionaires to
put their business on a more le
gitimate foundation. Otherwise
their stockholders will always be
apprehensive , and their methods
open to suspicion. "
That it was this fear ofjosingits
license to violate the law which
caused the steel trust to suffer is
indicated that the * 'break" in
stocks applied to no other securi
ties. Nor was there any indication
of a lessening of the demand for
the products of the trust. Market
conditions remained normal ; tbe
stocks of some of the railroads in
The "steel flurry" was proof
positive that the shrinkage in
stocks , under the conditions named
reveals that the steel trust's li
cense to ignore the law is worth a
hundred million dollars to the
U. S. Weather Bureau Report
mean temperature 55s.
Normal temperature CO3.
Highest temperature 77 ° . .
Lowest temperature 35 ° .
Range of temperature 42s.
Precipitation for week ( W'2 of an inch.
Average for 23 years 0.23 of an inch.
Precipitation March 1st to date 11.00 inches.
Average for 2o3rcars IF.77 of an inches.
JOHN J. MCLEAN. Observer.
For Sale Shubert piano on easy
terms. In good condition. Inquire
at Johnson's Millinery.
For summer diarrhoea in children al
ways give Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil ,
and a speedycure is certain. For sale
by Chapman , the druggist. '
School Notes.
The total enrollment has reached
Miss Stucky has an enrollment
of 53. i
Blanche and Carl Bell of Chica
go entered the primary room.
All the boys of the fifth grade
were perfect in attendance last
Harry Hilsinger had his arm
hurt , on account of which he was
absent fouror five weeks.
Cedric Hornby pleased the pri
mary pupils by giving them a
cotton plant. Hickman Kinkaic
also gave them a plant.
Ich weisz nicht was soil es be-
deuten , Dasz ich sotraurig bin ,
Wofern es'st die dreiz'n Minuten ,
Dasz kornmt- mir nicht aus dem
The seventh and eigthgrades
are preparing for a debate next
Friday. The question is : Ke-
solved : That Reciprocity would
be beneficial to the U. S. Those
debating on the negative are Ma
rie Meltendorf , . Ruth Bachelor ,
Marion Anderson , Othello Taylor ,
and Joe Thackery from the sev
enth grade. Those on the affirm
ative are Bryan Quigley , Donald
McLean , Cherrie Lenagh , Queen
Moon , and Joe Sparks from the
eigth grade.
Speaking of differemt demean
ors ,
Under the new whispering rule ,
Monday , three brilliant Seniors ,
Got "thirty minutes" after
school. K. D.
Balph Ar not was a Gordon visi
tor Timrs day.
Wm. Bordeaux and wife were up
from Kilgore last week.
Z. T. Davis and wife made a bus
iness trip to Gordon last Thursday.
Mrs. H. Harder went to Cody on
the local Monday for a few days'
visit with relatives.
G. H. Folsom came down from
Gordon Sunday evening to assist in
surveying some land adjoining the
old place.
Pearl Arnot entertained a few of
her young lady friends very pleas
antly Monday evening.
Mrs. B. Hunt and daughter Lulu
who have been visiting at Gordon
fof s oine time returned Monday-
Mr , and Mrs. A. A. Lamb de
parted for Omaha Sunday night to
enjoy the Ak Sar-Ben , as did Alice
Sawtell and Mrs. George Downing.
Miss Florence Cottier returned
from Kilgore Sunday night where
she had been visiting her sister ,
Mrs. Wm. Bordeaux.
Arthur Wickman departed for
York , , Sunday night where he
expects to attend college.
Mrs. Louise Henderson spent a
few days over on the reservation
last week.
Mrs. George Jessen and daugh
ter , Miss Nannie were Gordon vis
itors Tuesday.
C. H. Sailor came do'wn from
Gordon Monday on . the local and
returned on the passenger.
C. W. Allen , John Swallow and
Peter Fitch , departed for Dallas ,
S. D. , Monday night.
Miss Anna Leahy and Miss
Patsy McWilliamss were Merriman
visitors Monday.
Ed. Boss and Emery Potts were
down from Gordon a couple of days
last week.
Mrs. Ed. Boss of Gordon , was
vlsitiag with friends here Sunday.
Harold Naylor left for Omaha
Saturday night to attend college.
Never leaye home on a journey wiih
out a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is
almost certain to be needed and cannot
be obtained when on board the cars or
steamships. For sale by Chapman , the
Charles Beece returned from
Omaha Wednesday. Mr. Beece
shipped five cars of cattle and is
very well pleased with the prices re
The delinquent tax list will be
found on page 2 and 3.
Nobby Styles
combined with the best of
woolens sj\d expert tailor
ing make the showing of
samples a real pleasure.
Won't you come and see them ?
Johnson's iiHmery.
Phone your coal orders to Fisch
er's Hardware. We have added
Mr. Hornby's sheds to ours , there
fore have plenty of storage room ,
and can fill your bins on short
notice. 38
Notice to Crediors.
Ti E STATE OF NKRRASKA i _ In the County
In the matter of the estate of George
Xenzel. deceased :
To the Creditors of said Estate :
You are hereby notified , That i will sit at the
County Court Koom in Valentine in said county
on the 18th day ot October , 1911 ,
to receive ami examine all claims against
said estate with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the presenta
tion of claims against said estate is six months
from the 18ih day of April , A. D. 1911 , and the
time limited for payment of dt-bts is one year
from said 18th day or April. 1911 ,
Witness my hand and seal of said county court
' this 20th day ofSeptc-nher. A. D. 1911.
. 37 4 County Judge.
By Walcott& Walcott , Attorneys.
Notice of Sale under Chattel Mortgage.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of n
chattel mortgage , dated on the 2ml day of
November , ls,0i > , and duly filed in the olllce
of the County Clerk of Cherry county , Nebraska - ,
raska , on the lilth day of December , 1910 ,
and executed by Kobert JTanclly to D. II ,
White to secure the payment of the sums of
$3 < 2.24 , and upon which there is now due the
sum of $ ii0.73 ( and accruing costs , default
having been made in the payment of salcl
sum , and no suit or other proceeding at law
having been Instituted to recover said debt
or any part thereof , therefore. I will sell the
property therein described , viz ; One separ
ator and engine valued at $1XK.00 ( ) , at public
atctlon in the village of Brownlee , Cherry
county , Nebraska , on the lOtli day of Octo
ber , 1911 , at one o'clock p. m. of said day.
D. II. WHITE , Mortgagee.
37-3 By T. T. Lee his agent.
Dated September 15,1911.
Wanted Mia Monoy's Worth.
Customer I say. II r. Harbor. I don't
hear your scissors at work on my hair
Barber ( apologetically ) There is ver ; .
little liair on your liond. sir. Customer
That makes 110 difference. I pay or
money and I want you to rattle the
scissors on the bald place just tbo
same as if I had hair on it.
Never Again.
"Only once have I spoken crossly to
my "wife , " said a man to an intimate
"Indeed ! " remarked the latter in
some surprise.
"Yes , " said the first speaker , rather
ambiguously ; "once was quite enough
for me. " Exchange.
He Did.
One day Andrew Lang , the author ,
asked Israel Zaugrvill , the author , to
give his services for a charity benefit -
fit ,
Zangwill replied in a note :
"If A. Lang will I. Zang-vTill. "
A Sport For the Old.
In most sports youth possesses all
the advantages. Experience is often
a poor match for youth and agility ,
but the stripling has no advantage
over skillful age in fishing. Conn try
Made It Warm.
"I got a cold supper when I went
home tonight , and you bet I kicked
about it. "
"Did that do any good ? "
"Well , my wife made it warm , for
me. "
Do not take upon yourself a load of
hatred. It is a heavier lo cl than you
think. Mrue. de Sevigne.
kao\yedge !
and experience
5 ] ia the printing
When you are In need of some
thing in this line
r * " ' - 'tSyLK " ' f Y1"1- "
ts jia KtA . - I'riaanrtmiii'iVt "i i VTi - "
Not Out
We desire to announce that we are not clos
ing out , , but are still selling the very best goods
at reasonable prices.
Our line of John Deere Implements , Yelie
Buggies , Moline and Davenport Eoller Bearing
Wagons and Samson Windmills is complete
and priced right.
We also have a large stock of lumber , lime ,
Wall Plaster , Cement , Brick , Sash , Doors , etc.
Is it not good policy to patronize a firm who
expects to continue In business and intends to
handle the same line of goods for years to come.
We never advertise so-called bargains
because we have always had our goods priced
A. E. Morris. W. W. Morrissey. Dr. 0. W. Noyes
Go to the
Stock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
There are two kinds
of brushes- one
fi ft f t kind from which the
i hair falls out just as
soon -as it gets any
5 i hard usage ; and the
other kind which is
No. 90
, built to maintain the reputation of this store.
/ We sell the last mentioned kind only
/ because we want you as a regular
/ customer. You can absolutely rely on
our brushes.
With new prices , which are the lowest for
good business. My stock consists of Dry
9 Goods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent
bargains. You are invited to call and
make this your home store. Highest pric
es paid for produce. Come and get ac
1fei 1
2nd Building South the Bank. Crookston , Neb.
The Larger Success
financial success , if you will notice , comes to tne men who make
use of a bank account for conserving and protecting their income
and systematizing their financial affairs.
This doesn't "just happen" is is one of the primary laws of
success that the man who would accumulate money must have
metho'd in the handling of his income. No other plan is so
methodical , so systematic , so easy to acquire , so safe , so sure as
P depositing your income in a home bank and paying your bills by
- check. There is no expense attached to starting an account at
this bank. "Will you open an account with us and give this plan
* a fair trial ?
j , Deposits In this bank are protected bj- the Depositor's
I Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. > ;
U yyWWy * A * tj3 A