Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 05, 1911, Image 3

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    Searching for Anthrax.
State Veterinarian Boostrom has
returned from Omaha , where he ex
amined cattle on a farm ten miles
from town to ascertain whether or not
anthrax was prevalent. He found no
diseased animals on the place , but in
vestigated the death of two animals
that died last week. The owner of-
the animals skinned one of the car
casses and carried the hide on his
back a distance of a quarter of a mile.
Later a physician said the man had
contracted the disease. He was tak
en to a hospital in Omaha and is now-
being treated. The state veterinar
ian said blood from the man's back
was found by an Omaha physician to
contain bacilli of anthrax. A little
blood was taken from one corner of
the hide and injected into four guinea
pigs. Two of the pigs died and the
others are now sick.
Funds to Enforce Seed Law.
The enforcement of the new pure
seed and commercial stock food law
passed by the last legislature will
now be enforced as soon as the state
food commissioner can buy apparatus
and obtai nan assistant or two.
Deputy Attorney General Ayres has
given State Auditor Barton an opin
ion holding that the Gerdes act re
quiring fees of all state departments
to be deposited in the state treasury
also appropriates fees of the several
departments for the biennium and
the fees to be collected for inspection
under the pure seed law may be used
by the state food commissioner to pay
the necessary expenses of such in
Prison Labor Contract.
The board of public lands and build
ings is now receiving $400 a month as
V a result of charging the prison con
tractor 5 cents a day for each convict
who does a full task. This charge is
made in lieu of $200 a month former
ly paid by the contractor to the stats
for rent , power and heat. The con
tractor formerly paid 55 cents a day
for convict labor. The price is now
the same with 5 cents a day added ,
making a total of 60 cents a day.
Whether or not the contractor should
pay 5 cents additional for each con
vict who starts to work each day or
5 cents a day for each convict who
does a full task has been brought be
fore the board , but it has been decided
that the 5 cents is to be paid only for
a full day's task.
Worth is Alive and Well.
Announced by the University of Ne
braska as having died , Daniel Worth ,
class of ' 92 , has returned from the
wilds of the interior of Alaska after
wringing wealth from the bleak gold
.fields. This was established by the
University of Nebraska alumni asso
ciation which has , after some effort ,
gotten in communication with Mr.
Worth who is now living at the Beal
hotel in Kingman , Arizona.
Banquet for Supt. Crabtree.
Prof. J. W. Crabtree , state superin
tendent of .public instruction and for
merly principal of the Peru state nor
mal school , will be the guest of honor
at a banquet of the Peru State Normal
association tp be held at Omaha No
vember 8 in connection with the meet
ing of the state teachers' association.
Professor Crabtree was also formerly
president of the normal association.
General Hartigan Retires.
General John C. Hartigan , formerlj
adjutant general of the Nebraska na
tional guard , has been placed on the
guard retired list at his own request.
The order of retirement has been is
sued by Adjutant General Ernest H.
Phelps. General Hartigan , enlisted in
the Nebraska national guard in 1897
and has served as captain , major , colonel -
onel and adjutant general.
Acting State Food Commissions
Redfern" has found considerable adul
terated linseed oil in use in Nebraska ,
but he is of the opinion that there is
no penalty. Two years ago the legis
lature passed a pure paint and oil
law , but the words "Linseed oil" were
omitted from the penalty clause.
In reply to an inquiry from E. B.
McDermott , county attorney of Buf
falo county , the attorney general's of
fice has transmitted an opinion stat
ing that police magistrates under the
Grossman bill , are properly nominated
et a primary and that the voters qual
ified to vote for the police magistrate
are those within the corporate limits
of the city or town and that the voters
In the three-mile district outside the
town , over which the police magis
trate has authority , are not qualified
to vote for the officer.
County branches of the alumni of
the University of Nebraska will be or
,1V ganized throughout the state during
V k
the month of October. Organizations
will also be perfected in a number of
the larger cities. For the first time
In the history of the Nebraska univer
sity a permanent organization is be
ing formed along the lines of the poli
cies pursued by Harvard , Yale , , Min
nesota , Wisconsin and other large
schools. The "old grads" become mili
tant boosters for their alma mater ,
the local organizations acquainting
the common people with the advan
tages of the school.
Murder at Syracuse.
Otoe County. The body of George
Jarrels was found in his shanty near
the Burlington depot at Syracuse
with liis skull crushed and his throat
cut from ear to ear. Jarrels was a
bachelor , aged 42 years , and resided
alone. He has been a resident of
Syracuse the major portion of his life
and done the chores about the sa
loons and places about town , and was
quarrelsome when drinking. He has
been driving a dray team of late and
went home as usual at night , and
next morning his body was found
without a sign of any struggle about
the house or any instruments to
show with what the crime had been
committed or by whom. A neighbor
heard a team drive up to the house
about 10 o'clock at night , but did not
hear it leave. Don Mattiee , a young
man was arrested by Sheriff Fisher
being suspected of knowing some
thing regarding the guilty party or
the motive for the murder. He told
a straight story about taking the man
'home in a drunken condition and
placing him on his bed.
Skull Fractured.
Box Butte County. A young man
by the name of Frank Collier , who
recently came to the vicinity of Al
liance from Wheeling , W. Va- , was
dangerously and perhaps 1'atally in
jured at the Hughes ranch. He was
passing through a gate and had
stopped to close it when his team
started , and die ran and .climbed in
the rear end of the wagon , but found
that the lines had dropped down on
the doubletree , and in attempting to
reach down and secure them he was
thrown out. His neck , one arm and
his skull were broken.
"Oregon Trail" Oxtn.
Gage County. Two Durham oxen In
a box car on a siding in thB Fairbury
yards were an interesting attraction
for a large number of people. These
oxen were driven from a place near
Tacoma , Wash. , to Washington , D. C. ,
by Ezra Meeker , several years ago ,
and were being returned homeIt
took Mr. Meeker twenty-two months
to make the trip , starting January 29 ,
1906 , driving overland in a prairie
schooner. He followed the famous
Oregon trail through Nebraska.
Hubby Finds His Wife.
Gage County. After searching foi
his will for over a week , M. P. Ken
nedy , a steam fitter living at St.
Joseph , Mo. , found her in Beatrice ,
living with a man named Ed Hazard ,
with whom she left St. Joseph on
September 18. He secured the wo
man's trunk and allowed the' other
man to keep her.
Kills Self While Insane.
Webster County. Ed Sherer , a
prosperous farmer living one and a
half miles from Red Cloud , committed
suicide by cutting his throat from ear
to ear. He had 'been acting out of
the ordinary and seemed unbalanced
in mind.
Ex-Governor Holcomb at Hot Springs.
Custer County. According to in
structions received at Broken Bow ,
Judge Hosletler , the criminal term of
from district court , set for the first
week of October , will go over until
November , on account of absence of
Ex-Governor Holcomb.
Found Dead In Bed.
Douglas County. J. H. Peterson , a
prominent ranchman of Rawlins ,
Wyo. , was found dead inhis bed at
the Murray hotel , Omaha. His sister
and her daughter were in the next
room. It is presumed he blew out the
Nebraskan Hurt in Denver.
Hall County. While attempting , on
a bicycle , to go between two motor
cars at Denver , Ralph Eppley of Grand
Island , was run down by a "Seeing
Denver , " truck and so seriously injur
ed that he is not expected to recover.
Nominated for Congress.
Madison County. Dan V. Stephens ,
four times campaign manager for
other democratic congressional can
didates in the Third Nebraska district ,
was nominated at Norfolk to succeed
the late James P. Latta as congress
NuckoIIs County Fair.
Nuckolls County. The NuckoIIs
county fair association closed one of
the best and most successful fairs
ever held at Nelson. The exhibits
were much better than usual.
"Jack the Hugger" Is Fined.
Seward County. Joseph Vlasek , the
Saline county "Jack the Hugger , " who
tried to embrace Miss Nelson , cashier
of the Farmers' and Merchants' bank ,
at Milford , and who was arrested and
brought by Sheriff Gilton to the
county jail in Seward , was fined $100
Golden Wedding.
Otoe County. Mr. and Mrs. George
W. Brown of Nebraska City observed
their golden wedding aniversary with
a family dinner , which was attended
by the surviving children and by two
of the couples who attended the wed
ding fifty years ago.
Land for Deaf School.
Douglas County. State Treasurer
George has appraised ten acres of
land adjoining the state school for
the deaf on the south at $ $11,000. The
legislature appropriated $12,500
* >
Delinquent Tax
( Concluded from Page 2. )
Description Sec. Amt
Township 28 , Range 37.
B ft 8
s % n % 17 9.82
Township 31 , Range 37.
s % sw % , e % se X , sw %
se % 1 2.88
se4 se % 2 .64
nw ' 4 4 3.34
ne % ne % , s % sw VI. s %
se J/4 11 3.37
nw Vi ne Vi 12 .64
ne % 5 6.22
a % s K 12 2.72
s % sw Vi , sw Vi se * A- 15 3.34
nw Vi ne Vi 22 1.21
Township 32 , Range 37.
s V2 s % 2
n Vz , se Vi 11 27.56
Township 33 , Range 37.
se Vi se Vi 14 1.10
n % . n % a % 20
sw 14 21 14.33
sw Vi sw Vi 22 1.10
w % nw Vi. nw Vi sw Vt 27 6.62
ne Vi sw Vi , n Vs se Vi , sw
Vi se Vi 28 4.41
n y , n V > 23 5.80
s % sw Vi 29 1.68
e % se Vi 30 1.68
se Vi 33 3.31
sw Vi 34 5.25
Township 34 , Range 37.
s ' / s % 18 3.12
n % s V2 18 10.03
e % e V2 11 11-71
nw Vi 15 13.33
s Va se Vi 17 6.01
part nw Vi se Vi 17 13.41
part nw Vi se Vi 17 1.19
ne Vi se Vi 17 .74
part nw Vi se Vi 17 2.80
ne i/4 21 11.72
se Vi * 30 4.65
Township 25. Range 38.
s % nw Vi 3 2.98
se Vi nw Vi , ne V4 sw Vi 7 2.97
lot 4 4 .85
w % se Vi , se Vi se Vi 24 2.95
nw Vi ne Vi 25 .65
ne V4 se Vi 24 1.28
sw Vi sw Vi 34 2.18
s Vz se Vi 35 1.28
Township 26 , Range 38.
nw Vi ne % 1
sw Vi nw Vi 9
sw Vi ne Vi , nw V4 sw Vi 24
n % nw Vi T 26 5.52
nw Vi ne Vi , n Vz nw Vi 27
ne V4 ne Vi 28 2.55
e % ne Vi 27
sw Vi sw % 28
se Vi sw Vi , e % se Vi.'sw Vi
se Vi 29
n Va ne & sw Vi ne Vi , se Vi
nw Vi 30 15.10
s % sw Vi , ne Vi sw Vi. w %
se V4t e % ne Vi , sw > Vi
ne Vi 31
nw Vi ne V4 , n % nw Vi , sw
Vi nw Vi 32
s % ne Vi , ne Vi sw Vi , nw
Vi se Vi 33 27.22
s Vz n-w Vi , ne Vi sw Vi 34 3.62
sw Vi ne Vi 7 1.27
Township 27. Range 38.
nw Vi ne Vi 27 .43
Township 29 , Range 38.
se Vi ne Vi , ne Vi sw Vi , n %
se Vi 11 8-12
s V2 se Vi , ne Vi se Vi 10 6.12
nw Vi sw Vi 11 1.21
n * ne Vi , se Vi ne Vi , ne Vi
nw Vi 10
n % ne Vi , sw Vi ne Vi , nw
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "
nwV nw Vi' . . . . . . . ! i i i' . il2 9.31
Township 31. Range 38.
lot 4 , se Vi sw Vi , s % se Vi-31 4.07
Township 32 , Range 38.
lots 3 , 4 , se VI sw Vi , e V se
Vi , sw Vi se Vi 7 3.87
se Vi nw Vi , w Vs sw Vi. ne
Vi sw Vi 8 2.58
sw Vi ne Vi , nw Vi ne Vi , w
y , se Vi nw Vi 18 5.17
lots 2 , 3 , 4 , s V ne Vi , se Vi
nw Vi .e sw Vi , n Vz se
w Vz w Vs 20 3.13
Vi 19 8.82
Township 34 , Range 38.
nw Vi ne Vi , s % ne Vi se
Vi , nw Vi 12 9.04
e % se Vi 13 3.91
n % nw Vi , se Vi nw 27 3.41
ne Vi ne Vi 28 1.43
lot 4 , se Vi sw Vi 19 1.01
ne Vi nw Vi 30 3.26
sw Vi , s Vse Vi 26 14.13
s Va sw Vi. se VI 27 14.41
nw Vi ne Vi , s % ne Vi. nw Vi ,
se Vi se Vi 28 26.05
ne Vi nw Vi , n Vs ne Vi , se Vi
ne Vi 29 3.12
ne Vi ne Vi 33 1.47
n V- 34 10.50
nVs'ne Vt 35 1.95
n Vz ne Vi , sw Vi ne Vi se Vi
nw Vi 30 3.08
lots 1 , 2 30 3.08
Township 25. Range 39.
lots 1 , 2 , se Vi ne Vi. ne Vi
se Vi 1
lot 2 , sw Vi nw Vi 2
ne Vi nw % 11
se i' nw Vi 12 5.06
lot 2 , ne Vi , e Vz nw Vi 7
w Vz nw Vi , s % ne Vi , se %
nw Vi. ne Vi sw Vi , ne Vi
se Vi 8
n Vsw Vi. nw Vi se Vi 9 27.49
ne "Vi Jiw Vi 12 1.62
se Vi se Vi 20 7.26
Township 26 , Range 39.
se Vi ne Vi 21 2.02
nw Vi 22 6.26
n Vz ne Vi , sw Vi ne
V4 nw Vi 14
s y. se Vi , ne Vi se Vi 23
w * / ne Vi , e % nw Vi. nw
Vi nw Vi ' 26
e Vse Vi , sw Vi se Vi 35 19.81
e Vz ne Vi 26 1.42
w % sw Vi 20
se Vi sw Vi , e Vz se Vi , sw Vi
se Vi 19
s Vz s Vz 28
nw Vi nw Vi 29 13.14
ne Vi ne Vi 30 1.42
Township 27 , Range 39.
s Vz sw Vi. s Vz se Vi 32 6 88
Township 31 , Range 39.
se Vi nw Vi 20 .96
Township 32 , Range 39.
s % se Vi 12 .86
w % ne Vi , se Vi ne Vi 13 1.29
a Vz se Vi 24 .86
nw Vi 27 6.94
Township 33. Range 39.
lots 1 , 2 5 1.37
n Vz se Vi. sw Vi ne vt 33 6.71
lots 1 , 2 , e Vz nw Vi 31 5.26
Township 34 , Range 39.
w Vz ne Vi , ne Vi sw Vi , nw
Vi se Vi ' 2 4.07
s Vz nw Vi , n Vz sw Vi 22 1.83
se Vi nw Vi , s Vz sw Vi , ne
Vi sw Vi 28 2.54
se Vi se Vi 24 .96
ne Vi , s Vz nw Vi 25 5.43
s Vz nw Vi 26
s % ne Vi 27 3.44
se l se Vi 32 .68
sw V * sw % 33 2.53
Township 25 , Range 40.
se Vi ne Vi , s Vz sw Vi 12
nw Vi nw Vi 13 6.07
ne Vi nw Vi 12 1 21
s Vz se % , se Vi sw Vi 13 2 84
s Vz sw Vi. sw Vi se Vi 17
se Vi se Vi 18 6.28
lot 1 18
e Vz se Vi , sw Vi se Vi 26
ne Vi ne Vi 35 9.07
Township 27 , Range 40.
se Vi 9 8.12
Township 29 , Range 40.
sw Vi sw Vi 2 .89
Township 30. Range 40.
sw Vi ne Vi 18 1.43
nw Vi nw Vi 27
s Vz ne Vi. ne Vi ne Vi 28 5.99
ne Vi ne Vi , s Vz ne Vi , se Vi.21
w Vz w Vz 22
nw Vi ne Vi 28 5.73
Township 31 , Range 40. Vi 7 1.08
nw Vi 13 9.22
n Vz , n Vz s Vz 14 24.48
Township 32 , Range 40.
lot 4 , n Vz sw Vi , nw Vi se
Vi 3 4.55
lots 1 , 2. n Vz se Vi 4 3.82
sw Vi se V4 4 .72
e Vz se Vi 24 2.54
w Vi 35 7.62
Township 33 , Range 40.
sw Vi 17 2.65
n Vz sw Vi 20 10.02
sw Vi " 21 2.36
nw Vi 29 5.73
lot 3. ne Vi sw Vi , n Vz se Vi-30 8.13
ne Vi 20 10 51
< ? Vz nw Vi 22 1 11
n Vz nw Vi. sw Vt 22 2 65
lots 1 , 2 , e Vz nw Vi 30 5.25
lot 4 , se Vi sw Vi. s Vz se Vi.30 5.25
w % 34 5 73
Township 35. Range 40
lots 4 , 5 , 6 , se % sw Vi. s V-
se Vi Tl9 2 79
sw Vi sw Vi 20 .54
nw Vi nw Vi 29 .55
nw Vi ne Vi " : 30 .54"
lots 2 , 3. w Vz se Vi 21
nw Vi ne Vi , w Vz nw Vi , se
Vi se Vi 28
se V4 nw Vi 29 3.21
e % sw Vi 31 .70
sw Vi , w % se Vi 32 , 2.05
French Architect Sued the Imitators
and the Case Was Decided
Against the Heirs.
The strangest copyright question
ever debated came before a Paris
court , when it was asked to decide the
controverted copyright of a house. An
architect at Boulogne-sur-Seine had
built several apartment houses on a
piece of ground belonging to him and
had devised an original facade of col
ored bricks. He , at least , considered
it original , as when the houses were
finished he had a plate , with an in
scription placed on the walls , to the
effect that the facade of the house
was his copyright and imitations were
prohibited. Seeing a building In Paris
some time afterwards which had just
been completed , the architect thought
that the facade , which was also of
colored bricks , was nothing but an
imitation of his own. He began a
lawsuit against the owner and the
architect for infringement of the copy
right laws , but soon afterward he
died. His heirs , however , continued
the lawsuit , which has now been de
cided by the court. Three experts
were called. They agreed that the
facade of the house at Boulogne-sur-
Seine was peculiar , and might even be
allowed the protection of the copy
right laws ; but , on the other hand ,
the house built in Paris was equally
original and there was no proof that
it had been copied from the others.
The architect , or rather his heirs ,
therefore , lost their case.
Pretty Legend of the Origin of Wine
in Persia , Where It First
Was Made.
The making of wine is said to have
originated with the Persians , who dis
covered the process quite by accident.
One of their earliest kings , Jensheed ,
who , it is said , was only five or six
generations from Noah , was the dis
coverer , or rather , a woman of his
household was.
"He was immoderately fond of
grapes. " says the narrative , which is
found in Sir John Malcolm's "History
of Persia , " 'and desired to preserve
some , which were placed in a large
vessel and lodged in a vault for future
use. When the vessel was opened
the grapes had fermented and their
juice in this state was so acid that
the king believed it must be poison
"He had some vessels filled with It
and 'Poison * written upon each. These
were placed in his room. It happened
that one of his favorite ladies was af
fected with nervous headache ; the
pain distracted her so much that she
desired death. Observing a vessel
with 'Poison' written on it , she took
it and swallowed its contents. The
wine for such it had become , overpow
ered the lady , who fell down into a
sound sleep and awoke much re
"Delighted with this remedy , she re
peated the doses so often that the
monarch's poison was all drunk. He
soon discovered this and forced the
lady to confess what she had done. A
quantity of wine was made and Jen
sheed and all his court drank of the
new beverage , which from the circum
stance that led to its discovery is to
this day known in Persia by the name
of Zeher-e-khoosh , or 'the delightful
poison. ' "
.Not All the Nerve Extracted.
A patient entered a dentist's office
the other day , and , after showing a
swollen cheek for admittance to the
chair , was told that the tooth was
"very bad , " and that the nerve would
need to be removed. The operation
finished , the stranger placed his hat
firmly on his head , leisurely drew on
his gloves and requested that the ac
count be charged. After he was gone ,
the dentist turned to a friend who had
been in the room and said : "Tom I
don't know that man. I am sorry the
operation wasn't successful. " "But it
was successful , " returned the other ,
astonished. "The man was feeling fine
when he left here. Why wasn't it a
success ? " "I didn't extract all the
nerve , " responded the dentist.
Its Beneficial Effect *
Always Buy the Genuint
( MIR & N NA
Sold by all lending
One Size Only , 5 < K *
CYC ACHES PenitsEveSdlve
Grace ( as clock strikes 12) ) Gra
cious ! Twelve o'clock. How the hourg
have flown.
Tom Yes ; and your father has
helped 'em some , too. I've heard him
tinkering with the clock in the library
for the last ten minutes.
Swiss Woman Preacher.
Miss Gertrude von Petzold will prob
ably be the first woman preacher In
Switzerland , now that the synod of
the cantons has decided that women
may preach. She was formerly min
ister of the Free Christian church in
Leicester , England , where she was
born. She has also preached in this
About the Size of It.
"Why Is it ? " queried the youth ,
"that so many people fail to mind
their own business ? "
"There may be one or two reasons ,
or both , " answered the home-grown
philosopher. "They may have no minder
or no business. " Philadelphia Press.
When a man has a clear conscience
he doesn't care If people do see
through him.
No matter how hard the rules may
be , they're as fair for us as for th
rest of the gang !
Can Easily Be Secured.
"Up to 2 years ago , " a woman write %
"I was in the habit of using both te *
and coffee regularly.
"I found that my health was begin
ning to fall , strange nervous attacks
would come suddenly upon me , making
me tremble so excessively that I could
not do my work while they lasted ; my
sleep left me and I passed long nights
In restless discomfort. I was filled
with a nervous dread as to the future.
"A friend suggested that possibly
tea and coffee were to blame , and I
decided to give them up , and in castr
ing about for a hot table beverage ,
which I felt was an absolute necessity ,
I was led by good fortune to try Post-
"For more than a year I have used
it three times a day and expect , BO
much good has it done me , to con
tinue its use during the rest of my
"Soon after beginning the use o !
Postum , I found , to my surprise , that ,
instead of tossing on a sleepless bed
through the long , dreary night , I
dropped into a sound , dreamless sleep
the moment my head touched the pil
"Then I suddenly realized that all
my nervousness had left me , and my
appetite , which had fallen off before ,
had all at once been restored so that
I ate my food with a keen relish.
"All the nervous dread has gone. I
walk a mile and a half each way to
my work every day and enjoy It I
find an interest in everything that
goes on about me that makes life a
pleasure. All this I owe to leaving off
tea and coffee and Uie use of Postum ,
for I have taken no medicine. " Name
given by Postum Co. , Battle Creek ,
"There's a reason , " and It Is ex
plained in the little book , "The Road
to "Wellville , " in pkgs.
Ever read the above letter ? A ntrn
oae appear * from time to time. Tfcej
are genuine , trae , aal fall of aaaiai